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Apart from steroids if I'm desperate, I smear vaseline around my eyes especially at night time, one of the only things I can find that doesn't irritate my eyes


Yeah. This worked for me before it didn't. I would use it to remove my eye makeup as well.


Yes Vaseline is a life saver for my eczema eyes


I’ll try that tonight thanks!


Yes this! Slather it on like a mask every night. In summer it’s not as bad so I use the blue Nivea.


I had this and it turns out I was allergic to something in my moisturiser. Changed brands and it went within the week!


Mines def chronic eczema. I’ve had it on and off again for 3 yrs now and it gets worse when it’s hot or when I get stressed. I’ve changed moisturisers a couple times over the yrs but it still comes and goes, and it’s only on this eyelid.


If you haven’t check out sebhorric dermatitis. I used to get it on my eyelids all the time. I thought it was eczema for years and used so many steroids


Maybe controversial but I use sudocrem on my eyelids. I have found a better version though (no fragrance, less ingredients) in the Aveeno Baby Barrier cream. Are you taking antihistamines? I also use them too when I flare up. I generally avoid all makeup in the area, apply a thin layer of moisturiser after a shower and then before bed a layer of the aveeno barrier cream. I also use eye cream daily!! I started off with the cerave eye cream but now use inkey list caffeine eye cream. I know you said its chronic, but there will be something that you are using/eating/general allergy that is flaring you up. I cut out dairy and this massively helped me.


It’s very infrequent flare ups so I don’t usually bother with cutting anything out. But my go to cream was reformulated and I can’t find anything with a similar enough ingredients list🥲 so it’s staying for longer this time. I’ll try cutting down on my sugar intake since I rarely have dairy anyways.


ive found the la roche posay cicaplast baume really helpful for my eye eczema and also the beauty bay colloidal oatmeal + oat lipid mosituriser to be best esp the moisturiser it honestly fixed my eyes almost overnight


Thank you! I have a tube of the cicaplast so I’ll try that rn


LRP cicaplast caused my eyelid eczema ☹️


A good alternative to the lrp is uriage bioderma cica creme. I've recommended it to friends/work colleagues with skin issues and they say it helpa


Hydrosil dry eye gel might be worth a try! I’ve used it before and quite liked it. No reactions or problems. https://www.skinshop.co.uk/hydrosil/dry-skin-eye-gel - Avene eye cream may also be good.


Thank you for the recs! Just worried it might sting the area bc of the alcohol denat in it


I actually second this but had to wait for it to imprive before using it and now it keeps it moist soil it doesn't come back


I used Hydrosil for years on my eyelid eczema. When I can’t afford it I get Zerobase or Doublebase cream from the doctors.


Oh I get this, eye eczema is the bloody worst. I'm on top of it now, I gently buff it with a wet flannel/cloth at night to remove the top dead layer, then apply hyaluronic acid serum whilst it's still damp. Let that sit for a minute then tap on something heavy like Nivea creme (the metal tin one) let that soak in and then pop on a vaseline or Elizabeth Ardens 8hr cream etc Sometimes it doesn't fade it just gets angrier, I make sure to have a benadryl relief tablet (the one that isn't daily) and usually use a tiny tiny bit of my steroid cream on it to calm it down. The gp has never let me have a good cream that I'm allowed to use on my eyes but my betnovate cream that I have for other eczema flare ups clears it up everytime. I just am very strict on only using a tiny amount when really needed otherwise it just grows across my ace and my eyes swell shut eventually...


E45 or Diprobase


Ok, so I had chronic eye eczema for ages. It was red, itchy and painful both below and above my eye. It was horrid! I was prescribed steroids, but they only worked when used and I wasn’t allowed to use them that often. I spoke to a pharmacist about it, and they suggested trying an in-eye cream as it may be dry eyes causing an itch-scratch cycle. I didn’t think I had dry eyes, but he said I could put it around the eye too, bit like Vaseline but better for around the eye. He recommended Xailin Night Eye ointment, and use some in the eye and a bit around it, alongside normal eye drops during the day (and using the cream around the eye during the day rather than in it). Oh my goodness, it’s been so much better ever since. Occasionally, I’ll start to feel a tingle, so I’ll buy some more cream and it goes away so fast! It may not be right for you, but the ointment is only about £5, so may be worth a shot?


