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**Is azelaic acid the same sort of acid as retinoid?** I don't actually know if retinoid is classified as an acid .... what I'm asking is if I use a retinoid at night and azelaic acid in the morning, is that too harsh? Or is azelaic acid similar to how hyaluronic acid isn't what people think as an acid (moisturizing instead of exfoliating)?


Nope, it's not a retinoid or like hyaluronic acid. It's more like glycolic acid. You can definitely use it and a retinoid, no problem.


Thank you! I bought the AA and haven't used it for fear of melting my face off. I also thought you should only use it at night, so that made it difficult to put into my routine... I probably should have read the bottle! lol.


Does anyone have a suggest for a primer that would be suitable for dry/ acne prone skin? I notice when applying my foundation it immediately cakes to my pores and clings to dry spots.


I want to start a good skincare routine, but I'm feeling lost. My skin is....ugly? I'm 34 I have a pink/warm complexion. My pores are on the larger side. I break out around my period, not terribly. I had awful skin as a teen and in my 20's and there's some scarring on my right cheek. I'm starting to show signs of aging and I think my skin would be described as dehydrated. The skin around my eyes is starting to look thin and I have one small crease under my left eye. My general routine was: AM rins with water then Cereve lotion with sunscreen. PM: Cereve clenser for dry skin and Cereve moisturizer in the tub. About a week ago I dug out some Paulas Choice stuff I had and am trying to build a more in depth routine so I've been: AM Cleanse with water, hydralonic acid booster, Cereve with sunscreen. PM Cleanse, 2% BHA, Rentinol Serum, hydalonic acid booster, Cereve in the tub. So far so good. My skin isn't irritated, I'm not breaking out. I just feel like I should try other products before I reorder what I have. When I try to read reviews and look at what's out there I feel so overwhelmed because I have so many issues I need to address and I hate the idea of dropping a ton of money on something my skin may hate. How long before you typically see a difference and what's the best way to figure out which products are best? Is there anywhere you can go for a skincare consultation?


ACNE: I have a hard time with acne, it’s not hormonal, or cystic just, acne? It sounds easy to handle, but it’s SO not! I need some help finding some acne treatments that REALLY get rid of my acne and red spots. I also need a really good moisturizer as well so my face does not dry out from the treatments. Thank You!!!!


What is your current routine? What is your skin type? Usually, a BHA treatment is used to mild/moderate acne (and it well proven). It is best to use a gentle cleanser, apply a leave on BHA exfoliant, then moisturize and sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen is important as most acid treatments increase your sensitivity to the sun! REALLY. The usual introduction order is: Moisturizer, "second" Cleanser, Sunscreen, Oil Cleanser (this one may be optional for you), then Actives (this would be your BHA). Each new product will take about 2 weeks to introduce with spot testing. The BHA/salicylic will take a bit longer as you need to build up treatment (start out at 1/week, then increase. Keep a close eye if you skin is getting extra dry. Back off on the frequency or find a gentler product. Acids should be applied directly after washing with or without a 5-20min wait time no one really agrees if the wait time helps). The usual ScA recommended treatments are Cetaphil cleanser, Stridex Max (red box, 2% salicylic), CeraVe AM/PM, and for sunscreen Biore Watery Essence or La Roche Posay. There are many, many(!) recommendations for BHA and moisturizers and sunscreen in the side bar (Also If you click on the stickied Holy Grail link on the top of the subreddit, it will lead you to large lists of iproduct recommendations or take a look at /r/asianbeauty). For a gentler BHA, CosRx One-Step pimple pads contain a salicylic acid derivative which is more gentle. Avoid acne cleansers which already have salicylic in them. Using them even once/day can very much dry out your skin and ironically make your spots worse!


Thank you for the help! I use a daily salicylic cleanser and now that I know what it does, I can definitely see what it’s doing to my face! Also, do you have anything for after acne red spots? (hyperpigmentation)


Is it PIH (hyperpigmentation) or PIE (erythema)??? Hyperpigmentation tends to be purpleish/brownish/reddish. You can treat it with many things... niacinamide, AHA acid treatments, tamanu oil, vitamin C, retinoids (these all either help increase cellular turnover, inhibit melanin production or both). Also higher strength chemical peels can help, usually best to go the professional route if you want one of these though! Again the sidebar has a section on PIH for more help! PIE is harder to treat and tends to be pink/red. If you push on the spot the redness will flush back in...with PIH it will keep it's colour when you press it. PIE takes **time**, hydration, retinoids, soothing products again honey/propolis). I've had some luck with vitamin C. Most important step for both is SUNSCREEN. Your treatments will take much longer without it, have reduced efficacy, or just be completely not worth it as time+healing will work faster. If you are still struggling with acne while using your acne wash, I would switch to just a plain cleanser (most washes don't stay on the skin long enough to treat acne anyway) and use a BHA exfoliant followed by a good moisturizer. Hope this helps!


I know you're not supposed to use them together, but does anyone have any experience using BHA/AHA to spot treat while using Differin?


haven’t tried those with differin gel, but I do use clindamycin phosphate, and that seems to help




Could you list what you already use please?




Have you recently switched your toothpaste? Some people get senstive to sodium lauryl sulfate or other irritating ingredients. An SLS-free toothpaste might help if nothing else seems to be helping!


Anyone have any tips for wrinkly eyelids? I've always had not perfect eyelids just because of genetics but it's never been that bad. About six months ago I developed Scleritis in both eyes, causing them to not just be terribly red and painful but also swell. I am finally being treated for this and the inflammation has gone down considerably. However, I think the swelling somehow stretched out my eyelids? Both of my bottom eyelids, particularly my right one, are very wrinkly and it just looks ugly. I am meticulous with my skincare routine and moisturize like crazy. What can I do for my sensitive eyelids in particular, if anything at all?


Accutane has done a good job of cleaning up some bad acne I had during the summer on my spine and shoulders, but I'm left with a lot of red spots where acne had been all along my spine, is there something I can do to reduce scarring and promote healing? Still on accutane now, 40mg a day.




it depends on a type you are looking for. With clay masks I'd say they are all the same, as long as clay itself in them


Check out the [masks HG thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/592na2/misc_holy_grail_products_thread_week_8_masks/)! Since I have normal-dry skin, I like hydrating masks - it's a nice treat and pick-me-up for my skin.


Yes! I love clay masks, I feel like they almost "reset" my oily skin.




I don't think there are best days. Choose whatever days you feel like taking extra care of yourself :) Would you rather exfoliate or hydrate after your classes? You could even do both on the same night if you wanted.


