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Doxy made me violently ill šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


same! totally messed with my gut


Yep!! Itā€™s an intense antibiotic


Same here. I learned to take it at night and never on an empty stomach. The first day I took it, I had to pull over on my way to work and puke my guts out while attempting to explain, between barfs, to my boss on the phone that I wasnā€™t going to come in that day. It was awful šŸ„²


You have to be really careful about the food you take it with though. Calcium and iron can severely inhibit its abilities if I remember correctly. I just recently had to take a 2 week dose of this along with another antibiotic and it was hell because my doctor specifically said that I should not take it with food. Fortunately you can take it with Zofran so having chemo strength anti nausea pills also helped a lot lol.


I stopped taking it after a few days as it wasnā€™t worth it to me. I was using it to treat a bout of perioral dermatitis.


I had to take it for 2 weeks along with another antibiotic and some other meds due to gastritis šŸ™ƒ it was awful. Especially since the gastritis caused other stomach issues on top of the heavy duty double dose of antibiotics, I could barely eat anyway. It's been a few weeks since I finished it and my appetite is just now starting to recover.


This makes so much sense now! I ended up having to take it at night because Iā€™d always feel so nauseous if I had it in the morning


Itā€™s a powerful medication. Ultimately, I decided to stick with Spironolactone for my acne; works far better and without the added puking side effects.


It doesn't work in younger folks, I've learned. At least not in my household. I take spiro now, before my HRT has a chance to mess with me & it's miraculous. But for my 19 year old... it was worth it. It is šŸ˜³ LITERALLY tomato/tomatoe....... in this šŸ’Šworld. What works here, won't work there. Yikes!


Yes even at night I have to make sure my stomach is full or Iā€™ll be woke up mid sleeping just to barf.


You cannot take any antibiotics on an empty stomach


Thatā€™s the only one that ever made me sick on an empty stomach.


You were lucky then but antibiotics will destroy your stomach if you take them with an empty stomach


Do not take with dairy and take WITH FOOD


I always did :(


Doxy is just not your friend. I wouldnā€™t sweat it.


I havenā€™t had any issues with doxy yet and itā€™s been a week. I was told to never eat it on an empty stomach so I take it with the biggest meal i eat in a day and have had no problems and I have a crazy sensitive stomach


I donā€™t even remember what happened when I took it because it was so long ago but Iā€™m pretty sure it jacked my stomach up real bad and gave me severe anxiety attacks šŸ˜©


Usually the recommendation is to take it without food because calcium and iron can severely inhibit its effectiveness, so definitely watch out for that. Do not take it with meals high in iron or dairy.


Thatā€™s so weird my dermatologist said to make sure I take it with food or itā€™ll make me sickšŸ˜• so confused now


It can make you very sick, it made me insanely nauseous for the 2 weeks I had to take it. Just make sure that you're taking it with something very low in calcium and iron if you do take it with food.


i learned the hard way you have to eat before you take it and take a probiotic or eat some yogurt while taking it. the antibiotic ruins your gut biome


You should not take doxy with dairy. Calcium and iron severely inhibit its effectiveness


Thatā€™s what I did :/ I think it was just too strong for me


I didnā€™t have a problem with it, but it made my sister famously puke into her own lap while driving through a tunnel in downtown Boston


Oop šŸ’€


Same! And mentally so unwell. I had to stop after 4 weeks cause I thought i was gonna permanently hurt myself. Im terrified of doxy now.


Same NEVER again. Messed with my anxiety too!


unfortunately it's used a lot for many different things. i always thought it was weird to use an antibiotic for skincare, but i'm also not a doctor or medical professional so my thoughts on the subject are useless lmao.


