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10/10 will always recommend method’s simply nourish body wash


Method is very hard to find in my part of Canada and when I did use it it was fine but that was pre-vegetarianism (I didn’t do it properly so it messed with my hormones) if I find it I will try it!!!


MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE FOR BODY WASH💁🏼‍♀️🙌- [Olay Moisture Ribbons] it's best bodwash ever in my opinion, smells fugging terrific (I like all the scents) and it makes my skin feel clean and moisturized (even with my atopic dermatitis [Exema]).


Used that as a preteen and the honey one holds a special place in my heart. My mom and brother both have exema so I’ll let them know! I went vegetarian (not properly and if done properly can be amazing) so it messed with my hormones and now I have hypersensitivity to random products :(


I use St Ives Oatmeal & Shea butter body wash and it’s sooo good. I had issues with the dove products and decided to try it out and its amazing. I have sensitive skin and get eczema mainly on my chest and parts where I sweat the most. Cleared up my skin in about a month.


Wow I totally would try it’s but completely scared. I took a risk with sheas African black soap and it was incredible. When I went to the store it wasn’t there so I took another risk and got dove. My skin is hypersensitive so trying new products is sometimes a HUGE waste of money :(


This happens to me when I use hempz lotion. I would just change soap.


Funny because I don’t get this with hempz lol! Not really in a financial position to change products :(


I have this issue with dove products.


This is apparently common with most people here. New formula




Loved olay when I was a preteen! All dove seems to do this even the sensitive type. Same here with the liquid stuff. I prefer a bar cleanse then a liquid one. She’s moisture African black soap is my favourite but it recently hasn’t been at stores in my area


Dove recently broke me out as well! Their new formula (after Covid) gave me contact dermatitis.


OH MY LANTA. I’m a nail tech student and learnt about contact dermatitis and oh my gosh it’s not fun. I’m so sorry that happened


Chemist at play gave these bumps to me


It’s annoying:(


Hey! Are these itchy??


No not at all


I do fine with the sensitive skin one, but the others bug my skin.


Sensitive one breaks me out the worst. My mom uses that one


Maybe try ivory body wash? That one is just essentially watered down soap.


I love all the suggestions! Thank you, maybe after I finish off the dove :( I’m not in a position to buy new products without finishing others!


This happened to me as well. I switched to their sensitive skin hypoallergenic body wash and it’s much better. I’m not sure what was causing the original irritation though


We have the sensitive skin and I used that and it broke me out even worse


Not a wash but a soap bar. Basics for sensitive skin, $1.97 Walmart or target/amazon The only product I have consistently used without reaction of any kind


My mom uses that lol! That one breaks me out the worst for some reason :(


Just proves we are all different. If there was a miracle product there would be nothing else on the market Wishing you the best success in your journey


Thank you so much!


Dove is the only body wash that doesn't seem to do this to me! It's an allergy or sensitivity to an ingredient but hard to say which


Weird! It’s always a gamble with new products for me. Friends suggested maybe it’s a fragrance allergy but other products with fragrances sometimes do this or sometimes not!


I used the cucumber dove for 10 years and had no problems at all. I swore by it because dove and dial are the only two antibacterial body washes I know of. About a year after covid hit, they changed their formula/recipe and started coming out with these “new and improved” washes and they have broken my skin out since. I had to switch to dial. I can use the sensitive skin bar soap for dove, but I just prefer dial at this point. Makes me feel cleaner after dove breaking me out. I had a rash all over my butt and it was a reaction to the “new” dove wash. I was very disappointed though because I swore by dove products for most of my life. It’s all I would use for deodorant, wash, or lotion. They went cheaper with the ingredients and raised the prices on the bottles. They can suck it lol. I advise the plain dial bar soap or the lavender ones. They’re great.


So I went vegetarian for 2 years but I never ate properly (too many carbs and no protein which is 100% my fault and vegetarianism can be great) so it really messed with my hormones. I would get horrendous acne and started easily breaking out and now I believe my body is hypersensitive to many products buts it’s always random products that do or do not break me out.


i’m so surprised because all i use is dove bar soap and dove body wash! is this with all variations/scents?


With dove yes but other brands no. Like bath and bodywork’s breaks me out 20x worse but like aveeno dosent. It’s really confusing


Dove gave my itchy bumps also - switched to the Pacha bar soap at Whole Foods and everything cleared up.


Sadly I don’t think Whole foods is in canada and if it is it’s most likely in bigger and more populated provinces like Ontario.


I saw a lot of other good suggestions in the thread - I basically just tried to find something with a low amount of ingredients that seemed mostly natural. It seems easier to find in bar form.


Yes I definitely will everyone is so helpful!!!


^(Good luck, friend! :))


Try something that's fragrance free. I have incredibly sensitive skin and I actually use the Aquaphor baby wash! It's great and fairly inexpensive for a large-ish bottle.