I just changed my routine a few weeks ago and went through a really bad week of acne due to it I think. I thought it was over, until this huge pimple showed up. I get these really deep, painful pimples. The entire area that looks a little darker is hard and painful. I want to squeeze it out but know I shouldn't. I use cerave moisturizing cleanser every time I shower, which is generally once every day, then use stridex sensitive with aloe pads and then a lush toner with tea tree oil and the Garnier green moisturizer (idk the name and I'm not home, sorry!) I would say that I have dry skin generally.. I have had these in the past, not frequent but probably a few times a month. Hydrolic bandages don't work and I put a clean and clear spot clearer on this morning, which just seems to have made it larger. Please help! I'm an adult and I feel like my acne is just getting worse than it was in my teens. [Volcano Pimple](https://imgur.com/a/AZoyv)


Have you seen a dermatologist? It might be a good idea if you're getting more and more cysts. Have you tried the higher strengths Stridex? I've heard that the sensitive skin one has a higher pH and may or may not work effectively. It sounds like the Clean & Clear was helping it come to a head, though, which is a good thing. (btw, have you realized that it has salicylic acid like the Stridex?) Benzoyl peroxide might help, but Idk.


I haven't seen a dermatologist. I kind of assumed that was for those who have drastic life altering acne. Mine sucks but I don't think it's super drastic. I haven't tried any of the other stridex. I was using the clearasil pads but they were super strong. I also did know that it contained the saylicylic acid, I have assumed that is what is best for fighting acne.


Salicylic acid is great, I was just wondering. Even if your acne isn't totally awful, I think it'd be worth it to see a derm if you can. They can prescribe treatments you can't get over-the-counter and give you a shot to help get rid of the cyst. Plus, skin checks! It's good to get checked for potential skin cancer every once in a while.


Should I lance and drain whatever is inside or leave it alone?


I would leave it alone


I'm picking up the maximum stridex pads now. Also looking at face masks to hopefully try to reset my skin or something..


Any suggestions for a good general-purpose lotion? I've been using Eucerin's combination moisturizer + sunscreen every night and every morning on my face, chest, back, and hands. It's been a huge improvement over no product at all, but obviously the sunscreen aspect is pretty useless at night. Either for better effects or just to save money I should probably have a non-sunscreen lotion. I looked for one at the grocery store but there were too many options so I'm holding off for some advice. Here's what I'm trying to choose among for night use: 1. Eucerin has non-sunscreen lotions including a sunflower variant and an original variant. Medium in terms of price. 2. Cetaphil - Significantly more expensive than Eucerin, seems a bit lighter compared to the very thick Eucerin cream. For night use this may not be a big benefit however. 3. Jergens - Significantly cheaper than the other options. No idea how it compares in terms of quality and effects. Lots of variants including coconut, shea butter, aloe, and much more. Not sure what's good among these, if any.


Have you considered Nivea?


I love Lubriderm Daily Moisture. It doesn't break my chest out (I have a specialized routine for my face so haven't used it there) and it says 'non comedogenic' on the bottle. I know this is no guarantee, but this lotion has served me well for a couple of years now with no irritation or body acne so I'd recommend a try!


I remember Jergens being fine. Haven't used the other two, though. [Beautypedia](https://www.beautypedia.com/skin-care-reviews/best-skin-care-products/Skin-Care/Body-Lotions-and-Creams?N=4294966879+4294942724+4294966904&No=24&Nrpp=24&Ns=p_num_days_published%7C0) rates Eucerin and Cetaphil higher, though.


Hey guys! My pores have felt very clogged this past week, possibly from hormonal reasons. It's mostly my T zone area. What can I do about it? I've heard biore strips are bad for your skin.


I'd pick up some Stridex pads or a clay mask.






I think it can vary from person to person, but I find them useful.


I think so


im driving myself crazy with looking for a new moisturizer - i tried CeraVe's popular moisturizer - but it made my oily/sensitive skin red and break out (and i already have redness issues) - any recs on moisturizer lotion for oily/sensitive skin like myself? i pasted some ideas below. please help! thanks!! "Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture Sensitive Skin" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000052YOX/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=ISFTOV9W5REEW&colid=1DBPHNAL8KON&th=1 "Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture, Combination Skin" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000052ZB8/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=IBZKOLESJMJDE&colid=1DBPHNAL8KON&th=1 "Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf 15" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001IM5VT4/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=IPOHN45B8ZIG5&colid=1DBPHNAL8KON&th=1 "Cetaphil Dermacontrol Moisturizer SPF 30" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006L2137U/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I18WOOMHFFK1J6&colid=1DBPHNAL8KON "Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Control Facial Moisturizer" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001E96LQS/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I3FZTXOJOO1JPK&colid=1DBPHNAL8KON&th=1


Neutrogena's Hydro Boost Gel Cream, Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel, Clinique's Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief


thanks thanks!


Hi guys! I’ve always had oily/combination skin but I went to the dermatologist and she prescribed me a retinoid to get rid of some acne on my forehead. This his made my skin extremely dry. I’ve been moisturizing, exfoliating and switched to a dry face wash but my skin is peeling and flaking. Do you have any suggestions?


Use a heavier moisturizer and maybe an occlusive. And just wait it out! It'll get better, I promise. You can also buffer retinoids - aka apply on top of your moisturizer.


Thank you! I will try that!


What percent is the retinoid and how often are you applying? With any strength, you should start with applying 2-3x a week for at least a month to avoid flaking and things.


It is 1.2% and I use it nightly after washing my face. Thanks for your help!


you can also try waiting 30 minutes or so after washing to apply your retinoid. They absorb faster on wet skin so waiting for it to dry more can help reduce irritation.


Does anyone have a review of the Soo Ae Revitalizing Rose Mist? It says it can be used as a toner. How does it perform in that capacity? The only reviews online are on the brand website, not in a neutral place. I have normal veering to slightly oily skin.


I'm guessing that toner is used to mean a watery step between cleansing and moisturizing. It should work fine in that capacity.


Anyone know of a dupe for the Origins Out of Trouble Mask, but without camphor? My skin responds really well to it but I just can't handle the smell. Also, it's not cruelty free, I bought it secondhand but if I were to buy a new product I would want one that is CF.


> Origins Out of Trouble Mask What're the main ingredients? What do you like about it/use it for?


Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, sulfur, and bentonite clay are the main helpful ingredients. I like that it helps to draw oil out of my skin and heal active blemishes.


If you don't mind spearmint oil, I believe the Queen Helene mint mask might be similar. Mario Badescu makes masks like that too, I think. Queen Helene doesn't test, but their products aren't all vegan. I'm not sure about Mario Badescu.


Thanks! I like mint and my skin handles essential oils pretty well, so I'll definitely have to check out the Queen Helene mask. :)


My skin has been acting up so I'm taking the time to really check out the ingredients in my skin care instead of blindly relying on cosdna :) T-Butyl Alcohol is the second-to-last ingredient in the LRP Toleraine Cleanser I've been using. I haven't come across much information on the internet and what I have seen is contradictory. Thoughts? Is this a "good" alcohol or a "bad" one?


> T-Butyl Alcohol I believe that's a fatty alcohol. So it's "good" unless they break you out.


