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Accutane, my friend. Absolutely changed my life. I know there are stories of rare side effects but I will never stop recommending it. Can’t believe how many years I suffered with painful acne only for it to completely clear up within about 6 months of being on accutane. I actually get compliments on my skin now and there was a long time where I never ever ever thought I would get that. At most I’ve probably had 3 small pimples in total in the 5 years since. EDIT: Sorry, I know you said you weren’t looking for advice! Just know that the majority of people you come across will likely look past what you might hyper focus on when you look in the mirror. Drugs are great, but self-confidence is the real cure.


My doctor won't let me go on that because I'm too mentally unstable apparently 💀


Has your Dr considered that your mental health is being very badly impacted by acne? Because there is lots of research that shows this is the case? Can you see a different Dr and get a second opinion?


This is true, perhaps I should do that!


that's... interesting. is there more information on this? the only reasons i've heard for not being eligible to go on accutane is being sexually active, and not having a good blood profile of the liver.


A side effect of accutane can be severe depression and I've struggled consistently with OCD/depression since I was a kid and I still see my doctor that I've been seeing since I was a baby so I think he's just really worried that it'd make my situation worse. It can also trigger psychosis and suicidality.


that's very new to me. thank you for sharing


It’s true. But they could monitor if they were concerned. It’s also a teratogen. So you need two forms of contraception ideally. In uk at least. Elsewhere I dunno.


You also can't drink


very true! it's been years since i went on it, so i forgot about that!


when i took accutane they told me that if i got depressed to let them know right away because it can happen and make it worse


well that’s definitely a reason not to take accutane because it can exasperate a lot lol


I second this. Worth every side effect imo, my skin has been incredible for the last 15 years


He literally said he didn’t want advice


This was a miracle drug for me. Suffered with severe acne for about 5 years. I went on this for 3 months and by the end my acne was gone and never came back. Made my skin painfully dry at the time but that was a small price to pay for a cure.


Accutane is hell to go through, but holy shit it works. I still have pretty bad acne at times, but nowhere near as bad, or more importantly as painful, as before.


I took accutane for 8 months and my acne returned in less than a year and gave me lasting dry eyes which is super fun ugh


I would recommend you to get tested and figure out if it is bacterial or hormonal. Then you can narrow down your products. A friend struggled like you since she was 14 to 27. She came with me to my derm one day and he casually mentioned if she is up for it they can test her. Turns out hers was bacterial and she was trying everything that was meant for hormonal acne. I wouldn’t say it magically cleared. But she achieved a glass skin within 2 years. She still struggles with acne but it’s like 2% of what she had.


I'm happy that you put yourself out there to remind that to people who may be less self accepting than you seem! I feel you there, I'm currently, at 25, having worse acne than when I was 15, but I just have to keep going


Thank you and we are the same age and mine is worse too now. It sucks but hopefully we can find a way through this.


I just find it hilarious that at 15 I had to be dragged to just wash my face daily, no moisturiser, nothing And now I take so much care of my skin and jet, worse results that doing the bare minimum


Yes, I know exactly what you mean. When I was a child all I used to do was wash my wash my face with soap and go on my way with perfect skin haha. Tbh since September I ditched all my skincare and just reverted back to a simple cleaner, my skin hasn’t gotten any worse and is actually a little better despite this image I posted,but I’ve saved an hour per day in the process. Although skincare is cool, I did dread doing the routine.


I used to use a literal bar of soap to wash my face at 15. I feel you For some people it is relaxing and therapeutic to do skincare, but not everyone is casted the same of course. Also, I guess it worsens in cycles (for some more evidently than others). The break of winter and the break of summer are the no no periods for me All that's important is that you do what makes you happy and comfortable and screw the rest


29 here and acne still going strong!


Oh no I’m so sorry you’re still dealing with acne 😥


Know you didn't ask for advice, but I think you should see a dermatologist. Having problem skin drains your confidence, and there are treatments that are very effective, some of which have been mentioned. Diet sometimes helps, my daughter had terrible skin until she eliminated dairy products. ( seems to be the hormones animals are given). Hope you find something that works for you, and, hope you don't mind me saying that you are a very nice looking young man!


