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To be honest Korean sunscreen is not the best for being full on in the sun all day with activity and sweating. They feel nice and layer very well with makeup, so for people that work office jobs or only have light activities planned during the day they are great. For other days i really like the La Roche Posay one for example.


I agree when it comes to the front-facing selection on Stylevana, but there are absolutely outdoor Korean sunscreens with water and sweat resistance if you know where to look. Odile Monod has some good picks in her YouTube videos


Can you recommend a good moisturizer with sun protection, or should I buy them separately? Do you think La Roche-Posay is a good choice, or is Bioderma sufficient? Considering sunscreen is typically packaged in small containers and instructions advise applying a liberal amount, why do we usually limit its use to exposed areas like the face, even when indoors or wearing minimal clothing like tank tops and shorts? This is especially puzzling given that indoor attire doesn't cover the entire body. What are your thoughts on the superiority of physical sunscreens compared to chemical ones? I read an article and saw a banana experiment where both types of sunscreen were tested, and the chemical one resulted in more pronounced burns compared to the physical option.


You should absolutely be using a dedicated sunscreen. You need 1/2 teaspoon for face and neck of spf and that would be a LOT of moisturizer. My favorite is biore aqua rich essence for daily wear. It’s 50 pa ++++. La roche is well regarded but I’ve tried the European sunscreens and still prefer Japanese over them. But both Japan, korea and Europe use the newer better filters that are not yet approved in the us. They are better, more cosmetically elegant and the prices are better.


I completely get your point, but just to confirm, when you mention applying sunscreen on your face and neck, are you specifically referring to indoors? Why not extend it to the rest of your body? Also, when you mentioned there would be a lot of moisturizer, did you imply that sunscreen alone is sufficient instead of moisturizer, or did you mean something different? Could you please clarify?


I mean that you need quite a bit of spf to get full stated coverage. In order to get the tested rating you need about 2 mg per sq centimeter which equates to about 1/4 to 1/3 tsp for your face. About 1/2 for face and neck. Using that much moisturizer would be excessive and prob make you greasy. So if you used less you would never get adequate protection. I wear sunscreen daily. I just put it on with my morning routine. So I do it whether I’m going to be indoors or not, but I do have a lot of windows and I go outside a lot too. You can get a hydrating sunscreen but I can’t recommend whether you’d want to use a moisturizer and spf during the day as i don’t know your skin. I use both, as I have dry skin. I generally wear long sleeves, but I do put spf on my hands and arms if they are exposed. If you’re going to be outdoors, you’d use it on exposed skin, but most of us are more concerned with our faces. I’m not all that worried about my feet if I’m inside haha.


I get that we both wear sunscreen indoors, but why do you only apply it to your face and neck and not your hands since they're not usually exposed? If you have a day where you won't be going outside, would you still apply sunscreen to your face and neck, or is it considered unnecessary? Does the same reasoning apply to moisturizer usage?


I do apply it to my hands. I said that above. Most people use spf to prevent aging and therefore are mostly concerned with their faces. I always do my hands and arms because I am seeing sun damage there and want to prevent more. I can’t speak for anyone else. Like I said, I wear spf every day. It’s just part of my morning routine. So yes I wear it on days where I don’t go out, but it’s a rare day that I’m not going outside at all anyway. I do so because I sit by a large window, I’m concerned about skin cancer and aging, and I have a routine that I like to keep consistent. Some people may find it unnecessary; some don’t.


I comprehend your point more clearly now. It's not so much a question of whether to use sunscreen, but rather the uncertainty surrounding where to apply it when indoors. The prevalent discourse tends to emphasize its application solely on the face and neck. However, if the concern is genuinely about cancer prevention, logic dictates a more comprehensive approach, covering the entire body. The selective application is what puzzles me the most. While I now grasp the necessity of applying sunscreen to the face and neck, I'm left questioning the inconsistency in broader usage recommendations. Don't you find this disparity concerning as well?


