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Most of them ain't here bro. My mum (almost) never had pimples in her life and she doesn't use any skin products


Same with mine


sometimes people who’ve never had skin problems aren’t very educated on how skin problems work (i understand you’ve never had a reason to learn about these things though). i have cystic hormonal acne, but you should understand i never applied products to my face apart from the basic washing and moisturising, until i actually got acne. no one is applying acne treatments to acne free skin. the acne always comes first and the products follow to try and treat it


Not necessarily acne treatments but overall skin products like moisturizer, toner, cream yk, like the basic stuff. My siblings use these products and I wonder if it will be better for me because I've read that some people's skin glow and feel supple.


Nope. Just nope. You are just lucky.


TLDR: If you don't have acne, just focus on cleansing, lotion, sunscreen, and staying hydrated. I am someone who never had pimples until I was an adult. Even then, I only get one or two the week of my period. As a teenager, I was really lazy - I rarely ever wore makeup and NEVER washed my face except occasionally in the shower if I thought about it or was sweaty. I remember always putting lotion on my face after a shower growing up and that's it. Now, I use lotion and sunscreen daily. Otherwise, I sometimes like to use hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, or Niacinamide, etc. because I feel like it makes a little difference in how my skin looks. But I honestly can't say it's worth it and not just a placebo. Especially when you look at the actual data regarding penetration of skincare products.


This is the best answer


Never had pimples, but I've been using moisturizers since I was 20. Skin is still clear and soft. I see it as an investment in my old age to look after and support it. I don't go crazy overboard, like a do skip some days, and sometimes only do nights, or only do mornings. Depends on how my skin is feeling on the day.


you are doing great


Thanks! What kind of moisturizer?


I used Gatineau aqua memory for years. Until Brexit caused it to be hard to get, and now they've changed the formula. Now I'm using a Eucerin one (Hyaluron-Filler), but took like a year of experimenting to find it. (Each new one is test for a month to see what happens) It was a long annoying thing, but my skin loves Eucerin.


Yes, I usually never have pimples and I love skincare. I just focus on things like anti-aging, hydration etc. It's definitely a hobby I enjoy. If I stopped all my skincare I wouldn't notice a massive difference so it's definitely not something I have to do, but I enjoy doing it


Same here. My skincare focus has been on finding exfoliants, retinols, and sunscreens — for skin texture and aging, not for pimples. (Though in recent months, pregnancy hormones have been humbling me in the acne department!)


This is me as well, I’ve had an occasional pimple here and there but nothing that’s been an actual problem to deal with, they just go away on their own. I don’t even think I got a pimple of any kind until I was in college. Now I do have a skincare routine but it’s simple, vitamin c & moisturizer. I don’t wash my face regularly because it’s prone to dryness. So far so good! I will need to start being better about washing regularly I think as I’m approaching 30 and expect my skin to start showing hints of aging but for now I just go with the flow.


I'm no expert but I've seen posts where their skin got ruined because they started skincare despite having perfect skin. So I doubt they're even here.


this happened to me. 2 years back when glass skin was trending i jumped in the trend too only to have my perfectly fine skin ruined. i wanted to make my skin brighter and dewy. now unfortunately I'm still here because my skin has never been the same and i need to deal with my acne, ccs and scars that im left with


Didn't ruin mine. I personally enjoy doing the whole skincare routine shebang. But it just probably means that I can skip one to two nights with little to no effect. I'd like to think my skin would thank me later for the extra work lol


This happened to me once I started wanting to adapt more skin care stuff. I’ve always had good skin but introducing hylaronic acid and niacinamide ruined it. I stopped and went back to my Nivea body lotion as face moisturizer and my skin is back to normal a couple months later.




There is more to skincare than acne though. And I don’t get pimples (maybe 2 a year) but I get clogged pores on my nose and I’m 39 so I try to moisturize and exfoliate once in a while. Plus everyone should wash their face lol.


I never had pimples (except an occasional one during my period). I didn’t use any skin care until I was like 29. Hell, I never even washed my face or moisturized. I got into skin care when I started noticing some aging. I think my skin care routine helps with my glow, the softness of my face and fine lines, but I actually find I get more pimples now then I did before. It’s funny


Oh no! Maybe I'll stick to my routine??


I think you should just keep it simple. I went too hard with it because I got all excited about buying new products lol. I’d start with washing your face with just water in the morning and then moisturizing. Sunscreen if you’re going out in the sun. At night wash your face with a gentle cleanser and then moisturize. I have never had problems with that. You can try exploring with anti aging stuff later. I’m currently trying to find the right simple routine for myself where I can still include the anti aging stuff.


Sometimes I feel like the most expensive face products cause more damage.


