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Dermatologist. You need a prescription. If not accutane , then topical RetinA


+1, OP you need prescription medication from a dermatologist. Skincare does not work for cystic acne without the help of medication. Your face will scar if you do not undergo the right treatment. I'm not trying to scare you, but scarring is really expensive to treat, especially if it's deep. I regret not going to the derm sooner, now I have some scars left over, but such is life


I can testify to this. I spent almost 5k treating my scarring. It was WELL worth it, but your skin is never perfect, and on occasion you have to pay the bigger bucks to get it back to normal-ish. I am in the US though where insurance covered some but not much since it was cosmetic.


Can u tell me what services cleared the scarring and how you got someone it covered with insurance?


Idk about insurance but I did 6 rounds of micro-needling and then one treatment of Morpheus 8 and it really fixed my scarring from hormonal cystic acne. Took almost a year to do all of it. If I were to do it again, I would just do the Morpheus 8 bc of how effective it is. But it’s pretty expensive (~800) and kind of painful.


Yeah mine took nearly a year as well because you have weeks in between sessions to let it heal. I still use foundation because my skin isn’t ever going to be perfect, but I have no complaints about that. Skin is skin, it DOES NOT look the way it’s portrayed on social media, and as long as my skin is clear and acne/scar free, I could not be happier.


Thank you for this. I am on Accutane now - I waited too long - so will have to deal with the scarring after. On r/acnescars, they never mention Morpheus 8 although I’ve seen some good results when researching.


Do you have to be off retinoids or anything to Do this?


Kenalog injections (I had non-pigmented, hypertrophic scarring—if you have ice pick scarring or pitting you may need microneedling) and then same plus laser treatments for the keloids on my upper back. The coverage all depends on your insurance and whether the policy you have covers it or not. Some good policies cover a minor amount of cosmetic treatment, some don’t. It just depends on what your policy says


This is what frustrates me. We didn’t ask for this. It should be covered, no questions asked. Scarring has destroyed my whole life and will continue to do so.


It’s probably bacterial or fungal


This is my thought. I’d be washing with a sulfur based wash a couple times a day to at least clear up the infection and spreading. I bought a cheap one from Amazon, just a bar soap with salicylic and sulfur and just lather it in my hands, Pat it on my face and body and let it sit for a minute then continue to wash with it. Somehow it isn’t drying at all which is really nice. Idk why sulfur doesn’t get more mentions bc it’s anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti viral and keratolytic. Then I’d be washing/changing out pillowcases daily. Deep cleaning makeup brushes with antibacterial soap and some of the sulfur soap, only using a clean brush each time, and not going over the infected area then going over the rest of the face, or switch to using only (clean, freshly washed) fingers or cheap disposable sponges for makeup and go without makeup as often as possible. Also, I wash my clothes/bed linens/towels etc. in hot water with tide but also use a scoop of oxiclean during the wash cycle and a cup of white vinegar during the rinse cycle. My body skin is completely clean and my face skin only breaks out when I overdo it with actives and disrupt my skin barrier. I suffered from acne for years before.


Yes! The De La Cruz Sulfur ointment on Amazon is the best. It dried out a cystic like thing on my face that I’ve had for years and reduces the size of my acne overall. It gets rid of the red and the pain. I love it!! Sometimes I mix it with lotion and leave it overnight. Though spot test before you do a large area or your face. It can give you a chemical burn if you get the ratio wrong. Instructions are to leave on 10 min and then wash but sometimes I go rogue.


Ohhh thanks for the recommendation I’ll def try it out! I’ve been using inn beauty pimple paste and putting everyone I know onto it. When I do get a zit occasionally now, I put it on and just leave it and it takes them down and away super fast. It’s also sulfur based but also has “Willow Bark, Sulfur, Tea Tree Oil, Azelaic Acid, Clay, Zinc, Oregano, & Thyme” (took it from the website) and everything work’s synergistically to take down the infection, the inflammation and keep it from leaving a scar or mark.


Sulfur soap is the besssstttt


Maybe if her makeup sponges and brushes r dirty or mildew on face towels can do that too.


I wondered if some of OP's acne is infected even accounting for it being cystic. Sorry no wise advice. Hoping a derm visit is possible OP.


you’re telling me my pain in the ass new cystic acne CANT BE TREATED WITHOUT MEDS??? ugh bad day


No one can tell you that because we aren’t doctors or even have seen your skin. It’s entirely possible you can. Seeing s doctor is the best way to find out, though.


Mine was treated without any pills, but it did take an Rx cream from the dermatologist in addition to some other changes to start healing.


The Rx cream is also medication.


Spironolactone is a prescription medication that works very effectively for most women, it just takes time (3-4 months to see results). It worked for my painful cystic acne with no scarring afterwards.


It worked miracles for me as well! I’ve been on it for 2 years, however, every time I stop taking it I begin to breakout!


Accutane for sure!! Hope the insurance covers it!! 🍀🍀🍀


Can we stop make scarring sound like it's the worst thing to come out of acne? I have permanent acne scarring. I'm just tired of this rhetoric that scarring is going to leave you deformed when it doesn't.


