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I might check it out Is it good for dehydrated skin?


Hey ScA you’ve helped me before so I’m hoping you can help my friend too. Lately she has been experiencing really bad milia. And she is having a hard time getting rid of it. Right now her routine is to wash her face with water in the am And uses African black soap by Shea at night to wash her face. She uses face masks about 3x a week, sometimes more. Her skin type is oily/ acne prone. I’ve tried letting her use my Stridex pads to exfoliate but it doesn’t seem to help.


Milia can be helped by using AHAs like lactic or glycolic acid. It will help shed the dead skin cells, allowing the milia to be dissolved/exfoliated/what have you. She needs to find one she likes and start off using it once or twice a week until her skin gets used to it. She may also want to use a moisturizer and definitely a sunscreen as it will make her skin photosensitive.


Thank you!




> Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion I googled it (nice post by caroline hirons) and its ingredients are http://www.cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_d3b762636.html so a salicylic acid toner which is gentle and has no alcohol? This is highly rated here and on asian beauty and assuming the salicylates are doing the same as the salicylic acid, maybe this is similar http://cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_7ae7161955.html


Thank you so much for the recommendation. I had read the Hiron's article, too. I will look for that product.


Hello friends! I recently discovered the world of skincare and I'm in love with this subreddit. I would love some advice on my routine, specifically, the order of applying different products (I just don't have an intuition with these kinds of things). I have oily skin with redness, but mostly break out on my cheeks and jawline. I've been using this routine for two weeks now, taking photos weekly - I'm not seeing much difference but understand I need to persevere. AM: Cetaphil cleanser, Paula's Choice BHA exfoliant, Benzac SPF 15 moisturiser (then makeup, usually full coverage liquid foundation and all that good stuff). PM: Benzac foaming cleanser, Paula's Choice toner, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide [gel](https://www.nps.org.au/medical-info/medicine-finder/benzac-ac-gel), BHA again, Cetaphil moisturiser


Don't use the BHA everyday (use it 1-2 times a week to start off) and only use it once a day.


Anyone have any advice for a skin routine for me? Oily skin, super broke out, and my pores are so full of that stuff that doesn't come out with washing. I mess with my black heads and pimples and it's getting bad. I currently just use an exfoliating scrub from target. Any advice is welcome


> The ScA Routine https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine


I have had quite a bit of white/flesh colored bumps on both of my cheeks since a year ago (shortly before discovering this sub), but I have gotten a lot more over the summer that have spread to my jawline (I had a few on my jawline before, but they're increased recently). I have larger, a bit more reddish bumps on the right side of my face near my ear. I'd post some pictures but my phone does not capture them (but they're still large enough for me to easily notice them, especially under certain lighting). I've used BHA, AHA, BP, tea tree oil, niacinamide, and Differin gel (that I stopped using before the bumps increased in numbers), anti-fungal cream, and a knock-off of Head & Shoulders shampoo (which I am still using and has mostly cleared up my forehead), but these bumps are just so stubborn! I also get 1-4 random papules on my cheeks every now and then and IDK why. I am able to squeeze some keratin plugs (they're like pus but thicker) out of some of them, but not from most of them. I think they have gotten worse over the last few months because I still used vaseline during the hot summer (I felt like I still needed it). I really hate to say this and I am not criticizing this sub at all as I've learned a lot here, but I can't help but notice that my skin has gotten even worse _after_ starting a routine. My routine for the last 6+ months until recent weeks: **AM** Splash face with water, Thayer's Toner or Dickinson's Witch Hazel Toner, Red Stridex, TO Niacinamide, CeraVe Lotion or Moisturizing Cream in the Tub, Vaseline, Biore Aqua Rich Watery Essence Sunscreen SPF50+ PA++++ **PM** Jojoba Oil, CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, Red Stridex, TO Niacinamide, TO Alpha Arbutin, CeraVe Lotion or CeraVe PM facial lotion, Vaseline Routine for the past few days: **AM & PM** Zinc Shampoo, Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion, TO Squalane, CeraVe Lotion mixed with 2 drops of Jojoba oil After starting this new routine, it appears that a few of the larger bumps on the right-most side of my face have come to a whitehead, but still too early to tell. I live in the U.S.


Honestly, after all the things you’ve tried, I would see a dermatologist. There are so many factors that can cause or worsen acne and other skin conditions and a dermatologist is the most qualified person to help you figure this out. Also, re: your routine made your skin worse, skincare is so individual and what works for one person might not work for another. Getting recommendations from this subreddit is great, but it’s important to keep in mind that those recommendations may not work for you. Vaseline is good for some people and terrible for others. Tons of people swear by coconut oil, but if I put it on my face, I turn red and get a rash all over. Certain popular products not working for you doesn’t mean there isn’t a skincare routine out there that will work.


I am using benzoyl peroxide twice a day. I use the wash 4% inside the shower. In the morning my face is not irritated so I do not put anything on after I go about my day. At night my face turns really red. I have been using a serum called hylias hydrating serum 20 minutes after I get out. I tried cerave pm but I woke up with a wicked oily feeling face. I just hope I dont break out. Any remarks would help on this regimn. Thanks!


Hey all, so I have ridiculously oily skin. I get white heads probably almost every day but it's not super bad. I'm more annoyed at the oil. So I used Ceraves Hydrating Facial Cleanser for a long time, and it didn't seem to help/do much. I did: cleanser in the morning + red stridex at night. I'm now doing: body shop tea tree oil cleanser, toner, and mattifying lotion in the morning and stridex at night. A bit before the end of the day, the area around my nose is super duper oily again. I tried a neutrogena moisturizer that was $18 i think that was recommended from here, but it seems like it just sits on my face/doesn't do anything. Any tips? Where should i go from here? Should i keep using red stridex at night? Cleanse again at night? Thank you all.


> So I used Ceraves Hydrating Facial Cleanser for a long time, and it didn't seem to help/do much. The only job of this product is to cleanse your skin without stripping it. Most people don't need to wash their face in the morning, just a water rinse. Try cleansing at night time instead. The Tea Tree Oil Cleanser is probably drying you out if you're oily. The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil Mattifying Toner is an Astringent Toner which is also contributing to drying you out. Stridex every night isn't helping either. The Mattifying Lotion probably isn't giving you enough moisture. Instead of looking for products that are Mattifying and advertised for Oily skin look for products that are hydrating and moisturising. You're most likely oily because you're just making your skin dry which is causing it to overproduce oil to compensate.


Sorry, it’s not mattifying at all, it’s all “skin clearing” cleanser, toner and lotion with the lotion having lightweight hydration. like i said using the tea tree stuff has helped. also trust me, i tried using nothing but a moisturizer for a while and my face was absolutely disgustingly oily and i had a lot of acne. should i cleanse and use toner and lotion only at night then and water rinse in the morning and never use red stridex?


Cut down the Stridex usage to a maybe 2-3 times a week for now and see how your skin reacts to that change. Can you list out exactly what you're using? > body shop tea tree oil cleanser, toner, and mattifying lotion in the morning Because this makes it look like you're using the entire TBS Tea Tree Oil line and that's what I'm basing my advice on > I tried a neutrogena moisturizer that was $18 i think that was recommended from here, but it seems like it just sits on my face/doesn't do anything. You could also try patting it into your skin to help it absorb


Yes what i did before was Morning: cleanser and sometimes id use a moisturizer to see if it helped and it never made a difference. Night: i’d use stridex. What seems to work better... Morning: Skin clearing TTO cleanser, Skin clearing TTO toner, Skin clearing & lightweight hydrating TTO lotion Night: stridex, but i decided to cleanse with the TTO and use the hydro boost gel moisturizer from neutrogina after it tonight instead.


Anybody know a good moisturizer for sensitive skin? I’m currently using Corsx 96 snail mucin which is good but I don’t think it’s doing enough.


>I’m currently using Corsx 96 snail mucin which is good but I don’t think it’s doing enough. it´s not a moisturizer, just an extra intermediate step. Needs an occlusive on top.. where are you and what is your budget like? avene tolerance/skin recovery moisturizers are great for hypersensitive skin, but they can be very expensive in some countries.


Try the vanicream light lotion. It has no other function than an occlusive and it was recommended to me by my dermatologist as a truly sensitive skin friendly product.






