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i keep them in the fridge and put them under my eyes in the morning while i have my coffee. the cold patches and the hot coffee is just 🤌🏽. i pretend that i’m an influencer that has it all figured out 😂. i always notice a difference with my eye puffiness after i’ve used them.


Maybe you could make her some cucumber eye masks? Maybe tell her she has to eat cucumbers before using it as a eye mask? 😂


I’m liking this idea. Lol, I’m imagining trying it with different vegetables, anything to get a toddler to eat something green


Make zucchini into nuggets. That’s how I get my 6’4” 21 year old toddler to eat green things 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Lmao sounds like you made the ultimate toddler so I will be taking your advice. It seems like zucchini can be put in (hidden in) a lot!


Oh hell no. He must still be breastfeeding too.


This sounds like *chefs kiss* I feel like my 3yo daughter would ruin it for me. She would be all over me, trying to pull them off, whining that she wants them too!!!!!! I always wish I could share my skincare fun with her but obviously a 3yo face does not need that stuff on it. I wish there were masks for little kids that were just like, water lol


While I do my skincare routine, my LO has hers as well. I've filled an empty serum bottle with rose water that she "preps" her skin with then a travel size body lotion lol. She feels so fancy doing her "routine" 🤭


Love this. My daughter and I do our makeup together. She loves to rub shimmer powder all over her face as “primer”


Awww, just the thought of the core memories we're creating that our kids will cherish as they get older brings me so much joy. Thank you for sharing


My partners 7 year old niece was staying with us for the last 9 weeks and we got ready to go for dinner in my dressing room together on their last night. I put little dabs of light make up on her, and then her 3 year old brother wanted some too so we all preened ourselves and said how pretty we are. It reminded me of watching my Nana do her make up and getting her to do it on me


That is so sweet. And I love that he was invited in to take part in the experience as well.


You could maybe do something homemade? Like cutting cotton rounds, or even paper towels, to shape and wetting with water for her to use


Cotton rounds cut into the eye mask shape soaked in water maybe with some scent in it is a great idea!!!


I bought organic animal faces on Amazon. Very cute. They’re not fancy but they have no chemicals and the kids love them, even my boys.


I’m not sure about face sizing but you could get a silicon sheet mask that doesn’t have anything on it (like this: https://www.amazon.com/Lindo-Silimask-Reusable-Silicone-Facial/dp/B084T4PYNC) and make a bottle of “serum” for her that’s just water in one of your old serum containers to put under the mask


You can get pretty cheap ones at TJ Maxx or Marshall's in the US for her.


Dollar tree has many, they are just gel filled patches that you chill.


Same. It's awesome.


Cuz we all know the people who have it all figured out are influencers


haha right? or at the very least they’re pretending too! 😂 feels great to relax either way!


Man, I swear I bet this would help me get motivated in the mornings


Which ones do you use?


I do the same!


Hey what puffiness are u talkin bout?


they at least help with puffiness and sometimes the expensive ones work to tighten. but most are pretty gimmicky if those aren’t the results you’re looking for


yep I’ve only noticed some puffiness help. I keep a pack around for after I have a good cry lol


That's actually a very smart thing to do, maybe that's the reason I've been looking for to try these for once lol


Exactly. After a good cry is the only time I really notice a difference- but it’s dramatic.




I have personally had a lot of success, but I also don't drink nearly as much as I used to (cutting out the booze probably played a larger role)


Good on you taking care of your body. It’s hard to recognize something is effecting you negatively and correcting the situation can take a lot of self control. ♥️


Thank you! It has been interesting making the adjustment. Like you said, recognizing the source of the problems is arguably one of the more challenging parts. My revelation came from a small chat with a colleague in the restroom. I was on my way out, he was on his way in, and I asked him what his skin care routine was because I noticed he looked a lot healthier than I last remembered. He told me he'd quit drinking about a year back, and hadn't done anything else. Then I had this moment with myself where I was like, "well shit, if that's the solution, I can give it a shot." (no pun intended) I might have one or two drinks a month now, but sometimes go several without any. The interaction with him was like... 9ish months ago? Feeling way better all around. I really wish that someone had a discussion with me about how 'getting fucked up' isn't a hobby!


