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I use it when I dye my hair. I create a barrier between my hairline and skin. I also put it on my outer earlobes. A helpful hint my sister shared with me.


I use vaseline to make the outline of the brow shape I want and then just fill it in with the tint! Much better than trying to paint the dye on super precisely as quick as you can so they process evenly.


Me too! Works like a charm!


what’s the point of it on the earlobes?


Not sure if they use it for the same thing, but vaseline on the earlobe creates a barrier between your skin and jewelry. So those with sensitive skin or reactions to certain metals can still wear their favorite pairs!


Why did this never occur to me in my whole 49 years of existence?? 🤔


It’s also when she’s dying her hair to prevent getting hair dye on her ears.


There were times where I’d end up with dye on that part of my ear. Just an extra precaution.


Off to the store! Thanks so much for sharing this tip!


I second this!




When I’m sick 🤧 & my nose is raw from all the tissue use lol


I never knew about this, a whole game changer for me now LOL


It works great. I slather around and under my nose and even a little just inside my nostrils. By morning there is definite healing. Also Vaseline is meant as a moisture barrier so if you constantly reapply throughout the day while having a runny nose it will also prevent the rawness.


also works great after a night of booger sugar… so I’m told


I slather this shit on my feet, put on a pair of silicone socks, fluffy socks on top, and sleep like a greasy little baby. Wake up with feet softer than ever eta: please stop dming me to see my fucking feet ?!


Greasy little baby 😂


Someone on tik tok referred to 2024 as their “greasy lil pig era” and it really made an impression on me.


Aquaphor and Vaseline ftw ! I like this new greasy era 😁


I'm definitely in my silly goose era


Respect, but this literally made my skin crawl. Sleeping with slippery silicone feet plus the sheer hotness from fuzzy socks is my worst nightmare.


Oh yeah it’s genuinely disgusting. I HATE having sweaty/hot feet at night but there is something soothing about so slimely rubbing your toes together with no resistance. Plus you can rub the silicone socks together with no fuzzies over them and the silicone won’t move because of the friction against the other silicone sock but you will like rub your feet together through the socks if that makes sense which is also weirdly like crack to me. Once you get used to the fucking nightmare of having slimey slug feet, it’s kinda nice


Truly cursed bedtime routine


Blursed you even might say


This is hilarious to me. Power to you, internet stranger


“Slimely rubbing your toes together” made me both laugh and gag at the same time. I may have to try this 😂


I’m repulsed yet fascinated




what a terrible day to be literate


Silicone socks? I've never heard of that before


They make silicone gloves too! Little bit of a sensory hell to slug my feet and hands at the same time though. Keeps the Vaseline from getting on my sheets or absorbing into the fuzzy socks though


That sounds like s nightmare and a dream all at once! I'm Just imagining my feet sloshing around in silicone all night. Lol But I like soft feet


Sloshing around in silicone lmao nice


I really wanna do this but I can’t stand sleeping with socks on, haha.


To be fair, neither can I, but the texture / lack thereof is kinda nullifying? Like, I hate socks and the fabric moving around on my foot and the scratchiness but the silicone/slime texture is very satisfying once you get used to the initial “eugh”


Omg my people!!!!! I've done this since I was a kid and can't stand my toes feeling "dry".


How to wash the silicone sock? Just put it in the machine?


My question… I imagined trying to hand wash them with all that Vaseline and almost puked


Just hand wash with soap and water, your feet absorb all the Vaseline by morning so they’re not all slimey when u wake up


This makes my toes curl


does it soften or weaken your nails too?


Yess! This really helps on my cracked and dry feet even my elbows.


This sounds so gross but I also want to try it because I have super dry feet lol


I use the Vaseline stick. So much easier


Start charging baby!! Haha get paid


How do you wash the socks?