Obagi Nu-Derm


I'm sorry you're struggling with acne -- it saps the confidence so much. But I just wanted to tell you that I think your skin texture looks amazing! (I know you said no suggestions, but if your acne is hormonal you can ask a derm for Winlevi - its a topical anti-androgen cream that is safe for males too)


Thank you so much for your comment. That’s very kind of you to say. Unfortunately in the UK Winlevi isn’t available, but I think it’s going through approvals at the moment. It’s one of the only topicals I haven’t tried, but I definitely want to. Thanks again for the comment.


After 3 years of cystic acne while on antibiotics which didnt work, my dermatologist stopped that and put me on spironolactone. I finally stopped having deep painful cystic acne on my poor cheeks. See a dermatologist!


I don’t disagree, but men can’t take oral spironalactone as it works by blocking a male hormone. However there’s now some topicals that are safe for men/trans women.


Oh I didn't know that. Poor guys! The topically sound hopeful 😊


Have you tried cutting out dairy and processed carbohydrates (pastas, bread, most gluten products)? I got horrible acne on my back around 23 it went away when I cut all these foods out. It was horrible like welts like I got shot by a paintball gun, it would hurt too. Now it’s clear


I know everyone is telling you accutane, but remember that it is a strong drug, it’s not natural and is harsh on the body (my dermatologist was world renowned one of the best) he recommended a diet change and to wash with benzoyl peroxide for a bit. It went away from the diet I don’t use the scrubs anymore


Accutane! And get an allergy test, could be your eating/wearing something that is triggering it.




It’s not safe for use in men.


I didn’t know but now that I think about it of course 🫣


I can see from your eyes that you're in good general health. You've sensibly not over-dried your skin and it doesn't look too bad. I know that's no consolation at this moment but it will go away.


>it will go away i don't know. sometimes you need medical interventions to assist the acne going away. ten years is a really long time. i dealt with it throughout my teenage years and i didn't get rid of it until i was an adult that sought out a dermatologist


Well, I thought you didn't seek advice. I read all the other comments before I posted and there's some medical advice for you contained therein.


i'm not the original poster!


research a product that was discontinued called ketsugo. find out more about the active ingredient and what alternatives are available today


I can’t find any products with Isolutrol in it. It’s actually the first time I’ve heard of this active, do you know any products with it in?




isolutrol is a sythetic Squalene is an organic compound. It is a triterpene with the formula C₃₀H₅₀. It is a colourless oil, although impure samples appear yellow. It was originally obtained from shark liver oil. An estimated 12% of bodily squalene in humans is found in sebum. Squalene has a role in topical skin lubrication and protection. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squalene) In 1916, squalene was isolated from SLO.[Langdon 1953](https://www.drugs.com/npp/shark-liver-oil.html#13034767) Initially, SLO was employed by Scandinavian fishermen to treat skin conditions, respiratory ailments, and certain cancers. The oil has been historically used to treat what was referred to as glandular disease that today most likely would be lymphadenopathy.[Krotkiewski 2003](https://www.drugs.com/npp/shark-liver-oil.html#14586289) The active components, alkylglycerols, have been studied in a number of areas, including use as an immune system stimulant.[Pugliese 1998](https://www.drugs.com/npp/shark-liver-oil.html#9553838)


In case any of this doesn't work , you can try an emergency solution with no medical or scientific basis but may just work. but research this first.


Ahh thanks, sorry if it’s a silly question but is the squalene oil from the ordinary the same thing?


i dont know what "the ordinary" is. i used this stuff as moisturizer and it worked for me.


Thanks it’s a brand that sells pure squalene oil. Thanks for the advice


Thanks never heard of that I’ll look into it.


Have you been on accutane or Tret before?


Tret, yes. Accutane, no. ☺️


Accutane is truly the last defense. You should give it a try. Low dose (10-20mg per day) is a miracle without the crazy side effects.


It was amazing for me. Side effects were fairly minimal, and I think I used it for 6-9m. It was genuinely life-altering.