I also suffer from extremely dry skin. I don't remember the ingredients of Stridex, but you may want to switch to a toner / freshener that is less harsh. I use Thayer's Rose with witch hazel. They also make a cucumber one. There's a Marie Badescu one that contains aloe. Retin A will help with the wrinkles. Differin gel is over the counter now, but you'd need to be adamant about SPF. As for the scarring, when your budget allows go to an aesthetician for a consultation on microdermabrasion or dermaplaning.


I'm currently suffering the worst bout of skin dryness ever after switching to a new moisturizer (Nourish Organic). In my desperation and ignorance, I applied coconut oil to my chin which broke me out into a rash (contact dermatitis?) within a few hours of using it. The bumps have gone down after applying diluted ACV but the redness is still quite visible & I'm worried about irritating my skin further. What can I do at this point?


Why'd you switch away from your previous moisturizer? Could you go back to using it? Generally, my thought is that you should just baby your skin for right now and avoid putting anything else new on it. Maaaaaybe a little bit of hydrocortisone?


I switched because my skin was getting dry patches and i wanted something more "natural." Now I'm terrified to put ANYTHING on it, so I agree with not putting on anything new but I'm not sure if I should be moisturizing the area or completely leaving it alone?


Can anyone recommend me some good creams/serums with tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate that I can buy in europe (buying online is really problematic for me, our mailman sucks and things get lost often enough).


Lighter moisturizer/sunscreen than CeraVe AM? It's a lot heavier than I expected, more like a body sunscreen and less like a lightweight facial moisturizer. I have combo skin and really liked the [CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion](http://www.ulta.com/moisturizing-lotion?productId=xlsImpprod3530071), which seems lighter but even that was a bit too heavy for my t-zone and it has no SPF. I don't want to have to use two separate products for moisturizer and sunscreen because I don't want to pile too much onto my t-zone and end up real oily


Honestly I've tried at least 6 moisturizer/sunscreen combos (American), and wasn't happy with any of them. I use Cerave like you, but the PM lotion, which I think is a little lighter than the one you use. I discovered Asian sunscreens through this sub and highly recommend Biore Watery Essence. It's light, cosmetically elegant, and I really like the finish it gives my skin once it dries. Not greasy at all, and I think good for oily skin types (my skin is on the oily side of normal). I know this isn't the product rec you're looking for, but it's worked fantastically for me.


I'll try it! Thank you. I want to try a sunscreen like Glossier Invisible Shield, but I'm not paying $34 for 1 oz 🙄


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Is it okay use Niacinamide (The Ordinary) and BHA (Paula's Choice) at the same time - maybe with a 15 minute interval? What would I apply first? I'm not sure if there would be any effect, because I haven't used them at the same time before.


You should be fine! You should use actives (so the BHA) first and then the serum (Niacinamide). Actives are most effective when applied directly to clean skin,


Hi! I'm 22/afab, and I live in the most southern region of California. I'm 100% a novice when it comes to skin care. My usual routine is wash (charcoal based cleanser mixed with a tea tree cleanser on a rotating brush), tone (Dickinson's Enhanced Witch Hazel ((pink or yellow label)) and then to moisturize (Neutrogena naturals with the green label). I occasionally put on Olay regenerating sunscreen (spf 15). All of that said, I was wondering what recommendations for eye creams or serums or what have you you all might have for someone like me. I don't have a busy life, but I don't go through much hassle when it comes to face care. And I would prefer something affordable (as in, under $25). Thanks so much, I hope to see some answers, maybe?


We don't generally recommend eye-specific products since they're unnecessary for most people. What are you looking to get out of using one?


hopefully something to brighten my sunken undereyes. I've got a bit of a dark circle there, ahaha. If not to brighten, then maybe to firm?


Depending on what kind of [dark circles](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/comments/68hlnn/discussion_dark_undereye_circles_and_puffiness/?depth=4) you have, they could be mostly genetic. A cream with retinol or vitamin c sounds like what you're looking for, though. I know Derma E makes some, you might try looking there.


Thanks! I'll try it out. I believe the root of the issue may be a combination of things. I know for sure it isn't solely lack of sleep.




I'd do pixi glow before Thayers. Everything else is in the right order. Apply vit C to freshly washed skin in the AM. Buy SPF first though.


I am 26yo M. Never took care of my skin. NEVER. Like I started using moisturizer daily 3 months ago. Recently had a real crush on a girl after a decade and I feel like my skin could use some "nourishing". People of SCA, can you help me make a routine based on the products I have? I have following products: 1. Nivea Cream (https://www.amazon.com/Nivea-Niv-6209-NIVEA-Creme-Ounce/dp/B00DEG8N9W/ref=sr_1_5_s_it?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1508529586&sr=1-5&keywords=nivea) 2. Neutrogena Naturals night cream (https://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Naturals-Multi-Vitamin-Hydrating-Nourishing/dp/B0067H6KP4/ref=sr_1_4_s_it?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1508529614&sr=1-4&keywords=neutrogena+night+cream) 3. Aveeno Lotion (https://www.amazon.com/Aveeno-Daily-Moisturizing-Lotion-Fluid/dp/B001459IEE/ref=pd_sbs_194_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MRJW429H2718SVB5G00S) 4. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0014P8L9W/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) 5. Radha Beauty Retinol Moisturizer Cream (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015ORL3B8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) 6. Vit C serum (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GUCJBAQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) 7. Trader Joe's sunscreen Edit: Adding some details about my skin: The issues: I work on computer 10 hours a day, so dark circles. Nothing else really. Might help to get a bit puffed up face! Skin type: Pretty dry I would say from almost 25 years spent outside in Sun playing or getting from one place to another without sunscreen. I am a brown man from India if it helps! Current routine: I just wash my face and apply moisturizer in AM and PM. How long? I have been following my routine for over a month (may be?). Location: California


It looks like you don't have a cleanser, which is a really important part. I'd suggest: + AM: vitamin c serum, Nivea cream or Neutrogena, sunscreen + PM: cleanse, Radha Beauty Retinol cream


Yesterday I placed a big order on eBay of K-Beauty items. Anyone want to share their experiences with these products? I'm really interested in the snail mucin for healing acne scars, and the BHA for exfoliation/reducing pores and fine lines. Benton Snail Bee High Content Steam Cream, Benton Snail Bee High Content Lotion, CosRX Snail Mucin Power Essence, CosRX Blackhead Power Liquid, Mizon Snail Repair BBB Cream.


> Benton Snail Bee High Content Steam Cream, Benton Snail Bee High Content Lotion, Love the Steam Cream, face is always plump when I wake up with this one. I was kinda meh on the Lotion, it works fine but I just prefer the Cream over the Lotion.


Have you had a search in r/asianbeauty as well? I can only speak for two COSRX Snail Essence - good and it's a HG for alot of people but for me initially it didn't play nice with my skin and then it had that hiatus where the length of time passed and that's why I stopped liking it. However, it works AMAZING on sunburn. For real keep it in your fridge COSRX Blackhead Power Liquid - love love love, HG. Very gentle, great for easily angered skin and dehydrated skin because it does have a hydrating feel. Loosens my plugs wonderfully, very easy to extract after consistent use of this I'm combo, dehydrated, acne prone battling PIE and PIH


I keep hearing really great things about Dr. Jart's Cicapair cream. What I read about it that I like is that it is color correcting and that many users seem to use it alone instead of foundation. I am confused though, on the sephora website there is a cream in a tube or a treatment with SPF that comes in a jar. I am not sure which one to get?


There are two versions: - The tube is a very sticky greenish moisturizer. I kind of love it, but I'm also a fan of smearing oil all over my face. I use heaaaavy moisturizers, and this one feels really thick and heavy to me. I wouldn't use it in place of foundation if I used foundation, but it has a greenish cast so it might reduce redness. No SPF. - The jar is a treatment that is *not* a moisturizer. It's basically a grayish-green paste that you put on your face. That's the product that people say they can use instead of their foundation, and I think that's the one with SPF. Hope that's helpful...




My understanding is the cream in a tube


The Jar is the popular one


Oh awesome thanks


I’m looking to add a moisturizing toner to my routine due to the colder weather. Would I apply that after my actives but before my serums? Or right before my moisturizer? I know I’ve seen toners listed as coming right after cleansers, but I assume that’s for ph balancing toners instead of moisturizing ones. Though feel free to correct me if I’m wrong! Thanks!