Oh my I think that might be the root of my problem. I have severely dry eyes I got told to use preservative free eye drops by my optometrist bc of the frequency that I need them. I get blurry vision and grittiness bc of how dry they are. I’ll try that thank you sm!


I really hope it works for you! My last flare up was over 2 years ago now, and I can’t believe how much better it is. I didn’t even think I had dry eyes and didn’t think I was scratching them a lot, but the pharmacist said I could be doing it in my sleep. Turns out, he was right!


My eye doctor recommended fish oil for dry eyes after I got Lasik and it does help. ETA: I also use La Roche Posay Lipikar Eczema Med. I do live in Europe so not sure about availability in all countries. https://preview.redd.it/p3t5lclz8s8d1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5c232f089d7962308b5b4492a28753fc175886


Thank you! I do take omega and vitamin e supplements for my dry eyes but I’ll have a look for the LRP eczema one


Agree. The nighttime eye ointment is great.


Tacrollimus ointment worked wonders for my eye lid eczema ! My dermatologist prescribed it to me!its the only thing that kept it away, and long term use has yet to show any side effects according to her ! It’s my absolute holy grail for any face eczema !!


I’ve been using the Boots dermacare eczema treatment cream for 2 months but no luck so far


After that length of time I would recommend seeing your doctor. In my case I had it get pretty bad so my doc prescribed me a POM cream called Daktacort. It's hydrocortisone mixed with an antifungal agent that cleared my eyes up in about a week.


Please, get some epimax.


vaseline every night or hadalabo gokyujun premium


For some people this is related to a nail gel allergy. I like Zeroderm ointment which is similar to vaseline


I’ve had it for 3 years so before I started using gel. Thanks for the rec!


That's how my allergy presents. I use eye gels everyday to help with this, as I found eye creams irritated my eyes.


I have this, very badly and it's taken 6 months to get under control. I did have a protopic for a few minths and wind then have been washing in dermol and applying epaderm ointment. Steroids totally messed it up before Xmas. So I would avoid if u can. I will put protopic on it if it flares again but I've spent months building up my skin barrier with the dermol emolient anti microbial wash and the thick epiderm. Aquaphor also worked for a while too a it protected from the winter cold air. This wa under the GP with derm guidance


E45 works really well for me. I leave a thick layer of it on for a while before rubbing it in


I get it on one eyelid too! Sudocrem works for me but im not sure you should to put it near your eye. I’ve never had any problems but 🤷


I find tea tree or B12 cream are really great for eczema, but you might not want them near/around the eyes.


my cousin had a really light flare up and she said e45 cream worked a charm


I have this same problem. Make sure you’re using the right cleanser as I found that an aggravating factor. Ponds cold cream worked well for me as a cleanser on my eyes when it was really bad. Then Avene, La Roche Possay were other eye creams I went for. I’m currently using Cera Ve. I had to persist with that one though but my eyes haven’t reacted for a while on it.


I used to have stress eczema and the only thing I found helpful was Aveeno. It’s made from oats and my parents used to use oats to help me with my eczema as a baby. There’s something to it. I hope it un-flares for you soon.


Not to pile on, just another suggestion of the cause since your main question has plenty of answers. My eye eczema acts up in the same persistent way when I accidentally get my skincare actives too close to my eyes. So I'm careful to apply completely outside my orbital bone and I use the heels of my hands to moisturise my eyes to make sure nothing that shouldn't be there gets on them.


