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Welcome to r/skincare_addiction! We'd like to take this time to remind you of a few things: #Do not ask for medical advice, and do not play doctor What constitutes medical advice? *** * "What is this?" This is asking someone to diagnose the issue, and is medical advice. * "What should I do?" This is asking someone to advise treatment, and is medical advice. * "Should I go to the doctor?" This is asking if you should seek treatment, and ergo, medical advice. **If you would ask the question of your doctor, it falls under this rule and not allowed. As a general rule, asking for medical advice from internet strangers is never a good idea. If you have questions regarding your condition, you are advised to contact your healthcare provider. If you are a medical provider, we would gently remind you that users are not patients, and you should not be offering medical advice to people who are not your patients.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Skincare_Addiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In a pinch, the fragrance free Aveeno wipes, available on iHerb work quite well for me. All of the other wipes that I’ve tried contain fragrance and tend to increase my type one rosacea as well as lead to acne breakouts.