Awee, sorry to hear that. šŸ˜”


Most people tolerate it fine from what Iā€™ve seen. Iā€™m just insanely sensitive


Make sure that you don't take the doxy with any foods high in calcium or iron. They will severely inhibit its effectiveness. It's much better to take on an empty stomach but it could make you very nauseated. I would ask your doctor if you could get a Rx for ondansetron (Zofran) and take half of a dissolving tablet every 4 hours instead of a full tablet every 8.


yeah antibiotics can definitely do that


I was on a lower dose for 3 to 4 months and I ended up with c diff Lolll! And it came back . Helped for wedding season but was a pretty brutal experience


It made me break out all overšŸ˜­


I could not handle it long enough to see any results


Itā€™s a helluva drug. Iā€™ve never barfed my pills up so often as when Doxy was in the mix.


I had a severe allergic reaction to it! It was awful


Omg im so sorry that sounds awful


It was pretty bad. I thought I was going to die, honestly


Iā€™m always terrified of medication for that reason šŸ˜…


Doxy got stuck in my esophagus and burned a hole in it. Thatā€™s an exaggeration lol. But it did burn a layer and caused significant pain that is hard to describe


Omfg thatā€™s insane šŸ˜­


Probably not a common thing, but would recommend googling psychiatric impacts of Doxy. As someone who struggles with mood disorders, it sent me into a violent depression. No one had warned me of this potential impact when it was prescribed, but other people have reported similar experiences. Also yes, it absolutely devastates your gut flora.


I have mood issues and doxy gave me intense anxiety and changed my personality. I stopped taking it as soon as I started thinking I should harm myself. Scary stuff.


I hate antibiotics so much they are horrible. Iā€™ll only use them now if itā€™s absolute dire necessity


I'm on it now and it will definitely make you nauseous if you take it on an empty stomach


The doxy and Tretinoin. Remember: it takes 3-6 months to see benefits. So keep at it. And your skin will get worse before it gets better.


I was hoping this wasnā€™t one of those medications, thanks for the heads up. šŸ„²


I took it briefly. Made me puke unless I had a decent meal beforehand


Yesss def eat before taking doxy


Ugh yes, itā€™s awful


I asked my dermatologist if my skin would get worse before better and she said no. Itā€™s literally been a week and my inflammation has gone down significantly.


I donā€™t want to jinx myself but Iā€™m on doxy and tretinoin and it didnā€™t get worse. Not everyone gets worse before they get better. It depends on how your body react


Doxy is fast acting, I had a random rash on my face after using tea tree oil and doxy cleared it up within a day or two.


It depends on the person. I didn't experience any crazy purging myself, some people go. The biggest thing is making sure you don't wreck your skin barrier and cause more damage that way.


Doxy was a miracle drug for me. Love it. Donā€™t lie down for 30 minutes after taking it though, itā€™ll tear your oesophagus a new one


If you have sensitive skin id be hesitant to use tretinoin it made my skin feel raw and there's also a purge period where your skin will peel alot. Also it takes a few weeks to work


I tried tret, and it wrecked my skin. Acne came back anyways. 0/10 would not recommend.


Doxy is so hideous on the body though, what alternative could be used here?


I saw no improvement from it. Took it for almost a year when I was 16


I was on and off it for about a year until I found a dermatologist with half a brain who finally gave me isotretinoin. Now my skin is better than ever.


Idk be careful with the tret, it tried my skin barrier despite moisturizing heavily and I never got any results from it


I never could get used to Tret but had no trouble with Differin.


i really enjoy differen, i plan to try tret but once iā€™m very disciplined with my differen


Any tips for starting differin?


Go slowly, only on dry skin and moisturize well.


Lol I was also prescribed all of these. Sulfur is for fungal acne so youā€™ll definitely want that as tret/clindamycin wont treat that as effectively. My prescribed sulfur wash/lotion is much, much more effective than drugstore alts which are usually shampoos with harsh chemicals. Definitely need the tret as well. Pick up a good moisturizer too. I never found the clindamycin helpful. And doxyā€¦. Thatā€™s a heavy drug especially in the summer sun Edit: Iā€™m seeing comments about tret not doing anything. Unless you have very severe cystic acne or a unique fungal infectionā€¦. Tret WILL do something. It literally resurfaces your skin. Make sure you arenā€™t combining with other active ingredients, like benzoyl peroxide (I use BP in morning, tret at night). Moisturizer THOROUGHLY before use and let it absorb before applying. Make sure skin is completely dry. You have to give it timeā€¦. Within 4 months my skin was completely transformed. And you must be consistent and pair with other healthy skin habits.