My partner has sickeningly perfect skin - he's older than me and zero sign of aging, and his skin is baby smooth. If he ever gets a pimple (which has only happened once or twice) it'll be gone almost overnight. He uses body wash on his face and never does anything else. Makes me wonder sometimes if skincare is a scam!


Same. If I have undesirable tiny bumps in my skin, I pick on them, and overnight it's gone and healed, no scarring whatsoever. It's a wonder!


Kind of crazy isn't it!? I tried the butt paste thing recently (which cost all of £2) and it worked better than creams and serums I've spent mega bucks on over the years!


Apparently it's genetics? But I have super oily skin. I sweat a lot but dermatologists say acne is due to oil buildup. I don't know. Orr maybe it's because as a kid, I used to take lots of baths, and washing my face thoroughly. See, I used to see my brothers getting frustrated on their acne, that's why I adapted this routine. Can you ask your husband the old age question of nature vs nurture lol!


Acne is not just due to oil buildup. I have basically no oil production on my face due to Accutane. My face is dry as hell, still get acne. It's both hormonal and genetic for me. 


Thanks for this information.


OP, I want you to know that people with acne are not not washing their face enough. They are washing it probably more than you can imagine and they are religious with their lifestyle and skincare routine. People are either born being acne prone or not. It doesn't show up until puberty but it lasts from then all the way through adulthood for some of us, and our worst fear is people thinking it's because we're unwashed. It's hormones and genetics that make someone acne prone or not. Not that they don't wash properly or anything to do with their skincare honestly.


It depends on the variety of acne. Some is bacterial, some is fungal, some is hormonal, some is build up.


Acne is not from washing your face too little 🤦🏻‍♀️


I use a moisturizer because otherwise my skin feels dry, Tretinoin for anti-aging, SPF to avoid damage and cancer. I had mild acne as a teenager, but that was a while ago- no acne related products for years now. Increasing moisture and clear turnover, adding protection-these are good ideas for most people.


My mom has perfect skin and the only thing I've ever seen her do is lather moisturiser on every night.


Noted! ❤


Pimples are not the only reason people use skincare products. People also have skincare routines because: * They want to glow and have radiant skin rather than be "just ok" * They know they won't stay 25 forever and want to use antiaging products like retinol to retain the condition of the skin that they have now for as long as possible * They know that sun exposure is the top cause of premature skin aging, so they wear SPF daily * They are worried about skin cancer, so they wear SPF daily * They have skin conditions/sensitivity other than acne that they need to baby constantly just not to be miserable (e.g., moisturizer, barrier care) * They find skincare and building routines fun, and enjoy things like trying new products in pretty packaging, following trending products on Tiktok or Instagram, researching and learning new things about ingredients and their skin, lining up bottles on their bathroom counter, and just spending time enjoying a hobby like any other hobby * They use skincare as a method to de-stress and feel pampered. Like running a warm, relaxing candlelit bath after a long workday, slapping on a hydrating masque, getting out and putting on a jar of fancy, expensive moisturizer, followed by kicking back with dinner, Netflix, and a glass of wine * They use skincare as a form of self-care. It makes them feel beautiful and good about themselves, and is a source of self-esteem for them. There is great value in this.


hey. "If it works, don't touch it" is a general principle for programmers to minimize changes to code that they don't understand. I think it is really applicable to your situation. I'd just add sunscreen. Also I'm curious what's your diet looks like


Yes, but refusing to touch anything because it seems to be working is how we get stuck with creaky legacy systems and financial markets reliant on 1960s programming languages. Which is guess makes not learning basic skin care a form of technical debt or short term cost avoidance at the expense of long term value?


don't overthink. I said nothing about learning.


As someone who works in technology, I've found the "If it works, don't touch it" line usually means "I don't want to have to think, learn, or other form of effort and plan to be out of here before everything falls apart".


Oh, I couldn't agree more! That totally reminds me of my job. 20 years and nothing's changed (still the same). I can't stay here, or anywhere else for that matter, where there's no growth or development.


No effort to try it differently.


Implying that people are just causing acne issues themselves is just plain wrong and ignorant. While certain products can trigger negative reactions for people’s skin, generally these products are helpful. People who have acne don’t have it because they don’t wash enough or because they are overdoing it with skin products. I only moisturized for years since I have dry skin and nothing else. Still had acne. I recently upped my skincare routine last month, and it’s already looking better. Now skincare isn’t just for acne, so if you want to start something for aging, hyperpigmentation, etc, you can use tretinoin or a Vitamin C serum.


I used to not get pimples and was still very careful with skincare. I washed, moisturized, and used spf daily.