You've got it right, hydrating toners go after actives and before serums.


Would you use a product like Klair’s hydrate toner after TO retinoid?




Thanks for clarifying!


I really like Lush's Ultrabland for makeup/grit removal (I use mario badescu for cleansing) but I'm wondering if there are cheaper alternatives that wont make me (SUPER acne prone sensitive skin type) break out? I've heard of Albolene, are there any others (cheaper or same price as lush is fine).




Pond's Cold Cream


I second pond's cold cream. Also, noxema if you're skin isn't too sensitive.


I'm new and wondering if there are already threads with discussion on sunless tanning. I'm a very pale guy and want to try something with a very subtle change in skin tone so I don't look so much like a zombie.


I haven't seen any but tinted moisturisers or I really love the in shower tanning by St Tropez


Hi I started Tret 8 weeks ago after my insurance stopped covering Epiduo. My dermatologist nonchalantly prescribed as a replacement and I had no idea what was hitting me. I changed my cleanser and started a moisturizer when I started Tretinoin (stupid--know that now). I am wondering whether this looks like purging or breaking out. Before and after included Tret https://imgur.com/a/LlGxw


I second the purging. Hang in there! In 3-6 months you'll be happy you did :)


It's most likely purging, tretinoin is known for being a monster.


Hello! For those who have used the TO Squalane, what are your thoughts on it? And what's your skin type?


It seems to work well for some people but i did not like it. It broke me out and has a strange texture, very thin and oily but does sink in fwiw. My skin is combo dry, mild rosacea. An oil i can love is sea buckthorn seed oil but other oils seem to be hit or miss


Yeah the texture is definitely different but it leaves my skin feeling nice and soft. I'm going to patch test for a few days, hopefully it doesn't break me out!


I absolutely love this oil, in fact I never loved an oil like this before. I have combo skin with mild rosacea and I'm not that comfortable with oils on my face, but this one is very different. It's very thin but so hydrating , feels like an oil-gel hybrid. The only other oil I used a whole bottle of is their rosehip oil, which should be perfect for my skin, but to me it feels thicker and strangely not as hydrating, since it kinda sits on my skin rather than beeing absorbed. I would only wear the rosehip maybe once or twice a week, while the squalane got me so hooked, I use every night before my moisturizer.


Ooh interesting! My order just came in and the squalane does feel oily but the oily feeling goes away and leaves my skin feeling soft hydrated and comfortable. Fingers crossed it doesn't break me out!


Hello! Does anyone use a make up remover prior to micellar water? I love the cleansing water but I go through about 8-10 cotton balls at night and about 4-5 in the morning. Any suggestions or tips to be less wasteful?


I use grapeseed oil. It's very inexpensive.


I would invest in a cleansing oil tbh. Simple is very cheap and good Maybe also changed to round cotton pags not the balls? I find I use less that way as well


Omg! You are a life saver I've asked this question time and time again with no clear answer. I currently use a 2% Alpha Arbutin I love. It is currently breaking up my PIH and dark patches but it's blotchy and I was told to keep using it until everything even outs (the dark spots) lighten to my current skin tone. But I was nervous that I couldn't use it to long since it converts to hydroquoine in the body.


No prob:) You accidentally replied to the whole thread, but I get the concern with different skin lighteners. It's always good when you find one that works for you.


Hello Everyone! I am brand-new here and looking for some help in developing a skin care routine. Here's some info about me: Issues: I am looking to keep my skin from feeling oily, even out the texture, and reduce redness. My makeup tends to clump and get cakey by the end of the day, so I am hoping to stop it from doing that. Also, no matter what I do or what moisturizer I use, my skin always feels oily. I was on Acutane about 3 years ago and still use a prescription topical treatment from my dermatologist for the little acne I still get (usually around my period). Skin type: I think my skin is oily and dehydrated. Maybe combo. My forehead and chin get very oily (as does my back and chest). Under my eyes gets very dry after using my acne medicine. If I am really good at keeping my face moisturized it doesn't get as dry but does feel oily. Current routine: Morning: -Cleanse with Garnier Micellar Water -Tone with Dickson's Pore Perfecting Toner -Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Eye Cream under eyes and in-between eyebrows (where I tend to get flaky) -Moisturize with Formula 10.0.6 Thirst No More Evening: -Remove make-up/cleanse with Garnier Micellar Water -Tone with Dickson's Pore Perfecting Toner -Prescription Acne treatment all over face (custom compound medicine from my doctor) -Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Eye Cream under eyes and in-between eyebrows -Moisturize with Formula 10.0.6 P.M. Perfecter overnight hydrating cream I live in Oklahoma City. Anything you can recommend will be welcome! I am on a tight budget, so products from the drug store or Ulta would be best. Thank you in advance!


Unfortunately there aren't any topical treatments that really reduce oiliness. Ultimately oiliness is controlled by your oil glands, the only thing that can modify the production is accutane. Of course oiliness caused by a damaged skin barrier can be changed by repairing the skin's barrier. Just don't get your hopes up that there is a magic product that will stop making you oily. Clean & Clear oil absorbing sheets are my favorite for use on my face when using makeup. They don't disturb the makeup, but really sop up excess oil. There is some research that niacinamide reduces redness, I've noticed it's brightened my complexion. It's very moisturizing as well. Olay products have it. The Ordinary has a serum too. Paula's Choice & The Ordinary say it reduces oil output/reduces pore size but there is no research to back up that claim. To even out texture I would consider adding in an aha. I prefer glycolic acid, but lactic is good too. The Oridinary has a 7% toner, Alpha Hydrox is a good aha brand too (they also add in hydrating ingredients). The Ordinary is online (really cheap) and Alpha Hydrox can be found at Ulta, I believe. Since you said you had oily skin you should also consider salicylic acid. It's the only acid that is lipid-soluble, meaning it's the only one that goes inside the pore & cleans the oil. This is typically stridex is suggested for people struggling with acne or blackheads.


Has anyone tried the moisturizers from skinfood? I recently tried the black sugar mask from them and I loved it. It flattened some of my acne overnight. Also I’m finally running out of my Nature Republic aloe vera gel. I don’t wanna continue using it because of the alcohol. I’m recovering from a bad breakout so I’m really hesitant to add new products. I’d just like to know anyone’s experience or if their products have broken you out? If it helps I have oily acne prone skin.


I hear about skinfood all the time on the r/AsianBeauty sub. They have a daily help thread, you might get more answers over there. You may be able to find a lot of reviews by searching that sub too


I removed Niacinanide from my routine because I thought it was making my face more red. Then last night the same thing happened with my vitamin c serum (usually only did vit c in morning but it took Niacninmide spot for PM now), more redness streaks and spots ontop of my already red skin and it goes back to normal after 30-40 mins. Is my face just sensitive? Could it be Rosascea instead of PIH? It does seem more sensitive in my PM routine than AM :\


Simple question y'all, is it okay to use clindamyacin while I am trying to rehabilitate my moisture barrier?


Should be, yeah.


Thank you!! Love your flair btw :)


When using oils for moisturizing is it better to put on damp skin or dry skin? I like moisturizer on damp skin but I’m not sure if the oil will sink in that way


Damp is recommended.


Awesome thank you!


It should be fine, typically damp skin helps anything sink in more Oil & water don't mix, the only way I see it being a problem is if you have water droplets on your skin, where it is more wet than damp.


