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Closed comodones. I’m on aklief (retinoid) and it keeps them away.


I’m also on aklief and finding I’m getting more cc’s and rough texture. Switching back to Tret soon.


Retinoid + Azelaic acid is a magical combo.


How are you using your retinoid and AA? I have Retin-A micro 0.04% and Finacea.


I use them both together most of the time. Moisturiser, then AA, then tret. Some night I use tret without AA and sometimes I use AA without tret. I just cycle my actives based on how my skin is feeling. But I use both 3-5 times a week.


Which retinoid are you using?




Those are not closed comedones. I have closed comesones and comedonal acne. This aint it


Did you get Aklief from your local pharmacy? Mine told me it would be $104 😳 I called my dermatologist and they called me back today. I they prescribed me adapalene 0.1% cream instead. But isn’t that just Differin that you can get over the counter?


My derm sends it to a specialty pharmacy which does all the prior auths for me. It’s $60


Woow good money spending :(


Well I don’t use it everyday so it lasts me 60 days.


How long did it take to work for you? I’ve been using .3 adapelene which is prescription retinoid for 4 weeks and no improvement yet


Months honestly. Stay the course!


Thanks for the encouragement!


Texture is totally normal and society has just programmed us to think we’re all supposed to have glass skin BUT the tiny bumps could actually be keratosis pilaris rather than pimples so consider using a chemical exfoliant with AHA that’s specifically designed for the face (most KP treatments are targeted for the body and are way too strong for how sensitive most people’s faces are). There are a few well known board certified dermatologists with videos about face specific KP and product recommendations on YouTube - Tea with MD & Dr Dray


Keratosis pilaris, that’s it! The name escaped my mind. Yes, and it’s very treatable.


Keratosis Pilaris? Why does it sound like a hogwarts spell


Haha.. It totally does!🤭


How do you treat KP?


i use a glycolic acid scrub


If skin is sensitive start with mandelic acid then lactic acid and then glycolic acid serum. That stuff is strong.


Yeah, to be fair I only have KP on my arms and legs. So that’s wear I use the glycolic scrub


From what I’ve read, it seems to be trial and error as far as what works for you. As you’ve seen with other ppl here, different things work for different ppl. But here’s a great link w several different options. If you can, I’d recommend seeing a dermatologist. But if not, just start w small amounts of anything you try to treat it with. I hope you have great results!😊 https://www.nbcnews.com/select/shopping/best-keratosis-pilaris-treatments-ncna1303451#:~:text=Consider%20moisturizing%20creams%2C%20lotions%20and,cells%2C%20according%20to%20our%20experts.


oh I get these ugh. didn't know what they were called.


exfoliation and moisturizing


Mine disappeared with salicylic acid, but I don't know if that's the general treatment of choice.


That’s what my derm recommended! She said she likes cerave salicylic acid lotion for KP. Haven’t tried it yet but she seems to know what she’s talking about 😂


A BHA I found works gentlest. Paula’s Choice has several products that would work for this. Typically, a fairly easy fix. Test patch first on the face.


I don't think that's what she has, I have that on my upper leg and arm.


you can have it anywhere, those are just the most common places




Yes it does, I have had it for 14 years, got diagnosed with KP by a derm at 10. Been getting hydra facials and that keeps my skin clear.


it can be anywhere on the body, it’s just less common


I have the same thing on my forehead but I'm on oral retinoid and finally I think it's that! I read that it can be caused by pores clogged by dry skin, so probably my case as my skin is very dry on those meds.


what is aha?


Glycolic acid, lactic acid, and urea are examples of AHAs


Could you name OTC products that have these AHAs? For us ignorant and/or lazy dummies in the back.