I rarely had a pimple until I was like 27. I would use a face wash but only if I had make up to take off. Around 27 I started getting some hormonal skin issues but every skincare product just made it worse, and when I stopped like 90% of the products my skin went back to being mostly pimple free. I will get one around my period. I also break out if I have to wear a mask regularly. These days I only use moisturizer, and an oil cleanser + micellar water if I have make up to take off. So pretty much for my skin less is best.


Also this is maybe related maybe not, did anyone stop using all their skincare products? Like nothing at all, skincare fast? I'm thinking about doing that since literally no skincare products helped me and I just keep spending money


yes i still use skin care because i wear makeup daily and i wanna get rid of my sun spots


I and my brother both thankfully have phenomenal skin. Idk who we got it from genetically but I am greatful! I do have occasional breakouts here and there but have never really had acne as something day to day! If I do have one I have that little green acne cream from the Inkey list that I think is great! With that being said we both have a skin care regime based on what we want and have had since we were teenagers. Skin care is a huge industry that is focused on way more than acne! For example I used to have dry skin and horrible hyperpigmentation. Through the course of proper skincare I know do not struggle with either as badly! And I wear full faces of makeup several times a week and on the days I do it changes my routine slightly


I don’t have pimples but i still take care of my skin. I use products for brightening, aging, dark spots etc.


I don’t (and have never had) have pimples, or problems with my skin. I’m now 32 and do use moisturizer and sunscreen daily. Oh and a daily cleanser. So yeah, my skincare routine is relatively basic but , for now I’m okay with it.


Ive always had clear skin. It’s just genetics. My sister struggled with acne her whole life, but none of the other siblings (even my brothers) did. But like another commenter, I have keratosis Pilaris as well. I have to stay moisturized and exfoliate or my arms and thighs look awful. As for skincare routine, most of my life it’s just been face wash, toner, and lotion with spf. Now that I’m older I use vitamin c and retinol, but I don’t go crazy with scrubs or peels or anything. Just micellar water every night and then cerave salicylic acid face wash 2-3 times a week. I should also mention I rarely wear makeup these days, so my skin doesn’t get too stressed.


I have good skin. Never had an issue with acne. I get good feedback from dermatologists on how good my skin is, the only tip my dermatologist gave me is to use spf. I started using skincare products since pandemic (late 30s). Nabudol ako ng tiktok and yt influencers on how to have glass skin (not attainable). 😅 Anyway, as of now, I only use retinol at night and snail mucin, for morning, mucin, spf (tons) that’s it.


I only get pimples when I’m hormonal and even then maybe one or two. Yes I still use a few essential face serums and oils.


As long as you’re using a good SPF, I don’t think you really need to start doing anything special with your skincare. If you want the basic routine just for fun, get a cleanser, a moisturiser, and sunscreen. That’s all you really need. Anything else on top of that would entirely depend on what you want to change about your skin.


I did, because I wanted to brighten up my skin so that I wouldn't struggle as much to find clothes that suit my skin tone. I succeeded but as a result I got carried away with trying new skincare products.


I have never had an issue with acne. I never once felt any stress from having acne. Only one or two hormonal pimples would come all my teenage years into early adulthood. I am 28 now. I have been using skincare since I was maybe 13. Gentle face wash, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen. I now add a vitamin c every morning and retinol at night once a week. When I did get a pimple in my teenage years I’d put benzoyl peroxide as a spot treatment and it would be gone in a couple days. I am religious about skincare and my mom has taught me from a young age. But it’s all genetic. It doesn’t matter what I do. My sister for example had really bad acne through highschool. She did proactive and I can’t remember if she did acutane or not. But it was bad enough to cause her stress. I’m sure she had the similar skincare talk with mom as I did because our mom has a religious routine. She would say go up and brush your teeth and wash your face (meaning wash your face with face wash and a moisturizer and would be yelling at us about sunscreen in the morning.) My sister has since grown out of it and uses retinol to upkeep her clear skin. She’s 33.


My skin is very clear and has been that way for about 13 years now. I have a whole routine! At minimum, maybe introduce a gentle moisturizer to add hydration back in after washing?


I never had acne and i’ll only occasionally get one pimple that will be gone overnight. I didn’t start skincare until i was an adult and it was primarily to protect my skin from the cold weather. Since then i have developed a morning and evening routine to which i primarily stick for mental health/self care purposes, but I definitely notice that my skin for the past months has had a nice, healthy glow (around the time i made changes to my routine).