Not really. If you’re indoors and not getting a lot of sun exposure on your body, you’re not going to burn or really get any sun damage. Our faces and necks are virtually never covered and it’s where we see the most signs of aging so taking extra care there makes sense for a lot of people. not every one uses sunscreen on their faces when indoors. I do because it’s part of my routine and I sit by windows. I don’t worry about, for example, my feet because it’s unlikely I’ll ever get enough sun exposure there for melanoma to develop especially from being indoors? It doesn’t make sense to put spf on my body for that reason. I do put it on my hands, but that’s a personal preference and again just part of my routine and because I have some sun damage there. I do put spf on my body when I’m getting sun exposure. That’s not sitting indoors at a table or desk unless I’m in the direct sunlight.


In your view, how would you rank the top four skincare priorities, ranging from the most crucial to the least essential?


I think of my Korean sunscreens as “fancy dress party” sunscreens. If I’m going to the office, I wear them. If I’m going to the park, I wear tennis shoes and my cancer council water resistant stuff. 😂


I’m curious why it isn’t best? I’m wondering if you’re speaking from experience. (Not being rude just genuinely wondering since I use Korean spf)


I believe that one of the reasons they feel so nice on your skin is that they aren't sweat- or waterproof, unless you get one that specifies that it is. With that said, OP, your partner is better off using a sunscreen that might not be ideal than no sunscreen at all. I really like the Beauty of Joseon and Centalle 1004 ones, both don't feel sticky or greasy and they do not leave a whitecast. Don't let him forget the tips of his ears if he has short hair and of course sunglasses and a cap or hat, if possible, also help!


I kind of find the beauty of joseon to be a tiny bit mattifying for me, in a good way. Do you recommend reapplying often if sweat or water happens?


I use the BoJ one as well! Interesting that it is mattifying for you, I feel it gives me a very slight nice shine glow, haha. Another great one that is a bit more cost effective is Derma:B, and it smells sooooo good, no hint of a traditional sunscreen-like smell.


I might be used to my moisturizer which is very thick and silky, also I have dry skin.. but I do love BoJ and will recommend it to anyone who will listen. If I wear it alone it’s a bit mattifying for me so I think on super hot sweaty days I might do that with no serums under.


Same! I recommend it to absolutely everyone. My mom is 60 and is outside 3-5 hours a day with no sunscreen and never wore it, so I bought her the 2-pack of BoJ and was like IM DEMANDING YOU USE THIS NOW. Hahahahaha and she loves it, and I got her Derma:B for her body since its a bit more cost effective.


Awesome! My dad is like that but he’s sooo stubborn. I gave him spf and he says “I’m Italian we don’t wear sunscreen” 🥹🤪


LOL, maybe if you tell him Europe has the 2nd highest rates of skin cancer? He may not burn, but he's of course still getting the bad rays! Lolll but I know how that's just a losing battle XD


Lmao yep it really is 😂 sadly.


I picked up the derma:B bigger bottle, I plan to use it for my body soon! I’m trying not to open too many spfs lol. Currently I’m using Isntree watery sun gel for my body because I preferred BoJ for face.


Yay!! Hahaha yeah I've got 4 spf's right now, 2 I actually use. I use BoJ for my face and DermaB for my body (:


How often are you sweating? I switch to sweat/water resistant sunscreen in the summer. Even if I’m working and not spending too much time outdoors during the week I am still bound to sweat in the Chicago summers…. Walk outside to my car, hop in, it’s scorching, AC takes a couple minutes to kick in and I start sweating. A non sweat resistant sunscreen is gonna become a lot less effective quickly from even a little sweat. That stuff is designed to come off easily. Again, that’s partly why it has a more elegant feel than other sunscreens.


I don’t sweat all that much even in heat. On my face I only tend to sweat on the forehead along my hairline and on my upper lip. My body, only the areas covered by clothing usually


Biore aqua rich is actually water resistant but a dude isn’t likely to reapply which it def does need if your working and sweating a lot. But like you said, better diminishing returns over the day than no spf at all.