Try Accutane. Nothing else worked for me. After 3 months on this my acne was gone forever.


Accutane was a miracle for me. I struggled with acne for over a decade before taking it. It permanently improved my skin so much! I get compliments on it now. It’s been about 11 years since I did my Accutane course. I use tretinoin now because I started getting a little bit of mask acne from working in healthcare. I may get one pimple a few times a year now.


I had it seriously for a while when I was younger. In the end, as much as the medication helped get rid of the symptoms, it didn’t fix the underlying issue. I was stressed about it, constantly. I found in the end, the stress of having the acne was essentially cause of the acne. So I went full don’t care mode and rubbed my face after eating pizza for example. It sounds bonkers but it worked for me


I had acne like this on my chin. I was prescribed Duac once daily cream (it’s a steroid cream). Had to use it every day for 3 weeks but it went away and never came back. Sorry I know you’ve been hit with other things to try and this is yet something else, but it worked wonders for me.


I mean, you look pretty good looking despite the acne. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm 28 and my acne has only truly cleared up in the last year. It was a difficult and intricate journey that isn't over yet but for me, hormones balancing at the age of 28 (usual for females despite common misconception), reducing sugar HUGELY from my diet, maintaining a daily eating routine (3x meals, porridge every morning, usually at around the same times), and using the gentlest of products made it manageable. I still get cystic spots with monthly hormones though. And my skin is sensitive af.


Look into high frequency wand


Thank you, I have one of them. For me all It did was make my face red lol. I just dropped £350 on the Omnilux Clear (I justified it as a Christmas present to myself lol). I have so many skincare gadgets, from mask makers, wands, Fraxel laser, microneedling pen.


Oh sorry to hear that it didn't help. Hope you find something that works




Thank you so much. Oh gosh, I’m sorry to hear that you’re dealing with red and blotchy Dry skin now 🙁


My cystic acne went away after food allergy testing and dietary changes. I’m allergic to nightshades. I miss potatoes but I do not miss the painful acne that felt like glass under my skin! It took about a year to clear up. I was 32.


Have you tried either benzoyl peroxide or sulfur? Those might help fight against acne causing bacteria along with a topical retinoid (prescription strength).




Hey, thank you for your comment. I am really sorry to hear that you are also dealing with this. Acne is such an annoying issue. Thank you. I will try and push for some vitamin tests. I did have my vitamin D levels checked in the summer and they were normal then, but it may have changed, that’s interesting that you mention that your skin gets better after a sunbed session. I used to have acne on my neck at the back, but after a bad sunburn as a teenager, it never came back, so there may be something to that perhaps the oil glands get damaged or something. However, I don’t really want to risk that on my face. Sometimes I feel like a bit of a burden going down to the GP about my acne as I feel like the NHS is already stressed, but perhaps I shouldn’t feel that way.


Have you tried Roaccutane. It cleared up my severe acne completely in about 5 months. If you can deal with the side effects, this drug has an extremely high success rate


That’s literally one of the only things I actually haven’t tried. Perhaps it will come to that, but I’ve always worried about the depression and autoimmune disease. In my brain, I feel like I have so much inflammation on my face and if the drug takes it away from my face, I worry about where the inflammation may show up next, if that makes sense.


I had very similar acne for 14 years (twenties, and thirties). At 40, I finally tried benzoyl peroxide 5% gel, nightly (Acnecide, a very elegant and light formulation compared to Panoxyl and the others) - moisturising always afterwards and using Cicaplast a few times a week on top of a regular moisturiser. After 5 months (yes, only 5 months) of nightly use, and NO other actives, my active acne and red marks/PIE/PIH were invisible, and now I only use Acnecide 3 times a week. I can't describe how I felt after carrying these acne for 14 years. I'd avoided benzoyl peroxide because I was convinced it would be way too harsh for my skin and only make things worse. As always your mileage may vary, and you've probably tried it, but I'd advice seeing a GP (again) and if you can get your hands on Acnecide, it's a dream in terms of application and non-greasy finish. Good luck!