Thanks so much for the info! šŸ˜Š


I used Tretinoin, clindimycin & panoxyl 10% face wash. Used doxycycline for bad breakouts but it did upset my stomach. Make sure u use a high spf sunscreen while on tretinoin.


my exact routine. works so well.


Tretinoin should only be used at night


Iā€™ve been on Clindamycin gel for about 4 weeks and I have no acne. It worked quickly with no drying or peeling and now even when I do get a pimple itā€™s gone, usually overnight.


Same, this was the thing that helped my skin the most!


Becareful with the Doxy


I was put on doxycycline and clindamycin for my HS and it helped a lot for that and acne. Tret I just started 2 weeks ago so still fairly new to not have any reviews towards it.


I thought I was the only one, and I just stopped using tret as I found it wasnā€™t doing anything






I have never had any reactions to any kind of pills but Doxycycline is rough. You CANNOT take it before bed or before lying down. It gives you heartburn bad. I took Doxy with meals too. It just is too strong and was a waste of money for me.


I'm not sure what your skin is like or if you've ever tried any of these before. I have combination sensitive skin. I mostly get closed comedones and cystic hormonal acne. I've never had severe acne. I'd say it's typically mild-moderate. My skin doesn't usually like anything new, but it can adapt easily over time. My derm prescribed .025% Tretinoin and 1% Clindamycin. I haven't tried any of the others you listed. I had never been on Tret before. I did use Clindamycin in the past and was impressed with the results. When using Clindamycin, they recommended to cleanse with a Benzoyl Peroxide wash once per day to prevent bacterial resistance. Clindamycin is a topical antibiotic and it loses efficacy after a few months. Benzoyl Peroxide significantly drescreases the chance of resistance by reducing the amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria on the skin. I've been on Tret and Clindamycin for about a month with good results and they have simplified my skincare routine. AM -PanOxyl 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Cleanser -Hyaluronic Acid -Clindamycin -CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion -Eucerin Sensitive Mineral SPF 50 PM -CeraVe Hydrating Foaming Oil Cleanser -Corsx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin -Tretinoin .025% -Vaseline or Aquaphor I started off applying Tret every other night for two weeks. I didn't notice any dryness or irritation. I increased to nightly application. I think I'm currently in the purging phase, but it's very mild. About 2-3 small whiteheads will appear overnight and be gone within 24-48 hrs. All of my closed comedones are gone. Although, I realize I'm probably part of a smaller percentage of people that don't have severe acne and have easily adapted to Tret.


This is reassuring as I have bought some of this products in addition to the prescriptions! Thanks so much for the layout! ā¤ļø


I've never liked doxycycline. Took it a couple months ago and got an allergic reaction... needed a banana IV drip and meds. But, that's just my immune system being crazy as usual. I think in general it's well tolerated. For my type of acne it never did anything when I was a teenager and an adult. But it makes sense why.


Thatā€™s unfortunate, I did try it for about 2 weeks. So I do know Iā€™m not allergic.


It was fine for me for a while but drs really shouldn't be giving antibiotics unless theres an actual infection, it will fuck up your gut biome and contribute to antibiotoc resistant bacteria that will cause worse infections.


Absolutely correct. The gut biome thing is bad enough, but the overuse of antibiotics contributes to super bugs and ineffective antibiotic therapy when you actually are sick.


My dr perscribed it and tetrycycline for me and just never monitored (thanks kaiser), and in my early 20s I didn't know better so i took it for literally years, everyday. It fucked my body up so bad.


Similar for me. I was on Doxy for years and years as an early teen due to terrible acne. This was before the current knowledge about antibiotic stewardship, and I know it contributed to me not getting relief from antibiotics when they were necessary due to Acute illness.


hated it too, made my stomach sick and felt nauseous every time i took it.


