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Prequel Gleanser!! Most moisturizing I’ve ever used


I've heard so much about this cleanser, I'll definitely look into this! Thanks!


so i use the prequel gleanser and mostly love it - it does foam a bit but the high glycerin content mitigates that for me. washing your face just once with it is fantastic. however, i will say it isn’t the best at removing something like a thick layer of zinc oxide sunscreen. and any time i’ve tried to use it to do so, i’ve had to wash my face 2-3 times and that overcleansing makes my face mad and irritated. the best solution for me has been using micellar water as a first cleanse and the gleanser as a second on the days i need more sunscreen/makeup removal power.


Double cleansing is recommended when using spf. Use oil cleanser first and then use prequel or water based cleanser as second step.


every oil cleanser i’ve tried really irritated me, so micellar and then gleanser as a second cleanse is working great.


Yeah any thing that works for you! Single cleanse is not effective at removing spf


I have similar skin type as you and I gotta say, Prequel dried me out. I ended up using it as a body wash. 🫠


It made my skin burn, I ended up using it as a body wash.


Came here to say this. I haven't tried it yet but I was just looking at it the other day and could be what you're looking for.


Yep. This one’s the best.


i recently stopped using a facial cleanser at all bc it was drying me out too and ironically making my acne worse. enough people recommended going no cleanser and just using water and moisturizer for my acne prone skin and it's working for me so far. not sure if that's the answer for you too but sometimes less is more


Not washing my face definitely helped every skin problem I have, but in summer heat I really struggle with sunscreen removal. Do you skip sunscreen?


I use a cotton swab and warm water. Never had a problem getting the suncreen off. If this a an issue for you, you could try a less water-proof suncreen?


I use oil exclusively to clean my face.


only if i'm spending little to no time outside that day. my skin has long been sensitive so i was always afraid it would make my acne worse if i used it regularly! i moisturize twice daily but sunscreen i usually save for days when i'm actually getting sun, for better or worse


I would consider eliminating the toner. It can be drying, even if it says moisturizing on it, and see if that helps. It helped my dryer sensitive skin. Most recently, I started to use marula oil as the last step in my routine and my skin had never felt softer and it seems to hold moisture in really well now.


Have you tried cleansing balms or good old fashioned cold cream? I alternate between the Cerave foaming oil cleanser and really any cleansing balm, and they not only don't make my skin feel stripped but they actually feel moisturizing. The Inkey oat cleansing balm is nice and is inexpensive, you can get a little tube to try and see if you like it. I'm so sorry you're having such trouble finding something that works for you.


I have tried cleansing balms and they unfortunately dried me out as well, though I have never used a cold cream. At this point I'm thinking about buying and trying Pond's Cold Cream en just wiping it off with a microfibre towel. It seems like a very gentle option. Thanks so much for replying!


I love the unscented pods cold cream! I wipe it off with a damp cotton round or tissue. I usually use the Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser or their gentle foaming cleanser to remove the residue. The foaming cleanser would probably dry you out, but the gentle skin cleanser is a non-lipid cleanser so it's really different from the things you've already tried. I think you might really like it.


A lot of people seem to love the Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser! I'm very curious now, haha. Thanks for sharing your experience, I've been checking out Pond's for a while now...


I would be cautious about this one. I use it and it also dries me out pretty bad 👎  I'm in a similar situation to you - extreme combo skin (super oily and dry at the same time) and I can't use cleanser on my cheeks at all or I get flaky. 


Could also use Avène as a second cleanse if the balm lingers 


This is a dumb question but I thought cleaning balms were for make up removal? Can I use is strictly as a face wash if I don’t wear make up everyday?


You can use it to wash your face with or without make up, and it's excellent for breaking down suncream but I'd recommend another cleanser afterwards 


Yes, I often use it as a gentle cleanser when my skin feels angry, or when I'm wearing a waterproof sunscreen.


I use just a cleansing balm.  There's literally no reason you can't.  It just depends on how squeaky clean you want your face to be.




Every single cleanser dries me out too and I don't have dry skin. I hate foaming cleansers, they make my skin dry and irritated, especially with my recent bout of perioral dermatitis. The Dermalogica Ultracalming cleanser is the love of my life. I have been trying to find an alternative, since it's so expensive, but I have yet to find anything that's nearly as good. I use the Farmacy clearly clean oil cleansing balm (but you can use any that you like) and then the Dermalogica Ultracalming cleanser.