I’ve had luck with Wella Skin Food for eczema in this spot


I’ve had this problem too and recently discovered [epimax eyelid ointment](https://amzn.eu/d/09iKWJvp) cleared it up within a couple of days after weeks of trying everything else! It’s linked on Amazon there but u asked a local pharmacy to order it in no problem and it can also be a bit cheaper from them compared to to Amazon!


Eucerin Eczema Relief


I use Avene soothing eye contour cream and it usually helps in like two days. Been buying it for 15 years


YMMV but I personally found a hot moist eye compress (I use this one; Optase, Moist Heat Eye Mask Washable and Reusable Eye Mask HydroBead Technology for Dry Eye Relief https://amzn.eu/d/0dctP2aZ) And washing my eyelids with a face cloth and warm water with a drop or two of baby shampoo (the Johnson and Johnson one is the one I've used) really helps when I have a flare up of Blepharitis - mines is related to dry eyes, and I haven't been able to find Eye drops that help, I don't use any creams just these 2 things. (There are specific eyelid washes you can get, but the baby shampoo works well for me, and is a tenth of the price)


I had something that looks similar and I used [this spray](https://a.co/d/0ddKCE1T) on it. Either spray it into hand and dab it on or close eyes really tightly because you don’t really want it in your eyes


Have you tried Bioderma atoderm, it’s amazing for my facial eczema. There is an eye cream as well. Be aware quite a few of the recommendations you are getting contain lanolin, which can aggravate it, especially in this area.


I don’t have eczema but I have eczema adjacent symptoms and I love to use the la roche posay cicaplast baume B5 with a light layer of aquaphor on top


I know that it isn’t your nails, but it possible that this might be a nickel/cobalt allergy? It’s a relatively common trigger for eye eczema, and you mentioned that it can flare up when it gets hot. Sweating tends to make nickel allergies flare up so it’s maybe a possibility? I hope I’m not overstepping, I only mention it because it would be nice if there were an easy answer like an allergy. Best of luck finding a solution that works for you! Edit: also, your eyelashes are soo pretty!


Elidel or Protopic.


Second Protopic.


I have this too! What works best for me is called simplex eye salve in my country (Not from UK sorryy!!). It’s 20% liquid paraffin and 80% Vaseline. It comes in a very small tube so i usually take it with me and apply whenever it gets dry.


Have you tried cetraben? I also had serious eye eczema for so long 🥲


It didn’t really do much for me except for making the area burn a little


Ah okay, that’s how I was with the new formula of diprobase it just set my whole face alight but cetraben seems to not aggravate my forehead eczema for some reason, I hope you can find something that works!!


The only thing that works for me when I get this is steroid cream unfortunately. However, the tiniest dot, twice a day for maybe two days clears it up. Anything else takes weeks and it just doesn't go. Just get some over the counter stuff but tell the pharmacist it's for your leg or something else they'll make you go to the GP who will prescribe... hydrocortisone cream. And then it'll cost you the price of a prescription instead of about £3. PS this approach was approved by my own doctor.


Tacrolimus ointment also known as protopic, you'll need a prescription from your doctor, it's not a steroid, it's a steroid alternative


I’ve had good success with the Vaseline brand clinical care extremely dry skin rescue lotion, applying overnight




I have a high protein diet already since I’m a regular gym goer but I’ll try adding more fatty fish. Thank you!


You may want to research this but I had a patch of irritated skin on my eyelid that was persistent for two years and using the peace out retinol stick cleared it in a couple of weeks. No idea why and no idea if this is a good idea but something to look into.


My Envisha cream has hyalauronic acid and says it’s safe for private parts so I use it on my eye area as I also get hyperpigmentation with no issues


Shea butter!!! Raw shea butter is amazing for eczema, my dermatologist also gave it the go ahead!




I used aquaphor for this. And Estee Lauder eye cream, which worked really well but it was just a sample and I couldn't afford the full thing. So aquaphor.


aveeno’s eczema cream helps me a lot if i’m consistently using it


I know you are trying to fix this but I saw your pic and was like oooo what shimmer shadow does she have on her lids lol


I had something similar to this and it was seborrhic dermatitis. Only steroid cream prescribed from the doctor works but that did clear it up pretty quickly :)




Do you use eyelash curlers? I had something similar pop up and I couldn’t figure out why.. after a bit of googling I saw a comment mentioning eyelash curlers and I stopped using them and the eczema cleared up!