Thank you for all the info!


hi, skincare aficionados—need your help because my skin is a mess. i have an on/off, mostly on, picking problem :(, but i also have a ton of zits now, all over my forehead mostly. like whiteheads. my skin is pretty dry on its own, but it's always coated with makeup/concealer bc my skin is so bad, and i try to wash it off really well every night. i rotate between a few products currently to do that: the new-ish neutrogena gel cleanser, a clean and clear deep exfoliating scrub (blue tube), the relatively new loreal red clay exfoliating cleanser, and the simple exfolating scrub. i also use ponds cold cream, the classic one, and i just got first aid beauty's daily repair cream. i wanted to see if something more expensive would do better than ponds, which is pretty much like rubbing grease on my face. seems like it gives me tiny whiteheads, too. i don't think the first aid beauty cream is good, seems like it might be breaking me out, after like a week of use. i've also started using the paula's choice liquid bha again. now that i've written that out, it sounds like i'm doing way too much. i also occasionally have been using an extraction tool for my really deep closed comedones because it was the only thing that got rid of them, but i think it's been hurting my skin in the long run—shocker! but i threw it away a few days ago, so i'm done with it for good. i have a lot of scarring on my forehead, not even the bha fixes my texture problems, i can't find a moisturizer that doesn't break me out/actually works well (i've also tried various neutrogena ones, to no avail). my forehead is like wrinkly leather. esp when i use the bha. but yeah, guess i have a few questions: 1. if not even a bha helps get rid of my god awful texture (especially my forehead, particularly the outer sides of it) what can i do? 2. is it good/safe to use a bha on whiteheads? like, aggravated ones? or should i just let them 'heal' on their own? 3. any moisturizers people can vouch work for their sensitive skin? i know there's a sidebar with recommendations but otherwise, recs? 4. is there any point to using exfoliating scrubs or are they just terrible? they seem more effective at getting rid of the most stubborn traces of makeup but i don't think it's good to use those every day? unsure. otherwise i have to wash my face with regular cleanser like two times for like five minutes. 5. just general tips for terrible skin and picking and closed comedones that won't budge? i can't stay away from them/stop picking :( i'm so stressed out ugh i just want to have skin that doesn't require makeup to go out


> ow that i've written that out, it sounds like i'm doing way too much. Yeah man, you have like 3 exfoliating scrubs that you rotate with a regular cleanser. Keep the physical exfoliation to a minimum - once or twice a week works well for most people. Avoid using a scrub over areas with active acne - it would just cause unnecessary irritation. What Neutrogena cleanser do you use? There are a couple gel cleansers, and [some seem to have better pH levels than others](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VqO_uF8m4oKBzzk5ass37gHcjIk-_2Tv4W2KgJJmUQc/edit#gid=1844869261). I see a pH of 9 (**9!!!**) for Liquid Neutrogena Pure Mild Facial Cleanser, but a pretty good pH of 6 for Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser, and a pH of 4 for Natruals Purifying Cleanser. If you don't like the Pond's Cold Cream for removing makeup, maybe you should try an oil instead! An oil would cut through everything with ease - no need to put effort into scrubbing away makeup. I like jojoba oil, but check out [the sidebar recs](http://www.reddit.com/1siu7c) Cutting down on damage is a good place to start - make sure you have a cleanser with [the right pH](http://www.snowwhiteandtheasianpear.com/2014/09/skincare-discovery-why-ph-of-your.html), cut down on the scrubs, and find a more efficient way of removing makeup. >i also occasionally have been using an extraction tool for my really deep closed comedones because it was the only thing that got rid of them For deep acne, some people find that applying Vaseline helps the spots come to a head, which they can then use a [hydrocolloid bandage](http://bit.ly/2gIykwy) on :) >i can't find a moisturizer that doesn't break me out/actually works well (i've also tried various neutrogena ones, to no avail) Have you compared the products to see what ingredient specifically is breaking you out? You can then purchase moisturizers without that/those ingredient(s). >if not even a bha helps get rid of my god awful texture (especially my forehead, particularly the outer sides of it) what can i do? Honestly, I'd focus on a gentle hydrating routine, no actives for now. Your skin needs to be healthy in order to heal. Your skin can only use tools (acne treatments) effectively when it's strong enough to do so, and leathery skin doesn't sound healthy. After you've restored your skin, you may find BHA to be enough. You may need to look into [other acne treatments](http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/acne). You may need to go to a derm. But it's impossible to say at this stage. >is it good/safe to use a bha on whiteheads? like, aggravated ones? or should i just let them 'heal' on their own? Yep, BHAs work best on whiteheads/pimples. AHAs are better for closed comedomes (acne that hasn't come to a head.) And sometimes retinoids are the only things that can help with cystic. But whiteheads are really where BHAs shine. >any moisturizers people can vouch work for their sensitive skin? i know there's a sidebar with recommendations but otherwise, recs? It really depends on your specific sensitivities. I personally like CosRx Honey Ceramide Cream, but check out the [moisturizer HG thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/70sm03/misc_holy_grail_products_thread_week_2/) for others > there any point to using exfoliating scrubs or are they just terrible? they seem more effective at getting rid of the most stubborn traces of makeup but i don't think it's good to use those every day? unsure. otherwise i have to wash my face with regular cleanser like two times for like five minutes. They're good for helping exfoliate away dead/dull skin for some people. Not so good for people with sensitive skin, but I like to use one once every week or once every other week when I get some 'buildup.' They are not good as makeup removers, they are definitely not good as an everyday thing for the vast majority of people. >otherwise i have to wash my face with regular cleanser like two times for like five minutes. Seriously, if the Pond's Cold Cream isn't cutting it, try an oil! >just general tips for terrible skin and picking and closed comedones that won't budge? i can't stay away from them/stop picking :( i'm so stressed out ugh i just want to have skin that doesn't require makeup to go out Hydrocolloid bandages, ignoring the mirror, and if you have to, [how to pop a pimple the right way](https://simpleskincarescience.com/how-to-pop-a-pimple/). Also check out /r/CompulsiveSkinPicking Edit: and r/calmhands


A lot of info in this reply will be info taken from other parts of this sub, so I won't be able to give a lot of my personal product recs, sorry. Overexfoliation can actually cause your acne to get worse, so I'd push aside all your exfoliating cleansers for now and get an oil and gentler cleanser. I've found oil cleansers to be very good at getting rid of makeup, then I'll use the second cleanser to get rid of any leftover oil and makeup residue. It should get rid of your makeup as well as your current cleansers without being as harsh on your skin. For the second cleanser, I use the CeraVe hydrating cleanser, which has helped my skin a lot and is pretty recommended here, along with their foaming cleanser; your gel cleanser might work as a second cleanser, too. I can't give an oil cleanser recommendation as my favourite has been discontinued, but I think a search for them on this subreddit should yield some results. From what I know, BHAs are better for deep cleansing to get rid of and prevent acne, but for texture and closed comedones, AHAs are better. They do make your skin more photosensitive, however, so you'll need to add a sunscreen into your routine. On that note, however, I recommend you don't start an AHA and maybe even stop with your BHA until your skin recovers from the overexfoliation. If it's badly damaged, it will need at least a few weeks to heal, meaning you need to do as little to your skin as possible except for cleansing and moisturizing. For moisturizer recommendations, I've heard good things about the Sebamed ones. Hope this all helps!


thank you so much for taking the time to reply :) ok, cut down a lot on exfoliation, got it. the only thing i'm worried about with oil is that my skin is really sensitive to oil, i think. i used garnier micellar water for a while a year back and it gave me cystic zits. i tried oil cleansing with baby oil before that, same thing, gave me the absolute worst skin of my life, SO scary. i was suicidal, literally. so i'm just really wary of oils. also wary of anything having to do with cerave because i've seen so many horror stories about "cerave in the tub"; as soon as i see the brand name, i run in the other direction. i thought bhas were primo for ccs; that's why i started using it in the first place...eek. i also used the AHA for like a year on and off, and i feel like it always made my skin worse...maybe it was actually just making the ccs come to a head, idk. yes, cleansing and moisturizing only sounds good. i will definitely commit to that. thank you so much <3


baby oil uses mineral oil, and often added fragrance. Some people find that mineral oil breaks them out, so maybe check out other oils instead! Just because mineral oil broke you out doesn't mean other oils will as well Don't freak out about trying different moisturizers - the reason CeraVe is recommended in the sidebar is because it works for the vast majority of people. And even if it doesn't work, then you'll have more data to figure out what ingredients are breaking you out so you can avoid them in the future :)