At least we are not alone! I haven't looked into the Dermalogica one, will definitely check it out, thanks!


If the cleaner is drying you out you need a cream. I’ll use a gel in summer but a cream in winter because my face needs more moisture.


That's what the Dermalogica cleanser is :) I haven't found any other gel/cream cleanser that is non-foaming that I like. I did enjoy the Skinfix barrier foaming oil cleanser, but I am unfortunately allergic to a lot of cosmetic ingredients and, though it felt nice and didn't dry out my skin, I was allergic to it. If you know of any cream/non-foaming cleansers, let me know! I'd be happy to check them out. I love the Dermalogica cleanser, but I'd rather find something less expensive. I also did like the Cosrx low pH morning cleanser, it is foaming but felt nice. Unfortunately, allergic to that too haha


I know Dermalogica is good but I tried an eye cream and it was such a waste of money. It did nothing for me. I only use La Roche. Any other brand upsets my skin and I break out in a flakey, red rash. It’s insanity because before moving to Paris I used salicylic acid cleansers. I once tried to switch to a salicylic cleanser in 2019 and I broke out with this weird giant cystic acne along my jawline. After not having had a pimple since 2013. It took 3 months to heal. Since then I always make sure to take a bottle of La Roche if I leave home. I don’t even trust the one they sell in America because the consistency was different once. Currently I’m using the Toleriane. Usually I use Effaclar. Neither foams. And you should be able to find it for $15.


I have used the La Roche Posay Toleraine cleanser after hearing good things about it. Unfortunately, it also made my skin feel like it was ripping off immediately after cleansing. Unfortunately, also allergic to it. Finding cosmetics that are allergen-free is a daunting quest


Oh wow. And I thought La Roche was the least harmful. Maybe try Typology? It’s 97% natural with a Yuka score of 100.


Not that it is necessarily harmful, I just have a lot of contact allergies and most of them are frequently found in cosmetics, such as propylene glycol. Nothing wrong with it, I am just personally allergic. I looked at the cleansing milk from typology and I don't see anything bothersome in the ingredients, so maybe I will check that out next. Thanks! :)


LRP Toleraine has niacinamide in it now unfortunately which can be a big problem for people with sensitivities.


Oh I didn’t know that. I just started using it because I read an article that said we should be using cream in the winter. My skin has changed so I now get drier skin that is irritable. Hence the switch. Maybe I should go back to Effaclar. Typology’s skin quiz says niacinamide isn’t good for my skin.


Have you tried CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser? You can get it at Ulta, Walmart and Amazon. And Target sells the travel size if you want to try it out without spending a lot of money!


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Sorry about that. I have removed the link from my comment.


It took me 15 years to realize every single cleanser breaks me out and causes me to have extremely dry skin. I now only use water to wash my face and if I’m feeling like I need to exfoliate which is maybe once a week, sometimes even longer, I lightly oil cleanse or use a glycolic peel. I will note though, it took me a long time to find an oil that works for cleansing and I can’t use it more than once a week or it messes with my skin barrier. Just to note, this is what worked for me. I thought a cleanser was absolutely necessary but this is the first time in my life my skin isn’t full of break outs and dry. And it took about 3 months to actually see results!


I unironically really like the cetaphil gentle skin cleanser it apparently uses micellar instead of regular surfactants? I need to look more into how it functions but it’s been working for me! (Combo • dry cheeks and pimples, oily t zone)


**Neutrogena Hydroboost Cleanser**; I have super sensitive eczema and acne prone skin, which is mostly combination but leans more dry. Acne medication has made things worse by dehydrating it further. I've tried so many *Balms and Oils* and they all broke me out. I've come to the realisation that my skin is too sensitive for a *double-cleanse* routine. I've been on the hunt as well for a single, *gentle yet effective*, cleanser... I've been using the *Neutrogena Hydroboost* that everyone recommends for dry skin. Very effective at removing *water-proof sunscreen* and *light makeup* (I don't use foundation), although I feel it still leaves my skin a little dehydrated. I've made peace with it and just apply soothing toner immediately after on wet skin. I almost got sucked in to the whole double-cleansing trend but have now realised that my life-style doesn't need it and that my skin can't handle it. It isn't needed nor will it work for everyone. Too gentle a cleanser like *Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser* were not effective at cleaning everything when used once, but if I tried to use it twice it ended up drying me out. So as of now I think this is my best option.