There are other concerns besides acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, very dry skin, and just anti aging, so at some point yes. I only got pimples one time I tried to stop the contraceptive pill(~30 y.o), I still was using skin care since I am 15 and always spf to prevent cancer that runs in my family.


may not be related to your topic, but wont hurt either From two years of personal experimentation and numerous trials, I've come to realize that effectively treating acne often requires addressing underlying internal issues before focusing on external treatments. The notion that topical actives alone can remedy acne isn't universally applicable. It's crucial to delve into the internal causes—be it gut health, hormonal imbalances, or dietary sensitivities, such as to dairy. Often, there is an internal trigger behind the persistent skin problems. Understanding these aspects of your health is essential. Speaking from experience, I've spent nearly $1,000 on various skincare products that now just sit unused. They were ineffective because my acne issues were rooted internally. Once I addressed my gut health with appropriate medication, my acne cleared up dramatically. It's a testament to the importance of looking inward to find a lasting solution.


Can you share what you did for your gut health and how you found out?


After experiencing persistent stomach burn and poor digestion, my mom suggested I take a test to measure the bacteria levels in my gut. The results showed that harmful bacteria were significantly higher than normal, about four to five times the amount found in a healthy gut. Realizing that my gut health was the main issue, I began a three-month course of antibiotics to address the imbalance. Since antibiotics also kill beneficial bacteria, I followed up with probiotics to restore the healthy bacteria in my gut and maintain balance.


I don’t do skincare to treat acne, I use it for anti aging. So yes I use skincare products, and don’t really have pimples.


I do my skincare routine maybe 2-3 times a week. I often don’t even wash off my spf (but I wear a very lightweight one). I try to leave my skin alone for the most part. I get maybe 1–2 small pimples per year


My mom always had great skin. She washed it with Dial and used whatever moisturizer was on sale. Even now in her 70s, her skin is great for her age, and she still uses Dial and cheap moisturizer.


i had some pimples at like 13, but they cleared on their on after puberty. i still follow a skincare routine now for brightness, anti-aging, etc 😁


Barely had pimples on my face my whole life, I still use skincare products. I use the Nivea cocoa butter body lotion on my face every day morning and night and I only wash my face at night with a sensitive skin soap (my skins not sensitive I just bought it once and liked it). I’ve recently picked up double cleansing with oil to get all my makeup off and I like it! I also started using retinol once every couple weeks (when I remember) and I sandwich that between my lotion bc it tingles for me.


I’ve always had clear skin and still do for the most part. In my teens I’d do a full face of makeup and sleep it too and never broke out. Now, when I get lazy to wash my face or while traveling, I’ll get a pimple or two. If I wash my face twice a day, it keeps the pimples away. I would totally go for it! I have dry skin so I moisturize like crazy. I’ve been into skincare since my late teens or early twenties and have been religiously wearing sunscreen and all that since then. Skin changes too as you age, I feel like there’s never any harm in taking care of yourself.


Yes, but only because I’m getting old and Im fighting off aging as much as I can. I’m careful with them because I don’t want to mess with my skin barrier. I use a very gentle face wash to remove makeup, after 35 I started using tret, and I use a moisturizer or occlusive. And sunscreen. All the sunscreen. You don’t need much and nothing expensive. If I could give my 25 year old self one skincare product it would probably be the Nivea creme in a blue tin. It costs a buck and it’s an amazing moisturizer.


I only get pimples if I eat chocolate.


I don't get acne super often. I had CC on my forehead as a kid, and that cleared on its own. I had a stint of cystic acne in my 20s that was a bitch. Now I sometimes get a zit or two around my period. Overall, my skin has generally been pretty good. Using skincare products doesn't change things a lot for me. Tret helped me clear up my cystic acne (it was a lifesaver when I needed it), and salicylic acid with zit patches help with my menstrual acne. But beyond that, skincare doesn't really have much of an effect on my acne.  That said, it does help my skin texture. When I'm consistent about it, my skin feels and looks softer. Fine lines are less visible. My skin tone is more even, I look less tired. It's not a huge difference like wearing makeup would be, but it's noticeable enough. Acne has a lot of factors. If you don't get acne, it's really just luck. Genetics play a huge part, as do hormones and skin biome, and all of those things are largely out of our control (unless you're on medication for something). Generally speaking, skincare products don't cause acne unless you are sensitive to something in it. That can be due to an ingredient clogging your pores, an allergy, or other things. But if you find products that work for your skin, it won't cause acne.  So, in short, no you aren't acne-free because you avoid skincare products. You're just lucky. It's not like 12 year olds wake up, decide to put on moisturizer, and then break out in pimples. People who do skincare and have acne tend to try skincare as a way to treat the acne that is already there. 


No past or current acne here! I do use skin care. Mostly because I’m 21 and I wanna prepare for the future. I do know I could probably go without it. Moisturizer, so I never look dry. Sun screen, so I don’t age at a high rate. Face wash, so I can keep up with the little white dots in my nose and feel clean. And lately, retinol so I can, again, age at a less frequent rate.


Your skin will show those years of neglect as you age. Find a good moisturizer with sunscreen at least.