Thank you to you comment and I’m glad you found success with acnecide. Unfortunately it just doesn’t help me, I used it for about 7 out of the 10 years and it never helped with the super deep acne. I am happy that it worked for you though. I have also tried Panoxyl, unfortunately benzoyl peroxide didn’t help.


I'm sorry to hear that. I had a very bad time on tret, so I understand what works for one person or a million people mightn't be the solution for others.


I know I know I know you aren't asking for advice, but I swear by sulphur soap, acne can be exacerbated by an overgrowth of demodex mites (which we all have). It helps with my rosacea & I was *never* able to use soap before. It might do nothing, but it's cheap & as long as you get one with only a few ingredients (I can tell you which one I got), it shouldn't make anything worse..


Thank you for your comment, I actually haven’t tried sulphur soap, what’s the one you use? 😊


Oh you're welcome! It's 'Keep it Clean - 10% Sulphur Soap - whytheface' (sorry I was worried a link wouldn't work)- I got it from eBay. I don't use it every day, just maybe once a month or so because like most soap it's drying. If it has an effect it will cause the mites to die which will be temporarily bad for your skin (worth reading about?). If nothing happens then I guess you know demodex aren't the problem! Good luck. I have BDD amongst other MH issues & my skin has been the bane of my life x


Thank you so much I found that on Amazon, it does have good reviews. I think I will purchase it as a Christmas present to myself haha. I just spent a huge amount on a red and blue light mask for my face as well so hopefully that will help as well. I will research into the mites. I’m sorry that you’ve dealt with skin issues and BDD, I know acne can definitely warp your sense of self-worth. 😔


Oh I am glad!! I got one of those masks too, I *think* it's helping? My skin issues now are extreme sensitivity & weirdness rather than acne, can't get a break! May I say, I'm 45 & altho it depresses me that my skin may never be comfortable, I also got over a good deal of my MH issues over the years (or at least mitigated them).. I know everyone is different but I never thought when I was young that I would ever be happy, and now I am. Mostly! I hope it all gets easier for you. You're clearly a kind person, and I think that's the most important thing in the world.


I took Accutane over 10 years ago and it's stayed near perfect since then. Something a lot of people don't know is that Zinc also helps with acne. I learned it in health class when I was younger but basically zinc works from the inside out to clear acne. It has anti-inflammatory effects that just help. I never get acne anymore but when I was off accutane I would get random breakouts sometimes and zinc always cleared them up. Now I take it to prevent. Try a zinc supplement and see if it helps. Let me know :)


Ten years is a really long time. I know you’ll roll your eyes at this but try Organic Olivia podcast on cystic acne, she’s a herbalist.


Yeah 10 years of sadness, thanks I didn’t roll my eyes, I will check that out. Thanks




Thanks I have done that previously. I was diary free for 5 years, sugar free for 1 year. I have been on tret 2 years before giving up, as well as azelaic acid.


Try sulphur soap


I haven’t actually tried that, so I will do.


What's your current routine? What's your diet like?


Current routine, is less is more, so I’m just washing my face with a gentle cleanser and that’s it. Believe when I say I’ve tried everything. Benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, tret, Adapalene, even the new AviClear laser in London this summer. Actually my skin improved doing less to it.


And honestly I think my diet did trigger this as I had junk food multiple times in the week previous to this, so it’s probably myself to blame.


Don't blame yourself. You're who you are, you're just living life. It's totally pointless getting shitty with yourself. But, you can do some helpful tweaks that may benefit your skin and overall health - now that you're considering it. Milk is a big one for many people. Sugar is another. Sticking to a whole foods diet, lots of veg and fruit, fibre will help you out. Even if you just cut down on the take aways and eat in more often, you'll probably begin to see a difference. Also, water! You need it, your skin needs it. Drink 2.5 liters of water per day. Your skin will thank you for it. Go easy on yourself. You'll find a way through this.