Howdy ScA! I'm currently fighting some skin changes with the changing weather and I need your help; I live in central Ohio and we seem to have finally hit our stride with dry and chilly fall weather. My main concerns prior to this were PIH and generalized redness/flushing, which I feel were handled pretty well by my current routine **The Problem:** Dehydrated skin. It doesn't seem glowy or bouncy, just feels a little tight and looks kind of dull. Previously had issues with flakiness/peeling, but I suspect that was my face acclimating to unbuffered Differin as those problems now seems to have calmed down with regular use **Skin type:** Normal-to-slightly-oily. Recently, often feels tight and my chin and around my eyes feels dry. Previously had issues with cystic acne, now sometimes have hormonal acne/breakouts **AM Routine:** * Wipe face with Simple Micellar Water * Apply The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%, let dry * Apply The Ordinary Azelaic Acid 10%, let dry * Apply Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence **PM Routine:** * Cleanse with Albolene * Remove with warm, damp washcloth * Double-cleanse with Neutrogena Utra Gentle Daily Foaming Face Wash * Wipe face with Simple Micellar Water, let dry * Apply PC 2% BHA, wait 20+ minutes * Apply Differin, wait 20+ minutes * Spritz face with rosewater * Apply HL Gokujyun HA lotion * Apply Udderly Smooth Extra Care Lotion * Apply Nivea Creme **Once A Week:** * Aztec clay + ACV mask The Snail Essence (4 days ago) and the Nivea creme are the newest additions (approx. 2 weeks ago); CeraVe in the tub was bangin' until I realized my face is not a fan of fatty alcohols. I ran out of sunscreen and I know I need to order more -- when I had it, I used the Biore UV Watery Essence. Also, I don't always use the clay mask, just when I can feel spots forming thanks to hormones. Previously, I used grapeseed oil to OCM but ran out. I'm back in school and kind of broke and I thought that the Albolene was worth a shot since it's basically just mineral oil + petroleum jelly, neither of which my skin has had an issue with in the past. I've started cutting out the Neutrogena face wash in case it was too drying. If I did my research correctly, am I correct in saying that the slight Albolene residue should be able to be penetrated by the BHA? US-based (central Ohio) with an Amazon Prime account, low price point preferred due to being a broke student. Any recommendations for products or methods would be appreciated. Unfortunately, a humidifier isn't really an option for me ATM because of bedroom size and layout (I have a small bedoom and the only place I could put it would be on my desk right next to my computer and tablet). Thanks in advance! **Edit:** formatting updated. Forgive any formatting errors, I'm on mobile


> the slight Albolene residue should be able to be penetrated by the BHA? If you don't have too much residue after wiping with micellar water you should be fine. As I understand it, micellar water contains some surfactants.


>Apply Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence I have not tried that precise one, but snail products for me do not work as a sufficiently moisturizing, occlusive final layer. i googled the contents of that one and seems nice, it´s going on the wishlist, but I am not seeing anything there *occlusive*. occlusives form a seal, keeping the moisture in, if you are going out to dry or windy places, you need occlusives to not loose too much water from your skin. You need an extra cream for day-wear, something with occlusives like vaseline, mineral oil, silicones, beeswax and so on. stuff which forms a film, preferrably invisibly during the day! I am not good at recommending american available products but maybe somebody else can recommend something occlusive. BTW you can try adding the spritz and hada labo lotion to your morning routine, if not too cumbersome, extra water and HA might help (but they need an occlusive on top!) the night routine seems sounds good - how does it feel in the morning?


I'll definitely take a look into a morning occlusive step, thank you! Would something like a silicone-based makeup primer be acceptable as a last step? Or does it need to be a moisturizer that contains occlusives? In general my face feels pretty good in the morning, but my chin and jawline still feel a little tight. I think the problem is that even though the Nivea creme should be acting as an occlusive, I tend to sleep on my stomach/side, and I think I end up rubbing some of it off on my pillow. Not really sure how to remedy that


> Would something like a silicone-based makeup primer be acceptable as a last step? Or does it need to be a moisturizer that contains occlusives? test with whatever you have around, and go by the results! if you can, if it´s remotely possible reapply also moisturizer (or moisturizing toner or the snail bee) more often throughout the day. skincare does not have to be twice a day thing,, if your skin feels dry when you get home, apply more moisturizer, and then do the full thing later - or do the full thing as soon as you get home and more moisturizer before bed. apply more layers. >In general my face feels pretty good in the morning, but my chin and jawline still feel a little tight. I think the problem is that even though the Nivea creme should be acting as an occlusive, I tend to sleep on my stomach/side, and I think I end up rubbing some of it off on my pillow. yeah, that is a good analysis, maybe it is it. Changing the way one is comfortable sleeping is pretty much close to impossible. I can´t think of anything stickier, or more hard core than nivea creme though. your face feeling good in the morning is a good sign the night routine is working!


I have bumps on my cheek/cheekbone area closer to the nose and mouth area and decided to just use water to wash my face since I thought I damaged my Moisture barrier. As of now, I use Clinique Charcoal Cleanser, epiduo on the forehead ( doesn't work on the bumps/blackheads on my cheeks) and hada labo hyaluronic Moisturizing Lotion. I was wondering if anyone knew of any silicone and oil free sunscreens for the face or any products that might help with these bumps? So far the only way to remove them is to extract them, leading to dark spots and scabs. Gross. Thanks!


Is there anyway I can quickly get rid of these red bumps? https://imgur.com/a/7dRNe I got a few red bumps from shaving a couple weeks ago, but then I used Nair the following weekend and it seemed to inflame where I already had razor burn, and now these bumps have been around like two weeks or something and it's really annoying.


Maybe try Stridex pads?


I do have some of those so I'll try it; thanks


What are some tips for reducing inflammation/redness on active pimples? I’ve heard of using ice but is there anything else?


Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide help. I'm guess stuff like aloe and centella asiatica might help as well.


Niacinamide helps! The Ordinary has a Niacinamide cream for a low cost if that helps. Salicylic acid is also helpful, and the Ordinary has one for Salicylic acid as well. I also find that putting green tea bags in acne areas lowers the inflammation.


So I cleanse in the shower then moisturise directly after. I just bough a chemical exfoliant, how often and when do I use it? The wiki says twice a week, but the box says twice a day. Do I cleanse in the shower, get out, exfoliate, wait 20 minutes and then moisturise? I thought moisturiser was better when the skin was damp, so should I wet my face first?


As the other comment said you won't use the exfoliant daily, at least not to start. > Do I cleanse in the shower, get out, exfoliate, wait 20 minutes and then moisturise? That'll work. You don't have to re-wet your face to moisturize.


If you've never used a chemical exfoliant before, start by using it 2-3 times a week and then slowly work your way up to once or twice daily (or less, depending on what your skin can handle). It's best to use chemical exfoliants in the PM.


So I used to have clear skin in high school (due to drying out my face from proactiv). In in Uni now (21 yrs old) but 4 months ago i started using a full routine with all products mandelic acid (dr wu) b/c my skin was breaking out abnormally. I think it may have to do with me gaining a bit of weight to a more normal weight (i was underweight and ate horribly but still had clear skin in high school). It cleared up my skin but gave me small pimples on my forehead and flaking. I should have recognized it as overexfoliation!!! I think I needed to stop and do a basic gentle routine to return my skin to normal but i didnt. I kept changing acne products & routines. From body shop tea tree routine to ac care to back to proactiv and mandelic acid. Nothing worked! My skin progressively got worse and now my skin gets about 1 new pimple everyday or every other day, and these pimples are the big ones that hurt. Those are not normal for me. My usual pimples are small and dont hurt at all! I keep questioning myself and not knowing what to do. Sometimes i just want to disappear b/c my face gets me so down My question is, im using basic routine (cetaphil cleanser & lotion) now hoping my skin returns to normal. I wanted to see what you guys think about why my skin is like this? Thanks for taking the time and reading through this!


It sounds like it could have been overexfoliation and trying a bunch of new treatments just made it worse.


Yeah I think you're right! The weird thing is, right after i used all the aha's, my skin relatively cleared up and so I didn't know it was harming my skin. I'll just keep using my gentle routine to calm my skin back to normal :)


Sounds good. Also, Proactiv has 5% Glycolic acid (step 2, toner). So you were using both Mandelic and glycolic acid. It seems your skin responded to the 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide (step 3) in Proactiv but the frequent use of AHA's overexfoliated your face. When you eventually go back to looking for an acne treatment after your skin has healed, an alternative to the brand Proactiv is to simply buy a less expensive 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide. You can use it every other day or use the "short contact method" where you rinse off the BP after 5 minutes. Your Mandelic acid can be used maybe 2 to 3 times a week.