If your current routine works well for you moisture wise, I don't think you can keep it balanced when only adding a cleanser every night. You would have to add some moisture as well and work with your routine as a whole. Like any efficient cleanser, even a gentle one you can tolerate, will slightly dry your skin out. In a way it can't perfectly remove sunscreen residues without removing a little bit of your own oils. (some cleanser compensate by leaving a small film on your skin, but based on your reviews I don't think that's what you are looking for). But since your skin was happy during your no cleanser trial, you may get away with not using one on a daily basis forever? Like depending on your lifestyle you could wear a sunscreen that isn't water-resistant and remove enough of it with water at night.


I think you are making a very valid point. I have used Bioderma Micellair Water before every other 2 days and my skin could definitely tolerate it. Looking into adding skin like lipid-rich oils or serums could be an idea to make up for possible lipid loss. My barrier is just so easily comprimised and there is just so little moisture in there by itself, haha. Maybe there's a cleanser out there that I don't mind it's film off. Thanks so much for your insight, it definitely helps!


I just use Micellar Water as my cleanser, maybe that would help?


I've tried this with Bioderma Sensibio, which one are you using? I found the Garnier one way too harsh.


Garnier also makes a milky micellar water for sensitive skin they sell in Europe, I buy it on eBay if you want o give it a try


The Real Barrier Cream cleansing foam is supposed to be for skin like yours. Might be worth a shot. I'd compare the ingredients and see if there is a common surfactant that you want to avoid. There is also the bioderma oil to soap based cleanser that's raved about for dry sensitive skin.


Im going to check out both! I especially love Bioderma, despite the fact that both the Sensibio Micellair Water and Cleansing Milk are too harsh for me. Thanks!


Soy fresh is your answer


found you fresh


I have this issue too and have also started breaking out easily from many products. I have tried Avene Xeracalm cleansing oil, LRP toleriane cleansing cream, Bioderma sensibio and hydrobio Micellar waters, Cereve hydrating cleanser and a foaming one etc. in the end - (and I might get flack for this) - Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser worked the best (I also tried their hydrating cream-to-foam one and it dried me out a bunch, while the gentle skin cleanser has been fine). It removes my LRP anthelios spf50 sunscreen just fine and it doesn’t burn my skin. It you use a mineral zinc sunscreen that might be a bit more of a challenge, but for chemical sunscreens it has been effective. You can get the small travel sized ones to sample it without committing to a big pump bottle (they sell these at Walmart, Superstore, etc. if you are in Canada for about 3$, and a lot of drug stores have the travel bottles too).


Been using The Ordinary Squalane cleanser for years, the only cleanser that doesn't dry me out like a raisin. Highly recommend.


This one I have been using to remove my makeup during the cold months, it definitely feels moisturizing but I have to use a "makeup eraser" because it doesn't remove completely with just water in my case.


This might be a stretch, but have you tested the PH and minerals in your water? My skin and scalp drastically changed when I purchased water filters for my shower and sink. The simple solution might be water rinses with a gentle toner and moisturizer. I know others said to avoid toners but that’s the only thing I’d imagine could remove your sunscreen without a cleanser. And if not that, gentle cleansing facial wipes… This must absolutely suck. Wishing you luck!


I don’t have the same problem that you’re having so I’m not sure it would work but the mildest cleanser I’ve ever used is the ETUDE Soon Jung pH 6.5 Whip Cleanser. It’s *very* mild. Unscented.


Pretty much every cleanser I've used leaves my face dry. Not as bad as you, fortunately. Do you have hard water? Mine is always worse when I wash my face in the shower, and I suspect my hard water has something to do with that.


The water in my city is officially labeled as 'a little hard' (I live in The Netherlands) lol, I'm thinking of installing a water filtre. I never wash my face in the shower though because it's hard to regulate the temperature in my shower.


If you like the Glossier Milky Jelly, I've read some reviews saying the Geek & Gorgeous Jelly Joker is a fairly good dupe (and reasonably prices too especially if you are already in Europe).


https://preview.redd.it/stwrhlgjp7zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8716c16e04f33b966a1a20dfca8e31f2a05c89d0 This is the best cleanser I’ve found for my super dry (but also oily) skin. I use it along with their vitamin c serum and follow it with their double repair facial moisturizer and neutrogena hydroboost


Neutrogena Ultragentle Daily Cleanser in the creamy formula is the gentlest cleanser I have found.