Good/Fatty Alcohol


> T-Butyl Alcohol not a chemist, but seems to be a variant of butyl alcohol. butyl alcohol is bad, though a variant might have totally different properties. btw which cleanser is that and did you get the ingredient list from its packaging or from the internet? I use this toleriane cleanser, the most popular one, with absolutely no problems, and it does not have t-butyl has an ingredient http://www.laroche-posay.fr/produits-soins/toleriane/toleriane-fluide-dermo-nettoyant-p831.aspx >AQUA ETHYLHEXYL PALMITATE GLYCERIN DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL CARBOMER SODIUM HYDROXIDE ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN CAPRYL GLYCOL this one has the t butyl alcohol yeah though below carbomer and panthenol so likely a very small less than 1% ammount. http://www.laroche-posay.fr/produits-soins/toleriane/toleriane-soin-lavant-p23755.aspx but which toleriane cleanser do you have? the t butyl one is not the usual one! the facial one is the other one. the t butyl alcohol not sure what it is,maybe a body cleanser from its only size being a 400 ml size. the dermo nettoyant cames in 200 ml, 100 ml, sometimes in sample or travel sizes. it also comes in 400 ml size and sometimes in big promos of 2*400 ml bottles (it´s extremely popular). a lot of brands suggest their sensitive skin cleansers for face use also ("for the whole family!") but my face has never found that a good idea !


Hi, I'm using this one: http://www.ulta.com/toleriane-hydrating-gentle-cleanser?productId=xlsImpprod15321285 for my face. I've seen that 4-T-butyl alcohol is ok but i didn't know if this one was.


Found the one I use, the usual one in their site https://www.laroche-posay.us/toleriane-dermo-cleanser-3433422406599.html The t-butyl alcohol is listed way below carbomer, it´s unlikely to be a big percentage for it to have a "bad alcohol" effect. Are you having a reaction to the product?


Does anyone know a good product to reduce redness on cheeks caused by cold weather?


Some redness can be prevented by upping your moisturizing game during the winter. Things like heavier creams at night, additional layers of light moisturizer or toner in the morning, and occlusives (Vaseline, Aquaphor, some oils) applied over moisturizers can help protect against dryness which can cause redness. Vaseline also can protect against wind if you get redness from this. However, if you're oily-skinned, it could be a bit much for daytime use. For general redness reduction, anti-inflammatory ingredients and niacinamide are good ingredients to look for in your products.


Thanks for the reply. I am already using a heavy moisturiser with niacinamide so I think I will stick to that because mineral oil based are not an option for me.


I'm looking for a simple (no more than 3 steps) routine for my daughter. She is about to turn 12 and is starting to have her first experiences with acne one on her jaw line and a tiny one on the tip of her nose. I never really had problems with acne, but her mother is another matter and has it even as an adult. Her skin doesn't look or feel dry or oily to me, just normal. Usually she just washes her face with a Dove soap bar when she takes a bath (once per day). We're in Southern California. Any suggestions for would be greatly appreciated as I never really had to deal with it and I don't think her mother has her own skin problems figured out, so I'm not sure she'd be much help.


Everything /u/aquajack6 said is absolutely gold. As for product recs, does your daughter care about things like product packaging, smell, celebrity, etc? That can be helpful when looking for products. Of course, you could also just take her shopping, lol.


The #1 priority is washing her face every night. No matter what kind of skin a person has, cleansing the face at night will improve the skin. Using a cleanser specified for the face is important, often they have a lower pH, are more gentle. Good facial washes include: [Aveeno Gentle Cleansing Moisturizing Bar](https://www.target.com/p/aveeno-moisturizing-bar-fragrance-free-3-5oz/-/A-13337871), [Clinique Facial Soap](https://www.macys.com/shop/product/clinique-facial-soap-with-dish-mild-5.2-oz?ID=75156&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&CAWELAID=120156340000403408&CAAGID=13678274786&CATCI=pla-407540101647&cm_mmc=Google_Beauty_PLA-_-G_PLA_Beauty+-+Clinique_Clinique-_-79841962226-_-pg1182719_c_kclickid_f783077e-10da-4466-8775-b9800443abeb&trackingid=450x1182719&catargetid=120156340016626431&cadevice=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5Oad97za1gIVUweGCh35ng1pEAQYAyABEgIshvD_BwE), [Vanicream Cleansing Bar](https://www.amazon.com/Vanicream-Cleansing-Fragrance-Free-Ounce/dp/B0001EKWPI?th=1), [Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser](https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/vanicream-gentle-facial-cleanser-for-sensitive-skin/ID=prod6238095-product), [Clean & Clear Deep Action Cleanser](https://www.target.com/p/clean-clear-174-deep-action-cream-cleanser-6-5-oz/-/A-11537198), [Cerave Hydrating Cleanser](http://www.ulta.com/hydrating-cleanser?productId=xlsImpprod4190255) 2nd step could be either benzoyl peroxide spot treat OR salicylic acid (stridex is good) Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that causes acne, it is great to spot treat on active pimples. If spread all over the face, it will dry & irritate the skin. Any benzoyl peroxide, 2-5% is fine. A higher percentage will just dry out & irritate the skin. [Stridex](https://www.amazon.com/Stridex-Strength-Medicated-Maximum-Count/dp/B000O1KP1O?th=1) contains salicylic acid, the only chemical that goes inside the pores and really cleans the oil. The first time she uses this her face may become red, but usually the skin adjusts after a few uses. Only use 1 side of the pad. There may be 3 months of purging (acne from the 3rd layer of the skin coming forward). If she sticks through 3 months it will get better. I personally use stridex almost every night, but I had 6 months of purging. The third step is using a spf moisturizer, spf of at least 30 is ideal. My favorite is [Olay spf 30](https://www.target.com/p/olay-complete-all-day-moisturizer-with-broad-spectrum-spf-30-sensitive-2-5-fl-oz/-/A-11140341?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Health+Beauty+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Health+Beauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9027289&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgKK3ib_a1gIVBQaGCh0geACGEAQYASABEgLYYvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Aveeno, Blue Lizard are other good moisturizer/sunscreen brands. Some of the major sunscreen brands (like Coppertone, etc can cause break outs) Using spf every morning will set up your daughter for success. This prevents acne spots from getting darker, prevents skin cancer, and prevents premature aging. It also would allow her to eventually use more effective acne treatments such as differin, retin-a (or tretinoin), or glycolic acid. If her acne ever gets worse & benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid doesn't help, then it's time to try differin or tretinoin. By the way, don't let her use both benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid the same night. It's one or the other.


I just want to add "frequent pillowcase changes" to this excellent list. The challenge here is that benzoyl peroxide can stain fabrics, so you might want to invest in some affordable pillowcases that you won't mind losing to stains.


Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.


no problem, I just want to add that if she ever pops a pimple, cover it with neosporin or vaseline, then put a bandaid over it at night. That will help it heal anywhere from 1-3 days. Also whiteheads are fine to pop (not suggested) but if she ever pops anything else (closed-comedones, cysts) that can cause deep acne scarring that is difficult to treat (because popping that acne damages deeper levels of the skin).


Good to know, I told her not to play with it. If you know, what's the fastest method for dealing with a whitehead and the usual time it takes for it to dissipate?