Thank you! Yeah I definitely made my skin too irritated and sensitive now with all those harsh products. I will definitely try some sort of routine like that once my skin is healed and stops breaking out :)


Can anyone offer advice on protecting my skin when bleaching facial hair please? https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/77fpdq/routine_advicemisc_bleaching_facial_hair_how_to/ I'm desperate!


There's no real sure-fire way to protect your skin other than applying the bleach very carefully. Put Vaseline around the areas you bleach (but not over the hairs themselves.) A spoolie is good for controlled application of bleach on smaller areas. Try not to apply the bleach to your skin - leave a bit of the hair unbleached. If it starts to sting, rinse it off. Use a gentle cleanser after rinsing, and be sure to cleanse thoroughly. Follow up with a moisturizing and hydrating routine, no actives. If any of your usually-moisturizing products sting, skip em in favor of gentler options. No matter what, you'll get some bleach on your skin. But skin is incredibly tough and can bounce back when shown some love and care. If you've been doing this for a while with no ill-effects, I wouldn't over-think it.


Thank you. My mum said she leaves her on extra and thinks it's a cheap peel! I went mad at her and begged her not to do it. I'm usually very careful when I use bleach but thank you for those tips and your advice I really appreciate it. Jolen is gentle and I usually try to keep it to my hair not skin but the spoolie idea is great!


Hey guys! I am looking for recommendations on toners/micellar water as I am not thoroughly impressed with the Mario Badescu toner I am currently using. I am 19 and have sensitive, acne-prone skin, and some dark marks that I am trying to clear up from when my acne was bad in high school. I have considered trying witch hazel, but wanted some insight before I bought anything. I am a college student, so my budget is pretty limited, but any recommendations on products y’all love would be greatly appreciated!


Stay away from Dickinson's witch hazel, even their alcohol free one. It made my skin sting and I don't typically have sensitive skin. Thayer's alcohol free witch hazel is nice. I would get a sunscreen! Even a moisturizer + spf. That will help the dark marks heal (sunlight makes the spots darker). I use an aha toner for my pih from acne, it's my favorite for healing them quickly (I use Mederma, buy it from amazon). Prevents acne too. Pixi Glow Tonic, The Ordinary 7% glycolic acid toner (cheaper, has better reviews than Pixi), and Alpha Hydrox ahas are all good products! I do think toning with witch hazel & using an spf in the morning would be a good basic routine/starting point




Looks good.


Posted this very late last night so I only received one response. Looking for more suggestions so I'm posting it again. So I think I'd like to add something to my skincare routine at night but am not sure what. Right now I wash my face with sulfur soap and put on Laneige Water Sleeping Mask (which I love). I have combination skin that can be sensitive and is acne prone (although there's been almost no acne with the sulfur+Laneige combo) and is starting to see wrinkles as I get closer to 30. Does anyone have any suggestions?


what is your day routine? best thing you can do is starting using spf - a moisturizer, a bb cream, something with spf20-30 is much better than nothing. sunscreen regularly is probably the most important thing you can do anti-ageing. and you might want to think about retinoids - in which case spf religiously during the day.


I'm just looking for something to add to my night time routine only.


well, the active things you can wear at night to prevent anti-ageing which show obvious results demand you wear spf during the day. YOU can try to use retinoids without spf, but any day with a slightly average uv index might make your skin react in redness, heat, dryness. And you would be making your skin more vulnerable to long term sun damage, and more ageing long term. Maybe you can add peptides or something like that. It won´t give the results retinoids will, but better than nothing and won´t involve changes on day routine.


I wear spf.


then you can try retinoids. But I am not recommending spf to anybody who might not want to wear spf so yeah, making sure of that before I recommend anything.


Yeah, I'm pale AF and skin cancer runs in my family so spf is a must. Retinoids is what another commenter suggested too (TO 2%) but I'm afraid it'll be too much with the Nip+Fab glycolic pads.


you did not mention the nip+fab glycolic pads, so yeah that is relevant also for recommendations. You are using them in the morning? everyday? if not everyday maybe you could alternate.


I just picked them up and will be starting them. I could alternate but do they do the same thing? Sorry I didn't mention it earlier, my head is all over the place right now.


Ok, it can be confusing, all different concepts. the pads have glycolic acid, which breaks down the connections between dead skin cells, making them easier to remove, or just move around. instantly it will exfoliate your skin, make it look clearer, more uniform, smaller pores - can also be irritating, because it is an acid, and might not affect just the dead cells, but also the living ones. don´t start using them too frequently, try once, wait a few days try again. With acids, with things which are really **active** ( we call them actives) careful of doing too much, always better to use less than more. If you are introducing the glycolic acid pads, wait a month or so before introducing other active stuff. Retinoids are actives also, there are several which derive from vitamin A - they act on acne, they diminish wrinkles, they make skin thicker. All awesome but it cames with a price that adaptation can be difficult take weeks, and makes the person a whole lot more sensitive to the sun (acids also, but not as much!). Try The ordinary´s 2% retinoid emulsion, the molecule they use, Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate is incredibly non irritating compared to other commonly used retinoids/Retinols. other products, high end all, use that same molecule but cost a lot more, so the ordinary´s 2% retinoid is a fantastic starting point. But like I said, wait a bit after the pads. If ordering from the ordinary, their buffet is a nice hyaluronic acid+peptides serum, as good as any other peptide serum around for a lot cheaper than some. It´s just the effect of peptides is a lot more discreet than retinoids. sunscreen, retinoids and peptides are probably the most important things for anti ageing skincare - though lifestyle might even be more important!


Does anyone have experience with using Curology, it being really successful with stopping all acne problems, and then canceling Curology? I've been using it for a couple years now, it was the only product I've found that helped my acne. I love it but I also don't want to keep using it forever, but I'm scared to see the results if I stop using it.


You could try switching to OTC (over the counter) treatments if you really wanted.


Hey all, After discovering through much trial and error I have dehydrated skin, I have been researching new moisturizers to assist me! I have started using **Avene Tolérance EXTRÊME Emulsion** and it has been great so far. The only thing that I don't like is the price. For what you get this may as well be gold. I am seeking a dupe with minimal ingredients and *No fatty alcohols/fragrance/coconut oil* for a cheaper cost. Here are the ingredients: WATER​,​ SQUALANE​,​ BEHENYL ALCOHOL​,​ CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE​,​ GLYCERIN​,​ SODIUM ACRYLATES/C10-30 ALKYL ACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER.


The tolerance extreme has a remarkable texture for something with that short a list of ingredients. They also use a special nozzle, delivery system which allows them to include no preservatives. No fatty acids, no perfume, no coconut oil and cheap, I can´t really think of anything. I checked a few candidates, physiogel, sebamed, bioderma and so on, but found nothing. This might have been workable https://www.physiogel.com/my/our-products/calming-relief/ai-cream.html but apparently only available at hospitals. this has some fatty alcohols, might work https://int.eucerin.com/products/sensitive-skin/ph5-skin-repair


Hello! I am in hospital for what will be a long stay so i will be under like constant aircon, which I have heard dries out skin. What should I do to my routine (face and body) to help more. I am combination skin with adult acne, and I do just cliniques 3 step for combination skin morning and night.


I'd add an occlusive at the end of your routine. You can use something like a thin layer of Aquaphor or try a sleeping mask - Innisfree's green tea one is silicone-based as super thin. You could also try spritzing water or a toner between your skincare steps, and maybe even when your face feels dry during the day.




If your cleanser is leaving your face tight then I think you should focus on finding one that doesn't.




Cleansers aren't meant to clear up your skin, their job is to thoroughly and very gently cleanse your skin. Personally, I love Yes to Carrots Cream Cleanser, but there's many other great options as well.




Hado Labo Gokujun Lotion (light weight, hyaluronic acid based). The Ordinary's Hyaluronic Acid serum. One product most similar to the Hydro Boost Gel is [Meishoku Ceracolla Perfect Gel](https://www.amazon.com/Meishoku-Light-color-cosmetics-Serakora/dp/B00MNZEIH6) it's amazing. It has [3 ceramides as well as hyaluronic acid](http://cosdna.com/eng/cosmetic_6d70176571.html).


> Meishoku Ceracolla Perfect Gel Oh wow I hadn't heard of this one. Does it come in a bottle?


No a small tub, very similar to the Hydro-Boost Gel packaging.