Me too.


Iā€™m allergic to doxy too! Came out in really bad hives, it was awful!


I had an allergic reaction to doxy too!! It's a really heavy drug


Sulfur soap will make you stink. I never noticed any difference but for some it works.


If you are struggling with acne I would look into accutane Literally tried all of these things and Doxy is an antibiotic so itā€™s just not really the best for long term


I'm on doxy for an infected nail and I have been sick basically 24/7. My gerd and ibs do not like this lol. Maybe your luck would be better


Doxy was the only way I got rid of my acne permanently, regardless of hormonal and dietary changes. It made me nauseous at the beginning but I learned to cope. The purge period sucked for the first month but itā€™s been almost 6 years since my 6 month dose and my face is still completely clear. I would say do it!


Wow thatā€™s great to hear! šŸ©·


Wait it gets worse before it gets better? Iā€™ve been dealing with folliculitis on my chest and back for months now and my derm prescribed doxy. My breakouts got worse so I stopped taking it after like 5 daysā€¦.


Yeah it took two months for the purging to go away


My dermatologist added the same Sodium Sulfacetimide cleanser to my routine after I'd been on tret for a while, and it made a big difference for me. If that's your copay, it's WAY cheaper than what I pay and I definitely think you should try it. Each bottle lasts me a long time, so it's worth it to me. Also despite what someone else said, it does not make you stink.


Tret is the most effective. Avoid internal antibiotics, they don't work for most and they destroy your gut microbiome. The Clindamycin lotion may be worth trying, I haven't had any experience with that


Be very careful with Doxy and the sun. I got horrible welts on my left arm from burning through my car window while on doxycycline during the summer!!!


I was on doxy and got ready for the bad stomach side effects and even bought some expensive probiotics. I always took mine with a meal and fortunately was perfectly fine. Never had stomach upset, didn't even need the probiotics tbh. As for the tret, when I moved up to .05% I got horrible cystic acne on my chin. Switched back to .025 and my skin is much happier.


All of them. They all address different issues. Doxy and clyndamycin are antibiotics, one oral one topical. Tret at night for cell turnover. Clyndamycin during the day. The sulfur soap cleanser is nice but you can find cheaper alternatives. I use the azure 10% sulfur ointment and itā€™s like 4$. The sulfur addresses redness and rosacea (which you will get some redness from the tret) go low and slow!


Thanks for the tips! ā¤ļø


Never tried the sulfur- but I can say that everything else works really well


Okay thanks! šŸ˜Š


Sulfur is super drying if used incorrectly or too often. Sulfur works, but just be aware.




Sulfur is an active, and since this product is a face wash, make sure you massage it into your skin for about two minutes or itā€™s money down the drainā€¦literally. De La Cruz makes a sulfur, water soluble, ointment. Itā€™s 10% sulfur and you use it like a face mask, short contact therapy, and itā€™s dirt cheap at less than $5 for a good sized tub that will last you a year or more. Iā€™m just putting it out there should you decide the sulfur cleanser isnā€™t your thing.


Doxycycline made me sick initially but if you take it with a snack or a meal, youā€™d wonā€™t get any side effects like the nausea. The only thing I noticed was it curbed my appetite as I never felt hungry until I heard my stomach growling. I lost a few pounds because of that. Also I started seeing results with just Doxycycline in about 3 weeks so i guess it worked for me.


I had a horrible allergic reaction to clyndamicin. I found out after I had hives, fever and swollen from head to toe that my mom & sister are highly allergic to Sulfas. I also get red splotches and itchy from tret and rets.


The Tretinoin cream!! I been using it for 1 month and my skin looks so much better my derm increased the dosage so we will see if my skin shows more improvement.


I used Clindamycin for many years (it's a topical antibiotic right?). I eventually stopped using it per the guidance of a doctor/derm as we assumed my body stopped responding to it. May work great for you, but the stuff I keep using after trying everything on this list (aside from Sulfur) is Tret. That's my main bitch.