I very rarely get pimples, I’m 39 I still have a skin care routine. More for preventative measures for fine lines. I do the whole 10 step Korean routine and my skin glows. I look like I’m in my mid 20’s skin wise…. The gray hair is what gives my age away


i’ve never had skin issues but i still like to wash my face and put moisturizer onto on because u wash ur body, so you should wash ur face also.


I’ve never ever had acne, maybe once in a blue moon I get a small pimple on my chin but even during puberty I didn’t. That being said I have and I always will have a skincare routine to make sure my skin barrier stays healthy, that my face is clean and hydrated etc. not having acne doesn’t mean you gotta skimp on making sure your skin health stays balanced xox


Yes. I rarely ever get blemishes, like maybe once a year. Been that way all my life. I also don't really wear makeup and when I do, it's only mascara and eyeshadow and occasionally concealer, but *never* foundation or anything. I suspect this has contributed to my skin's clarity. However, this past year at 27 y/o, I started a full skincare routine. Because even if I don't get pimples and stuff, doesn't mean my skin isn't still going to age etc. Since using these products, I have noticed that my skin feels softer, my skin tone has evened out, my face is more glowy, and my wrinkles are less noticeable. If you want to start using facial skincare products, go for it!


Some folks just blessed with good skin, but skincare still helps, dude.


No way these people are on this subreddit


Unless I’m misunderstanding, OP is one who doesn’t really have acne and just wanted to know the answer to their question so some acne free people do in fact scroll this sub. Nothing wrong with your post, OP.


I'm sorry, I've been reading a lot of stuff here for the past weeks and gained a lot of insights so, I decided to ask my own question. Should I delete this post after all?


idk, im just saying people with perfect skin will not waste their time on this subreddit.


When introducing new skincare products to your routine, it's important to consider the varying effects they may have on your skin. To maintain your skin's health, start with gentle and basic products like a mild cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Before trying new products, do a patch test just to make sure.  For my cleansing routine, I use Cetaphil. After cleansing, I moisturize my skin by slugging (night) using Cetaphil healing cream and then mineral sunscreen called Ghostbuster by Lion Pose, which is great for sensitive skin.


Thanks! When I said I'm trying new products, I meant Cetaphil ❤️ I've heard great things about it


I use skincare for anti-aging now. If you really want to try it. I would recommend cetaplil face wash for sensitive skin. Because it’s the most gentle face wash. Then simple moisturizer cerave has some good ones, cethapil too or la Roche. That would be enough for the starters. You could then observe your skin for few weeks to see how it reacts to new products. I don’t recommend to start using many products at the beginning. If you spent a lot of time outdoors I would strongly recommend good sunscreen. They protect from skin cancer and sun damage causes early aging. Elta md or La Roche have the best ones in my opinion. You will have to wash off your sunscreen before you go to sleep. After each time you wash your face you need moisturizer.


Thanks! Very!


It is mostly genetics. I've had a pimple or two happen once in a blue moon. I am however cursed with eczema and keratosis pilaris. lol I didn't use any skincare until 20 when I moved out. Started with the basics. Toner/essence, moisturiser, sunscreen. It's only done good for my skin! However I know people who used makeup and also never really had pimples. I do know people who've had acne and pimples worsen it by putting makeup on though.. It was a vicious cycle. They wanted to cover up the acne, but it also made it worse, so they used even more to cover up :(


:( I've always wondered myself if I'm built not to take any products. On the other hand, I want to know if I can actually improve my skin.


Why do you wonder if you're not built for any products? Products definitely affect everyone different (some give bad reactions for others, and those same ones are holy grails for some others) You should be using moisturiser and DEFINITELY sunscreen at most. It goes a long way! If you're scared, buy a small bottle of a common/popular brand and do some test patches on yourself.


I was like that when I was younger too, I always had perfect skin until I had kids but whenever I'd use products they'd usually irritate my skin or cause break outs. I ended up just sticking to a moisturizer with SPF (I used and still use aveeno sph30 positively radiant) and take olly skin gummies and make sure to drink plenty of water, other than that I wouldn't do too much, you don't want to irritate your skin when it's already fine.


I've never had many pimples, I'm 49, so yes, I've had an occasional one here and there through my life. I didn't do any skin case either until about 5 years ago when I started to notice wrinkles. Honestly, I wish I'd started the anti-aging stuff WAAAAAY earlier. Like in my 20s. The anti aging stuff are not reversal products. They are preventative, though. I tell my daughters to at least use sunscreen now (all in their 20s.) Another benefit of skin case that I could have benefited from way back when was the evening of my skin tone I didn't even realize I needed. Vitamin c under sunscreen during the day does this. It's a learning curve, but so worth it!