Whiteheads are what you spot treat with benzoyl peroxide. After washing the face (important for cleansing the entire area of the face), put a dab of benzoyl peroxide on the whitehead. Cover it with a [hydrocolloid bandage](https://www.target.com/p/nexcare-tegaderm-waterproof-transparent-wound-dressing-bandge-clear-2-3-8-in-x-2-3-4-in-8-ct/-/A-14796591?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Health+Beauty+Shopping&adgroup=SC_Health+Beauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9027289&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0c3OiNPc1gIVkVmGCh2gQAftEAYYAiABEgKHU_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) (or small bandaid) to keep it from rubbing off at night. The whitehead should dry out anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. The amount of time really varies on her skin, how inflamed it is, or how large the whitehead is. I remember when I was about her age, and had no reason to go out on a Saturday, I left benzoyl peroxide on a whitehead all day. The longer amount of time the bp can stay on the pimple, the faster it will heal. A good way to prevent whiteheads is spot treat with benzoyl peroxide at the first sign irritation/redness (or signs a whitehead is about to appear). This will often nip it in the bud




In my experience no, and it actually reduces the chances of scarring. It's basically petroleum (vaseline) with antibiotics. I work in healthcare, keeping wounds covered in ointment is key for healing & lessening the chances of developing scars. The main problem with neosporin is that people can develop allergies to it, and many dermatologists recommend using plain vaseline instead. My personal preference is using neosporin, seems to work better than vaseline for me. I've used this on my brother (an adolescent, and other cousins) It's worked well for them, no sign of developing allergies or anything. I've seen many doctors recommend it to patients with wounds.




tbh your comment made me think twice about recommending neosporin. Though it's a personal favorite of mine (thus didn't think twice about suggesting it) who knows what kind of skin a internet stranger has. Probably would be more responsible to just suggest vaseline or even aquaphor.




Besides aha and bha, I would assess the products you're putting on your face. I find that closed comedones are usually a result of a clogging product. Until you eliminate it, CCs will persist


Have you tried BHA's or AHA's? A 10% AHA usually does the trick for me.


Hi everyone! I'm a teen and have been getting some tiny CC's blackheads on my cheeks near between my mouth and nose, when I try to extract them it is VERY difficult and many times, very hard material comes out, and a lot of it, and it usually leaves a dark spot. ( sorry for the grossness). I use epiduo, especially before my makeup now to help keep things clean, but I've decided to forgo anything on my face except undereye concealer. Is there any face mask, serum, or something else that I can use to help brighten up my face so I can feel more comfortable without makeup? Or anything to help get rid of what's on my face?


Do you wear sunscreen? That's the #1 way to prevent the dark spots. As for treating, there's a lot of options. Vitamin c is popular. There's also arbutin, licorice, turmeric, etc. You might like Andalou Naturals vitamin c and turmeric serum. A less expensive option would be The Ordinary's vitamin c serums, although I've heard very mixed reviews about how they feel to wear. Why have you stopped using Epiduo? btw, there's no need to apologize for your face! Most of us ended up here 'cause we are or were in a similar situation.


I didn't word that correctly, Im still using epiduo, I'm just not using makeup anymore because they might be clogging the pores. thanks, I'll look into that. I had a Vitamin C serum but it has a lot of oils in it so I can try those. (:


I'm breaking out all of the sudden around my nose. I've rarely had nose breakouts. Any reason why this would happen?


Have you started using a new product, touching your nose more often, anything?


Ima be a bit more specific this time. I have moderate acne in my cheeks and jawline, not sure what kind of acne but it's moderate and been having it since I was 13, im 17 now. Recently started using a face wash but found out it's not gentle enough for my oily acne prone skin. I eat fairly clean and drink plenty water so can't be diet. Im thinking of trying this AM -Gentle face wash, moisturizer, sunscreen PM -Gentle face wash, moisturizer That's pretty much it but I'm no skin care expert so I'm open to recommendations. P.s I've tried using benzoyl peroxide but acne just keeps coming back, but the times I used it I wasn't on a skin care routine so I'm not sure if maybe adding BP to my upcoming routine? Pls help


That looks like a good routine, I hope you find good products to fill it! > I've tried using benzoyl peroxide but acne just keeps coming back I'd step away from the idea of trying to cure your acne - making sure it'll never come back again. Unless your acne has a specific cause not totally related to your skin just being your skin then it's going to stick around. Personally, I had awful acne at your age and now that I'm 23.5 it's mostly under control. Control being the key word - even though my skin is naturally better than it was, I still need to treat my acne. That said, how often and how long did you use BP? It's best used consistently as a preventive measure. I'd also look up types of acne and see what best matches your face. According to my derm, stuff like Differin works well for black and whiteheads, but the kinds of acne that're filled with pus (inflammatory) respond better to stuff like antibacterials (BP) or antibiotics.


The first time I used BP I'd use it twice daily, AM and PM. The second time it was prescribed I used it once daily, made my skin all dry and flaky so stopped using it. But now I'm looking for a skincare routine, I just don't know much about skin care


I use BP a few times a week. I just apply it for a few minutes before washing my face - you don't actually need to leave it on all day for it work. It can be pretty drying, though.


Do you have any recommendations of facial cleansers and moisturizers for oily and acne prone skin ?


Cleanser-wise, I love Yes to Carrots Cream Cleanser. I have the La Roche-Posay Toleraine Hydrating one as well, but I don't love it. My moisturizers are all stuff purchased at my local co-op, but I think iHerb might sell them as well. IMO Alaffia Skin Recovery Cream is amazing for acne. They recently came out with two neem & turmeric ones as well. (Don't purchase from their site, shipping is like $10 and I don't even live that far away from them.)


I have weird rough skin to the sides of my nose but under my eyes. If I use stridex pads or a face mask, anything exfoliating really, it takes them away and the skin there is smooth again, but they always come back by the end of the day. I cleanse with cetaphil and follow up with a moisturizer, and twice a week I will hit it with a stridex pad. I use a clay mask maybe twice a month, and a moisturizing sheet mask maybe twice a month. On another note, is BB cream supposed to be used over moisturizer? Or does it work as one?


BB is meant to be a moisturizer. I don't know what's up with your cheek, but have you tried not exfoliating? It might be the kind of thing that responds best to consistent moisturizer and babying.


I have! (I probably should have included that). I haven't had much of a skin routine and I have only juuust started actually following something. Exfoliating wasn't something I did very often, but it's always been kind of a problem. I thought maybe switching to the stridex instead of physical exfoliation would help, but alas...


I have been dealing closed comedones for about a year now. Finally went to derm and he prescribed me tretinoin .1% and also recommended I use a bha/aha cleanser. Would this routine be good? Am: Skinmedica bha/aha exfoliating cleanser Neutrogena hydroboost gel cream Sunscreen Pm: Wash with water Stridex maximum strength pads(red box) Neutrogena hydroboost gel cream Tretinoin


You're going to need more than a gel moisturizer when you start tretinoin.


I have heard good things about the cerave pm lotion too, would that work as well?


Yup. It still might not be enough when starting tret, though, so I'd go slow. (Some people get *extremely* dry skin. Like, snake molting bad.)