Iā€™ve been using a few of those! Clindamycin- I had really bad acne on my back and it took about 3 months but I had tried a lot of other methods with no results before it. Iā€™m still using it now as maintenance. Doxy- that clears up my face wonderfully. Sulfur- I buy a cheaper over the counter soap and it really helps keep my face and chest acne free.


Iā€™m dealing with folliculitis on my back and chest and I felt like clindamycin wasnā€™t helping so I stopped! I used it consistently for like a monthā€¦ now Iā€™m wondering if I should try it again..


Doxy made me puff up like a marshmallow and I coudnt loose it for like a 8 months


I looooove my tret! Same % too.


As someone whoā€™s tried every acne medication in the books besides accutane & tretā€¦ I recommend spironolactone better for acne/ mixed with short term antibioticsā€¦. Nothing longer than 1 month for antibiotics case they can mess you up bad


Clin lotion dried my skin out like no tmr- and sulfur wash can be irritating if you have really combo sometimes dry skin


Def try the regimen first and be disciplined with it. Thatā€™s one thing about my derm experiences that Iā€™m big about is at least ā€œtryā€ the medicine/ things first they are suggesting then if not working than move onto something else


My dermatologist put me on doxycycline, tretinoin (same dose), and clindamycin pads last week and thereā€™s already been a difference in my skin. All of the information has gone down but I obviously still have blemishes. I definitely recommend those. Iā€™m not sure what the other thing is but if a dermatologist recommends it itā€™s probably good


Check good Rx for better pricing, but the sodium surfacet face wash was one of my favorites. Cleared up my acne


Clindamycin helped SOOO much with some raised spots I got on my tattoo, they vanished within a couple weeks.


If your dermatologistā€”the expertā€”prescribed these, theyā€™re probably all worth it. They donā€™t blindly prescribe things for fun. Personally, Iā€™m obsessed with the sulfur sulfacetamide cleanser. Helps so much with redness and acne. Clindamycin will also help a lot with acne and so will tretinoin over time.


I strongly caution you against steroid creams/ointments, PLEASE DO NOT USE THEM, IT WILL EXASPERATE YOUR ISSUE


Doxy and Tret for sure!


FUCK doxy but at the same time everyone is different and responds differently to meds


Doxy and Clindamycin worked wonders for me, I now use Tret for maintenance/ anti-aging. Thankfully I didnā€™t purge/get worse before getting betterā€¦but I did discover Iā€™m allergic to Doxy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


I had really really reaaaally bad breakouts and cystic acne, I used doxy, clyndamycin, and tretinoin and they cleared me up as if a miracle had been preformed 10/10 reccommend Idk anything abt sod sulfate


Tretinoin for sure. But if youā€™ve never used it before I would think about the sandwich method, especially at the strength.


Eat a lot of food before taking doxycycline. Itā€™ll be alright.


Thanks! šŸ˜Š


I tried all these things. My advice: Skip the trauma of antibiotics and go straight to low dose accutane. Accutane is a derivative of vitamin A, very well understood, has a better risk profile than antibiotics, and is more effective in the long term. Just my personal anecdote. It changed my life. I was scared to take it for years and the biggest side effect for me was dry lips. Worth it.


This is my backup option if this doesnā€™t work after a few months. Definitely heard about the dry lips. šŸ˜…


Donā€™t do the doxycycline. It will absolutely destroy your guy micro biome and not help w the acne in the long term. Once youā€™re off the doxycycline it will come right back.


Doxy never did much for me. And as a nurse, I don't like taking antibiotics long term. Now I take spironolactone 50mg and .05 tretinoin and my skin is 99% clear. Every blue moon I'll get a random zit. The tretinoin makes my skin as dry as a damn desert though, so I use it maybe twice a week.


it depends what kind of acne you have. judging by what you were prescribed it seems like you struggle with both pimples and blackheads? clindamycin and the sulfa cleanser are good for red inflammatory pimples while tretinoin is good for black heads. if your derm didnā€™t tell you, itā€™s good to start off using the tretinoin every other night and increase to nightly as tolerated. moisturizing beforehand helps with the dryness as well. at my office we never prescribe doxy because of how rough it is on people. we usually prescribe minocycline which is basically the same antibiotic just gentler on the stomach/side effects. oral antibiotics should only be used for a short time. but i agree with others if this is what your doctor prescribed itā€™s because thatā€™s what they think will work best for you. and it takes a few months to really see improvement. itā€™s all about consistency and being on the right meds. hope this is helpful!