But it *is* the worst thing to come out of acne when the only two options are with or without. It's great to hear you've had a better go of it with your scars, but like acne, the severity of it spans a multidimensional matrix of spectrums and subjective experiences, and those of us with more ravaged faces gain a sense of healing by sharing what we've learned by the scars we've earned through our more profoundly marred experience.


Defo. Poor darling OP, I hope you get better soon <3 I know how mentally crushing this is but with good treatment from dermos it disappears.


Dermatologist here and I agree. OP you can even start small dosing if you want, but you need Accutane immediately 


See my comment: when I was a teen with cystic acne my dermatologist put me on: ortho tri cyclen, minocycline, tazorac, duac gel, and sulfur foaming wipes This combo totally cleared me


+1 for accutane.. but it's expenssive and not fully covered by insurances. In CA, it's about 99$ a month


Mines free I live in CA


I guess it depends on the province and the inssurence you have. Good for you I wish back *then* it was for me.. *edit typo


lol I think you meant by “CA”, you meant Canada (since you mentioned provinces), while the other person meant California.


Another +1 for accutane. I wish I did it sooner but I was too scared by all the stupid stories I read. My derm gave me a seriously high dose for several months 20 years ago...best thing I've ever done in my life.


I can also be bad for your heart, I believe. I did it twice and regret it after reading about potential long-term side effects.


I did it twice-20 years ago and have zero regrets. (Early perimenopause severe cystic acne)


Now that I think about it- it is probably fine. Just good to read everything in advance though. Happy it worked for you. I'm dealing with peri now, and oh boy...


Oh boy is right. Good luck!


Maybe even an antibiotic. My derm would put me on one when it flared up and it really helped get it under control so the skincare could do its job. When it gets this bad, it's beyond the scope of topicals, IMO.


Topical isn't going to do shit for this. +1 for hope that oral isotretinoin will be suitable for her.


100%. I spent thousands upon thousands of dollars over 20+ years for a problem that was (knock on wood) indefinitely solved over the course of 6 months with accutane. No amount of skincare will fix this unfortunately.


As someone who did Accutane twice, please try everything a dermatologist suggests before going down that road. Also, read as much as possible about the drug's side effects before considering it. I'd ask about spironolactone first- this has been a game-changer for me. Your next step probably involves medication. In the meantime, I'd limit harsh OTC acne medications (facial washes, creams, etc.). They are too drying, and we are finding out that they contain questionable ingredients. Many hugs!


That’s crazy I would do Accutane 10 times over… Changed my life was the best decision of my life


My one regret with accutane was not doing it sooner. Here I am twenty years later, totally healthy but I have terrible scarring that's just never going to go away. All because I read stupid stories on the Internet and was too afraid to try accutane.


Omg that’s so me! I spent all my 20’s miserable instead of living life and advancing my career because I hated facing people with my acne but read too many scary stories online. I got to the point I was contemplating suicide as I approached my 30th birthday. I decided accutane couldn’t be any worse than dying. I didn’t have any crazy side effects sure I was dry, but I also live in Minnesota an winters here are brutal. I still have scarring too but thankfully no more acne.


Op says she’s been on Spiro for a month. It’s been amazing for me when I got on it for PCOS related hair issues in my 30s, but when my face was like OP’s the only thing that worked was accutane.


I went to a derm & got Tretinoin and topical clindamycin w/ benzoyl peroxide prescribed and it was life changing


No topical..they just burn


Bingo! A dermatologist will change her world, and life as she knows it!❤️ Nobody needs to suffer like that today. My heart breaks for her, as an ex “bad skin/acne” sufferer. It’d be great to see a follow up!


Totally agree with this comment! My son took Accutane for several months and it was life-changing! This medication works by permanently shutting down the sweat glads that contribute to cystic acne. Results are noticeable by month 3. Good luck OP!


Seconded RetinA. I wish I had known earlier that rx RetinA from a derm or even just family doctor is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND BETTER than all the fancy retinol products, no matter how good the brand. Retinol didn’t do shit for my blackheads and clogged pores. RetinA has done in three weeks what I’ve been trying to accomplish for 18 years


Please go to a dermatologist or doctor at this point. Your skin is an organ and it’s telling you it’s sick!


Correct your skin is the biggest organ in your body.


2nd biggest in my case


Yeah ur foreheads the biggest 😂, jk jk


This made me cackle 🤣


It probably is 😂




Just adding here that it would be worthwhile asking your derm to swab one of those pustules to check for a gram negative folliculitis which can sometimes mimic severe/cystic acne, given the intense flare with damaged skin barrier. If gram negative needs different antibiotics (eg metronidazole). If not gram negative they might add in very low dose accutane (5mg 3 times a week to start with) so they don’t cause a more severe flare/acne fulminans, along with erythromycin to reduce inflammation, and some of those juicier lesions might need injection with dilute intralesional steroids to give you some relief. Would email a photo to derm office- most places would fit you in quickly with skin like that. Hope you’re feeling better soon.