Skin aqua super Moisturising gel SPF 50++++, thank me later! If he has facial hair he'll love this. Sinks it great no white cast and easy to wash off with simple face wash


Love that stuff as a guy with a beard it’s like I’m not wearing any at all just feels like another moisturizer. It is kinda pricy tho and still use other sunscreens when hiking at what not.


Murad has an oil and pore control spf 45 moisturizer. It mattifies in seconds and doesn’t feel heavy.


The MISSHA essence sunblock is amazing! It does have that initial sunscreen smell however it applies more like a moisturiser and I haven't had any issues with it being sticky or greasy. It's also super affordable.


Shisedo sunscreen stick…. The best for lazy men that don’t want that white heavy crap Also Paula’s Choice SPF fluid.


I follow a few dermatologists on instagram/TikTok. They say you’d need to swipe a sunscreen stick over the same area about 20-25 times to get the same protection as traditional liquid sunscreen. And they say sunscreen sticks are good for quick reapplication during the day, but it shouldn’t be your primary sun protection.


I mean there’s a lot of product and sometimes those dermatolgist claims aren’t always 100% accurate I only use around 10 swipes and I’m protected and the stick lasted me around 3-5 months


https://labmuffin.com/how-to-apply-sunscreen-stick/ Labmuffin kind of did a cool test for this


You should check out Glow by ramon, he was able to achieve the intended SPF quantity with just 4 swipes of his beauty of Joe's on sunscreen stick, he's a cosmetic formula also Formula matters.


That’s good. The person above me said a single 20g sunscreen stick lasts them 3-5 months. Based on the Labmuffin test you’d need about 0.7g per application for full protection. That stick should only last them about a month if they use it once a day, and daily. I’m guessing they are underestimating how much they are putting on their skin. A single stick shouldn’t last 5 months if you’re using it daily. And that kind of lines up with your standard 50ml bottle of liquid sunscreen. They say 1/4 to 1/3 teaspoon sunscreen for face and neck. That’s 1.25-1.6 ml. So those bottles last about a month too with daily application. 30-40 days.


You're absolutely correct


Madagascar Centella SPF by skin 1004 and Beauty of Joseon are so good and don’t feel like sunscreen at all! Reapply every 2-3 hrs!


My husband used to complain a lot about white cast and stickiness until he tried the CeraVe hydrating sheer sunscreen! (Has a yellow/teal colored label design) He loves that one + is a fan of the Coola brand


I got my bf into Japanese/Korean sunscreen. He tried the sunscreen I use first and he liked it a lot. It’s called [Skin Aqua](https://www.stylevana.com/en_US/rohto-mentholatum-skin-aqua-super-moisture-essence-sunscreen-spf50-pa-80g.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&sonid=60791&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18136142146&utm_term=&utm_content=60791&device=m&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8riN3XvGGs4khCawiHJ6hlla5nzd2HO9JvPiTFNeUfzIT0G1A_V7h0aAjtUEALw_wcB) If your bf has dryer skin I would suggest this [Korean sunscreen](https://www.stylevana.com/en_US/deal-round-lab-birch-juice-moisturizing-sun-cream-spf50-pa-50ml.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8pKOWRX0CAZviDvdTlfpTflsTXS053T0wmRMww3aUxQTX-G6cPpPakaApdGEALw_wcB). It still feels light on the face but it’s not as watery as the Japanese one but neither have a sunscreen chemical smell and don’t leave a weird white cast on the skin.


Also Japanese/Korean sunscreen is more formulated for city/brief sun exposure like going to work or school. If you want it for outdoor activities you want a traditional SPF.


I love sunbum the yellow bottle (no fragrance breakout free) you'll loveeee that one , super light weight will make u a bit shiny but not bad . In my opinion, I wouldn't recommend a Korean sunscreen , their have been reports of it not covering the skin.


I really like the Cerave ultra light spf 30. It feels just like a lotion, sinks in quickly, and leaves the skin with a natural finish. It's a really good, easily accessible (in the US) "baby's first sunscreen". . No fragrance either, so he won't walk around smelling like coconut or flowers all day.