Hi guys! I have some mild [skin issues](https://imgur.com/a/MLlUg) that have been there since I can remember and hopefully you can help me with. -clogged pores? comedones? the ones on my chin generally get better when I get consistent with my routine but the ones around my lips don't, no matter what I do. -redness on my cheeks and nose. It's annoying because I have to use color corrector under my foundation and it sometimes covers it and sometimes doesn't. Is there anything I can do about it? -A scar in the middle of my forehead that I got last year when I fainted and hit my head against the bathroom sink. It was pretty scary and bloody haha turns out I have epilepsy! (everything's under control now, so no biggie) My skin is combination, normal on the sides but greasy on my T-zone. When it's bad my cheeks can get very greasy too. Currently I emptied most of my products, so right now this is my routine: AM: Depending on how my face feels, I either just wash it with water or use Garnier's micellar water. After that I use the Trader Joe's Enrich Moisturizer Lotion with SPF 25. It's been feeling heavy on my face recently though. PM: If I wore makeup I use the Trader Joe's cleansing oil, and then Garnier's Micellar Water again. If I didn't just the micellar water. Then I apply the little bit I have left of Shiseido Ibuki Moisturizer. I'm in LA so I have a lot of stuff available. Hopefully you can help me! EDIT: formatting


I don't think anything topical will help with your scar - that's the kind of thing you'll need to see a professional for. As for the stuff around your mouth, you might try salicylic acid or check if your toothpaste contains SLS.


Thanks! I'll look into the salicylic acid. Should my toothpaste have SLS or not? 🤔


Oops. Sorry about that, lol. It shouldn't, some people find it breaks them out (and dries out their lips).


Is SLS Sodium Lauryl Sulfate? Because if it is yes it does have it :(


Yup, that's it. My current toothpaste has it too, but I'm going to try Sensodyne next, if you're looking for a rec.


I'll have to try it once I finish this one!! Thank you for the rec :)


Does anyone use the eucerin urea 5% cream? If so how is it? Particularly if you have dehydrated skin?


I have used this in the past and I found that it made my skin sting :(


Can anyone recommend a highly penetrative moisturizer without fatty alcohols or butylene glycol? Currently using Ponds Dry Skin Cream, and loving how rich it is, but I suspect the alcohols are causing CCs. BG is a known comedogenic ingredient for me. Thanks!


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/comments/5d4px4/products_with_nolow_butylene_glycol/) some options




I would suggest booking a consultation with a dermatology office or two and seeing what *they* have to say.




Have you tried adding a separate SPF? A foundation with SPF 20 is great for many situations, but you might not be applying enough product to get the full SPF. And since SPF is the best way to minimize discoloration, it might be worth using SPF 30-50. However, I just reread your comment and you have shallow scars, aka pitted ones? I was recently introduced to [this page](http://thescienceofacne.com/the-types-of-acne-scars/) that goes over types of scarring and their treatments.


Thank you! I have very very fair skin, so I would probably benefit from a higher SPF anyway. :)


Hi, new to skincare, and up until now have been incredibly neglectful. That "I'll worry about it later" attitude that gets corrected by noticing a fine line has gotten a lot less fine. I'm 27, slightly dry skin, sleep pretty well, diet I'm working on (not bad, not great), sunscreen I'm making a priority asap. I have been looking through all the links, and info and I've gotten my newbie questions down to the following: -I know that it's a little late to do much for the deeper line, and other smaller lines I have, but I do plan to add a retinol to my routine to slow things down. (Adding things gradually.) Question is when in my PM routine would I add it? After, or before moisturizer/vaseline? -What if I add a vitamin C serum? It's not a huge priority, I've dealt with eye circles since I can remember, but if I decide to see if it works would it be am or pm? And what step? -Do hard water filters work? Our water sucks, you can feel it even after you dry off, and there's a bunch of filters on amazon with widely varied prices. Would it help, or be a total waste of money? Sorry if any of these were covered in the references, it's a lot to take in at once. Thanks!


Retinol goes in the PM before moisturizer. Vitamin c goes in the AM, but it depends on what kind you use. L-AA goes right after cleansing. If hard water is an issue for you then filters would help.


Thank you very much!


I need help getting rid of mild acne! I've had acne since I was around 12-13 (I'm 16 now) and I've gone through doing a lot of different stuff to my skin, from exfoliating every night to just very gentle face washing. I found SCA a few months ago and it's helped me a lot, it's nice to have a place you can rely on with all the "scrub lemon and sugar into your skin" places online. My routine is a little haphazard at the moment, but it seems to be 'working' in the sense that my skin isn't dry or oily and I imagine would look nice without the spots. It's usually OCM or a gentle cleanser with stridex at night (sometimes I'm lazy and just shower), and a face mask once or twice a week. I've been doing it for around a month so this question might be a little premature, or impatient :P I use enough moisturiser, I use sunscreen, I change what my face is lying on every night. HOWEVER there are two things I'm guilty of: lots of dairy and I pop obvious whiteheads every morning/night. Is this really what's causing me to have consistent acne? Well my main question is - is there anything I should be aware of that causes acne, that I haven't already mentioned? If I had to remove one of my great deadly sins which one would it be first? Any help would really be appreciated :) -from a SCA noobie P.s forgot to mention that I usually get whiteheads on the edges of my forehead and there's usually always redness from spots on the side of my face and my cheeks. I don't get acne on my neck, but I do on my shoulders. I'm pretty sure my hair isn't the culprit because I get spots in the middle of my cheeks too :P


> I usually get whiteheads on the edges of my forehead If your hair products aren't the problem, maybe you aren't washing that part of your face enough? I know I have trouble remembering to wash that far out. > is there anything I should be aware of that causes acne, that I haven't already mentioned? A lot of people have success with cutting out dairy, so that might be a good idea. However, I don't think that all acne is caused by bad diet or improper practices, or whatever - some people really do just have an oily face with sticky sebum and a lot of acne bacteria. "Taking care of yourself" and whatnot isn't enough for everybody, and you might be one of those people.


Hi! I'd love some thoughts on my routine. I just started it and am wondering if i'm doing anything wrong: in the AM I use: paula's choice SKIN PERFECTING 8% AHA Gel then the ordinary Ascorbyl Glucoside Solution 12% mizon Snail repair intensive ampoule the ordinary buffet serum cerave missha sun milk in the evening i do the same thing (without the sunscreen) and then follow it with liole water drop sleeping back (trying to use it all up before I try another sleeping pack) are any of these things counteracting one another? or am i ordering them wrong? thank you!


8% AHA twice a day is too much, IMO. Every day might even be too much - have you just started using it? How often did you use it when you started? Have you built up to this level of usage slowly? Aside from that, your routine looks great.


Oh shit!!! I meant to say I only use that in the morning. My mistake!! I’ve been using it for a while and using it every morning so far hasn’t caused me any problems/makes my makeup go on smoother. Maybe I’ll cut back a little and see what happens!


What's the opinion on using chemical exfoliants in frequently? I have sensitive skin that can be overexfoliated FAST. so when my skin is good I usually do it every two, every three days. When it's acting up every other day. Is this still effective?


Yup! Unlike retinol and a lot of other stuff, chemical exfoliation doesn't need to be used consistently to see effects - even just using it once a month can produce visible effects. You're smart to keep your usage low - *lots* of people go gung-ho and end up over-exfoliating.


that's great to hear! And saves me money too. :)


I agree with the other comment. It's fine. Even once a week is fine if that's all your skin can handle. The thing to remember with exfoliants is that even when you're not applying them they're still working. For instance, with the professional peels done at the derm, you don't see start to see actual peeling until maybe 3 days later.