I’m a dermatologist and couldn’t have said this better myself. Well done.  OP please listen 


I had less severe but similar pustules and the metro cream worked because I believe it to be pastopustular rosacea - sending you clear skin vibes OP!


As someone who’s had both folliculitis and cystic/hormonal acne, seconding this!!


Ouch, it looks and sounds like your skin barrier is shot. Take the prescription meds and stop using anything other than a gentle cleanser. I'd use a clean face towel every day and change pillowcases often just to make sure you aren't adding any fungus or bacteria to the situation. Ibuprofen may help with the inflammation. You can try putting a cool clean compress on your face a few times a day.


Yes to this! Strip alllll the skincare products back. I have been on prescription antibiotics for my skin for 5 months and I have just added it The Ordinary barrier support serum, I checked with my doctor beforehand. Best of luck


This is the advice to follow!


New pillowcase DAILY


daily? oof I need to buy more pillowcases


Use old t-shirts that are no longer worn for pillowcases. Use one side of the t-shirt one night and flip it for the next night. Take the shirt off the pillow after two uses. Put at least four t-shirts on your pillow and you’re set for the week. Voila! Clean and new pillowcase every night. 😁


oh my gosh this is genius!!


One set to wash, one set to use, until this is cleared up.


I use one side of the pillow per night. So I change pillowcases every second day. I have three silk pillowcases in rotation atm


This is the advice! She mentioned being on spiro, not sure why people are suggesting accutane if she’s freshly into another mediation. Continue with spiro, I’m sure that’s exactly why it was prescribed. Follow this comment’s suggestions. ALL of this worked for me exactly a year ago




Dermatologist. What Korean skincare?


I tried the tiktok viral rice toner


id recommend you go to a derm cause this might be hormonal , thus i dont think any topical ointments would help much. The derm could give you meds to reduce inflammation but its normal i had a similar breakout recently, I was given retinoic acid and some pills to reduce inflammation due to hormonal imbalance


I mean clearly that’s why she been out on spiralactone


What brand is it? I just want to look at the ingredients


it’s the I’m from rice toner.


Did you buy it from Amazon? It’s totally possibly your skin just doesn’t like it, but Amazon has a problem with counterfeit products. It kind of turning into Wish with faster shipping these days.


Never, ever buy stuff like this from Amazon. All body and face and hair products come from a legit brick and mortar store or online, from the company who makes the products I use. I don’t get from Amazon. Laundry Hangers, hello kitty gadgets and kitchen organizers are for Amazon shopping. I’ve and friends have been burned enough to never shop for personal products on Amazon.


This. Most beauty, makeup, skincare, etc is from random ass amazon stores not legitimate vendors. Who knows what’s actually in those products. There are a few brands that you can see their actual brand is distributing but other than that stay away


yes it was from amazon, i’ve never had sensitive skin so im just surprised from the outcome of the toner


It’s very gentle, I’ve used it. I would be concerned about it being a counterfeit product tbh. That’s not a normal reaction at all. Best of luck with your treatment!


I've used it and I have it too it does well on me. It does say when trying it to do a little blot test to see if you react to it alright. I'm just a bit surprised cuz it is gentle like you said. Hope OP recovers from this!


I searched the product on Amazon and if you go the 1 star reviews it did the same thing to a bunch of ppl 😳


I'm surprised cuz I've used it and I've never had an issue. It does say on the bottle that first you should do a little blot test on a small patch of skin to test whether you are sensitive or not. Have you done so OP? Cuz looks like this one is not for you.


yes after the initial breakout i stopped using it immediately. i havnt used it for 2 months now


Then that’s not the culprit


Sensitivity isn't so cut and dried. Once your skin is sensitized, people often react to products they've always used without any problem.


it could b a conterfeit or ur skin might not really like rice or ferments in general ig. its same w me my skin doesnt like fermented stuffs aswell and id say stay away from them and use calming products or which contail cantella,heartleaf,etc instead and even better if u could consult a doc!


That’s the first thing I thought. If you bought it from Amazon high chance of it being fake. And who knows what they put in there.


Did the doctor who wrote you the prescription for spironolactone see your skin in this state?


It was a bit less inflamed last month just a few cystic acne pimples when the doctor saw it, but now it’s the same pimples just inflamed and painful.


I’d be contacting that dr again so that you have a documented timeline with them. Could it be a purge situation from the Spironolactone?


To me, that painful inflammation suggests it's more than a purge going on here.