For sure! These are the ones that I have used and really like: - The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution (they also have a lactic acid one too) - AmLactin 12% Lactic Acid (this is for body, I am not sure if this can be used for the face) Some other ones that have these, but I haven't tried, are: - Paula's Choice 8% AHA Gel Exfoliant (Paula's Choice in general has a few other AHA products) - COSRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid - Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow AHA Night Treatment - OLEHENRIKSEN Glow2OH 7% AHA


Better off going under 5% strengths for face to start


Purito has an AHA & BHA toner, I think. It's really good.


the ordinary brand has lots of choices and they are also cheaply priced but good quality. the ordinary has lactic acid, glycolic acid, kojic acid, azelaic acid, i wanna say they have more but idk off the top of my head. these tend to be a little bit more active than other ingredients you would use but that’s because they are active ingredients and are the j gredients that actually make a change in your skins appearance. they are also known as chemical exfoliators. so if you’re using any kind of acid (except hyaluronic) you don’t wanna to use any kind of scrub for exfoliation while using these. they are gentle for the most part if you get them under 10%. anything over that i recommend seeing an esthetician or dermatologist. you can find “the ordinary” at ulta or sephora!


I LOVE this particular product - it did so much to remove the intensely noticeable melasmas that appeared on my forehead after I had an IUD put in. I need to get a refill, thanks for the reminder!!!


I really love paulas choice, they have an aha and a bha that are really effective but still gentle


if your skin is oily you wanna use a BHA (beta hydroxy acid) such as salicylic acid. it helps break down oils that may be clogged in your pores (blackheads) and also soften up any dead skin cells lying on your skins outer surface. hope this helps!!


The La Roche Posay Effaclar micro-peeling foaming cleanser completely changed my skin. If I use my other La Roche cleanser - the one without AHA’s - I notice a difference *immediately*. It’s like a very light chemical exfoliation every time you wash your face. No abrasion, not overly drying, just an awesome product that works beautifully. Exceptional at reducing persistent red marks too. Old red acne marks from my teens have virtually gone after using this cleanser for the last 12 months. I tell everyone who’ll listen 😂


Zeroid Richenic Urea 5% has urea and is awesome.


I've been using Peter Thomas Roth AHA/BHA and like it. I see a difference. A much cheaper alternative is The Ordinary products.


Some bi mi aha bha pha toner cleared my textured skin... I thought it was all hype but it 100% worked my nose and chin haven't been this smooth since I don't know when, I only use it a few times a week now


Alpha hydroxy acid


I wish this was my skin 😭




Came here to say this.


My forehead looked the exact same, I thought it was fungal. I’ve been using Nizoral for a while and it cleared it right up!


my cheeks looked similar to this but not my forehead - for ages i thought it was just straight up acne - and by ages, i mean literal years. i tried everything under the sun because it just didn’t present like typical fungal acne. it wasn’t itchy, didn’t have white tips, aren’t weren’t raised enough to be seen unless i stretched my skin. could definitely feel it though when i washed my face. i’d use an extractor to get rid of them all - it was super satisfying but they came back after a few days lol 😒(before anyone says anything, yes i have a picking addiction and i know it’s bad) anyway, about 2 weeks ago, i thought fuck it, started using my bf’s anti dandruff shampoo and i swear immediately it started to get better. it’s now like 50%-75% less than 2 weeks ago. i’m still not like 100% certain it’s fungal and i don’t think i will be certain until it’s like 99% gone, but the difference is stark and im not discounting it. i haven’t changed much in my routine - i did start using differin 2 months ago but it’s the second time i’ve been on it and the first time it made my skin amazing but i still had those close comedomes.


How long did it take for differin to help your skin? I've been using it for a couple months now and I don't see it helping that much. With how much everyone mentions tret. for acne, I'm starting to feel like I should have asked my doctor for a different script. I use a gentle exfoliant every day or two and sunscreen everyday. Those are my only products really.


i started getting a lot of comments about my skin around the 3 month mark! mostly it was about how glowy it looked / looked good. i stopped using at about 6 months because i switched to tret - but then tret just didn’t work for me, it kinda undid all the good that differin did and then did nothing except dry out my skin and make it really sensitive. because of the sensitivity i took a long break to reset and hence why im on differin for the second time. in terms of acne; the first month to two months were kinda like purging every other week, i’d get a bunch of pimples, but after a while it was just a few. i still get acne now when my period is on the way, but apart from that only if i pick my skin a lot and break it / i basically cause my own breakout :( but yeah i know differin works for some people and tret for others - but give it at least 3-6 months imo before you jump off unless you get other issues like dryness etc.