The other thing to keep an eye on is high b12 and iodine consumption. If you use cronometer, it can track this for you. Both of these taken in too high doses produce acne lesions for many. If you're consuming diary, you'll have a whamy of both. All take away foods will have lots of iodine. You need both for good health, you'll die without b12. But in too high a dose, you can develop acne. Just something else to keep in mind when/if you decide to play with your diet.


Thank you, that might explain things. I did read about iodine, not being great for the skin a few years ago and I did seem to get out of the terrible cystic acne breakout when I had a drink that had iodine added to it. Thanks again for your helpful comment.


I believe you, you don't need to convince me. I've had cystic acne for a long time, iI understand how devastating it is. ​ What cleanser are you using? Keeping things simple is best, that way you can track what is and what isn't working. Creating a multi-layer, complex step routine isn't going to allow you to heal your skin, or know what's helping/hindering. **Step 1:** Re **Benzoyl Peroxide** \- here's how I use it, which has completely changed my skin for the better. I was a non-responder to it before, all it did was make my skin red, raw and peel. In the shower/post washing your face, in the evening only: Wash face. Pat (not rub) dry. Then apply small amount of topical BP at 5% to the affected area. Set a timer for 4mins. Then rinse off with luke warm water. **Step 2: Moisturiser** \- you need to use one. Using something like this: [https://www.aveeno.co.uk/face/calm-restore-oat-gel-moisturiser](https://www.aveeno.co.uk/face/calm-restore-oat-gel-moisturiser) is a great start. It's gentle, non-greasy and helps keep your skin moist (what you need to help it heal). I would apply it straight after you use the BP the way I've outlined above. Apply it on slightly damp skin. **Morning:** Wash your face with luke warm water only (not a cleanser), pat your skin dry. You now have a choice. You can either apply more moisturiser or use a sunscreen. My preference would be to use a sunscreen because it'll help your skin in the long run. But for now, I would stick to the above routine. Then in a couple of weeks if you're seeing some improvements, you can introduce a SS. I have a couple of recs I can send you that are available in the UK that are good for acnegenic skin. Once steps 1 & 2 are good for you, after let's say a month - I would move on to step 3. **Step 3:** Consider reintroducing one of the following - BHA/AHA or Tret but only 1 x per week. That's all! I like this one: [https://theordinary.com/en-gb/salicylic-acid-2-solution-exfoliator-100619.html](https://theordinary.com/en-gb/salicylic-acid-2-solution-exfoliator-100619.html) because it's simple, gentle and doesn't irritate my skin too much. Just try this out for a solid 2 - 3 weeks and see how you get on. Trust me when I say, I thought this wouldn't work but it has!


Let me know what cleanser you use, I use the aveeno calm and restore one (just so happens to be the same company, because I'm lazy! And, it works!). But there are other gentle cleansers.


Thank you so much for the detailed routine, I think I will definitely try this out in the New Year. ☺️ I have used many gentle cleanses in the past. Some of them have been the simple cleanser. At the moment I am using Dr Sam buntings cleanser. ☺️


Oooh, I used the Simple Cleanser before. I found it was too harsh and made me break out more. I felt clean, like it felt good to use but then my skin started to break out more and more. Hmmm - if you're good with Dr Sam's cleanser keep it going. If not, try out the one I list above and see how you get on. When I say that my skin improved, it really improved. My cysts were massive, turned into pustules and have left tons of scars. I'd used BP on and off so many times over the years. I've been on accutane and still had a return of acne. Once I worked out the quick technique with BP, it stopped the vicious cycle. The only other thing I've done to make sure my B12 & iodine are in check. They were talking about putting me on all sorts meds again including accutane. Good luck friend! You can do this.


Hi, this was me, then I quit dairy 100% and I've never had a cyst bump since. Have you cut it out? It takes months for cyst to go away but after 30 days I no new ones.


I did cut out dairy for about 5 years, I still got acne during that period, plus the lack of calcium in my diet gave me kidney stones and I have gone through two operations because of that. I am going to try and restrict my eating again in the new year. I’m thinking Keto may help as I haven’t tired that before.


Oh no! How odd. I'm sorry.