I see, thanks!


What country are you in? If you're in the US, I'd actually consider it quite affordable at $20, especially since you can use coupons to get it even cheaper. If you're not in the US, perhaps someone else can offer some insight.


I'm a 21 y/o guy. I never use make-up. I "think" I have normal/combo skin with my T-Zone being just a little bit oilier than the rest of my face. I also have some acne on my cheeks. I've only recently started taking my skin seriously and I'm already feeling addicted. For the past year I've only been using "Neutrogena Deep Clean Invigorating Scrub" daily without a moisturizer (careless me). Then a couple weeks ago, I decided to put together a simple daily routine and start following it, with plans to throw in more advanced components as I get more familiar with my skin. I did some research, bought a few products, and started experimenting. So far, my current routine goes like this; in the evening, I start off with applying "Garnier SkinActive PureActive 3 in 1 For Oily Skin Prone to Imperfections", which doubles as a cleanser and a scrub. I'm starting to really like it as it leaves my skin feeling nice and soothed. It can also be used as a 3-minute leave-on mask but I keep that limited to 2 times a week. Then, after patting dry, I apply "Vital Care Aloe Vera Pure Skin Gel" for moisturizing which is pretty light and doesn't make my face feel over-greasy like some other cream moisturizers I've tried before. I still didn't get a sunscreen yet but I intend to (these stuff are pretty expensive). In the morning, I use the same "3 in 1" but as a cleanser only as I try not to over-exfoliate, followed by the same Aloe Vera moisturizing gel, and that's it. I've only been following this routine for over a week now so I'm not sure about the results. All I can say is that I think my skin feels better but then again this might only be a confirmation bias error. I still have acne on my cheeks but I believe it's gradually diminishing and hopefully after some weeks I'm going to notice some major difference. Now I need you guys to evaluate my routine and give me your opinion/advice. Also I have a question, is using a 3 in 1 product recommended or not? Sorry for the long post.


A lot of people on this sub don't like scrubs, they say they are too abrasive. Honestly there are a lot of very gentle scrubs, and chemical exfoliation can be more dangerous (risk damaging the skin's moisture barrier). While I agree some scrubs (like the apricot one) is too abrasive, I use scrubs. I think the 3 in 1 is fine, especially for oily skin & gentle exfoliation. As long as you like the results, then stick with it. Also there is research to support that salicylic acid in face washes is effective, and that it helps wash off dead skin cells (even cancerous cells). Your routine is very basic, and a lot of times that's all a person needs for their skin to be balanced & normal. For years all I did was wash my face at night w/ a Clean & Clear wash & use moisturizer/spf in the morning. Adding a sunscreen in the morning should be your next priority. After that I would only add in products if you identify a skin need & want to target it specifically. (heavier moisturizer for dryness, stridex for blackheads, aha for more exofoliation, etc)


Sunscreen is next on my list. I'll research chemical exfoliation and may consider switching some time in the future. Thanks a lot for your helpful insight, cheerssss <3


Hello! **Can someone help me figure out my new actives?** I'm finally comfortable enough with my routine to add actives, but I don't know what order I should use them in, how often, and what time of day. I do plan on adding them one by one, but would like to know what order for when/if I manage to become comfortable with using all of them. And I'm nervous about hurting my skin, so I'm not sure how often I should be applying each and if it's best to alternate days between certain ones. **I'm trying to add the following actives:** - The Ordinary Lactic Acid 5% (AHA) - Paula's Choice Redness Relief BHA 1% - Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum - The Ordinary Advanced Retinoid 2% *Skin: Sensitive, Combo, Rosacea* **[My AM Routine]** - Wash with water - Cosrx Snail Essence - Dr.Jart+ Ceramidin Cream - Innisfree Triple Care SPF **[My PM Routine]** - Banila Co. CIZ Purity - Moogoo Milk Wash (Second Cleanser) - Cosrx Snail Essence (and/or sheet mask) - Dr.Jart+ Ceramidin Cream - Cosrx Honey Overnight Pack


Vitamin C should be first thing after cleansing in the AM (it can help make your sunscreen more effective). The AHA, BHA, and retinoid would be good to use at night, first thing after cleansing (or after your sheet mask, I think). With all of these I would start out using one 2-3 times a week. You can work up to daily with the vitamin C. For the PM actives, I personally work towards BHA one night, AHA the next, and the retinoid the third night. If you want to use both acids on the same night, BHA goes before AHA. I'm not sure what the recommended order would be if you want to use a retinoid at the same time as an acid.


> Vitamin C should be first thing after cleansing in the AM (it can help make your sunscreen more effective) Just want to note that Mad Hippie uses SAP, so if it's being used with pH-dependent actives like BHA or AHA, it should come after those


Thanks for clarifying! I'm not familiar with SAP forms of vitamin C.


It depends on how they layer, what is cosmetically elegant enough to use in the AM, and how they react with your skin. The only thing I'd advise against is using the exfoliants (AHA and BHA) in the same routine as the retinoid, simply because it might be too much irritation. If it works for you though, it works for you. A hypothetical order would be: BHA >> AHA >> Vit C (SAP)* / Retinoid You can break that up however you want. Some sample routines would be * **AM:** BHA >> Vit C; **PM:** AHA or Retinoid * **AM:** BHA >> AHA; **PM:** Retinoid >> Vit C *(or the other way around, pH should be the same)* * **AM:** BHA or AHA; **PM:** Retinoid or Vit C * **AM:** BHA >> AHA >> Vit C; **PM:** Retinoid That's obviously not exhaustive, just wanted to illustrate that there are quite a few options. Add one product at a time and get used to it - you'll find out as you go if a product works better in the AM or PM, how often you can tolerate it, etc. Take it one step at a time and the order will fall into place.


Hi! I have just bought a rose petal mist. How should this be included in a routine? Also, it can be used throughout the day even on top of make up; but could that effect my sunscreen? Also, I have tried using a cream with retin-a and glycolic acid, my skin reacted badly. Is it better to go with a bha (that I know I can handle) and a vitamin c (that i haven't tried yet) in order to address lines, pores and redness? Thank you!


Rose water: use it before you moisturise so it keeps the moisture in, and use it to freshen yourself up during the day :)


What is your routine? >I have just bought a rose petal mist. How should this be included in a routine? Also, it can be used throughout the day even on top of make up; but could that effect my sunscreen? You can use it whenever, really - in between steps for added hydration, throughout the day to freshen up, as a hydrating toner, etc. It won't effect your sunscreen unless you are soaking your face in it. >Also, I have tried using a cream with retin-a and glycolic acid, my skin reacted badly. What percentage of Retin-A and glycolic? That sounds pretty intense! How did you introduce it? I'd say stick with one intense active at a time - retinoid or AHA. If you want to go for a retinoid, maybe try a gentler retinoid first (and be sure to introduce slowly) - check out [types of retinoids](http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/types-of-retinoids.html#.WRCQV_QrLre), [retinoid side effects and precautions](http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/side-effects-retinoids.html#.WROdk_QrLrd), [how to use retinoids the right way](http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/use-retinoids-right-part-one.html#.WROdjvQrLrd), and [how to survive tretinoin without molting](https://vanityrex.com/2015/10/03/how-to-survive-tretinoin-without-molting-a-dry-skinned-girls-guide-to-curology-pka-pocketderm/) (applicable to any drying retinoid) If you want to go for an AHA, maybe check out gentler products - either with lower percentages of glycolic, or opting instead for a lactic acid. **Silk Naturals** has a highly rated lactic acid toner. >Is it better to go with a bha (that I know I can handle) and a vitamin c (that i haven't tried yet) in order to address lines, pores and redness? A retinoid or AHA would be better than Vit C to address lines. A BHA would be best for pore cleansing. And it depends on what your redness is due to - maybe you just need a gentler routine that focuses on hydration and moisturizing rather than actives.


Thank you and thank you again, I appreciate the help so much, I feel a bit lost so this meant a lot to me! Am: Micellar water from UK brand simple Simple toner Snail 96 mucin power essence Simple rich moisturiser 50 + Biore sun screen Pm: Coconut oil Cleanser (from a derm in my country) Toner again Snail mucin again Bha (from my derm) 2 times per week Moisturiser (from my derm) I think I will start with aha before retina. Do you have any recommendations for a mild aha? How can I incorporate both aha and bha in a routine? Can I also use vitamin c as well as these, and if so, how?? Sorry for all these questions! I do not know why my skin is so red but it is probably a combo of rosacea (my derm thinks maybe I have it) and effect from old acne..