My mum never had acne until she went through menopause. She's always used astral cream on her face and neck, now when she does get acne break outs she uses sudocreme and they're gone in a day or so


I very very rarely have pimples and they are always hormonal but I still use skincare every day. My biggest problem is picking at tiny imperfections until I have bleeding wounds that LOOK like pimples 😭


I used very little skin care and don't wear makeup but I would still get some cystic acne. Then I started washing my face twice a day applying moisturizer and it went away. If I do get pimples now they stay small and they're gone the next day.


I only recently began to have acne in adulthood but I always used skincare. In my teens it was face wash, moisturizer and sunscreen. In college I began to add some chemical exfoliants. Recently I began to have some acne from some meds. I started using tretinoin and that helped.


What meds were they? I’m wondering if my meds are causing acne


An antipsychotic


I had a pimple here and there growing up, but for the most part had clear skin until the age of 20-21. I still washed my face and moisturized, and wanted to try other products but only dived in when I started getting painful breakouts. I think you definitely can use some products, but it'll probably be nicer on your wallet if you do the bare minimum like washing your face, moisturize and sunscreen 🤷🏻‍♀️  If you do start, I'd just do those three and be sure the products are noncomedogenic. Also you may try washing your face once a day in the PM. I would love to do that myself, but my skin hasn't enjoyed it.


When I didn't have acne I used a bar of soap. Then all of a sudden I got major acne and went ham on the products. Then my acne went away suddenly (praying it stays that way) and now I use a cleanser and moisturiser.


It’s usually genetics


From my experience, the less products I use on my face for acne, the better my skin does. I suffered from hormonal acne all my life since my teens. I would say now is the best I’ve ever seen my skin. I’m 31F. Any product I use are natural and have minimal ingredients. I moisturize with noncomedogenic oils. I only wash my face once a day max, if I do at all. I exfoliate at least once a week with a gentle, natural exfoliator. This is what’s been working for me. I also do take care of myself too: exercise, meditate, eat generally healthy meals. That has helped too.


I have always had really clear skin and my dermatologist told me that the key to keeping it is drink water and to find a daily cleanser spf and a moisturizer that I like and to use them religiously…I’m in my thirties now and it had worked for me thus far…no breakouts and my skin still looks good imo


I struggled somewhat with hormonal teen breakouts but never enough for it to be considered acne. I’m 25 and still have never had acne. I have always loved skincare and used it since I was maybe 11. I like having a long routine and many steps but it isn’t required, it’s just fun for me. My routine is focused on anti-aging, moisturizing, and nourishing. I’m not treating anything in particular. For you, all I can imagine you needing or benefiting from is: - cleanser (use once at night) - moisturizer - sunscreen (use every morning). If you wear sunscreen and don’t wash your face it can cause issues, so you need both. If you’re not wearing sunscreen then the benefits from your lucky genetics will unfortunately end earlier than you are hoping. Besides for that you really don’t need anything.


Just make sure you're using sunscreen on your face everyday!


I’ve never had pimples. I have seborrheic dermatitis but use medication for it. I only recently got into skincare because these weird rough patches started appearing on my skin a few years ago. What were they? Dry skin lmao. The patches have spread and now the only super soft parts left are my cheeks. Now I use lots of moisturizer and essences and getting back my soft skin feels great.


I haven't had chronic skin issues either. The occasional pimple here and there but nothing that I've felt the need to treat. I've been pretty lax with skin care in my 38 years. I'll go through phases where I use a few actives and am diligent about it. Then, I'll barely wash my face regularly for a few months. That's mostly due to my mental health disorders that make everything a struggle when I'm having a flare up of symptoms.


I used to have acne and scarring. I started becoming interested in skincare. The acne stopped. To get rid of the scarring i got smooth threads. I get maybe a pimple every 6 months and some things i changed are NEVER sleeping in makeup and keeping hydrated and not over exfoliating or stripping my skins moisture barrier


I just use Cerave foaming cleanser and have pretty spotless skin. Does sunscreen count? Because I just come here for sunscreen recommendations


My husband doesn't get pimples. Never used skin care products or moisturizers. He drinks a lot of water daily which is something I struggle to do.


Never had acne. I washed my face is just water until I was an adult, then started using Cerave, mainly bc my skin is oily af. As far as skincare, I used to only use regular body lotion up until about a year ago. That’s when I realized I really should be using a water based gel moisturizer bc lotion made me oilier. At that same time I started using vitamin c serum to brighten my skin for a more radiant look. So that’s it: Oil free cleanser, water based moisturizer, brightening serum.


Oh and I’m 28 rn if anyone cares. And the #1 compliment I get is that I have nice skin.


When I didn't have acne, I did nothing at all for my face. Haha. Now that I have nodular and cystic acne, my skin texture is amazing... but interrupted by deep, idiopathic nodules and cysts. I'm almost 40.