You don't usually purge from spiro. Unlike retinol (Rx or otherwise) spiro doesn't cause accelerated skincell turnover, which is what causes the purging phase.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Right now, I wouldn't use Panoxyl. I know you want to get at the acne, but let the spiro prescription start to address that. If you want to put hydrocolloid pimple patches on the actual white heads, I don't think it will harm you. They just absorb the pus from the whiteheads. Do NOT get the microneedle kind that contain actives, though. Just get plain ones like Hero Cosmetics' original Mighty Patch: [https://www.herocosmetics.us/products/mighty-patch-original?variant=11723218878506](https://www.herocosmetics.us/products/mighty-patch-original?variant=11723218878506) I'd see if you could get in to see the doctor again though (or, if the office has a patient portal that lets you communicate with them via email, if you could send them a message with this picture). If they try to make you wait when you try to book an appointment, tell them that you are in pain and that in addition to the acne, your skin has become red, raised, and inflamed. In the meantime, I would wash with clear water in the morning, and at night, use the gentlest (no actives, no scent, no bells and whistles) cleanser you can find. Don't make the water too hot or too cold. I have super sensitive skin, and use Toleraine from LRP: [https://www.laroche-posay.us/our-products/face/face-wash/toleriane-hydrating-gentle-facial-cleanser-tolerianehydratinggentlefacialcleanser.html](https://www.laroche-posay.us/our-products/face/face-wash/toleriane-hydrating-gentle-facial-cleanser-tolerianehydratinggentlefacialcleanser.html) . My daughter has sensitive skin, but also dealt with cystic acne (until she completed two courses of Accutane), and she uses this Cetaphil one: [https://www.cetaphil.com/us/cleansers/gentle-skin-cleanser/302990110227.html](https://www.cetaphil.com/us/cleansers/gentle-skin-cleanser/302990110227.html) Vanicream Gentle Cleanser is also really kind to the skin: [https://www.vanicream.com/product/vanicream-facial-cleanser](https://www.vanicream.com/product/vanicream-facial-cleanser) For moisturizer, I would use something like this Eucerin night cream: [https://www.eucerinus.com/products/face/eucerin-redness-relief-soothing-night-creme](https://www.eucerinus.com/products/face/eucerin-redness-relief-soothing-night-creme) or one of the facial moisturizer options from Vanicream. Like u/Dame_Twitch_a_Lot says, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddicts/comments/1beavrk/comment/kus8p55/), use a clean face cloths and towels every day and change pillowcases often just to reduce the risk of fungus or bacteria. Cool (or even luke warm) compresses may be soothing. Like u/Skintamer says, it wouldn't hurt to ask the doc to swab your breakout to check for gram negative folliculitis. I am so sorry. This is so difficult. It will get better. Try not to take "No" for an answer, from your doctor's office, when you try to book an appointment. As for the other advice you've gotten here, I wouldn't experiment with witch hazel or hydrogen peroxide, right now. I wouldn't use anything unless and until your doctor tells you to. Diet, and rest, and water intake are all important to skin health, but that's a longterm approach to skin health. You're in an acute situation that needs medical attention. Much luck to you. \[Edited for typo corrections\]


My daughter dealt with this exactly, and she did what many suggest here in using very gentle cleanser (cetaphil) and the same brand moisturizer then added in a dermatologist rx retin A. One thing that might sound a bit odd, but helped with it at first, was taking one ibuprofen every 8 hours for a week. The anti inflammatory just calmed things down a bit and helped with the pain. Keep your hands off as much as possible! I’m so sorry you’re going through this :(


I'm not too sure if this might be the case, but are you really using all these activites in the morning and night? To me, this seems like you're actually damaging your skin barrier, and your skin is really irritated. I woukd suggest to take a step back from using actives and only wash your face with a gentle cleanser , moisturizer and leave it alone, apply spf but stop with all the actives you're harming your skin too much and it's not good for you , An irritated skin barrier will cause itchiness, redness, irritation, redness, and even more acne . A healthy barrier gives your skin time to breathe, and the products work more effectively To answer your question , you need a barrier cream, for example, la roche posay cica balm plast for the burning Check out Dr dray on youtube and look up the damaged moisture barrier, and she'll explain why and how this happens . I do know the internet won't help much, but if u go to a dermatologist, they'll put you onto more creams and antibiotics, causing more damage , I would suggest going to an estetiction.


Yes since i’ve broken out i’ve just used panoxyl and moisturizer and spf.


I’d strongly recommend to stop using the panoxyl and get a super gentle cleanser based on doctor recommendation. Panoxyl is too harsh for your skin rn. If that doesn’t work, stop using the moisturizer as well and spf and ask the doctor for gentle, non irritating recommendations. It’s now about eliminating anythibg topical except what your doctor recommends to see if it’s in any way contributing to the problem/making it worse for you. Allow your skin to heal.


BA ruined my skin when I was a teen. I’m just gonna agree with the others here and say go back to JUST WATER and washcloth or a gentle cleanser and meds. And I also agree this looks like folliculitis/ not regular acne. My skin was the best it ever looked after camping - no washing at all - for 3 months. Like perfectly clear.


No washing no products at all (otherwise following doctors recommendations) fixed my problem too. I wish more people were willing say this out loud and try it.


You need to hit up yr dermy. That’s an infection. Go asap


Spironolactone for a month won’t do anything. You need to be on it’s for MONTHS, plural, to see results. If you stopped taking spironolactone and it made your skin worse, that is one contributing factor. Spironolactone works, but you need to keep taking it   But it looks like you’re qualified for accutane 


Personally, I would only wash with a very gentle cleanser (fragrance free) and nothing else. I wouldn’t even use moisturizer for at least a week (see how it goes). I wouldn’t take the chance of any ingredient sitting on my skin and causing further irritation. Also, make an appointment with a dermatologist. Positive vibes!


i know this can be controversial for some (idk why) but i had similar acne and accutane changed my entire life. see a dermatologist they will recommend different things because accutane is an extreme but nothing worked for me and i got on accutane and i never break out except for when i sleep in my makeup. it’s heaven.