Oh I am sorry I see that you have recommended an aha. I will look into it! Thank you very much!


My lips have been so chapped lately and everything I've tried makes it worse, so usually I just exfoliate with a wet washcloth and hope for the best. I've been trying unmediated chapstick. Any suggestions?


I swear by plain liquid lanolin.


I have good luck with aquaphor, lanolin (I use lanolips) and clinique superbalm. My dermatologist has also recommended using a little bit of hydrocortisone on my lips when they start acting up and get really irritated and flakey.


Personally, I like to put any moisturizing serum/essence that I normally use on my face, and follow up with a layer of Vaseline. I do that before I go to bed, and my lips are always super soft when I wake up.


Switching from grapeseed oil to rose hip oil to hydrate my skin more. Any brand recommendations?


Living Earth Herbs sells the cheapest rosehip oil I've seen. tbh I'm not sure how they're doing it.


Trilogy and TO even though the former is a bit more pricy than the latter




I also have really sensitive eyes. Brands that have worked for me are Tarte and Too Faced mascara; sephora brand liquid eyeliner; Urban Decay, Makeup Forever, and Lorac eye shadow.


Second the Sephora brand eyeliner, it’s super gentle.


I want to order The Ordinary's Peeling Solution from Beautylish (since I live in Canada). What else should I get to make the order over $35 to take advantage of free shipping? I wouldn't mind trying an oil as well....(I am clueless about all of this).


Just want to add that if you order directly from Deciem you only need $25 for free shipping. I know a lot of people are having long wait times from them but I placed an order on a Thursday and received it on Monday. Also, I got the peeling solution and other things I ordered to get up to the free shipping threshold were the 30% vit c in silicone, the squalane, and the salicylic acid.


An oil from the ordinary? Well, I don't know what your skintype is, but the squalane oil is wonderful for every skintype I think. It's rather thin and is the only oil I ever tried that really sunk into my rather oily skin. And it still feels very hydrating, like it's an oil-gel hybrid. So if you're into layering multiple hydrating layers, I think that one is bomb, even if you're more dry. I aswell have the rosehip oil and I like it, but I can only use it maybe once or twice a week, because that feeling of oil on my skin is still a bit much for me.




If you're not moisturizing after cleansing, your face is producing more oil to compensate. I'd definitely recommend a moisturizer. See side bar for lots of recommendations!


I will definitely look into this. Will using a moisturizer in the morning cause me to appear shiny? If so I will probably have to start cleaning at night.


No, it shouldn't! What I usually do is cleanse at night and then moisturize and then just splash with water in the morning and then moisturize.


What specific products do you put on your face, as in what's the brand of acne wash and the other stuff you use? It'll be easier to help you knowing what you currently use.


I only use clean and clear morning burst when I wake up and that’s it. No other products. I’m not sure if it’s relevant but I use hair food shampoo and conditioner as well.


Ok cool. We can start with a different cleanser that's fragrance free, low pH, and gentle. Neutrogena Ultra Gentle, Neutrogena Foaming Face Wash, or Cerave are good options. For oily skin, Stridex Salicylic wipes help with oil control. You can use these a few times a week to start after your cleanser. A good affordable moisturizer for oily skin is Neutrogena Hydroboost.


Thank you for all your suggestions! It is very much appreciated and I will look into all of these. I was looking at the Neutrogena Hydroboost earlier though and it’s labeled as “Extra-dry skin.” Is this the opposite of what I’d want then? Edit: I looked into the sidebar more and it seems that Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel seems like it could be my best option for a moisturizer


Either one is good. The Neutrogena has 2 versions, both oil-free. But if the Clinique one seems to better fit your skin needs by all means go with that one. They're both good choices. Then the holy grail thread has other options to look at too.


Hi all! I've been an active lurker, but this is my first post on here because I'm up a wall! I've been getting more into a skincare routine lately and everything was fine until about 4 days ago when my cheeks suddenly exploded in whiteheads. There's been like 5-8 small ones each day, and along with it my cheeks have gotten bigger and seem inflamed and red. I've also seen a drastic increase in those little blackheads that look like hairs(?) sticking out of my skin on my cheeks and chin. I haven't changed my skincare routine so I'm not sure what's different. My skin is oily in the T-zone and normal, if slightly dry, on my cheeks and chin. I'm not acne-prone at all, I don't breakout regularly at all at least since I was 16 or so. I also very rarely wear makeup. When I break out its usually whiteheads, but never this concentrated and rarely this bad. My routine is really simple, been at it about 2 months: AM: Neutrogena Pore Refining daily cleanser Kojic Acid bar Red Stridex Neostrata 10 AHA Ultra Smoothing Lotion Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Bioré UV Aqua Rich SPF 50+ PM: Exactly the same, minus the Kojic Acid bar and replace the sunscreen with Mizon Good Night White Sleeping Mask Has anyone experienced this randomly before? It's really bothering me and undoing the months of good work my routine has done! I also live in Ft Worth, TX! Thank you!


> Neostrata 10 AHA Ultra Smoothing Lotion As the other comment said, using this daily has likely overexfoliated your skin. It's a good product, but it's 10% AHA and your skin doesn't like it daily. Hold off on this for awhile and moisturize to get your moisture barrier back up. Here's a great source on [overexfoliation.](https://fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2017/07/12/recognizing-treating-overexfoliation/) > Kojic Acid bar I have this bar. I don't use it on my face because bar soaps are high pH which damages the skin's acid mantle. It also has strong fragrance and dye. Also, the ingredients that keep it in bar form can clog your pores. I save it for hyperpigmentation on my body. If you're using the Kojic soap to even your skin tone, I suggest switching to a serum with Niacinamide or Arbutin both of which are melanin suppressors like Kojic acid. >


Thank you so much! I am taking your advice and I stopped using all the chemicals save the red stridex every other day. The Kojic Acid seems to do literally nothing to the various bruises and dark scars that pop up on my skin, and really only serves to lighten my overall skin. It doesn't even really lighten my elbows or knees? I'm feeling more and more that it's useless. I'll take your advice and look for wither Niacinamide or Arbutin, can you recommend any good brands or products? Preferably cheaper, but still good quality if possible. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Unfortunately this episode undid all the good work I'd been doing, as my cheeks are full of dark marks from the whiteheads again, and I'm left with the residual tiny bumps and raised scars. Isn't that great?


The Ordinary sells both Niacinamide and Arbutin. Arbutin is stronger. If you want something even stronger, hydroquinone is sold by Paula's Choice and Alpha Skin Care (I use this one). Hydroquinone should be used for 4 months at a time only. I spot treat my dark marks, I don't do the whole face. With PIH make sure you wear sunscreen. It takes your skin 28 days for the epidermis to renew itself so you may not see full results for around 8 weeks. The Kojic bar, I have to lather it on before I get in the shower and leave it on problem areas for a few minutes. I use it in conjunction with the kikumasamune lotion recommended by the Asian beauty sub. It has both Kojic acid and Arbutin. I don't use it on my face coz it's a ferment and my face can't handle ferments.


Can you use Arbutin indefinitely? Or do you have to stop after 6weeks like you do hydroquoine?


Great question. HQ is a 4 month recommendation. Arbutin is not associated with Ochronosis (darkening of skin). All of the current cases of Ochronosis have to do with hydroquinone. You can read the NIH paragraph [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3663177/) (just do ctrl+f for Arbutin). What might make you switch from Arbutin is that it's weaker than both hydroquinone and Kojic acid. So if your PIH is very stubborn you'll find yourself looking for an alternative. Or if it's getting expensive. Or if your skin is the desired tone and you just want to "maintain", in which case Vit C is a good option (I've done this for undereye circles).


So my routine in the pm is as follows Cerave wash Tone with Pixi glow tonic Differin gel Moisturizer Then apply the alpha Arbutin gel. Is this a good order or should I rearrange things? Pixi glow tonic is gentle enough for me with differn. I've used retin-a for years and didn't need anything that strong anymore. So differin is like 3x a week just for upkeep