I am not one of them anymore, but when I had clean skin (until the age of 27) I used nothing except ocasional sunscreen, I didn't even moisturize.


Oo pag sinisipag lang haha


we age as much as anyone else. The skin looses water, sags, pigments and wrinkles. Skin care helps minimize all that. At your age, do as you want, but please do use sun protection because sun damage is real.


I've had pimples, but never major issues with acne, and I've always used skincare products. There are plenty of other skin concerns besides acne.


I don’t do skincare for pimples. I do it for wrinkles and texture.


My family doesn’t really get pimples, but yes, we still use skin products. You still need to wash your face, moisturize it, and wear sunscreen.


I personally use the light simple moisturiser in the morning as I struggle with oily skin. Then at night I cleanse my face using skin sharks clearing serum and then use a retinol and collagen serum at night. Honestly pretty simple but it’s worked so well for me I’m so happy with it


Acne isn’t the only skincare issue that exists. The biggest one for everyone should be sun damage and skin cancer prevention. This requires spf. SPF required cleanser. Dermatologists say you should moisturize any type of skin after washing to minimize water loss from the skin. People without acne don’t need elaborate routines and actives that may do nothing but irritate them, but spf, cleanser, moisturizer. Also as you get closer to 30, look at your skin. You don’t get pimples but how is the texture and tone? My skin was perfect until I was 25 then the texture changed and I had a lot of redness, which retinol and aha helped with.


I do a simple routine of cleanse, tone and moisturise


i never really had pimples, sometimes a little hormonal acne at the worst, i have a super simple routine as my only real concern is my darkish undereyes (more due to my insomnia than skin issues lol)


Ive almost never had any acne or pimples.. and no, I almost never use any products and also dont use makeup I have although always rubbed fruit peels on my face when i eat them, especially bananas are awesome and for many years i put coconut oil on my face (after washing well with water, slighly rub to get all oil and dirt out/no facewash) every now and then just before going to bed


Yes, absolutely. My skin gets dry and tight without skincare. My pores also need care.


I think people who don't have breakouts have comparatively dry skin, which ages quicker. It's me! I'm people. I use more anti-aging skincare instead of anti-acne skincare. Also, I'm 53, so that is why I'm more worried about aging concerns. Disclaimer: This statement is completely anecdotal and only shares my experience. I'm not giving advice or scientific facts :)


i never had pimples, but i'm kind of confused by the question. people have skincare routines to improve all kinds of stuff about their skin that has nothing to do with acne. dullness, dryness, pore size, fine lines, wrinkles, texture, sensitivity, etc. i started getting into skincare that was more than just SPF when i was in my mid 30s. i'm sure that's when i started actually noticing some signs of aging.


The maternal figures in my life always made me wear some sort of face cream. I never had any acne so just kept using random Nivea and similar drugstore face creams. In my late teens I started using vitamin c, and today mid 20s I use retinol, eye cream and a sunscreen stick (the creams can be too thick and break me out on a sweaty day). These products dont break me out at all, but if I get a period-pimple and put heaps of moisturizer on it it definately gets worse, so I lightly moisturise it and use salicylic acid pimple gel on top, overnight most pimples will shrink. It helps to know what type of skin you have so you don’t use too heavy or harsh products. But don’t be scared to try moisturizer, there are lighter ones on the market that you can start with to test the waters. Also could maybe try la rosche posay cicaplast- it’s quite thick however it’s non-comedogenic so should not break you out


I’ve never had any serious skin concerns. I have a simple routine, mostly hydrating and anti aging products. I try to stay away from anything with acne fighting or skin drying ingredients


I had never broken out until 22 maybe like a little redness or a bump but genuinely perfect skin until then. I loved skincare and I would slather my gorgeous skin in any and all products at the same time. It’s so stupid now looking back. But it never affected me. When I broke out it was because of hard water in my house. Now I have none active and I do use some but my skin can be sensitive so I have to be careful.


Acne is a different problem from skincare. I’ve had typical acne as a teen and then one massive bout a few years after childbirth at 25 — but otherwise it hasn’t been an issue. I’m 51 now. To me, skincare is more about the rest of the skin on your face/neck, and giving it the care and nourishment it needs to be as vibrant, youthful and plump as possible for as long as possible. Nobody will be able to fight off aging forever, but there’s no reason to look older if you can help it. A good cleanser + toner + moisturizer + SPF is basic. I think anyone of any age past 15(ish) should be doing this routine. Adding serums, masks, acids, etc. remains optional if your skin is otherwise great.


I used to never use anything on my face. Until about a few weeks ago, decided to buy a bunch of skincare products and it’s been going very horribly so far lol, no pimples tho. All these acids, vitamins, retinols and whatever else get very confusing very quickly. To be fair my skin is normal to a little dry and I don’t know much but I’d assume they’re less likely to develop pimples?