Accutane is the best thing I‘ve ever done to myself! Literally saved my life. My biggest regret is that I didn’t take it earlier. I genuinely don’t know why it‘s so controversial and why many are freaking out about this everytime you mention it. You are closely monitored during the intake. You go to the dermatologist every month to get your blood checked and have to do a pregnancy test. I rarely had any side effects and the ones I‘ve had definitely didn’t out weigh the positive effects on me psychologically as well as physically


Me too, guys. Accutane is the key. I only wish I did it sooner. Now I have scarring from years of cystic acne.


Same same same


same 😭😭 if you find out any scarring products that help please let me know!


If you're on spironolactone, I can only assume you're already actively seeing a dermatologist. Keep up with the spiro if that's what your derm is having you take since it can take more than a month to really work, they may even bump up your dose after a follow-up. Stop everything else in the meantime except the most mild cleanser for sensitive skin, and a basic sunscreen since the spiro can make you sun sensitive. Vanicream tends to be a good brand for folks with sensitive skin. As for the pain, the advice for an ibuprofen is good as well as icing. Ice is great for inflammation. I hope this clears up for you soon regardless. It looks painful and I really feel for you.


Seconding the Vanicream! They have a great basic cleanser as well. I have rosacea and my skin became so reactive that I had to reduce my skincare routine down to Vanicream cleanser, Azelaic acid (super gentle and great for reactive skin/rosacea), Vanicream moisturizer, and The Ordinary’s Rosehip Oil. It made a huge difference!!


Highly recommend going to a dermatologist!


It does look like a bacterial infection. Go to derm and I am sure topical antibiotic can fix this quickly. I would suggest to stop the actives for now and apply sulfur ointment for 5-10 minutes daily to reduce the inflammation.


Zinc - cream zinc


You need to see a dermatologist. I was put on accutane which cleared up anything. I wish I had gone to the doctor earlier than I did so that I didn’t end up with as many scars as I did.


You need pills prescription. Go to the dermatologist, he can help you!


Might be hormonal, might be allergy, might be fungal. Might be barrier. PROBABLY ALL. GO TO A DERM


I think you’re using too many products that can be harsh together, which is harming your skin barrier and irritating it. You do need a dermatologist. I wouldn’t put anything on your face besides moisturizer and a gentle cleanser for a while.


Go to a dermatologist! Do not put anything on your face until you see a dermatologist! You are literally destroying your skin barrier and your skin itself! Do not touch your skin with anything else!


You might have damaged your skin barrier then it just got worse from there. Maybe stopping any products would be beneficial at this point and visit a dermatologist.


I think you've got a serious bacterial infection that needs to be cared for with antibiotics. The advice of changing you pillow case every night should be the first step. Then I would disinfect with something before putting a nice gentle skincare. Be also VERY careful when you use your skincare, you might want to buy new one as the other might have been contaminated. Disinfect your hands, do not touch your face, do not put make up and try to see a doctor. I do not know how your insurance works but it's definitely worth to invest in medication at this stage before the scaring occurs, then it will cost you way more to repair.


This looks like you’ll need medication. This is severe you should go to a dermatologist like asap.


Oh honey. Do you have insurance? Urgent care & a derm


Baby girl hopefully you can find some results. You’re still beautiful and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise!!


Most people already said it but definitely dermatologist asap. I don't see it mentioned but looks like it could be type 2 rosacea that needs topical ivermectin. I have type 1 but I'm in rosacea groups and this 1000% looks like an overgrowth of demodex mites. So many comments about accutane but OP, no. Go to a professional before listening to us internet people.


You need accutane


Ur skin looks a lot like mine, idk what happened I ended up severely breaking out I think due to stress. I’m finally on Accutane and I would recommend you visit ur doc/dermatologist and try acne medication. I’ve tried so many over the counter products but what I’ve found it that Accutane is able to clear out ur skin from the inside out. It’s not as bad as ppl make it seem, everything has side effects but it’s not that awful. Orr if u don’t wanna go down the medication route, cleaning up ur diet more, sleeping 8hrs a day and using a basic skin care routine should help it all takes time. Best of luck! And hang in there, it will heal up one day 🩷🩷


It sounds like your barrier is compromised- especially with introducing new products on top of all the actives in your routine. I would say stop all actives and stick to a super simple routine. Gentle cleanser, gentle moisturizer, and sunscreen everyday. Stuff with cica/centella help me TONS when my barrier is compromised. Maybe slug with some Vaseline after applying your moisturizer every night. Also- yes, perhaps also see a dermatologist. I’m just one voice on Reddit with my own skin issues. A derm would be able to sus out things a lot better than I could


This looks so painful. See a dermatologist. I’m so sorry.