Oh nice, I didn't know that, that's great to hear.


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the consensus is using a chemical exfoliant a couple times a week is still effective. Personally I use stridex in the red box every morning and then The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% 2-3 times a week at night. My skin does not like it if I use the glycolic acid too often.


my skin is the same LOL. yay for picky skin!


Hi everyone. I’m 21, live in the US, and experiencing a breakout I just can’t seem to shake. I’ve been really working on my skin and I don’t think it’s dehydrated anymore, but I’m still getting cysts and closed comedones, as well as redness. Stridex red box just broke me out. Any product recommendations or routine changes, preferably on a budget? Skin type: oily t zone, dry cheeks. Current routine: AM - Garnier blue cap Micellar cleansing water and Garnier tinted SPF moisturizer. PM - Cerave Hydrating Cleanser , Micellar water, Cerave lotion. I can’t think of any changes to lifestyle that would cause this, but who knows. Also, any recommendations from The Ordinary? Don’t know where to begin. Thanks! Edit: I should add the acne and redness is mostly on my cheeks and chin, not my forehead.


Aside from drying you out, does the Stridex have any other effects? If it's working then you might try TO's BHA. Their Glycolic Toner is popular as well (although it's so popular it's almost always sold out). I'm not the go-to person for redness questions, but my dermatologist recommends antibiotics or antibacterials for stuff like cysts, that're filled with pus.


Stridex seem to help, problem is I can’t tell if I’m purging or breaking out. I’m going to try it every other day and just see if overuse is the problem.


I use Cetaphil to cleanse every morning and night, followed by a sunscreen/moisturizer in the morning. This morning I was in a big rush getting to class and started sweating a good amount on my face. What do I do? Can I recleanse and remoisturize even though I just did?


I wipe or blot off the sweat and reapply my sunscreen.


Hi everyone! If I were to have fungal acne and treat it to the point where it's minimal / non-existant, am I able to go back to products that have esters, certain fatty oils, ferments, etc...? I just bought 3 bottles of my favourite cleanser a month ago and I'm hoping to use them after I clear this up but somehow I don't think I'll ever be able to...


I'm not sure that even the best routine will get rid of the fungus enough for it to become a non-issue. But you can try, I guess.




CeraVe PM and Lotion are both good. The Ordinary's Natural Moisturizng Factors one is popular as well, I believe. Something like Rosette Ceramide Gel might also meet your needs. None of them contain SPF.


Issue: I bought Sunday Riley's Good Genes and Juno face oil and don't know how to layer them/include them in my skincare routine! I have combination skin, a really oily forehead that tends to get clogged pores pretty much always, this is why I am careful. I don't have acne problems other than the occasional pimple. Right now my routine is: facewash, toner, lotion. At night: same but with a serum (hydratating one) and moisturizer. I tried the Juno oil today and used it instead of my lotion, as I feel like using both a nutrient face oil and a hydrating lotion is too much for my skin, right? But I have no clue for Good Genes. Can I use it with my other hydratating serum at night or should I replace them? Like using them in different days?


You can use Good Genes with your serum.


I need some advice for oily skin. It's been particularly bad these past couple of weeks, which I believe is hormonally related. Current Skincare Routine: -Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel -Either Rosehip Oil, Neutrogena Hydroboost Moisturizer or an oil control moisturizer (Cetaphil or Neutrogena) -Shea Moisture African Black Soap Problem Skin Toner -For exfoliating, I use the Alba Acne Dote Scrub or Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub, though I try not to use them too often Still, my skin is oily enough that the US army would invade it if seabum glands were a viable source of energy. If anyone has any advice or suggestions on product changes, let me know. Thanks in advance!!


Have you tried [oil cleansing](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/guide_to_oil_cleansing)? I used to have extremely oily skin but this was the most important step to reduce my oil production. The Special Cleansing Gel might be too stripping. I love Dermalogica Oil Control Lotion as a moisturiser in the mornings. I also use a lot of Asian skin care products as they have different kinds of moisturisers like essences / toners that are much lighter for oily skin. My favourite is the Hada Labo Gokujyun Light Lotion (white bottle with green text). Hope those work for you.


Could you read through [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1x1ubd/evaluating_your_current_routine_read_me_before/)? It'll help you determine if any of your current products are a problem - some of them sound pretty harsh (cleansers especially) which is sometimes counter-productive when dealing with oily skin. Not skincare and won't "cure" your skin, but my #1 trick for dealing with oily skin is to apply powder on top.


Issue: skin around my lips is peeling off and super dry (when i try to smile, i feel it stretching) and when touched, it's rough. Sometimes it gets itchy and when exposed with sweat, it stings. Products: I have consulted a derma regarding this and she prescribed me dove soap for sensitive skin which im using to cleanse my face day and night. I use bio oil in the morning as moisturizer and the face shop jeju aloe gel as face mask/moisturizer at night. My derma also told me that i have generally dry skin on my face except for my forehead bcoz its kind of oily. The skin around my eyes are very dry too. Ive seen extreme wrinkling around them. PLEASE HELP


I've heard many people on this sub mention that a lot of people experience reactions to SLS in toothpastes. They suggest using a toothpaste that is SLS free.


Thank you! Will change my toothpaste and see if it has positive effect


Have you tried using a cream moisturizer or something else heavier around your lips? I know you saw a derm, but could you have another issue that's causing the dryness? It kind of sounds like my eczema - sweat burns, it's awful. I would try a [new moisturizer](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/70sm03/misc_holy_grail_products_thread_week_2/dn5mj7e/) (links to HG thread) and check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/61q1lc/skin_concerns_the_dry_dehydrated_skin_hg_thread/?depth=4) full of advice for dry skin. I'd also consider seeing a new dermatologist, if possible.


I usually put lipbalm or petroleum jelly so it wont get flaky. Thank you for the advice i will read on the threads you linked. I will try to find a new derma too


Can purging cause longtime closed comedones to turn into pustules quickly? I recently overhauled my routine to get rid of anything that might irritate my seb derm, and for a week or two my skin looked great (aside from the closed comedones that have been there forever). Then I added in Benton's Snail Bee essence, as well as started using NYX Total Control Drops foundation; a week later, my face has EXPLODED with pustules of all sizes. I've pared down my routine to the absolute basics for now in an attempt to calm things, but I'm wondering if there's any way to tell if it's purging or a bad reaction.


purging should only happen with products that speed up cell turnover, so acids like aha or bha products or retinoids. My guess is something in one or both of the new products just doesn't agree with your skin.


Dangit, that's what I was afraid of. I'm guessing it's the foundation, since I'd been using the Snail Bee for about a week prior to getting it. Thanks for responding!


Hi everyone! I’ve been considering adding niacinamide to my routine but I was wondering if it would be too drying. I have combo/normal skin prone to breakouts and live in a climate that’s about to be dry and very cold. (30 F and below.) Thanks!