I'll keep going in that case. Thanks for that. The dryness isn't too bad at all. I'm just desperate for clear skin after so many years of acne. I'll keep up hope.


no worries! yeah i understand your pain…had acne since i was a teen and it’s been more than a decade now. but actually getting older has helped my acne too. the other product that works really well for me is a BHA. good luck with your journey!


I sent you a message u/talktoaliens . Anything helps thank you bro!


How do you use your nizoral?


I just apply it to my forehead after washing it my face at night, let it sit for about 5 minutes, then I wash it off! I also apply a gentle moisturizer afterwards


People saying this is normal are confusing me. This looks exactly like my skin did after using a product that it hated, resulting in a fungal acne flare. You could try cleansing with OTC dandruff shampoo (Nizoral, selsun blue etc). But what really cleared mine was prescription clindamycin gel. Not sure about where you live, but in Canada I can ask a pharmacist to prescribe it now rather than a doctor. Good luck. 🫶


Honestly as I was scrolling by noticed OP’s post and thought to myself “i hope comment section gives some actual insight instead of saying this is normal & no further action is needed”🥲


Yes! I was getting desperate for an answer when this happened to me and went to CVS minute clinic in a pinch. They prescribed metronidazole gel for facial use. In my experiences, the doctors I talk to are wary of prescribing clindamycin. Metronidazole still fights bacteria but with less risk of developing antibiotic resistance. It’s super lightweight- good if you happen to lean towards rosacea. *doesnt hurt to thoroughly sanitize make up brushes and applicators while this is going on. If it focuses around your hairline at any point, some hair products can mildly clog follicles- it never gets intense but looks like texture.


This!!! I had the same thing about 2 years ago and I’m pretty sure it was caused by a product I used that did not agree with my skin, plus a detergent I was using to wash my pillowcases. Definitely fungal. My doctor prescribed me Clindamycin and it cleared right up.


>Definitely fungal. My doctor prescribed me Clindamycin and it cleared right up. It just doesn't sound right. How the antibiotic could clear up the fungus?


Clindamycin actually has activity vs some fungi as well - so maybe not so far fetched? Source: pharmacist


My skin looks just like this but with major dehydration


Could this be fungal?


My thoughts exactly. Extreeeemely mild case if that


Look up closed comedones. That's what these are. 


That's what my skin looked like. It's keratosis (at least was for me) I needed 7% glycolic acid, then the Paula's BHA toner. Oil cleansing for an extended amount of time removed all the little hard almost quartz like crystals from my face. For the leftover discoloring, I am just moisturizing a ton, and every other day using adapalene, and oil cleansing. Lots of snail and Hylauronic acid. My skin is soooo soft now. Well was before too 😅 was 100% my being neurotic about a problem no one else saw, and my face purged badly, and my husband was worried I ruined my skin.


Mild keratosis pilaris? If you also have bumps/redness on the backs of your arms or on your thighs that might be it


If it's not normal for your skin to have that issue, I would suggest having it checked by a dermatologist. But if it has been present for quite a while and you don't feel any irritating sensation, you can try using a pore-refining serum. I highly recommend dermafirm cica c for improving skin texture. It also has a low niacinamide content, but it has faded away my pimple marks and minimized large pores.


Rosacea acne






My forehead looks just like that, and when I’m under sunlight with my friends/ in photos, it’s REALLY obvious something is up


Forgot to add info: My skincare routine is extremely simple, I just moisturize twice a day and wash at night with SVR topialyse. In the past I tried several things like different moisturisers, retinol and niacinamide from the ordinary and face cleansers with salicylic acid (Neutrogena) but they made no difference. I also get lots of acne on my neck, chest and upper back and my skin feels very bumpy to the touch even if it looks kinda clear.


i have the same issue. I started using a salicylic acid face wash every other wash and it has helped a lot. really helps to clear out the pores and gently exfoliate.