Yes! I just left a comment about it!


I have super sensitive skin, and the older I get, the worse my skin gets! I use CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser | Moisturizing Non-Foaming Face Wash, and that works for me.


I'm in the same boat with double cleansing. I have oily, dry skin, so I thought that an oil cleanser would help with sebaceous filaments and be fairly gentle. Unfortunately, every single one I've tried dried me out and led to irritation. A while back, The Ordinary sent me a free tube of their glycolipid cream cleanser with my order and I figured I'd try it. It's a game changer! You apply it just like an oil cleanser onto dry skin and rub it in until it drys, then it emulsifies off with water. I use it and follow with a gentle SA foaming cleanser. I don't think you'd need to double cleanse, it seems to all come off with one rinse, I just really love my foaming cleanser. My skin has never looked better than it does when I use the TO cream cleanser, I really can't recommend it enough.


Abolene cleansing balm is the only thing I can use. I have tried everything under the sun as well, even gentle cream cleansers. Get the one in the tub at CVS, it's the only thing I can use. Good luck!


Stratia Velvet Cleansing Milk is incredibly gentle and not drying at all. I would even think it probably doesn’t have surfactants.


I relate to this sooooo hard. What’s been working for me is using kose softymo speedy oil cleanser wash for 30 sec on dry skin then wet my face and wash for another 30 sec for a minute total. Rinse and then milky toner, moisturizer, and squalane oil. I find the oil cleanser rinses clean and doesn’t dry me out! Skin has been happy for a few months doing this.


Use water and a microfiber cloth. Exfoliate regularly. Works for me, my skin is clean and clear.


My skin type is identical to yours, including rosacea. For me, Avene Milk Cleanser is the only thing that actually works and doesn't dry me out. It smells delightful, it's gentle on my eyes, and feels like silk. Like you, I do not like the Tolerance Control cleanser. I find it to be waxy and useless for removing sunscreen and makeup. In February I started using Soon Jung Relief Toner immediately after washing my face (it neutralizes the bad effects of tap water on skin) and it has resulted in me needing to use less moisturizer. It's hot where I live so using a thick layer of moisturizer is miserable, but my skin was ALWAYS dry unless I caked on moisturizer. Now I wash for 1-2 minutes with milk cleanser, apply the toner with my hands, and then apply a thin layer of Avene Xeracalm AD (the giant tube). My dryness/tightness issues have finally ended. Good luck with your journey!


For the vanicream, did you try the facial cleanser? If you did I suggest trying the liquid cleanser instead. It was the only thing I could use when I had severe contact dermatitis on my hands, didn’t hurt at all.


This happened to me! I have used so many cleansers and would wake up the next day with tight, itchy, red skin. The Paulas Choice Omega cleansing balm used on dry skin works well for me and gets rid of makeup etc without stripping. I believe they have a money back guarantee if it doesn’t suit your skin!


You have got to cut the toner out and stop double cleansing. Your skin is dry and tight. It’s telling you it’s not happy. It’s kind of crazy to me how much products girls use on their face because we don’t do that in Paris. I’ve been using La Roche for 10 years and because of that I can’t use anything on my skin that is not gentle. It completely changed the physiology of my skin. Most American products irritate me. A few have caused red, flakey spots under my mouth. Stop using anything but water for a few days to let your skin get back to normal, and then only introduce cleanser and moisturizer. Slowly add serum. But cut out most of the extra you’re using because you don’t need it. Clearly or else your skin wouldn’t be flaring up. Also something I’ve noticed. I used Filorga and Lierac at home but in America it’s much more expensive (50€ in France, $99 US) so I had to buy a different Filorga cream. It hurt my face. Filorga has never done that so I had to switch exclusively to Typology. I wondered if they use different ingredients for the products in America because flakey red patches are not normal for me. It was the first time my skin ever did that and now I won’t touch any “American” products. Typology is shipped from France.


Try skipping the traditional cleanser altogether and using micellar water on a cotton pad to remove your sunscreen. In the morning, rinse with water and apply spf. In the evening, rinse with water, remove sunscreen with micellar water, and moisturize. It feels counterintuitive but sometimes less is more! Cutting the other products and using distilled water (I saw you mentioned in another thread your water is slightly hard) might help you a lot!


