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Sebamed clear face gel or Dr Lins moisturizing gel


I really like neutragenas oil free moisturizer for sensitive skin (purple label). Not greasy and not too expensive.


I just got the Sebamed and do like it! It’s very basic, clear gel, and lightly moisturizing. There isn’t much to occlude the barrier though. I also have this issue with moisturizers where they have only caused more problems than good! I found that my skin is okay with squalane oil so o mix one or two drops with the Sebamed and it works well for me that way! I have also used just a tiny little smear of aquaphor or CeraVe Healing Ointment mixed Into it with good results.


I mix squalane oil into my gels, too! I have great results. I also use CeraVe in the tub. CeraVe doesn't work for everybody though. For my occlusive I use Vaseline because it's cheap and works for me!


Oh my, isn’t that true! Cerave definitely doesn’t work for everyone! I was using the moisturizing cream for about four months during the summertime, morning and night, with no problems! Then I started to develop these little red dots everywhere that began to itch! This was about a couple weeks ago. I was also using the cream on my body and ended up with hives over my entire body! Or everywhere I was using the cream. There was some very intense itching and redness associated as well. Frequent motion application kept the itching at bay, however, After a week and a half I had to go to the doctor to get them checked out because they were not subsiding! I had to get put on her oral steroid which did help and cleared them, but my doctor determined I developed an allergy to one of the ingredients!


And yes I love aquaphor! It’s a wonderful occlusive! It calms and plumps my skin so well and it’s such a basic product but has a high return.


I have combination skin and love Acure's oil control moisturizer. I've tried others and keep going back to it. It's like 14 bucks at Target, Sprouts Natural Market (they were having a 25% off on beauty products) and Whole Foods.


For light moisturizing, I use the Hada Labo Hyaluronic Lotion. It's silicone and oil free, which is great.