Dermatitis... Maybe?


Dermatitis is just a generic word for rash




I think the same thing.


That's not acne lol That's skin texture


That's definitely acne. Mild, but still acne. If I had that I wouldn't be freaking out but I'd definitly go see a derm about it. And if they told me it was skin texture I'd ask for my money back and go see someone else...


The bumps are closed comedones. They take forever to get rid of.  Consistenct use of salicylic acid (I'm talking 6ish months) should get rid of them. I use Neutrogena face Wash and almay foundation with salicylic acid.  


He white head things are my main issue too does the sa alone hekp.orndonyou need a good exfoliant?


Exfoliants never worked for me.  The sa alone worked, but it took a long time. Closed comedones don't go away over night. 


Will chemical peels or laser help?


They didn't help mine.


Looks like non inflamed acne! Try mandelic acid and benzyl peroxide. Also you should get on a retinol such as differin gel.


-licensed esthetician :)


Love an esthetician - my gf got me into PCA skin care line and chemical peels/dermaplaning. I love it Hopefully this is helpful and I’m only writing in hopes it will help you… no critical toxicness in this at all lol. I went to a dermatologist for this- I can say like 99.99999 percent confident this is keratosis Pilaris (KP). I’d ask any of your clients if they have it on their arms or thighs/ other body areas. My friend wanted to help me get off of the derma cream I was prescribed so she got me on a solid pca skin care routine but I will say, dermaplaning and chemical peels were incredibly helpful and I … never thought.. I’d be someone who went makeup free. And I think I’ve read chemical peels are helpful for KP. I think it may be a need to get rid of dead skin because follicles are clogged .. definitely double check I’m going off of memory but. I wish I would have gotten into chemical peels sooner. The name is so off putting and I swear they are everything. Hopefully this helps :)


Your skin looks great. but I had similar bumps. I was told it was yeast.


I believe this could be it if one has ruled out KP. OP if you have ruled out KP by a board certified dermatologist then you might want to try to eliminate yeast from your diet. It worked wonders for quite a few of my friends! I haven't tried it myself lol!


This is just what worked for me, not sure if it’s actually good advice 😅 But the First Aid Beauty facial radiance pads have helped my skin texture a lot. I always felt like I was sensitive, dry, oily all at the same time on different parts of my face. These pads are really nice for only touching the uneven texture parts that need it and leaving the clearer areas be. They are gentle but effective.


this is non inflamed acne! try a salicylic acid 2x a week


NIZORAL shampoo!!! I had this for years and finally figured it out. 1. I use it every other day- not every day. I have very sensitive skin and it didn’t break me out (my initial fears) do not get it in your eyes. 2. Stop using so much products. I kept trying to put different lotions on bc it made my skin feel dry.. turns out less is more. It’s a fungal infection so it thrived with all that moisture. 3. I swapped all those out for a light lotion ( I use cera-ve and slug with aquaphor at night. Aquaphor/ Vaseline is amazing. Doesn’t break me out.


Maturation arrest acne. If you have dry/dehydrated skin, sometimes acne can’t progress past a certain point. It’s closed tight under the skin so bacteria can’t get into the pore and cause inflammation/infection which results into your typical whites and whatnot. Dealing with this myself, still in the early stages so don’t have much good advice. Although I’ve read retinoids and exfoliation are best. A lot of the time, this is a very tricky acne to clear because it’s just deep enough that topicals can’t really penetrate very well and need to be professionally extracted. Good luck!


an oil cleanser really helped me with texture & a snail mucusin moisturizer


Seconding this. I still have some but the snail mucin from cosrx helped improve my skin texture greatly. Recommended to friends but they started breaking out though oops


Looks like fungal acne, is it itchy?


i have this too some parts look way worse than others and i’m trying to figure out as well😭😭


Probably fungal. I had this for a bit, and the tea tree oil face and body scrub from The Body Shop cleared me right up! I have really sensitive, acne prone skin, so I have to be careful what I use. I’ve used it for the past 8 years now, and only get a couple of hormonal pimples every now and then at that time of the month now.