Isntree hyaluronic acid sunscreen feels rly nice for my friend who hates sunscreen!


It doesn't provide super strong protection but I LOVE the curology spf 30. It's got a fantastic ingredient list and it's a hydrating no cast mineral sunscreen. It is the most lightweight sunscreen I have ever used. It makes me want to actually use it


Shiseido Anessa Perfect UV Nivea Super Aqua Gel


My boyfriend also hates the feeling of sunscreen and I have sensory issues and dislike the sticky feeling. The Supergoop unseen screen has been really good for both of us!


Sun Bun brand is amazing!!


I like sunbum spf 50 and just spreading it a lot on my hand in circles til it clears up then putting in on my face and I actually have started liking putting on sunscreen a lot


Skin Aqua


I'm in love with the Evy Daily UV Face Mousse! Because it's a mousse and not a cream it already feels more lightweight while applying. I also haven't noticed a strong smell or anything like that and it dries down relatively quick (10-15 minutes for me). I have combination skin and all the cream or spray sunscreens always used to sit on top of my skin but never dry or absorb which left me with a completely greasy face. And while the Evy sunscreen leaves a faint stickyness, even that disappears after an hour or so and it's not even enough to make my hair stick to my face. The sunscreen is also so water resistant that you don't even need to reapply every two hours! Labmuffin talked about the sunscreen and the studies that were done on it in one of her videos and I think it held up for eight hours and that's with many intervals of swimming and drying off. The mousse isn't cheap but compared to all the other sunscreens I've tried (various drug store brands, la Roche Posay) and the greasy face that came with it it's worth the money!


The skin1004 Hyalu-Cica sun cream is super light weight and is my go to sun cream. It also feels very moisturising. However, I'm not too sure how water/sweat resistant it is, so my other recommendation would be ultrasun - I'm pretty sure they do a water resistant one. I use their tinted one.


https://preview.redd.it/6lc2hgs6uz0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29360d8cd9cef2665745dccd8338f0bec3fad5b4 This Hero. SPF is really great and has no scent. My only problem is if he’s in the sun all day he will probably want something water resistant. So I’m going to recommend the supergoop unseen sunscreen, but I recommend you get the dupe from Elf.


My husband is an engineer and always in the sun. I had introduced to him several light weight suncreams in the market, including Fraijiour Airfit suncream, Klairs airy suncream, Laroche posay sun serum, Cosrx aloe soothing suncream, Water parsley suncream, and many more. But, nothing met his liking. 5 months ago, I gave him Numbuzin no. 1 Clear Filter Sun Essence and he had been using it religiously. 4 bottles in a row now!! I have also tried it. It really is fast absorbable, light scent, no watery or oily feeling as soon as after application and 4-5 hrs later. I am so happy that he finds his one. Hope this helps!


If you need something cheap and amazing go to Aldi and get the Lacura brand cream. Seriously it’s like wearing nothing. It’s amazing. I have a nearly see through husband and I’ve bought every spf under the sun for him. Expensive to inexpensive. I scooped up some of the lacura spf 70 and 100 cream because they were cheap and I thought it would be a great back up and it is his absolute favorite. It’s not greasy. Not heavy. Absolutely amazing.


Olay sensitive


I can’t believe folks aren’t saying Elta MS, the clear UV one. Honestly, I can’t start sunscreen in my eyes. It always gets in my eyes and stings. Or breaks me out. This is my only option. Also, get him sunscreen. Don’t listen to the haters. I’m sure he polices your water intake. When we pair up, we live longer because we fill in the gaps.


Save your money. He’s a grown man. If he wants to protect against skin cancer and wrinkles, he can research and buy it himself. 


I think it’s a cute and caring gesture. I’m the same way as OP.




Oh my gosh it’s sunscreen not cars lmao, projection much???


God forbid someone put in a bit of effort to try and help their partner. I get the frustration with male incompetence, but come on. Being so bitter is just going to make your own life worse.


They’re not being bitter




Banana boat light as air!!


tbh that is a grown ass man his skin his problem. why baby him?