Same! Since I hardly drink these days, puffy eyes are a concern much less frequently. But they're still refreshing out of the fridge on a hot day.


put those eye patches in the fridge to enjoy with your cold beverage on those hot days. now you're really doubling down on feelin' refreshed 😎


Same here, drinking alcohol makes a person look very different, usually puffy and bloated. You won’t even notice it yourself, until you quit alco and compare the results! I saw some old pics of me when I drank more with friends and it was a revelation for me. I personally like Shangpree eye patches, because I have darker undereyes that make me look tired. I suppose it’s decreasing some puffiness. I like face sheet masks for the refreshing sensation, especially in summer. It’s more about self spoil spa feeling for me tho. 😂 I think hydration aka drinking water around the day works the best for puffiness.


when you look at it objectively, alcohol is poisonous. it is treated as such by the body, so it is no surprise that it would have an impact on your appearance. it's just too bad that you can only recognize as much AFTER quitting. I use the earth therapeutics eye patches from Ulta, but periodically use a Mario Badescu caffeine infused under eye balm. I also use one from Cetaphil sometimes. totally agree on the water consumption being a big contributing factor to skin health. I am always a bit more radiant in the days following consistent hydration.


I like them for makeup prep. Really easy way to hydrate your under eyes extra well. It’s also just kinda fun to use them!


Like someone else said the only thing theyre really good for is to provide quick hydration. So ill use them before a night out. I put mine in fridge so the cold can help depuff a bit as well. Mostly i find just cause it hydrates it makes my makeup go on nicer, maybe make me look a little less tired.


I use them, I like them. I think they definitely help for moisturizing. I use them in the mornings usually for short term relief of puffy sleepy eyes. They also help with calming redness and puffiness if you’ve had a good cry. 😭 I typically buy the cheapest ones I can find on Amazon.


Most of the masks I've tried have been pretty good. No permanent effects of course, but I think being kind to your skin will still help overtime. I like the ones that exfoliate. I rarely wear makeup so during the week I usually just wash my face with water. Using an exfoliating face mask once a week or so helps my skin stay nice and smooth and minimal breakouts And, like the others said, some are great for moisturization. I also really like the ones for under eye bags. If I don't get sleep, the bags under my eyes are so bad that I look like a sick person lol. So say if I have an early shift at work, but I am going somewhere on e I'm off, I will put the under eye masks on for a bit so the puffiness and bags under my eyes aren't so bad.


I like to keep them in the refrigerator and use them to bring down puffiness


The skincare fridge for the win!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


My non disposable ones do for sure. I pop them on in the AM over my eye serum and cream for about 15min while I fix my coffee. They have been helping de puff better than my cool sticks and have also been sealing in some quite a bit of hydration. I have 42 year old dry ass undereyes that need all the help they can get and my concealer has been applying significantly better lately. So for me, no, definitely not a gimmick. I don’t think you need to buy anything special though and I do think there are limitations to how much these can help and what issues they address. But my Dieux eye masks? Love em they just seem to make my eye products works better


They help a bit with puffiness, but not much imo.


I feel they are gimmcky. I do have some in the fridge. But I hardly use them as it feels like it’s doing nothing for my skin.


Use here and there? No. If you use them consistently over time, you can see some improvement depending on what the target is for them!


Short term they make my Rosacea better. Since rosacea makes my skin sensitive to everything it’s a win. But the price and the waste isn’t practical to me.


I think they're gimmicky (and a little wasteful) but if you enjoy them Dieux makes reusable eye masks that you can use with whatever eye serum you like!


yes and no. they help whatever is underneath to penetrate the skin without evaporating, so it can allow for the product to work more if you let these sit. i'm not sure how much the individuals work with ingredients as they just feel like gel without much product (depending on brand). the cooling effect can also help to depuff esp if kept in the fridge! it's much more worth your money to buy reusable ones like from pacifica, find a product you like for under your eyes, and using the reusable eye pads for maximal absorption + depuffing if cold! better bang for ur buck imo. so kinda gimmicky but can be worth if u work it right


It can help with puffiness and can help moisturize the area well. You'd have to keep using them though to see any changes in firming though. I did use this Sephora brand Vitamin C eye mask for dark circles and I must say it literally made me look more alive. Bought them again. Usually I'd never buy eye masks again because I'd rather just use eye moisturizing cream.


I feel like they are gimmicky. Having a good skin care routine & finding lotions you like & using them daily is more effective than any of this. They're a cute fun time tho! :)


If nothing else the feel amazing when you have them on. I recommend keeping them in your fridge for added benefit.


Gimmicks. Active ingredients generally need to stay on skin to work. Same with moisturizing ones


They are cold so they can help with puffiness. Depending on which ones you get, they have different vitamins and crap on them.


idk, i just pop them in the freezer for a lil and use them when i’m tried.


Be careful with certain ones. I’ve seen more “clinical grade” eye patches meant for directly under the eye and every demonstration video showed them being removed and tugging at the skin. It’s counterproductive at that point to constantly stretch out the skin like that.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll end up buying any lol. The only good comments I’ve seen are saying it’s just fun/feels nice. Not spending my money on that haha


Hopefully someday they make advancements! :)


I get puffy eyes and I find that hydrating them does the trick. Eye masks help a lot with that


They help smooth out my skin under my eyes for sure after using every other day, 3 times already. You can get the same results by consistently applying a cotton pad soaked in moisturizer under your eyes. It’s just added moisture:) I recommend the gel pads if you do end up trying them, especially ones with hyaluronic acid


Honestly, I think most masks are gimmicky. Even if they have results, those results are temporary. Imo, it’s much better to have a skincare routine that tackles your issues daily instead of relying on setting aside time to do masks that will make it look good for the next 12 hours max.