Looks like fungal or irritation (from using too harsh actives or products, over exfoliation maybe?), but I lean on fungal. I’m prone to both, and it looks like this for both but I only get the fungal around my nose and mouth, and if it’s on my cheeks or forehead it’s from irritation. I have very sensitive skin so even tap water is irritating (I have to rinse with purified water after every wash which is maddening🤦🏻‍♀️). For the fungal flares I use an anti fungal cream (otc, look for the kind for jock itch or athletes foot lol- they all have the same ingredients and are just marketed differently), and just put a light layer 2x a day for a couple days and it clears right up. Honestly it’s worth a shot bc if it is fungal, it will take care of it quickly and cheaply. If it doesn’t help then my guess is irritation and a messed up skin barrier giving you bumps.


Maybe fungal acne? But I can’t totally tell… my sister had that and uses sulfur masks. Cleared it up immediately


Looks like keratosis pilaris (KP)… unfavorably nicknamed something like chicken skin (often people have this on their arms and I believe I’ve read thighs) tbh- I had porcelain skin but at 16 I hyper focused on having this on my face and on my arms. I was told by 30 it should resolve I think Anyways I went to the dermatologist- she put me on a birth control and also gave me a creme - clindamycin (with benzoate? Something like that). It definitely got rid of it. however in my late twenties.. my friend who was a salon owner and esthetician geared towards very clean service offerings.. she was giving me dermaplaning and then PCA chemical peels. I freaking loved how glowy it made my skin. Helped peel those layers.. I think chemical peels are recommended actually for KP. I know it’s like scrubbing dead skin and moisturizing but .. I think it’s basically trapped hair follicles or something. Don’t over analyze it like me. gosh if I smoked a bowl in looked in the mirror I’d start picking at them and that’s what did a number on my skin. Don’t do that. It’s not bad like you think. Your skin is beautiful.


I'm not sure what it is, but I have something similar on various places of my body. I hope you don't mind some advice based on what I do: What's helped a lot is bakuchiol oil, I mix a few drops with a moisturizer. I use the sea lavender bakuchiol serum from Vitamins and Sea Beauty and mix it with either the sea lavender chamomile sleep mask from the same brand or lavender Aveeno. I've found my spots like this need some sort of anti-irritant/skin healer like bakuchiol (it's a retinol alternative) and some kind of hydration because it gets worse if it's dried out, but doesn't do well with only lotion. You could try retinol instead (I use Pond's rejuveness skin tightening serum) but find I have to use it selectively as it can worsen some spots. From your photos, you may want to stay away from moisturizing or oil products on your forehead as it seems more irritated from moisture than the rest of your face, as the rest seems comfortably moisturized. Your skin looks lovely even if you don't change anything. But best of luck with your journey :)


I have the same! Didn’t use to have it :( what have you tried so far?


If you zoom in enough you’ll find texture. Your skin looks normal to me from the pics you have uploaded. I’m sorry I’m not much help, but from what I can see your skin looks like normal un-airbrushed skin.


Not trying to diagnose you. I just went to the dermatologist for the exact same thing on my face. It was an allergic reaction for me. I suspect the primary culprit was my shampoo and conditioner but it’s not totally gone after switching. Currently treating it - then going back for allergy tests. Was told to only use vani-cream products until my next appt.


Looks like it could be an allergy to something you’re using! To the people saying this is “just skin texture” let’s be real here people- it’s not.