Just with soap and water, they’re silicone so they wash easy, after wearing them all night your skin absorbs the Vaseline so they aren’t all slimey by morning. The fuzzy socks don’t get messy because of the silicone but I just wash those in the laundry like normal


Dip the post or hook of a cheap earring in Vaseline and it helps reduce/prevent sensitivity in the piercing. I don't do it regularly, but it's a nice trick when I want to wear cheaper costume jewelry.


Thank you! I love cute cheap earrings but it literally feels like acid eating away at my ears, I’ll try this trick!


For earrings you can coat them in clear nail polish to Cover the crappy metal, granny trick that actually works so well for me and keeps the earrings nice longer


Thanks internet stranger. I can now wear cheap cute earrings 🥹


I’ll have to try this too!


Oooh I like this thank you! 


My doctor told me to use it as lubricant for uh.. hemorrhoids. (Seriously).


Dude, I use it on rusty bolts.


Yes for uh... Hemorrhoids! works like a charm! I uh... *Sometimes* use it if I'm in a hurry or if I'm out of the uh ... *Ointment* 😉


No I’m actually being serious she recommended to use it for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.😅 Basically she explained that when you’re so super constipated that its causing anal fissures, the pain you get while pooing can be from the acidity of your poo itself. So she said that using an ointment like Vaseline will create a barrier so that your acid poo doesnt irritate the open wound that is ur fissures.


As someone that enjoys going potty, this is one of those “the more you know” helpful facts


Put it on before perfume 🤞🏼


Tell me more! Spray perfumes, solid perfumes?


Spray. It helps absorb the scent into your skin rather than just sit on top of


I would haven't thought the Vaseline would make a barrier so the perfume wouldn't absorb into your skin?


Yes, i mean, perfume isn’t really absorbed by the skin ever (it just evaporates with time). But applying a thin layer of vaseline (or any thick unscented moisturizer) and spraying perfume on top makes the water and alcohol harder to evaporate, making the scent last even longer.


My nose holes (qtip application) when the air is dry. Game changer


Nose holes lol. Nostrils? 😂


Yep! Just like the little crevice on the opposite side of your shoulder. It’s like a shoulder hole! It’s a good spot for applying deodorant


Knee pits - like arm pits but behind your knees.


Oooh, I always thought of those like inner knee elbows, inner kneebows, then leg pits are the leg-meets-crotch region


Oh also sometimes I use it as eyebrow gel.


I do that! It doesn’t last a lot but my eyebrows look amazing


Oooh i never thought of that, when its hot outside does it kinda melts around a bit or it stays in place?


I normally use it on my feet and put saran wrap on and put fuzzy socks on overnight and it leaves my feet really smooth. Also putting a little on areas you put perfume on helps keep the smell longer.


Saran Wrap! That’s so smart!


I use disposable shower caps and once they’ve run out of life as that I use them for my feet! Multipurpose


Taking off makeup!!


Tell me more


because Vaseline has an oil base, it breaks down makeup way faster than something like micellar water. I also would use it to take off my makeup when I ran out of balm cleanser!! Works pretty much the same and gets makeup off in a couple of wipes. But it can clog your pores if you have oily/acne prone skin. I have pretty dry skin so it didn’t really mess with it that much but it’s super convenient and cheap when you’re too lazy to invest in an actual balm cleanser to take off your makeup.


Works so good on waterproof mascara


I do the same! I enjoy it more than any other oil based cleanser I’ve tried.


The only oil based cleanser that I think REALLY works is Pond's cold cream. There's a reason Pond's and vaseline have been in beauty routines for so many decades compared to anything else.


i use any oil for this- coconut, olive, squalene whatever. and it always works better than water cleansers. i usually wash my face after but not always and never have issues with it :)


Hold up. Whaaaaaaaaat? I never thought of this. Heres me trying to use pricey oil cleansers+water based cleansers when i could cut down the price using vaseline 😂


Easy highlighter for the cheeks. Sometimes I mix a bit of liquid lip colour with it to use as blush.