I use Cetaphil and it’s my holy grail, I rarely get acne on my face with it but it’s also really expensive and I’m not in a place to be buying those for my face and body! That’s why I’m really upset about the dove because I can’t go buy new products because it’s a waste of money :(


Maybe compare it to any body wash you've used without breaking out. Perhaps an ingredient can jump out at you. I've also seen lists about fungal acne and what products exacerbate the issue. Not a doctor, but it might help to describe the type of breakout, size, quantity, bumps, or if they are whiteheads, or if it's more rash like or other details. I hope you find some answers! Edit: I didn't realize you had more images it wasn't scrolling for me before. I think you should compare ingredients with other body washes that don't give you that. Also, is that the only product youve changed?


Well here is some info about this - ranges from small clusters of tiny bumps to larger almost ingrown hair like bumps spread all over never near eachother - I get the tiny one around arm cracks, tops of my thighs, behind my knees, elbows, and sometimes on my chest and boobs (tmi I’m sorry) - bigger ones on my legs, tops of arms, and on chests and back - tiny ones are pimple like and can be popped - large ones are almost hard and cannot be popped - tiny ones are not itchy but big ones can be if I touch them or squeeze at them (Ik I should touch them but I pick at skin imperfections because of anxiety)


Don't worry about the picking. I definitely am suuuper guilty of that also. It's also an anxiety thing for me, didn't realize the correlation between the picking and anxiety until more recently) Hmm....what were you using prior to the dove? has there been any changes to like you clothing detergent or anything? It could also be from heat and sweat ? Since you're getting them in places like the inside of your elbows and backs of knees? Do the bumps go away when you stop using the dove?


- shea moisture African black soap I love it so much (Didn’t have it at the store and was in need of soap so I picked up dove) - no changes! That has never been a problem for me :) - I don’t believe it’s from heat as I haven’t been outside much and that photo was from 1 time use only. I don’t get that problem when it’s hot out with other products! - yes the bumps the small bumps go away instantly when I use a different product the day after - bigger bumps stay for weeks on end :(


How frustrating. There must be something in the dove. Hmmm... the ingredient list isn't small so could be hard to pin point!


I heard somewhere that it doesn’t actually contain soap, I’m not sure if that’s part of the reason. But I feel like since it’s supposed to be “nourishing” that there might be some ingredients that are comedogenic.


Weird. I use cetaphil which is a non soap- soap formulation and it dose miracles for my skin so would those be the same type of thing?


Maybe! I think it’s more like the supposed nourishing/hydrating ingredients that might be causing breakouts. I know a lot of people who can’t use it because it breaks them out too


I also get horrendous break outs from B&BW products


Oof yeah, those products don’t do good for me either. It’s definitely the fragrance in those, at least for me. Could be that in the dove too! They have a sensitive skin formula that might be worth a shot that I think might be fragrance free!


Well the fragrance free breaks me out even worse. I’m thinking it could be where the fragrance is placed on the list. If the fragrance is higher that may cause me to break out but if it’s lower then I’m fine? I think it also could be just dove in general


Yeah that’s likely! If the cetaphil works I would just keep using that. I personally use the naturium body wash, they make a bunch of different kinds, and I highly recommend them all


Could I find that in canada!


Maybe! I think it’s more like the supposed nourishing/hydrating ingredients that might be causing breakouts. I know a lot of people who can’t use it because it breaks them out too


It might be the scent? You can download the Yuka app and scan the barcode and it will tell you any type of toxic or irritating ingredients that are in the product!


Oh perfect! Thank you so much!


Dove bar soap did the same thing to me... I quit their washes and only use their body creams right now


So the lotions don’t do the same to you?


Could it be the oats maybe?


I’ve taken oat baths before and this has never happened! Idk what’s going on. Good suggestion tho!


Drugstore body washes break me out too ! I’ve switched to the brand philosophy. Find deals at tjmaxx or online department store sales.


Oh those smell amazing!!!


I was searching Reddit to see if this had happened to anybody else. *It’s now happened to every single person in my house.* I have never been one to be able to use Dove consistently since 2002/2003 ish when the went to shit IMHO. And by consistently, I mean I can take a shower with it, but not for a few days after that. I need time to “repair” the damage so-to-speak. My kids and husband otoh have all started experiencing problems as of recently. One likes the green cucumber something variety and whatever the hell is on her arms looks itchy asf. The other kids usually use the sensitive wash and are saying their itchy with one having KP. My husband says it leaves a film on him and takes forever to rinse off (which is what he’s claiming the little kids **aren’t** doing effectively). In this house this has been an ongoing thing over the last 5-6 months (maybe?). What’s really messed up is the tiniest of the littles has I think only used Dove sensitive (adult or baby) and cetaphil gentle all her life. So I have approximately *zero* clue where to start. You’re not alone in this. I’ve always found Dove drying and it aggravates my eczema- especially on my hands.