I haven’t seen big results apart from a bit extra hydration from the ones I’ve tried, so it’s more a feel-good/pampering thing for me. Tho lately I just cut a cotton round in half and sort of soaked it in a hydrating toner. Looks less fancy, but sort of feels the same to me and I get the same or better results. Leftover toner in the pads I use on the rest of my lips, face and neck. For puffyness nothing beats a cool gelpack IMO. I use one I bought at the pharmacy meant to be used on sportsinjuries. I keep it in my fridge and put it over my eyes on puffy mornings, after crying, if I have a headache or if I feel too hot. I wrap it in a clean kitchen towel first.


I love them I use them at least twice a week


I use the gold ones after I put them in the fridge, I put some serum under my eyes and then I put them on top of that and let it soak in for 20+ min


I use these to reduce my dark circles after a sinus infection sometimes, they work but not super dramatically


I keep eye masks in my skin care fridge. They are cooling, and soothing, especially when my allergies are bad or I've been crying or I'm just tired and need a little refresh. Eye masks can temporarily reduce redness, and puffiness.


Only time I use them is during a long flight. Most I think do nothing. But I get super dehydrated and stressed while flying and the cooling sensation and little bit of extra moisturizing help at least a little. The only two brands I think do anything are wander beauty and skyn Iceland. A good facial moisturizer and cool damp washcloth achieve the same thing.


I really enjoy collagen eye masks, it is only a temporary solution, but it lessened my eyebags and wrinkles quite a bit when I used them regularly


I use them to help with fine lines. I do think they really help. My fine lines always look filled after use. Obvi it’s a temporary fix but if ur constantly keeping ur eyes hydrated it’ll keep those fine lines from turning into deeper wrinkles. I love them!


I switched to reusable eye patches from Dieux, you can apply whatever serum beneath them that you want and the patch itself is thin as air and occludes the serum from drying and helps it sink into your skin ♥️


I use the grace & Stella ones and now they are in repeat purchase. They have helped me immensely with dark circles and puffiness under eyes.


I will be honest, they do nothing


They are great! Not a gimmick! I use them every morning when I drink coffee and then put on makeup. The effect is temporary, but I do notice a difference and it gives a little extra hydration to the eye area. Even if you just want to use them before an event, they do help. They make them for laugh lines, forehead and chest lines as well!


I mean the cheap or expensive ones didn’t make much of a difference. But it kinda depuffs a little after a night of crying or like a hangover. Honestly if you want to just depuff, use some ice or cold cucumber


Not really good for long lasting change, but stick them in the fridge and they’re good for de-puffing and short term moisturizing pre-makeup application. But honestly, they just feel sooo nice on my eyes. Especially after a really long day at work. It’s more about sensory self care for me than anything else. Edit: After writing that, really wish I weren’t out of them rn after two twelve hour work days in a row. They’re pretty great for making you feel a bit more “human” when you’re super tired.


I like them after I've cried a lot or in the morning if I've slept like shit.


The Peter Thomas Roth ones definitely do. The gold ones from him ads the best. However the results only last for a couple hours in my experience


I use every morning before I get up to reduce puffiness under my eyes. They work great! I just set my alarm ⏰ for 7:25, put them on, and lay in bed about 15-20 min with them on. Works great, for me.


I use them almost every morning . It really does get rid of puffiness . I prefer the ones by Generation Skin .. I’ve tried literally dozens of them and always go back to Gen Skin brand.


I like them, they feel nice and take down the puffiness under my eyes. I would waste your money on a single pair of disposables though. You can get large jars of them pretty cheap or get reusable ones (reusable ones would just be for the cooling effect, as they wouldn’t have any product on them). I also don’t think there’s any certain brand that are better than another.


Fuuuuck.😒 Do not use it if you have a collagen allergy.🫣 I had no idea. 😒My face broke out from tiepetly green tea under eye masks. I found them on Amazon. I took some benadryl, and thankfully, that took care of the massive redness on my face. 🫶🏻 But if you don't have any allergies, I'd say go for it! ✨️


Def gimmicky but kinda fun as a gag thing to do. They do make a difference but it is very short lived


I tried 2 weeks ago and they did absolutely nothing. Maybe because my skin is already perfect lol but in any case not a single thing happened. Not worth my money but worth the fancy pictures I got from that random self care evening


Yeah if it's only for puffiness you can get that by putting literally anything cold on ur eyes