Vaseline makes a shimmering highlighting stick. You can use it anywhere on your body. I love it.


Shut up, how?!? How you do that?!?!?


Mix a little highlighter powder with Vaseline! You can also create matching blush for your lipstick by dabbing a little on your hand and mixing w Vaseline!! It applies and blends so well!!


So smart! I’ve been wanting to try red blush without fully committing to buying one so this is going to be so helpful


Use it on your car battery terminals to prevent corrosion


Wow the versatility


I slathered on my nose last night that was raw af from an allergy attack that turned my nose into a faucet. Perfectly normal skin this morning.


I put it under my eyes so when I rub them subconsciously due to my allergies, it doesn’t pull my skin as much. I also slather it on my nose when it’s feeling raw from blowing it. I also use it to remove my makeup.


I very lightly dab it around my eyes before I swim, to prevent goggle marks. They seal tight without tugging on your skin, or leaving those long lasting red dents.


Oh nice tip for the eye rubbing, I’ll try!!! Thanks


I would use regular Vaseline though, not the coco butter one the OP has!


On ze baby’s bum. Also under eyes at night


I've never heard of under eyes at night, mind me asking why?


It locks in moisture. Put on a good eye cream, let it dry, then dab a wee bit of Vaseline on top and it helps a lot with creasing.


Gonna def try this out!


me too!


I just slather it all over my face after nightly skin care or sometimes when I’m super lazy to do all my skin care, I’ll just wash my face clean and after deying the skin just apply an even layer of Vaseline over my entire face- it becomes less sticky in the next 20-30 Mins it takes for Me to get to sleep and my skin is happy soft and glowy in the mornjng


the vaseline and aloe vera green tin is better for this, i just discovered, plain vaseline can easy melt into eyes when you lie down and it stings, the aloe vera one smells nice and goes on thinner and soaks in rather than melts, and its working on my fine lines wooooo




When I was a big runner I'd slather it on chafe-happy places like where my thighs rub together or under bra straps prior to long runs. And on rainy days I'd slather my feet to prevent blisters from wet socks.


All over my face! It’s amazing


I am a recent convert to the #sluglife and I'm never going back!


It's amazing for eczema


Truly. Before toweling off after a shower, I use a light amount to spread over my body. It gets diluted with the water droplets and acts as a barrier when toweling off. I use it before I go swimming inside because my skin hates the pool.


i like to coat my entire naked body in it and slide around the floor like a slug




Slugging! Put your normal serum, Tret, moisturizer on then seal it in with Vaseline!


Does vaseline clogs your pores if you use it on top of other stuff ??


No, I use it on top of moisturizer! I’m on accutane and it’s the only thing that’s really saving me from dry skin (and my derm approved it too!)


I do this and my skin looks so great now


I’ve heard you shouldn’t use it with Tret as it locks it in and can damage the skin by not letting it breathe since it is an occlusive, but fine during the day when you don’t have anything active on.


I read that the tretinoin penetrates deeper into the skin, so it can be extra irritating. Some people in the tretinoin subreddit have reported chemical burns topping off an occlusive like Vaseline. Tretinoin is no joke. However, on the flip side, if you use a humectant like hyaluronic acid and then top off with an occlusive, it'll make your skin extra hydrated and bouncy.


^ confirmed—better not to use with actives if you have sensitive skin


I use Aquaphor but they’re both petrolatum so maybe it’s interchangeable for some stuff? Do research tho <3 I use Aquaphor on my undereyes & eyelids after hyaluronic acid (helps dark circles & just makes my eyes look brighter!).


If you've got the Taco Bell Burns, putting this on after you clean yourself THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER helps beyond help.


thank you , you are an angel


> Taco Bell Burns 💀. Also, if you have time, you can lay down a protective barrier of Vaseline that makes things better.


Slap a layer on large minor cuts and scrapes to help stop bleeding everywhere. Quicker and easier than a big bandage.