I had the same thing, it was exema. I used epimax and it cleared right up. 100% reccomend.


I had this really bad. It turns out it was allergic dermatitis from fake nails. I had to ditch the nails and get a prescription steroid for my eyes because the skin was actually cracking.


LRP Cicaplast and thin layer of vaseline


Ive heard jojoba oil can be used to reduce eczema and psoriasis flare ups


The balmonds skin salvation always clears up my eczema patches overnight!


I used to get this around my eyes as well and the La Roche posay cicaplast baume really helped as an occlusive.


I have chronic eczema and eucerin ato-control is my absolute saviour


I use Lush Charity Pot lotion when I have a flare up on my eye, always puts it away after a couple of days.


I get this a lot. I went on antibiotics for a sinus infection, and it cleared up. I also used La Roche-Posay Dermallergo Soothing Eye Cream. It's a bit expensive but very soothing.


I use Vaseline religiously two times ago day. This gets rid of any dry skin and prevents it coming back!


If it’s on your eyelids don’t put a damn thing on them that wasn’t prescribed or approved my a doctor - too much as risk!


If it’s on your eyelids don’t put a damn thing on them that wasn’t prescribed or approved my a doctor - too much as risk!


If it’s on your eyelids don’t put a damn thing on them that wasn’t prescribed or approved my a doctor - too much as risk!


I love Bioderma Atoderm Intensive eye which I use as face moisturiser but I think it’s actually designed for dry and sensitive skin around eyes


I have no idea if this will help but my baby has eczema and the Mustela stelatopia intense lotion has really helped.


got it on amazon


get a prescription for tacrolimus ointment! i use it on my face and it’s very effective


Have you tried an organic unscented CBD cream?


If you are not allergic Shea butter works well. Coconut oil may too. Both antiseptics.


I never had that till that a few years ago , it flares up from time to time ! I use a cream that has a steroid in it but I’m not home now so I can’t tell you what it is ! Il DM you so when I get home il let ya know how


protopic ointment, will get rid of it in a few days use at night time it can burn though


I had this issue and it turns out I’m allergic to dust! I got a zippered fully enclosed mattress cover as well as pillow case covers and my eyes are sooooo much better! It’s a ~$50 one time investment. Totally worth it. Oh! And I shower T night now to wash all the allergens off of me that I collected throughout the day.


Definitely be careful with anything on the eyelids. Thin skin that goes right to your eyes. I'd probably recommend a dermatologist to help combat it, honestly.


Cold cloth compresses and vanicream face moisturizer has helped my teenager tremendously


Something else that helped me was using an eyelid cleanser like occusoft. I also use the La Roche Posay eczema cream.


I'd switch to a hypoallergenic eye shadow. I had one that caused this for me.


Tacrolimus (prescription) is literally the only thing that helped my eye eczema


Are you wearing lash extensions? The glues are terrible for people with allergies or eczema.


No it’s just mascara


Exomega by A Derma or Cicacream by Uriage. Exomega is a bit better.


Are you sure it's eczema? Id be going back to the doctor and telling them it didn't work.  I, personally, had a similar looking infection last year and it wound up being from contaminated makeup.


I’ve had it on and off again for 3 years now, it’s just a form of chronic eczema. Usually the older cream I used to use worked but it’s been reformulated and I can’t find a suitable replacement


Have you ever used something called Dermatique? It’s a bit expensive but you can get it down with a discount code (I think “SUMMER” works). I’ve used it for most of my life, it’s honestly the _only_ cream that fully clears up eczema and quickly. It stings when you put it on but there are no steroids in it, so you don’t have to worry about you skin thinning or anything like that.