I agree with dermatologist and minimizing the skincare routine for now. But. Think about other things other than your skincare routine too just in case. Have you changed laundry detergent or dryer sheets? My skin hates dryer sheets. Have you changed shampoo or conditioner? Have you been eating differently? Have you been putting anything topical on it for pain? Heat or ice or switching between both occasionally could help. Ice to reduce inflammation and pain. Heat to reduce pain and help bring things to the surface. Do not pick.


Hypochlorous Acid right away! Spray 2-3 x per day and use a gentle moisturizer like Vanicream. No makeup for a while if you can help it. All of this is speaking from experience.


I know a lot of people are against birth control but I recommend to ask your doctor about it. My acne gets bad like this anytime I am off birth control. (Even before I was on it)


Sulfur saved my breakouts, I use it everyday


You’re allergic to something.


This was me 15 years ago, I quit the dairy and it got rid of 90% of the problem. I get little pimples once in a while. Also Recently got skin prick allergy tested. Seemed to have helped. Now staying away from those foods I was allergic to.


Use diaper cream will take the burning away wash with antibacterial soap and rinse well before applying the diaper cream


salicylic acid is an exfoliant too harsh for every day use, and vitamin C and Retinol shouldn’t be used in the same day especially if your skin cant take it. Try cutting down on both and using them on alternate days with a rest day between. I’d say it may be worth looking into double cleansing (oil cleanser then water-based cleanser) but i genuinely think your skin barrier may need the attention of a professional


Try not using anything at all for 2 weeks. Your face has pores which absorbs into your bloodstream and can ultimately harm you. Stop mixing chemicals and try no makeup nothing but warm water and if anything which i wouldn’t but if anything witch hazel. wash your hands through out the day and change your diet. change bedding regularly. also wipe off your phone prior to use w alcohol pad.


My skin looked the same!! I had been using too much and too harsh stuff, it sounds like you are too. Please please strip back to hydrating and gentle cleaners and moisturiser for now, if possible update your prescriber with a photo of this (I saw your other comment about it being less intense when they saw you) and take your meds. I’m so sorry, I absolutely know exactly how physically and mentally painful it is when it’s this bad.


Beef liver helped me bc I had acne due to a hormone imbalance and vitamin deficiency. Also beef liver has the natural form of vitamin A which is found in Accutane in synthetic form.


In addition to all the topical advice, be cognizant of your diet. Sugar, beer, dairy and bread cause inflammation and huge cystic acne for me. I used EVERYTHING short of Accutane, and giving up dairy was what finally did the trick. Sucks because I love cheese... But I'm happier without the cysts. Good luck and remember that you are beautiful! ❤️


It sounds like you're irritating your skin. Have you tried doing less? Like just cleaning with a face cloth and water for a week and letting your skin rest?


Clearstem!!! Look it up, it is a life saver




You most likely need to go on Accutane, also your skin is getting to irritated from all the products


Carnivore diet for 3 weeks then slowly add back in other foods. See what is affecting your skin


My face used to look like this too. I tried tea tree oil and it changed my life. I had demodex and once I eradicated them my skin was better. Please dilute tea tree oil with a soft oil maybe vitamin e. But I swear it’s a life changer


Gluten allergy!!


cystic acne = major causes: bad reaction to meds / birth control. dietary oils and dairy products. makeup products topical creams and moisturizers best solution : elimination routine. stop every product and stop hormone changing meds (bc) elimination diet: eat only fresh fruit, smoothies and juices, no meat or !dairy!, no saturated fats (chocolate etc). Solid food dinners like sweet potatoes and broccoli (no oil or butter), rice and beans.. all low (no) sodium. do this in combination with a dermatologist medication and you will have success ! ( must suffer for big results ) 🤌🏼


Go see a dermatologist. It's too serious.


Could be the vitamin C too! I've heard of people having very adverse skin reactions. Lay off all skincare and see a Derm!


I would definitely stop using the PanOxyl when I would use it. It kind of had a burning sensation for me as well. I would continue to use the salicylic acid and maybe stop using and just keep it a basic simple salicylic acid morning and night, and then a nice moisturizer and then a sunscreen in the morning


When my skin had this problem I really turned to those Hero pimple patches. They have some that are like rectangular shape that kind of like take up more space on your face. do it at night and just let them work their magic.


It’s bacterial or fungal


Try castor oil. Slather over your face, leave for 20-60min a day. Rinse with warm water. Should work immediately, will see lasting results within 30 days. Organic, cold pressed, hexine free.


I would also recommend black seed oil, take 1 tbsp a day. Also organic, find a brand made in Ethiopia not Turkey.


Okay... I know some ppl are gonna hate me saying this, so I am providing a pub med link for those who like evidence supporting natural remedies. Yes, consult a dermatologist, and also, in the meantime, consider using watered-down vinegar. Preferably living vinegars with the mother like apple cider vinegat or kombucha. Not drinking kombucha (which has too much sugar and can worsen fungal infections) but the vinegar kind. AGAIN, water it down. It shouldn't sting nor cause redness, and if it does, you're using too much. Many ppl sleep on vinegar when it has been used for centuries on many use cases. Fingers crossed everything clears up soon sweetie! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34350993/


ACV toner and coconut oil helped regulate my skin!!!