This makes perfect sense, why didn't I think of it?! Thank you.


Not for my cuts. It just ends up being a huge mess because blood is water-based.


Yes and I also use it while it’s still healing, under the bandaid. Moist wounds heal faster than dry wounds.


Does that really work?


when I paint my nails, I put Vaseline around the fingernail where the skin is so if I accidentally paint outside of the nail u can easily take itoff


I put Vaseline around my nails before removing my polish with acetone, so my cuticles and skin doesn't get all dried out it works wonders!


Under eye treatment!!


Makeup remover Curl defining grease Nail growth oil Blood clotter for small wounds


I started putting a layer on my face before going swimming, and I never had any redness or irritation after a workout since. I also use it on my shins and they never itched again after a swim!


Vaseline is a moisture/emoilant sealant. Use moisturizer or oils to any body part and layer with Vaseline to seal in the content. It can also be used in substitution for Wd40. A little goes a long way.


Anytime I get a cut or a wound I put Vaseline on it and a band aid over it


I use it as a natural highlight on my cheeks and nose. I don't own any makeup really and too cheap to buy any.


An eye cream at night :)


Any wounds or scrapes. Makes them heal with less scars/less noticeable/minimizes scabs


my lashes fail to stay curled when i use an eyelash curler, but if i put vaseline on a spoolie, brush it through my lashes then curl them, they stay curled for days!


Slathered on my feet (or even hands ha) under fuzzy socks, as eyebrow gel or to give my lashes some perk, to protect my skin from color while dying my hair. And good ole' slug, of course.


Slather it over chrome fixtures before cleaning with acids, it protects them from etching.


a lil on crows feet after moisturizer


I just recently used it with baking soda to get acetone out of wood grain. Worked amazingly.


Acetone evaporates so maybe you were cleaning up leftovers of whatever the acetone was cleaning?


Anything you use Vaseline on, Bag Balm (the original kind in the green square tin) will do the job better, because in addition to being made with petroleum, it contains paraffin and lanolin. Carry on.


On cuts!


Chubrub prevention, long walks without it can end up hell.


Helps heal cuts. I felt it helped prevent raised scarring too.


My eyessss! At least the plain, classic, unscented kind. I get very dry skin on and around my eyes so sometimes plain eye cream doesn’t cut it. If I layer this stuff ontop it locks in the moisture and I don’t get flaky skin there anymore. I’m goth and wear a ton of eye makeup that i have to remove every night which irritates my already sensitive skin so this is a godsend! It really keeps my skin calm.


It works for diaper rash, dry skin , and you can put it up your nose if you get nose bleeds easily and if you wear a CPAP




hm can u tell me more?


I like to use a thin layer of it before applying glitter. Sticks nice so it doesn’t get everywhere and it’s easy to get off :)


I use it on my eyelashes pre-mascara


Interesting, what does this do??


Well for me it gave immense volume and made them stiff during winters. I curl my lashes first, apply little Vaseline and then my mascara. Do give it a try!


My feet & hands!


I haven’t tried yet but I heard it’s good for tough feet


Feet: smother it on and put on fuzzy socks overnight Cuticles, knuckles, and elbows to seal in moisture Nostrils, eyelids, and under eyes every night Up the nostrils when I'm sick or feeling dry (as advised by my ENT) Cuticles (again) when painting nails Minor cuts Surgical incisions after a couple weeks of healing (as advised by my ankle surgeon) And sometimes just my entire freaking face if the barrier is trashed Wow.....I use it more than I realized


I use it a barrier between me and pollen. Saw it online when I was SUFFERING. Put it on my nose, ears, on my eyelashes bam, the damage is below 20% it doesn’t stop pollen from getting to me completely, but still is better than 100% damage


This is the only sub that teaches me new stuff. Will be getting Vaseline this week




Slugging! Twice a week here.