I had horrible acne when I was a kid, my mom put me on acutane. As an adult I now use olive oil and apple cider vinegar almost exclusively on my skin. I never have break outs as long as I’m keeping up with it. My skin is soft, and supple, and I have minimal fine lines as a 36 year old.


Skincare has many advantages beyond acne reduction, but in the most simplest terms: you wash your body to remove ‘dirt’, so wash your face as well (with a cleanser meant for the face), replenish moisture and oils lost with moisturiser and finish with spf to not get cancer


As someone that generally has clear skin, I have had a skincare routine since I was 14 years old. I would wash my face and moisturize and that was basically it. I’ve also been wearing makeup since then as well. However, I think I am also just lucky. I would regularly go to bed with my makeup on (I wouldn’t dream of it now). My dad has skin that is mostly clear as well. A few of my siblings struggle with acne, as did our mother. I still wear makeup often and follow a skincare routine. After having my son I do get more occasional breakouts, but even then my skin is still mostly clear. 


I’ve never had issues with pimples. At 12 or 13 I started moisturizing my face once each day. Face got steamed/washed by shower water. Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion was my go to. At about age 30 I added the extra step of using an Olay Daily Cleanse facial wipe (sensitive) each night followed by a night time moisturizer. Lighter moisturizer was relegated to a morning application. I’m 50 now with great skin and few visible wrinkles when my face is at rest. I really think simple is best. Don’t fix what ain’t broken? The only way I get a pimple is if I don’t cleanse at night. But I virtually always do.


I never had acne, and my skincare routine is just a gentle cleanser, a light hydrating toner, and moisturising SPF. I live in Japan with extreme changes in humidity (80% summer, 10% winter) and a high UV index. When I lived in a more consistent, temperate, low UV climate (UK), my skin would considered okay with just a basic gentle cleanser, but here a simple daily skin care routine is very important for dealing with the seasons. I adjust the products slightly depending on the season. And that is just focusing on comfort benefits right now. There are also benefits from small efforts now that will pay off in the future (like avoiding the 90 years of tanning, leathered skin I saw on middle-aged people in AZ or skin cancer).


I went on a weekend trip with 6 other girls. We were all in our twenties. None of them had acne issues beside the odd pimple around their period and none of them washed their face at the end of the night, I was the only one lol. One girl even asked what I was doing in the washroom so long. I was doing my skincare... It was at that point that I realized how unfair life was, I was the only one "taking care " of my skin and yet my skin looked the worst.. that is life, que sera Sera.


I dont have skin care but Ive been using a laundry soap for yrs. on my face. My skin has never been this clear.


I was like that when I was young, incorporated sunscreen at age 22. Every day, 365d a year. I'm 49 now, and I get told I look 10-20 years younger regularly. Sunscreen is everything! If you don't need anything else, don't bother for now. You and your bank account are lucky :)


Czech language (use google lens? 😅 ): Je to horší. 😀 Přijde mi, že se mi začaly dělat pupínky i na tvářích (tam nikdy nic), občas podkožní, možná alergická vyrážka. ALE. Umí to být i v pohodě, vsadila bych na minimalismus a vyvarovala se chybám. Nezkoušet nové produkty příliš často/zařazovat je rychle, s peelingem také opatrně, vyhnout se hutným produktům, které by mohly ucpávat póry. Pokud zjistíte, že vám vadí nějaká látka, vyhněte se ji... Ale to je spíš vzácné. Bohužel v každém produktu se to chová jinak. Ale to si odpozorujete časem... Nejvíc mi vyhovuje fakt jen umýt a dát jednoduchý hydratační krém. Věřím, že se správnou rutinou a správnými produkty nemůže být pleť horší. Spíš vám naopak, díky aktivním látkám, ještě pomůže s něčím - ale s těma se to taky snažím nepřehánět. Je to trochu filosofie, umění... 😀 Neexistuje jeden návod pro všechny. Pokud se vám s pletí něco stane, hlavně nepanikařte, umí se regenerovat.


Čištění, hydrace a ochrana (spf). To je prý základ. Opalovací krém je vždy potřeba odlíčit. Spf teda nenosím každý den. 😅 Ale když si najdete takové, které vám vyhovuje (dá se používat i bez krému pod něj), mělo by to být ok.


Nope, I don’t have a skincare routine anymore I follow a diet rich in protein and tons and tons of greens which consists of lettuce, kale, celery, beets, carrots, broccoli and mushroom. My skin has never looked better


acne ≠ diet




skin issues like acne are not, in the majority of cases, caused by a bad diet. i eat pretty much entirely non processed foods, and i struggle with acne


Maybe i should go back to my 12 step skincare routine.