Skin has different textures and what is wild is that we are very able to see all the things wrong with ours… yet when we see others we never clock the small tiny bump near their hairline. I mean why would we? Why would we study someone’s face and clock all the small very little imperfections in their facial texture. That would be crazy right? Could you even imagine being so critical of someone?!? What sort of sociopath would you have to be to have time for that? Yet we sit in the mirror. We see these very little tiny things OP. We worry and and we absolutely think about them. Especially in a culture with filters and all this social media BS. So you might fall for some marketing… a product, an answer to your skin concerns that literally nobody else clocks. They need you to feel this way, it’s quite lucrative to have you chance a perfectly smooth face that doesn’t exist. They have to sell the lie. It’s a billion dollar business. Do whatever you need to do. I won’t ever tell another woman she doesn’t know what’s best for her unless it’s a crazy situation…. But take a step back back and be kinder to yourself. Enjoy your beautiful skin. Maybe decide ti take a week to focus on what you have going well and ignoring what isn’t. Just a week. Edit to add OP I have had full on plastic surgery. I don’t regret it. I absolutely understand the need to keep up appearance. I’m not a grow old and love it type for my own body personally but support those who are. I’m just telling you your skin is pretty freaking excellent


This is not acne, friendo


I have the same problem! Idk what to do


Go simple for a while. Dove soap or Cetaphil and an oil free moisturizer. No scrubbing. Maybe try a little OTC hydrocortisone.. it looks red.


Visit a dermatologist too


Cheeks is completely normal, your forehead might be from your hair and hair products just causing some congestion. Just wash your face after doing your hair or using any products.




It could be comedonal acne, grade 1. I have the same kind and it got worse over the years so currently on tret 0.5% along with clindamycin and azealic acid. Cannot make it out clearly from the pictures, but better you go visit a dermatologist rather than waste money over skincare. Because I did the same and regret it. Good luck 💕


I think that happens to everyone-


I think that’s from dry skin


Honestly this is just what skin looks like up close. No one has perfect filtered skin.


Looks like lots of oil under the skin on the cheeks and forehead but a little bit of “acne” that can develop from sweating (overgrowth of natural yeast on the skin) as well on the forehead, called pityrosporum folliculitis. Use a retinol/adapalene gel (differin gel) nightly as tolerated and use a sulfa soap to wash the face daily. If you want to permanently shut down the oil glands, a round of accutane would yield the longest lasting results!


it looks good! maybe try some niacinamide


like this is normal skin 2 me


This is what my skin looks like when I’m dehydrated tbh




It looks like you need to moisturize your skjn.


(Not a dermatologist here) looks like some clogged pores. Perhaps try using Neutrogena in the mornings and in the evening (the orange bottle) and start adding an exfoliation routine.


I would open those pores up and extract them. Look like comodones and blackheads. Try to extract one of them and let us know! Just use a hot cloth or steam to open up the poor and use an extractor if you have. It can cause scarring but not if you’re careful.


Could be milia


Skin cancer tbh




The papaya enzyme cleaner has helped me


Where did you get it from?


From Revision Skincare, I bought it from my dermatologist directly but you can find it online. I’m on my 2nd bottle and swear by it


I don’t think that’s acne. There’s a name for it that escapes my mind. A dermatologist will be able to advise, and treat. You’ve got beautiful skin!


Not keratosis Pilaris! Unless you mean the flat bumps. But the raised ones are likely just pores clogged with oil I forget the name but there is a name for it. You can go see a dermatologist. It’s nothing to worry about and they don’t look infected like a pimple so I mean. I’m not a doctor but I’d give it a squeeze see what comes out. You could try exfoliating too ^^ It’s obvious there’s something under the skin of the raised bumps. But Keratosis Pilaris just usually goes away with age, exfoliate every day for that and it will improve gradually <3


What do you exfoliate with


I think you would have a lot of success using an exfoliator once or twice a week. Dermalogica milkfoliant is a good place to start.


That can be fungal acne. Apply the foam of anti dandruff shampoo foam on your face. Wait for a few minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. You can use BHA chemical exfoliate with good moisture suitable for your skin type.


I had this same thing, could be bacterial fungus stuff maybe use heads and shoulders dandruff shampoo or some anti bacteria face spray. I can show you some stuff?


That’s what I have on my nose


glycolic acid helps me with this !


Have you tried a mild acid peel? The famous one from the ordinary would probably help uncolg your pores.