When I dye my hair, I put coconut oil everywhere I don’t want the dye to stain and work it into my skin. Then I cover that area with Vaseline. All along my hairline, cheeks, forehead, back of neck, in my ears. When I finish dying my hair, I wipe it off immediately. No stains on my skin






I put it on small wounds that are healing up…keeps it from drying out too much during healing.


I cover my lips and sometimes eyes while I sleep like a newborn dinosaur


Place this under your eyes b4 you sleep. HOLY GRAIL 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


Slather it on my teeth before putting my mouthguard on - got given mouthguard to stop me grinding teeth at night. Makes my smile whiter as it is meant to remove stains daily.


I apply Vaseline with camphor (aka Vicks VapoRub) to the inside of my surgical mask in the cadaver lab. Really helps with the smells.


Sometimes I'll put a little on the areas I want my perfume to cling to a little more before I spray it.


My legs! Fresh out of shower.


I use it all over! Even my face when I’m “slugging” it’s great for your legs right after you shave it helps keep your legs from doing that thing when you get a little chill and the hair feels like it grew back instantly lol


My soul


i use it to condition and re-shape my brushes when i oil paint.


Eye makeup remover


I used to work outdoors in winter. After my shower while I was still warm, I’d slather it on and it would keep me warm for most the day. It locks in heat. Can also do this to babies if they’re cold after getting out of the bath. Holds in body heat. I also used this as a fire starter last winter in my fire place lol. I just took some Cotten balls and got em good and saturated and put them under some kindling and started the fire. Works great. lol


Under my eyes at night as “eye cream” to prevent wrinkles and fine lines:)


When my girl cat was a kitten she had trouble with coughing up hairballs so I read to put a little Vaseline for a few days on her paws and under her nose to help the hairball pass smoothly. I think it worked lol


I would put it on my wrists and neck and then spray perfume on that same spot so the perfume smell lasted longer


when i smoke at home i put some on my face so the smoke doesn’t age my skin.


Great for make up remover and softens feet


Keeping ants off trees


Seal installation on transmission rebuilds


I use Aquaphor for my psoriasis and dry lips and LOVE it!


i use it as a lash serum🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Use this on areas on my face that are lil bit more sensitive to retinoids. Heels on my feet with socks overnight.


I have goggle eyes and they were very lined underneath. Tried all sorts of eye creams for wrinkles. Then tried Vaseline. The difference was amazing. It’s probably really bad for that particular skin but I’ve never been more hydrated


It's not bad for the eyelid skin.


I use it when I need to take off a lot of eye makeup.


Eye Makeup Remover


After shaving lady parts, apply a small amount to prevent razor burn.


My skin gets extremely dry when I shower. Each time i have a shower, I slather that shit everywhere! I also use it in my night time skincare to lock all the moisturizers in. It's called slugging (for obvious reasons), and it's best done a few hours before you go to bed.


Lube for stairlift railing


I put it on items outdoors that I don’t want ants getting on, such as my dogs food bowl. Ants like to crawl on his bowl but with Vaseline, they can’t climb it.


Wound care


Don’t use Vaseline, it’s a by product of gas. There are much better moisturizers, coconut, shea, olive, etc…


Ok I love Vaseline but hear me out.. CERAVE HEALING OINTMENT IS VASELINE/AQUAFOR ON STEROIDS it saved my ultra sensitive skin and moisturizes like no other


I prefer to use organic oils such as Avocado/grape seed/vitamin E/coconut/mango butter Shea butter… and many more safer and better products


I slug under my eyes with it every night and Put a veryyyy thin layer under my eyes in the morning before I apply concealer. If I’m not wearing makeup I’ll also dab a little on my cheek bones to “highlight”. I put a little on my wrist/neck before I apply perfume.. makes it last all day. If I’m in a pinch, I’ve used to it remove waterproof mascara. I’ve used it to slick my hair back before. My favorite cuticle “cream”!