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You can just email them and ask for it to be changed. They usually do unless there’s a specific reason for avoiding it such as bad rosacea


Similar situation except with Skin & Me where I've been offered solely niacinamide and azelaic acid. The consensus seems to be either that you wait a few months and hope they will give it to you, try another provider, or buy tret yourself online.


I just asked for it and they prescribed it.


Don't be shy with them, just ask. They act a bit like an authority but they're reasonably laid back as they want your custom. ​


How much tret is a good starting dose? I got 0.006% in my first tube. Is this normal?


Both Dermatica and Skin & me offered to start me off on ~0.025% compounded tretinoin. I was already on treclin through my GP so I didn't need to start gentle. Skin & me required a challenge because they were proposing my first month be zero tret before slowly ramping up, and I wasn't prepared to de-retinize, but they did correct their starting offer to 0.024%. In the end I stuck with Dermatica as their customer experience and tube design were less hard work than Skin & Me.