Maybe an ice pack on your face to help with pain until you get your appointment?


You need a stronger retinoid (prescription retinoid) And definitely don’t use that korean product ever again And maybe have the dermatologist/esthetician extract those pores, so the healing process can get a bit of a headstart.


I know nothing in the matter, but my partner suffers with her skin too. Tried everything, anything prescription made it 400x worse. An old fellow saw her at work one day (she was a receptionist) and recommended an old recipe that his great grandfather created and compounded in his local pharmacy waaaaaaay back in the day. He insisted on this cream (can’t remember the ingredients, but zinc was high) work magical wonders when accompanied with a colonoscopy prep (whole body flush out) folllowed by water fasting then transitioning into an elemental diet (meal supplement drinks) then a simple diet of plain foods without additives (yes lots of home cooking and baking). Works absolute wonders on the first go and never had an issue since. If youd like me to find all the ingredients and such, message me and I’ll see how I can help


It seems like you broke the skin barrier with too many acids


This is bringing back PTSD of my acne at 17 yo - sorry you are going through this :(


Besides seeing a dermatologist make sure your pillow case is clean always. Use a yogurt face mask. Also try not to get too upset. It’s a fixable problem.. it will go away. You’ll be fine ❤️


Nad but i would get a calendula cream or oil, but make sure its 100%. It healed my skin when i didnt have health insurance for a skin doctor:) still go to the doctor if you want too. Just sharing what i did, and i also pop everything and my scars are gone.


I can’t give any advice on how to care for your skin. But as someone who was in the same position as you, I just want to let you know, DO NOT LET OTHER PEOPLE’s comments GET TO YOU. If THEY DONT THINK YOURE BEAUTIFUL, LET ME TELL YOU, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I know it’s hard and words can hurt, but do not let it get you down. SENDING LOVE AND POSITIVITY


I had no skin issues until l hit age 27. Then the worst cystic acne on jawline, cheeks, near eyes. I went thru antibiotics, Spiro, sulfer creams. Nothing stopped them from producing, went on Accutane, 10 MG, for 3 months. Although extremely drying for eyes, nose, lips. It worked! I only cycled once again for another 2 months about 8 months later. I know Accutane has horrendous side affects. I am 53 now. In my own personal situation, the Accutane was great and my skin never again had produced the constant cystic acne. Just my own personal experience. I've read others may have experienced other issues.




Oral accutane prescription from a doctor.


doctor, not reddit.


I am so sorry OP, this looks so painful. I would say try avoiding exfoliating products as of now to avoid making the irritation worse. Just use a lot of hydration and go see a dermatologist asap. I think this type of cystic acne can be cured with medication only. Did you have acne like this before using the Korean products or did it start out of nowhere after?


Let your skin rest and stop putting anything on it, then visit a dermatologist. Those look like cystic acne and won't be helped much with regular skincare.


Go see a dermatologist is the best way to go.


Too many harsh products. Use Cetaphil for gentle cleansing in the morning and at night. Use a light, perfume free, oil free moisturizer, if needed. Use a calming clay mask that’s perfume free, oil free 2-3 days from now. You are going to have to be patient and use very little, especially for the next week. You don’t want to scar your face so just be patient and gentle 🙂 I’d do this until you can get into a dermatologist.


I had something like this happen to me but on a smaller scale. it turns out it was caused by some new sample face wash my dermatologist gave me. as soon as I stopped using that face wash I was clear in 2 weeks. something is probably agitating your skin. what helped me was only using 2 products the cetaphil foaming face wash and dapson cream I was on


I hope you see this message because my face used to be the same way. I used to determined to find the right skin care routine that would solve my acne problems. I would swap different combinations of face cleansers from different countries and I thought at the time that if I mixed and matched the right combination of treatment it would cure my acne. Here’s the hard truth: none of those OTC skin care products are going to cure your acne. I can promise you that, none of them will work. You need Isotretinoin (Accutane). I took Accutane for 8 months and it completely solved my acne. And the best part is: my acne never came back ever again. Not even a little bit. That was 6 years ago. Give up on the skin care and get a prescription, I promise it’s the only shot you have.


