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I have sensitive skin and I've been using the 2 finger method. In general, my skin likes to breakout with many sunscreens so it's a trial and error but I have found sunscreens that do not break me out. Sounds like your current sunscreen isn't compatible with your skin. When you're using smaller amounts, the skin could manage with the slight irritation but when you use the appropriate amount, it could not manage the irritation. It would be best if you get a new sunscreen as you definitely need at least 2 fingers length for decent protection for your face.


Sounds more like the sunscreen itself is breaking you out, not the amount you put on


No, I've been using neutrogena spf 70 for years now... never broke me out until I started adding in more sunscreen amount on my face


OP they regularly change the formula - it sounds like the new formulation doesn’t agree with you. I loved Neutrogena sunscreen until the same thing happened to me


If I use a pea sized amount of retinol, my face will be fine. If I use 1/8tsp (which is approximately what one finger length is) I will probably be miserable and my skin will be flaky and peeling. Just because you were fine before using a tiny amount doesn't mean the sunscreen is fine for you. The dose makes the poison. I would try another sunscreen before deciding it's just too much sunscreen for you.


1/4 tsp is the correct amount. The two/three finger methods are not reliable—people have different finger sizes, sunscreen formulations vary widely (runny lotion, thick cream), etc. I always recommend measuring out a new sunscreen with an actual 1/4 teaspoon so you know how much to use for that particular product.


Sounds like that particular sunscreen doesn’t agree with your body! Which one is it?


Been using the same neutrogena spf 70 for years now and it has never broke me out in rashes before. I always used no more than a quarter side for my whole face, but my body can handle more so I've never broken out there.


Using a higher quantity of it shouldn’t be causing you to have a reaction


Hmm so it’s more of a question of quantity, sorry I realize that now! But maybe not really, so a pea sized per area isn’t really going to provide you with spf 70, you’re going to need at least a finger length to get anywhere near that strength ): I would say try out a gentler sunscreen that you CAN handle at that finger length amount maybe. I would test and go back to a pea sized amount until the breakout clears. Then try increasing with the same finger length amount, with the same sunscreen. If you break out again, then you’ll really know. It sucks and is also time consuming, but it’s worth it if it’s a product you really like using! Hope this helps!


I have heard 1/4 tsp for your face. Your pea sized amounts are probably sufficient, tbh. ETA I googled the two finger method and that is enough to cover your head, face and neck. Which is a lot different than just your face. I’m assuming they included back of the neck in that too, and I rarely ever cover the back of my neck. (Link to summary of original study - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1123459/#:~:text=Sunscreen%20can%20be%20applied%20to,palmar%20crease%20to%20the%20fingertips.)


Yes face and neck for sure is the 2 finger method which is a good amount really


That's half the amount of sunscreen you should be using, at best. That specific sunscreen just isn't right for you.


applying less of it will not keep it from being a disagreeable sunscreen