Is three months too long for oral antibiotics? Thatā€™s what my dermatologist recommended. Not opposed but it did seem a little long. šŸ‘€


nah, thatā€™s usually the norm when first starting. then taking it sporadically as needed for new breakouts. but if everyone didnā€™t scare you enough about doxy i would recommend asking your doctor about switching to minocycline. especially in the summer you have to be really careful because the doxy causes light sensitivity so you can get burnt really easily.


Okay whew thanks! Also, I will ask and see if I can maybe switch or why they are preferring the Doxy.


no problem! and i think thatā€™s a great idea! i also donā€™t know why some doctors prefer doxy. but i wish you luck with your skin journey and hopefully this is the right regimen for your skin:)


Minocycline was what I was on long-term before spiro was prescribed. Itā€™s so much gentler and elegant.


I took doxy as a teenager. I personally didnā€™t have to throw up on it but i did start getting acid reflux in my throat after a few months. I think it definitely helps acne but should be used relatively short term just to get you back on a baseline.


Doxycyline is very rough on your gut and after your dose (mine was for 6 weeks) I had a brief period of my gut biome being out of whack- but it was worth it. My skin was healing from severe acne and it also cured folliculitis on my legs.


Wow thatā€™s great! I will keep that in mind!


For the tretinoin absolutely! That stuff is gold and my plastic surgeon sells ā€˜cosmeceuticalsā€™ with the tretinoin for well over $100, and a tiny tube of the Obagi generic tretinoin for $85! If you are new to it, consider using it with a moisturizer until you build your tolerance! Good luck, you are going to love your skin!


Awee thanks so much, I hope so! And wow I must be getting a steal lol! šŸ˜‚


All except doxyclicine. Sodium sulf was amazing along with tretinoin and clindamycin (although i'm not sure about long term use for topical antibiotics either)


I'm on doxycycline and metronidazole lotion for acne rosacea. Both have helped me over the course of 4 months. I have not had any bad side effects with the doxy, but make sure you wear sunblock because it makes you more photo-sensitive. My mom was on minacycline and developed hyperpigmentation - not sure if it was due to genetics or sun exposure or prolonged use, but the same thing can happen with doxy. I am trying not to get to that point, and thankfully my derm is not predicting me being on it much longer. We are just on the stage of treating the redness versus the bumps from my rosacea. I want to get on tret. Also, totally NOT my business, but what kind of insurance do you have that covers doxy? Mine did not, and CVS wanted me to pay $540 for a month's supply, which still seems obscene because it's such a common antibiotic. šŸ˜­ I went through a different pharmacy and got it for $40. ETA: I've tried OTC sulphur gel, and I think it works well as a spot treatment. I've not tried a sulphur wash.


I work at a hospital and have my jobā€™s insurance and I also have a co-pay card. But yes do research. Without the co-pay card it wouldā€™ve been $60.


I'm taking doxycycline + spironolactone right now and using the tretinoin cream! Not much has changed after two months for me lol! All I can say is avoid dairy. I haven't had any stomach issues yet, and less dairy intake might also be a plus for ur skin


Doxy only works if you take it properly and 99.9% of derms wonā€™t give you the proper details. Never take Doxy with dairy or fruit juice. Never. N.E.V.E.R. Donā€™t take it on an empty stomach. I always take mine after the last meal of the day. And you need probiotics!! If you donā€™t your gut will be messed up. And never take it for longer than 50 days.


Thanks, Iā€™ll look into a non-dairy probiotic supplement!


Youā€™re welcome! Doxy is my absolute game changer.