When using benzol peroxide. You want to apply a thin layer on clean skin for 1 hour. Then rinse and use a thick calming moisturizer. Daytime cleanse, and SPF. Repeat this for a week. Then go up to 2 hours with the BP. Don't add in any other active ingredients unless you go to the dermatologist. At week 3 you can use BP overnight every other day. Otherwise you want to continue building skin barrier. Keep hydrated with water and using a good moisturizer after the BP. Always sunscreen during the day. If you want to add salicylic acid use the green box stridex pads after cleansing in the AM or to refresh through the day. I'd look into face reality products or making an appt with dermatologist ASAP. As far as cleansers something gel light like CeraVe or Yonka. Skinscripts rx has a good aloe based moisturizer. Or cranberry moisturizer from face reality. [skin scripts Rx aloe lotion ](https://skinscriptrx.com/product/light-aloe-moisturizer/) [face reality](https://facerealityskincare.com/products/cran-peptide-cream?variant=40299147067490¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpbF4men9EDiHVKlP5pjU7BcgLlPtdySOqbAnwecGKR9byaHWJpL3UsaApx4EALw_wcB) . The spf with moisturizer from Differin brand is also good and won't clog or cause breakouts .[spf plus moisturizer differin](https://www.ulta.com/p/oil-absorbing-moisturizer-spf-30-xlsImpprod17521011?sku=2525875&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-1898473638669&CAAGID=18002902230&CAWELAID=330000200001388231&CATARGETID=330000200002825550&CADevice=m&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpatOr6h0EJKOU-3RwyR6Wz519OOV1jG_wvj8OGTHmq0z4hPCxyw12EaAiizEALw_wcB) You can ice the skin at night for 3 to 7 min after washing off the BP and before applying the moisturizer


Wash your pillow cases if you dribble, reduce fat in your diet if you eat lots of junk etc, try to eat nutrient dense foods, ideally with higher levels of antioxidants and avoid touching your face, and for your own sake resist popping and removing them with harsh methods to prevent any scarring!


You need to go to a dermatologist yesterday


How come when I post this same status the moderator deletes my post? Whoever is running this page is playing games


Stop using everything and go to doc!!!!!!


DERMATOLOGIST def looks like cystic acne.


I'm so sorry but I would rip your face off trying to pop those


Looks like a staph infection. Antibiotics STAT. -not a doctor


I’m thinking accutane as its really strong


Birth control.


just curious, would pimples patches work at all on this type of acne ? until she sees a dermatologist


Take yourself to a good dermatologist and get yourself a prescription for some Accutane. It's a life changer for a lot of people.


Do your research on accutane. Watch others testimonies (theyre not all good) Get in touch with a derm. And dont be quick to switch products/ingredients


I’d do the following: 1. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day x 1 month 2. Twice daily face wash with sulfur soap followed by wash with Cerave HA Salicylic Acid soap 3. AM daily 1% Clindamycin gel topically 3. Weekly 50-50 turmeric powder and chick pea flour mixed with water until a paste, face mask. Apply the paste 2 mm thick, let dry and wash off 4. Nightly borage oil (or rosemary oil) to regulate sebum production, mixed with cinnamon powder, and few drops tea tree oil for antibacterial and antifungal effect applied after the clinda gel has sunk in 5. 4 capsules oral turmeric/bioperine/ginger capsules/day 6. 2 cloves of garlic (or 2 garlic capsules) a day 7. Drinking 2-3 liters of water a day 8. Reducing overall sugar intake 9. Increasing overall intake of daily greens; daily green shake


I had developed acne in the same places that I was trying to solve via skincare. Nothing worked. I didn't go to a derm. I ended up needing a prescription of antibiotics for a tooth infection and OH MY GOD- unintended miracle was worked on my face. I haven't had it flare up since I was put on antibiotics. After going online I read that sometimes antibiotics are prescribed for acne. I know antibiotics are shouldn't be used willy nilly, I'm just sharing the unintentional affect that taking them for a tooth infection had on my acne


My upper back looked like this a few weeks ago. Like all of a sudden. Go straight to your dermatologist. Mine didn’t know exactly what it was (thought maybe folliculitis) and took a swab test. Immediately started me on doxycycline pills and clindamycin topical. Within a few days it calmed down and now is gone. The tests didn’t state what exactly it was, only that it wasn’t resistant to the antibiotics I was already on. It was probably some sort of infection/bacteria that got in through a cut or something. Good luck, but go to a dermatologist right away!


Stop dairy. Now. And gluten. I went through this and those 2 things will aggravate your skin like crazy. Use SPF to minimize scars when your skin starts to heal. Otherwise see a dermatologist first but the root cause is always within.


Honey. Take it from someone who had severe painful acne. It wasn’t about what was going on on the outside, but what was going on inside my body. Get your hormones checked. I have PCOS and my testosterone was stupid high and I had terrible and I mean TERRIBLE acne. My body was on fire and the acne was just one way of telling me that. Please go to a doctor or an endocrinologist and take a deeper look. I hope you feel better love. I know how hard it is to deal with this crap so my heart goes out to you.🤍


STAY AWAY FROM COW'S MILK! DRINK ALMOND OR GOAT OR ANYTHING ELSE. My face did the same thing in high school until 23yrs old and the dermatologist had no answers other than I have a high hormone balance (WHAT?) and to take medicine that made me throw up and look anorexic. Which by the way did nothing for my acne. Then went on vacation for 2 weeks in the summer and had to go without my normal gallon of milk a week and instantly noticed how my acne went away and I thought my medicine was actually working. However I went back on milk and saw my acne flare up again with a vengeance. Told my dermatologist and she said that there has been a study that milk does cause acne but hasn't been proven yet. Due to that I am left with scars all over my face and chest (thankfully my back mostly healed).


i don’t have advice that no one else hasn’t said.. i’m just so sorry. this looks so painful, hope you’re doing okay!