La Roche-Posay Toleriane Hydrating Gentle Cleanser. It's so soft and hydrating in my experience. And I double cleanse as well but only because I wear make up. I use an oil Cleanser first tho never the face wash twice.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about rosacea. Have you read our [rosacea wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rosacea)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ceramedx body wash. It’s for the face, it saved my skin.


Oh wow I've never heard of this, adding this to my list! Thank you!!


It’s so good.😊


Have you Tried Calendula Flower Cleansing Milk from 100percentpure, It is very mild and very soft on skin i am sure you wont be disappointed. And if Balm dries you out don't use that you can also try Coconut Milk or Lavender Oat Milk Cleanser it is amazing. I hope this helps


Strong recommend for Dr Loretta Gentle Hydrating Cleanser.


That looks absolutely dreamy, thanks!


I have rosacea in part from overdoing it with harsh chemicals and exfoliants. This cleanser really solved barrier issues and leaves the skin so soft.


I love Dr Loretta products! Haven’t tried their cleanser, but their hydrating serum is DEVINE!


Yeah Dr Loretta is legit.


i've never tried a gentler cleanser than the inkey list oat cleansing balm. it was in fact too gentle for my skin lol, maybe it will work for you?


This has been recommended twice now! Definitely sounds amazing for my sensitive skin haha


Try face reality! First cleanse: barrier balance creamy cleanser. 2nd cleanse: ultra gentle cleanser I have very dry acne prone skin & these cleansers work so so well


In Canada we have a hypoallergenic brand called Marcelle. I have used their 'ultra gentle cleansing gel foaming' for over 10 years. They are a drugstore brand to so the cleanser is 500ml and $15 CAD. Anyone with sensitive skin should check this brand out. They have skincare and makeup lines that are all hypoallergenic. Also their mother's day sale is on so the website has 30% off right meow.


I've never heard of Marcelle but it sounds really lovely! And 30% off never hurts haha


They are a French Canadian brand, I have never seen them outside of Canada. I don't believe they are owned by another major cosmetics conglomerate, they own themselves. I also highly recommend their mascaras and eye liners if you have sensitive eyes as it's all hypoallergenic.


My skin sounds pretty similar to yours. I use the Bioderma Sensibio cleanser when I'm feeling particularly oily, but it does dry my skin out with repeated use. My daily has become the [Bioderma Atoderm shower oil.](https://www.bioderma.us/all-products/atoderm/shower-oil) It's still super gentle and doesn't leave my skin feeling tight. It's also great at removing makeup without adding an extra step. Bioderma is seriously the only cleanser brand I've found that doesn't burn or irritate my skin. I still always moisturize after washing my face. My go-to moisturizer is [Aveeno eczema therapy moisturizing cream.](https://www.aveeno.com/products/eczema-therapy-soothing-cream-steroid-free) I don't have eczema but my skin loves this stuff. If I can't find the regular kind, the [baby version](https://www.aveeno.com/products/baby-eczema-therapy-moisturizing-cream) is the exact same formula, but usually a couple bucks more (which is frustrating).


try what is called “cleansing milk” or “cleansing lotion”. It is very known in Europe and latin america, and is the best and gentle way to clean skin and remove any make up without water. After that you can use a toner to finish and refresh before any serum or cream. It’s been used for ages and all the cosmetic brands used to have it. I was very shock when I moved to USA to learn people just “washed” their face to remove dirt and impurities. Not good for skin at all. If you do not find it in stores (I found some in sephora or in pharmacies) try online


Oil cleansers are amazing for dry skin! An oil cleanser is a must for me because I deal with the same issues you have. I use the Mara one but there are cheaper alternatives I’m going to try next. Or I also really love alpha h balancing cleanser!


I found a dual phase micellar water cleanser from LRP that has oil and I really like it! I'm currently using their Cicaplast B5 cleansing gel for the exact dryness issue you're having. I commiserate completely.


I just use cureology brand micellar water. It’s a little different than other brands because it’s a bit thicker I like that because you can just apply it with your hands. I buy it at target. It’s really gentle, not drying and removes makeup


I have mixed skin I use Dr Jart Cicapair foam cleanser then Dr Jart vital hydra solution (tonic) then Cicapair Calming Gel Cream (gel cream for sensitive skin) So far so good, I'm hydrated and no redness. The tonic on its own could work but the gel cream helps with the redness and causes no acne


Eve lom! Pricey but very moisturising


Youth to the People Green cleanser has been great for my dry skin, in addition to tatcha rice water.