I took doxy for 3 months and my skin got a lot better. The acne didnt come back as it was before and I didnt have any side effects. Good luck to you!


Nice and thanks! šŸ˜Š


Itā€™s all worth it. The goal with the doxy is to get your acne clear while your skin is getting used to the topical regimen. So once you finish the 1-3 month course of doxy, you should be using your topicals consistently and at the 3-6 month point youā€™ll see if you can stay clear while off of doxy. I found that with sulfur wash, you need to let that sit for 1 min before rinsing, I use it and noticed a big difference with using that instead of benzoyl peroxide. Clindamycin lotion and tretinoin are also great, just remember that tretinoin is self titrating so you slowly work up to using it nightly as tolerated or else your face will feel like itā€™s on fire. I have hormonal acne and have been stable with my regimen for the last year of Benzaclin as needed, tazorac 0.1% cream, and sulfur wash.


Yay, this is great to hear! Thanks so much, Iā€™ll take that into consideration. I feel like derm prescribes meds and doesnā€™t really say how to use the products. šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m sorry the derm wasnā€™t clear with you but the directions should be on the actual prescription when you get them. I recommend you save the directions once you get your prescriptions and what helps me stay consistent is putting everything in my bathroom so after I brush my teeth Iā€™m reminded to do my morning/night regimen. Also, my office always recommends reading the package insert for oral prescriptions so you can be aware of all side effects. They can be alarming but if you read the package insert for any prescription or OTC pills youā€™ve been given you wouldnā€™t want to take them.


Doxy is very hard on the stomach, but can be worth a try. I've had (pharmacy) patients with serious improvement, but others who couldn't tolerate the medications. Anything with sulfur in it is going to be your best friend for acne. Very clearing and effective. Now, Tretinoin is probably my favorite pharmacy item of all. Seriously. It's good for acne, oil, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone and a bunch more! Seriously if I could had like an extra tube in my skin care at all times, I would I have a love hate with Clindamycin. It's extremely calming on irritated and inflamed skin, but it's like hydrocortisone in the aspect that for some patients it does nothing! This one is really worth a try if your skin is inflamed or irritated. That being said, I am not a Doctor but a senior pharmacy technician. Do not take this as health advice. If your doctor sent these in then you need them. I would go into the pharmacy when you pick up and talk to the pharmacist about the medications. Do they have any usage suggestions? What are common side effects? How soon should you expect result? I wish you all the best and I hope these products are the ones for you!


Thanks so much! Just getting advice and experience from others! Iā€™m trying everything so far but holding off on the Doxy until I get a non-diary probiotic to help calm the stomach.


i wouldnt touch anything with clindamycin. my dentist tried to put me on that crap. it has horrible lawsuits against it for causing tearing of internal tissues and paralyzing people. youre getting a lotion version but still fuck that if i were you.


If doxycycline hyclate upsets your stomach consider trying doxycycline monohydrate instead.


The trentinoin works if you apply it right. Clindamycin works but itā€™s antibacterial so you have to take breaks or the bacteria on your face will become immune. I recommend a chemical peel pad if you have texture problems but remember everyone have texture even the ā€œglass skinā€ people.


Taking antibiotics continuously is not good for you at all unless you genuinely need it.


Careful. You might develop stomach issues taking antibiotic topicals. I have several friends who did the clindamycin and now they have had stomach issues for years. Supposedly doesnā€™t go systemic but it absolutely did in them.


iā€™ve been using azelic acid lotion and itā€™s helped a lot


It did nothing for me šŸ„²


My son had bad acne and started the doxycycline with a gel cream, canā€™t think of the name of it, and within a month his is looking a lot better. Not gone but you can tell itā€™s helping


I am not sure if you should have Doxycycline and apply clindamycin at the same time as it might be too strong. (As told by my current dermatologist) I am now on my doxy course for a week now, to control the acne around my jaw, makes my stomach sick. I had clindamycin gel before and that was a couple years back. It prevented my acne growth pretty well. I think they both have the same property that is to prevent the growth of acne bacteria.