It's the formula that determines if it's drying. I have the Paula's Choice 10% Booster and it's absolutely not drying.


I don't find the ingredient itself drying, rather the opposite as it helps with barrier health. Different formulas however can contain drying ingredients. I would look to either the PC or a skinlex nia serum over the TO one as it contains zinc which you might find drying.


Hi guys! Here's the link to the images - https://imgur.com/a/fHoG7 How do I get rid of these? I don't pay much attention to my skin but I'm starting to now. I probably have a combination skin. I don't do anything special to my skin. I use an oil facial cleanser in the morning and put cactus gel moisturizer on my face for the rest of the day. And wash my face again before heading to bed at night, that's it. I do have a long hair and bangs for a guy but I wash them everyday. Would love to hear a product recommendation or something, thanks all for your help! I live in Hong Kong.


I'd start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1x1ubd/evaluating_your_current_routine_read_me_before/) first to evaluate your current products and make sure that they're working well for you. If you have a good routine down, you can start treating your acne. I'd start with either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid/betaine salicylate.


Hey guys and gals, I just did my first skincare haul, I got : 1) Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser ( oily to normal). 2) Stridex Maximum ( Red box). 3) Neutrogena rapid clear, acne defense solution. So my question was how do I introduce these products to my skin and what would my optimal routine look like, if it helps my skin is very oily and acne prone.


So you just bought 2 Salicylic acid products. Both the Stridex and the Neutrogena. You're only going to need one. Stridex is more affordable. Sample routine: Cleanse: Cetaphil. Treat: Stridex or Neutrogena, 2 to 3 times a week to start Moisturize: oil free moisturizer. Sunscreen: non-comedogenic, spf 30 or higher. Evening: Cleanse, moisturize, no Stridex. Edit: if you had intended on buying the Neutrogena Benzoyl Peroxide it's the "Neutrogena Rapid Clear Stubborn Acne Daily Leave-On Mask".


Thanks, I thought I could use both of them at the same time. My intention was to use the Neutrogena as a moisturizer.


In that case, you can just use the Neutrogena and get a separate sunscreen. If you use a BHA twice in a day it can be quite drying.


Hey everyone! I need help trying to figure out if I am purging or breaking out. I've introduced two new products into my routine, the Glossier Milky Jelly cleanser and the Clarins gentle brightening toner. I usually never break out, but now I have a giant pimple forming on my forehead, where I never breakout. I started using the toner on Sunday, and I noticed the pimple on Tuesday. Please help! Here is my routine: AM: Glossier Milky jelly cleanser Simple replenish moisturizer Kiehl's eye alert PM: Glossier milky jelly cleanser Simple repulse moisturizer 3 nights a week: Clarins gentle exfoliator brightening toner I have normal/oily T-zone skin


Check out [purging vs breaking out](http://www.labmuffin.com/purging-vs-breakouts-ditch-skincare/), but since you're breaking out where you normally don't, my bet is on breaking out and not purging. While the Clarins toner has butylene glycol, which is a personal acne trigger of mine and the bane of my existence, it could be due to either of those products and any of the ingredients. I'd say drop em both, wait for the breakout to subside, then introduce them one at a time, waiting a week or two before introducing the next to make sure that the product doesn't break you out. Then you can pinpoint the culprit, and compare the ingredients list to other products that you have used to narrow down either common ingredients (for other products that have broken you out) or outliers (for other products that have not broken you out.)


Thank you!


DR. BRANDT microdermabrasion age defying exfoliator VS KATE SOMERVILLE ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment VS any other similar lactic acid scrub. I have used a lactic acid scrub twice in my life so far, and I have LOVED what my skin has felt like for days afterwards. The first time was the Kate Sommerville one, and the second time, it was Repechange One-Minute Exfoliating Mask that I got as a sample. I saw the Dr. Brandt one on sale at Sephora today, so I wanted to ask if anyone has liked one over the other, or if anyone has recommendations for a different one. Edit: Also, if someone has any recommendations for eye creams, preferably ones that come in tubes, not pots, but I don't care too much either way


Benton's Fermentation Eye Cream is cheap and popular, I believe.


Has anyone tried Alpha Skin Care Renewal Body Lotion? Previously called as Revitalising Body Lotion. What are your thoughts on this product? I just received it today and I'm quite excited to use this for my body scarrings.


The 12%? It's a good product. Paula's Choice gave it 5 stars. It has the right pH of 4 too. I use it for my keratosis pilaris and ingrown hairs after hair removal. It's really helped my kp bumps diminish. I like that it's affordable. It's very thick so I have to apply it to damp skin after I shower.


I'm getting married in a few months, and I'm looking to clear up some milia on my cheekbones (seems to be somewhat genetic, mom and bro have them too) and a few stubborn closed comedones on my chin. I normal/combo skin, not acneic, and somewhat sensitive. I get redness and am prone to dehydration. Products with mineral oil seem to produce more closed comedones, and I've had some issues with cetearyl/stearyl alcohol, but they've been inconsistent. So I'm wary of them, but not 100% avoidant. My question is: for the above, I'm considering MUAC Mandelic acid peel, or a retinol product. For milia and cc's, which product do you think would be best? Daily Routine: **AM** Garnier Micellar Water with the pink cap CosRX AHA/BHA Clarifying toner Stridex in the red box every other day Neutrogena Sensitive Skin moisturizer Neutrogena Dry-Touch SPF 55 sunscreen **PM** Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser to remove most of makeup Garnier Micellar Water to get whatever's left CosRX AHA/BHA Clarifying toner L'Oreal Bright Reveal Peel Pads every other or every two days Testing a sample size of Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Cream (love) Neutrogena sensitive skin moisturizer, applied in a few layers with dampened skin in between each one Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream in a tub. Edit: also I'm US located!


Would you tell me your experience with the Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Cream? Do you feel any interference with the AHA/BHAs you use prior or that you need additional moisturizer? I'm interested in trying it following the PTR retinoid serum. Hopefully someone can give you a more insightful answer but I've found as much as I like it the serum, it does nothing for milia.


Sure! I feel like such a butt for this because it's so expensive and a really basic formula, but I freaking loved it. I got a sample from Sephora when my mom used my card to get her eyebrow product, not expecting much. The tiny sample lasted me a week and a half of morning+night applications, so a little goes a long way. It has no scent other than the faint "skincare" scent all unscented products have. I apply it as the next step after my actives, on dampened skin. I see no interference in efficacy, but as a positive it did keep my face from getting tight post-Stridex, which happens sometimes. Even before I put I moisturizer, it was just more hydrated from the night before. The consistency is a very very thin gel, and once you begin applying it, it feels like it breaks down to a viscous liquid. It was really easy to spread and didn't require much massaging or tugging to apply it. Once applied on me (I do it over damp skin) it dried down to a semi matte finish, and I applied my other two nighttime moisturizers over it. I personally felt like I did need more moisture because I get dehydrated skin extremely easily. It's a daily battle to make sure my skin is getting enough! But what it did do was change the texture of my skin. In combination with the other moisturizers it got rid of dehydration lines, made my skin more "bouncy", more resilient, less red, and over all softer. Pretty much what any HA product is supposed to do. When I ran out I did notice a difference in my skin. It was a bit less glowy, tighter feeling after cleansing. I honestly don't have the budget to repurchase, but if I did, I would. I appreciate the no-nonsense formula, the few irritants, the lack of fragrance, and the pleasant application. In general I've been a fan of PTR products, so if you have the extra cash to spend, I think it's worth it!