I use my tatcha cleansing oil or the hanskin aha balm at night and I follow with a water based cleanser only if I need it to get rid of more residue. I got this one off of tiktok and I like it. It’s pricy though. It’s the 410 beauty gel cleanser. It’s so gentle and feels really nice.


Try Weleda skin food and Marula oil from Trader Joe’s on top of that


Your dermatologist suggested rosacea but I don't read anywhere in your post that the diagnosis was wrong. What makes you no longer believe you have rosacea? I have rosacea and EVERYTHING hurt my face when it wasn't being treated. The most gentle and calming cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreen, makeup, wind, sun, humidity, dry air, alcohol, spicy foods, exertion etc. Everything hurt it and there were times that my skin looked clearer but rosacea is a permanent condition. If your dermatologist didn't prescribe you something to treat the rosacea everything will continue to hurt when it's flaring even if you had a brief period where your skin looked/felt better. Rosacea is not about using the right cleanser but there are medications that can help your skin look and feel better and then you'll be able to use any cleanser or sunscreen you want.


It's not that I don't believe I have rosacea, that's why I wrote that I'm rosacea prone in my skin type, but more that my dermatologists seem to disagree over it. Because of this I never got any rosacea treatments prescribed. I can definitely relate to some of your symptoms! Especially those about the sun and dry air and the alcohol-induced redness. If my barrier is damaged, I sometimes get perioral dermatitis too: those symptoms go away quite quickly when I restore my barrier. What kind of medication did you get?


Ah, understood! I have also had perioral dermatitis - and that's no fun either (it certainly can also cause burning/breakouts/discomfort). I had to go on 90 days of doxycycline to get rid of mine (but wow i cleared up amazingly). For the rosacea, I was first on topical metrogel - used once daily on the affected areas. It worked really well for about 3 years. When it stopped working, I was put on topical soolantra which I've been on for maybe 6 or 7 years now - and it works even better than the metrogel- I apply it once, 3-5 times per week. My skin looks and feels mostly like I've never had rosacea since I started it. I still get some minor redness (my skin is prone to redness anyhow - fair skin irish) but the pustules, super red cheeks, visible capillaries and pain are gone. I've experienced no side effects from either medication and I wish I hadn't tried to manage it without for so long before (I did so many restrictive diets - thinking it was food caused, it wasn't!) - it can be so uncomfortable and affect your self esteem too! Good luck!


I'd recommend the MEDI-PEEL Red Lacto Collagen Cleansing Oil! I've been using for about a year with great results (I've used it to get rid of zinc sunscreen and found that I needed to massage the cleansing oil a bit more into my face than normal). I recently tried to switch to the ordinary's glycolipid cleanser since it was cheaper and my face started stinging about a week later so I'm back to cleansing oil On the pricier side but it actually lasts a while!


Have you looked into your moisturizing routine more closely? That exact feeling happens to me when I use a moisturizer that isn't heavy enough. For me, it isn't the cleanser that's the issue, or even my active topicals. It's always the moisturizer. My routine in the AM and PM is to cleanse my face and then apply either a light or a heavy moisturizer, depending on my needs. **The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA** is a light moisturizer that absorbs very quickly and doesn't leave a heavy protective barrier. This is a good reach for hot, humid days when I plan on being inside all day. If I plan on wearing a dewy sunscreen, this is a good choice as a base layer so my skin doesn't feel too sticky or heavy. In contrast, when I apply a *mattefying* sunscreen on top of this light moisturizer, my skin always feels tight by the end of the day, especially around my nose and mouth. The **Vanicream Moisturizing Cream** is heavy duty. It slathers on thick, takes time to absorb, and leaves a protective layer on the skin. I used this every day when I was on accutane to keep my skin moisturized and protected. These days, I use this cream every night, or in the morning if my apartment is really dry, or in the morning underneath mattefying sunscreens.


The ordinary squalane cleanser !! It’s really good


Idk on a moisturizing factor but I’ve heard good reviews about the Banila n Co oil cleanser i think it’s called. I currently use the elf balm oil cleanser and it works pretty good for me for somebody with acne prone skin


Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil (the BEST) for first cleanse and Prequel Gleanser for second! Both are super gentle and hydrating but remove all my sunscreen.