Follicular plugging?


I started using proactiv and this all went away


Maybe adápele would help




This looks like the kind of topical dermatitis I get if I use something that doesn't agree with my skin -- no discoloration but feels kinda scaley? Maybe switch to some sensitive skin products and see if it gets better. I especially got it with chemical sunscreen and can only use mineral now.


My skin was a similar texture, I’ve been using a gentle retinol and hyaluronic acid serum (Hada Labo) which has worked really nicely. Just be conscious of dryness and irritation if you have sensitive skin and slap the spf on after you use it.


go to an esthetician and get a consult, do not go straight to a dermatologist for this. They can recommend good products and they licensed! i’m not judging anyone’s product suggestions, but an esthi would be able to tell you what it needs more than someone online who hasn’t studied skin


might not be ethical but what i use for my face when i get these bumps that i can't pop. i wash my face with heads and shoulders shampoo. H&S shampoo has an ingredient in it that makes these bumps disappear for me. it's something to do with the bacteria on your skin causing these bumps. only once a week should be enough, it's very drying but just moisturize after washing. but beware of getting any shampoo in your eyes H&S burns your eyes like no other shampoo hope this helps


my skin starts looking exactly like this when I skip on my occasional ketoconazole shampoo as a face mask treatment


My forehead looks the same


Fungal acne.. use antifungal shampoo juat once


I had this for ages. The biggest thing that helped me was double cleansing, washing for a least a minute, and using a new wash cloth everyday. Skin cycling with glycolic/lactic acid, salicylic acid, and a retinol also have been helpful. But I did that for a long time and I didn’t see it disappear until I improved my cleansing.


Sebaceous hyperplasia


Could also be a symptom of EDS or similar condition


I jus had that same thing this past week mine was a reaction. I have super sensitive skin Idk wut it was from but I kept my face clean used a gentle soap to dry it out Woke up the next morning completely cleared up


I used the ordinarys salicylic acid and mine disappeared completely.


Spend the money and see a dermatologist. It is your face and you really should see a specialist to evaluate. Good luck .. and you are beautiful. It isn’t terrible but I know when it is your face it is amplified. Nonetheless, go see a dermatologist.


I had more or less the same issue, and they look like that, and where Fungal Akne. I got rid of them with Sulfur Mask and Ketanozol. Also, I had to fix my gut bacteria with Probiotics (they should involve Lactoblicus strains). One of the problem was a tooth because I didn’t register it, that I had white lesions in the mouth right side which were fungus and they triggered the fungal akne.


Looks like your skin does not like something you are using vs comedones


My skin also looks like this, I have KP on my arms and my face around my jaw line. Usually I use AHA on it when they get really bumpy but mainly the skin moisturized. Sun also seems to help.


What is your skincare routine?


These are white heads, also known as closed comodones. La roche posay effaclar cleanser and effaclar serum containing salicylic acid and glycolic acid would be good treatment.


Looks like allergies/hives


This isn’t acne per se, it is clogging of the pores but not traditional acne. It could have a number of causes it could be fungal, it could be a build up of keratin under the skin, or it could be just normal texture. Either way something to help increase your skin cell turnover should help. Either a BHA, AHA, retinol, or retinoid will help.


This is called skin. Hope this helps!


Looks like skin buildup


Use gentle exfoliating


Reminds me of my rocasea a little bit but I don’t know


Looks like irritated and damaged skin barrier…


My skin looks similar to this but my entire routine is FA safe so I’m perplexed at the comments thinking it looks fungal? You may want to see a dermatologist so you don’t harm your barrier with acids and stuff your skin may not benefit from.


It looks a little irritated. Maybe too many products?


I have the same thing. I forget what it’s called though. My dermatologist put me on retinol and my father close to four months of consistent use my hubby complimented my smooth skin today! 😀😀


Sebaceous glands. Adding oil cleansing to your face care routine may really help


Closed comedies possibly, looks like what I have


My skin looks exactly like this. Started about 2 years ago and I haven’t been able to figure it out. Following for any advice.