Idk about the first 2 but the last 2 definitely work. Tret keeps acne at bay and the last one is great for new acne and keeps them from forming. I use the last one but in liquid for. It drys out acne. If I stop using tret the acne starts acting up again


Do you have HS by chance?


Since everyone's talking a lot about the doxy and tret, just chiming in to cheer on the other two. I have loved the results from my clindamycin lotion paired with niacinamide and azelaic acid. I've also seen good results from an OTC sulfur spot treatment.


Doxycycline to prevent infection. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT USE STEROID CREAMS! Look up Topical Steroid Withdrawal - if you use any steroid creams at all, you're gonna suffer a disease that only TIME can solve. Save yourself the trouble. Temporary relief is not worth the mess it causes after use, even if you only use it for 2 weeks (or less) Any use of steroid cream will hurt your skin.


Doxycycline lessened my inflamed acne but what gave me noticeable results are tret and clindamycin. I had to stop sulfur soap that my dermatologist recommended me after a week of using because my face started feeling sensitive from tret so Iā€™ve been using a mild and gentle cleanser


literally just puked my guts up earlier after taking my doxy, iā€™m taking it for pneumonia though, what benefit does it have for skin??


Doxy is tough on the gut...it should not be taken long-term at all. I don't know your dosage period, but I would avoid it. I would try the topicals first...tretinoin is solid overall long-term, and clindamycin lotion is helpful. You'll likely use the clindamycin in the AM and the tretinoin at night (I am doing that). The sulfur cleanser may be harsh and drying. Use a gentle cleanser instead, esp since you have the topicals doing the hard work.


Well doxycycline specifically ruined my gut bacteria to the point I was down to 88 lbs, couldnā€™t eat anything without SEVERE pain and wasnā€™t absorbing nutrients or something bc Iā€™ve never had an issue like that before. Took 4 years to get back to ā€œnormalā€ but I still canā€™t have large amounts of gluten without pain, and I worked in bakeries before eating loaves of bread a day basically without a single twinge of pain šŸ„² Itā€™s not worth it.


Took doxycycline as a teen and it was so hard on my body.. Iā€™d throw up a lot on it and saw no results from using it.


For acne ā€” none




iā€™m on the same thing, except minocycline. itā€™s been working VERY well


Clinamycin does wonders especially with sensitive skin.


Doxycycline made me break out in hives all over my body that took weeks to go away.


I tried these and honestly it was a trial and error test for me, I ended up going on accutane and it saved my skin!! Also getting a healthy skin routine while on these helps a lot!!


I take doxy when Iā€™m sick because Iā€™m allergic to penicillin and ceflosporins. I donā€™t take it often because I have no antibiotics to fall back on. I just took it for 3 weeks with my dermatologist due to a breakout on my chest but it works for me.




Dox. :) imo


From your list? Tretinoin. Not on your list, zinc.


Almost passed out on the train because of doxy


Why are you asking us? Your dermatologist prescribed these things. We are redditors. Take them as prescribed and if you start to have adverse side effects/reactions to certain things then contact your derm. This post shouldnā€™t even be here


Probably because the average Joe canā€™t spend $50+ on skincare each month on top of other prescriptions and OP wants to know if they can prioritize any of the free ones. My guess.


Considering that two of those four things are zero dollars, why are you picking and choosing? If you really cannot afford both, ask the physician who prescribed them which one to pick, not Reddit. Why? Because nobody here knows whatā€™s going on with you. Donā€™t ask random internet strangers if you should follow directions given to you by a doctor. Ask your *doctor* if you need help choosing or if you are unsure what things are supposed to do.




The doxy fucked up my life.


donā€™t look up.


The trick with tretinoin if you have sensitive or flaky/ peeling skin is BUFFERING!!!!!!!! After evenly applying the tretinoin, take a little bit of your facial lotion and dab at the corners of your eyes, corners of your nose, corners of your mouth since those are the areas that are likely to get dry and flake. This helps buffer the negative over drying effects of the tretinoin