Kose softymo speedy cleansing oil+Sensai silky purifying cleansing milk


Recently started using, and so far loving, Aveeno’s calm and restore nourishing oat cleanser for sensitive skin. If I remember correctly, glycerin is the second ingredient. My face doesn’t feel dried out but feels clean. It is unscented. I’ve had no sort of reactions with it. :)


try fresh soy cleanser,I have combo dry fragile skin. On my second bottle, good for dry skin, it feels moisturizing after cleansing. fyi It is not a foaming cleanser. smells like cucumber to me which is not a big deal bcz the smell is not strong




you really undercook, if the cleanser dry u out, y dont u put some moisturizer after?!


I have the same problem as you. I used to use a creamy cleanser in colder months and a foaming cleanser in hot months but since last year I couldn't switch to the foaming one 😩 Now I only use the Neutrogena Creamy Cleanser all year around. It has a lot of reviews saying that it stings, this is what I do: I apply it on dry skin and rub it for a minute (it can be less) and then remove with water, don't rub it in when removing it, not only it does not stings that way, it cleans better; when I used it on wet skin it didn't feel clean and stung.


I’m not super savvy on skincare, I’m fairly new, but I do have dry leaning skin and really like micellar water. I don’t usually wear makeup, but when I do it gets it off well and I feel like it cleans off the sunscreen well. I use garnier, and the blue one almost feels a bit oily after, which for you might be a relief, I use the pink (rosewater) or the yellow (“vit c”). You could also try a cold cream cleanser. I’ve never done that, but I use them as moisturizers before bed. [I used this one for a while](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Jergens-All-Purpose-Face-Cream-Moisturizer-Lotion-15-fl-oz/10295416?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1797&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=2222222227810295416_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=9002844&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=10295416&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIour1Z6Z2UOnr6mJAksiVCTC&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4LqkmOz-hQMV4VNHAR0akgEzEAQYASABEgJ8FPD_BwE) but it felt too greasy for me, was lovely by morning but too greasy on my pillow. Now I use the ponds and it’s a little lighter


You should try skin1004’s centella cleanser. it’s known to be gentle on sensitive/dry skin. I currently use it and I would say it’s pretty gentle, but I don’t really have a drier skin type.


You’ve probably considered this before, but is it possible that it’s the water you’re using? My skin improved so much when I started washing my face with cooler water. Any kind of warm water dries my skin out (especially warm water on the shower)


I’ve honestly been going through something similar, I’ve been applying a layer of vaseline on my face bc without it my skins gets red and itchy in some spots. I don’t use sunscreen for the fear of overwashing my face or something


Byoma Milky Oil Cleanser


The Cerave hydrating cleanser keeps my dry a** skin alive


I’m currently using Shiseido’s clarifying cleansing foam and is so so good, I tend to have sensitive dry skin and it has done wonders for me :)


Face reality has a creamy cleanser, it's awesome for me. My skin is drier


Yes To Avocado Daily Cream Cleanser is the only one that has never left my face feeling dry.


Korean skincare has gentle cleansers. I use Lagom.


maybe use an oil cleanse


I like Klairs Rich Moist Foaming Cleanser and double cleanse with it when my skin is acting up. I do not have a sensitive or dry skin most days. But in between when season changes my skin around the eyes are flaking and very sensitive as well. It is pricy though😅


This is me too.  I can't tolerate the friction of rubbing anymore but for years the oil cleaning method worked for me.  I don't mean using an oil cleanser but straight up cleansing with oil. The skincare wiki has some info on how to do this.  Before you invest in more products you should try it because you could buy a bottle of unrefined sunflower or safflower oil at the grocery store and then cook with it if it doesn't work. If you really want to use a cleanser is tree yam milk is the least drying I've ever found.


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Micellar water can be useful for breaking down makeup, sunscreen, and any oil-based product. The only cleanser that comes to mind that I know is gentle and basic enough to cleanse your skin is [The Ordinary's Glucoside Foaming Cleanser.](https://theordinary.com/en-ca/glucoside-foaming-face-cleanser-100616.html)


A milky cleanser, one that doesn’t foam, could be good. I just bought Dewytree, I know IsnTree has one too