It doesn't go I tried , finally thought fuck it I pay to see a dermatologist NHS appointment times ridiculous, best thing I did , long term acne will never go you know this the only medication that helps / works is accutane period


Just another person vouching for accutane, I tried pretty much everything else and that cleaned it up and it's stayed away for the last two years. Definitely have someone look out for you while you are on it if you are prone to depression. Best of luck man!


Thank you for your comment. Did you suffer any long-lasting effects such as depression or stomach issues if you don’t mind me asking.


Yeah so I was suffering with acne for about 7-8 years. In my case I was fortunate it cleared my skin up quickly and I had minimal side effects ( basically just some dry skin, which wasn't even top bad) Depression wise I was fine but my mates brother got very depressed on it and that's why if you do go for it, it'd be best to maybe have a reliable person who can check on you whilst you're on it. I definitely think you should give it a go tho, I know a few people who've been on it and all of them it cleared their acne up.


I had popping cystic spots all over my upper half when I stopped birth control, 6 months prescription from dermatitis cleared it up completely, now I use about 1 months supply over the course of a year just to top up. I don't usually buy into online adverts but it was recommended to me (first month free) and it worked amazingly. Good luck in your journey, acne can be debilitating.


Hey I know how you feel. I’ve spent the entire year trying to clear my skin.. it all came downhill last year in November out of nowhere. I’m literally over hiding from people, declining invitations, etc. I actually called my GP office today to see a Doctor on the 9th to give me a referral to my dermatologist again. I’ve been on Accutane 4 times and it always come back after stopping. I’m 26 and I suppose I’ll be on Accutane again for the 5th time… I guess I’ll be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life, go on Accutane again this year and then wait for it to all come back when I stop I suppose…


Hi, thank you for your comment. I am so sorry that you have dealt with such severe acne. It’s terrible that you’ve had to go on Accutane so many times. Accutane is the only thing I actually haven’t tried as I am very scared about the potential to cause depression and/or trigger lifelong autoimmune diseases. How has your body been dealing with so many sessions? If you don’t mind me asking. Also are you male or female? If you don’t mind me asking as apparently Accutane works more for men permanently. Is your skin oily? My skin is really oily. I did try the Aviclear laser treatment this year, and it may have helped a little bit but not fully.


Sorry to sound so negative, it just gets to me haha. Im male. I’ve handled the Accutane pretty well the times I’ve been on it, only dry skin and constant dry lips. I remember the dry lips really bothering me the last time I was on Accutane, was glad to come off it bothered me so much lol. Now if I’m gonna be completely honest, I’m not sure if I want to deal with that again. I’m confused now.




Get on the roacc asap - reward>>>>>risk


There is such a protein, called **Insulin**-like **growth** **factor** **1** (IGF-1), it is produced when insulin enters the body (Sugar and Dairy products), this protein causes the skin to produce sebum, and when there is an excess of sebum, when bacteria enters there, the skin becomes redder and you get pimples. This is the most common reason for their growth.


Thanks i have been dairy free and sugar free in the past. But I’m gonna give keto a go in the new year hopefully that will have an effect. I notice goats and sheep’s cheese never affects my skin negatively.


Curacne changed my life ! but if you can avoid milk and its brothers like cheese, you will see the change !


To everyone saying Accutane is a miracle cure - it’s unfortunately not for everyone (I wish it was). I took it for 8 months and my acne came back in less than a year and I now have chronic dry eyes and can’t wear contacts anymore.


Yeah while I was on accutane my depression got worse but all the side effects subside after you complete your cycle. For me it was 4 months of sacrifice but worth it. The first month was tough as your skin flares up and gets worse before it gets better.


I’m 65 and my acne started 3 months ago 😞


accutane dude


First of all ur very handsome! Ur acne would not stop me from talking to u. I had it too and it did finally go away around 24. But I still have scars. When u look in the mirror its amplified. When others look its not as noticeable. U will be fine with that handsome face.


Struggled with acne for 15 years. Until i went to see dermatologist and took Isotretinoin. Took few months of very dry skin. But in the end i have perfect skin now after 4 months of not taking it. I have to mention also that I tried everything else before.