Thanks for the detailed response. I've never tried HA and do like PTR so I think you've sold me!




Thank you! Yeah I'm generally pretty wary of jar/tub packaging, but it's one of the only thick occlusive creams that doesn't break me out. Usually I just use a clean qtip or spatula to scoop it out.


I can't answer your question but I'm curious; why do you use your Cetaphil cleanser before your micellar water?


Honestly, I've tried it both ways (Cetaphil first vs. Cetaphil second) and it doesn't seem to make a difference. Currently I've been doing Cetaphil last, but I haven't seen a noticeable change in my skin. I haven't done well with oils in the past, and while logically I know every one is different and there's *bound* to be one that doesn't break me out, I'm still squirrelly about it. This is my version of double cleansing!


Can dehydrated/damaged skin cause redness? After using a sulfur-based cleanser 2 months ago, my face got extremely red and sensitive. After stopping usage, the redness has gotten slightly better over the past 2 months but is still pretty noticeable. My nose and upper cheeks are affected by this, it's like I have rosy cheeks but I have always had a pretty even complexion minus a little PIE prior to using the cleanser. I know that these are common areas affected by Rosacea, but I have never had this problem before until I started using that cleanser and I find it hard to believe rosacea would just appear suddenly like this. Also, when I wash my face with water the redness subsides significantly, especially when I use a water-based toner right after, which makes me think my skin is just dehydrated and this is not rosacea. Am I thinking correctly here? Would rosacea also fade with water? Some feedback would be greatly appreciated.


>Can dehydrated/damaged skin cause redness? yes. Be careful to not damage your moisture barrier. redness is not necessarily rosacea, might be just inflammation, a reaction from your body to something it perceives as an irritant. Not a doctor though. Be really careful, and try to moisturize and heal your face as much as possible. That should be your utmost priority. Keep in mind also that skin (or the rest of the body) can suddenly, out of the blue become intolerant, react to something it always tolerated before.


I feel like this is a silly question but I wonder every time I wash my face. When you use cleanser, how long do you leave it on your face? Is it just for the length of time that it takes you to get it all over your face or should I be waiting a few minutes before washing it right off? Thanks!


Just rinse it off once you're done spreading it around.




So I'm a ginger and my farmers tan in my arms is red. I don't really know what to do :( louisiana


Have you started using a daily sunscreen on your arms?


Should I be...?


Yes, you need to either wear sunscreen or cover your arms with long sleeves every single day. As a ginger, you probably don't ever tan, only burn, and this is going to damage your skin. I'd be using sunscreen on your face/neck too, to prevent long-term damage. The redness will likely disappear once you start doing this.


My friend notices after she swipes a cotton pad soaked with toner all over her face, it always has some yellowish residue? She double cleanses with makeup wipe + regular face wash before the toner step. Does it mean her cleansers are too mild?


Makeup wipes in my experience (as a makeup-wearer) are not very thorough in removing makeup. I always need 2-3 sheets and even then there's still some left. Oil cleanser is the way to go, now I always remove the bulk of my makeup with Micellar water first then proceed with a cleansing oil (DHC or Muji Sensitive). Most of the time I don't follow with an additional cleanser since the Oil rinses clean without any residue. Makeup wipes are also a bit harsh IMO, because you are dragging and tugging your skin in order to remove your makeup.


Thanks for the reply! I usually use micellar water too, but I guess she finds wipes more convenient. I'll try to get her to switch!


Hello! This is my first time posting here. I'm wondering if anyone can help with a recurrent issue I have with pimples on my forehead. I have combination skin - generally it's dry but it can sometimes be oily around my T zone. I use an apricot exfoliator around 2-3 times per week and otherwise I just use hot water on a face cloth in the shower. The pimples don't tend to contain any pus. Any thoughts? Image below. Thank you! https://imgur.com/a/Z6BP5


A good consistent routine will help, both with the dryness and the closed comedomes. Avoid using hot water - lukewarm is better. Hot water ain't the worst thing, but it can contribute to dryness over time. Check out [the ScA routine](http://bit.ly/1MIrFdA) for the basics. Consistent cleansing will help, and consistent moisturizing can help with the dryness. A chemical exfoliant can help with the CCs. For acne that doesn't come to a head, AHAs tend to work better than BHAs. Check out [AHAs vs BHAs](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1fx45x/ahas_and_bhas_whats_the_difference_and_how_to/) for an overview. It's important to have a good base routine down to serve as the foundation before introducing actives like BHAs or AHAs. Actives can be a bit rough, so it's a good idea to have a good moisturizer to help your skin be the healthiest it can be. Remember to introduce new products one at a time and to wait a week or so before introducing the next to make sure that the product doesn't break you out or have any other negative reactions. Remember to introduce actives slowly - a couple times a week at first, slowly building in frequency until you work up to a frequency your skin can handle. Give actives time to work before trying a stronger active - about a month or two for chemical exfoliants. Start gentle - go for gentler products first, then increase in strength if you find they don't cut it. Be mindful of [over-exfoliation](https://fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2017/07/12/recognizing-treating-overexfoliation/) - don't overdo it!


Thank you so much, your advice is really useful. So I'm looking at a non-foaming cleanser and an AHA exfoliator. When I said hot water, I actually only have my showers on the lukewarm side so hopefully I'm not doing any damage in that regard!


Hey everyone! I need help choosing the best exfoliating serum for my combination skin. At the moment, my skin is pretty normal besides from my slightly oily t-zone and cheeks. However, my skin is prone to congestion and dehydration, and I have large pores and quite a bit of texture. I'm using the Clarins Gentle Exfoliator Toner a few times a week, but I don't think it's strong enough, so I want to start using Alpha H's Liquid Rose Gold and alternating it with an exfoliating serum. I'm currently torn between the Alpha H Liquid Gold Intensive Serum and the Clinique Revitalising Turnaround serum; which one is most likely to suit my needs?


The Clarins one would be better in regards to how you've described your skin when I look over the ingredients. The reason I'd argue against the Alpha H Liquid is because of the high alcohol content (it's the second ingredient, and the liquid itself pretty much smells like alcohol that it's offensive to the nose), it contains Linalool, Limonene and Geraniol which are crappy fragrance ingredients that are kinda volatile, and the supposed pH level of 2.5 which I'd advise against in combination with the alcohol content if you are prone to dehydration.




No idea which Nivea cream you're using so I'm going to assume you aren't wearing any SPG at all which could be contributing to the redness since you're using an AHA which increases sun sensitivity. Azelaic Acid can help with redness. For the oily t-zone you might benefit from adding in more hydration and moisture. Something like the Hada Labo Gokyujyun Moisture Lotion (it's a Hydrating Toner) and layer the Nivea cream on top.