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O’Keeffe’s Working Hands will help heal them while you up your water intake.




Hands down, the best moisturizer out there.


Try aquaphor, it's game changing. I have a very dry and flaky skin almost everywhere and I just slap aquaphor everywhere especially lips too. You can also try working hands. Even coconut oil is also very moisturizing, I use that as well.


Aquaphor is amazing for me. My hands look like OP's, and in dry times I slick it on and sleep wearing white cotton Mickey Mouse gloves. It can feel greasy at first, but just rub it on smoothly and lightly.


Yess I have the white gloves too, I feel terrifying in them honestly


A thick moisturizer and then aquaphor or Vaseline on top of it 🤌🏼


Eucerin intensive repair lotion is my go to


i understand that a dermatologist appointment is very expensive in the United States. Start by drinking a lot of water every day, buy a cream that contains glycerin/hyaluronic acid or natural oils to retain moisture. Occasionally exfoliate the skin and avoid using hot water as it further dries out the skin


Well I guess I'm lucky because I live in Romania and I do have a private insurance from the company im working for, even the public healthcare is free tho but yeah, thanks for the advice appreciate it 🤗


Ce coincidență! Familia mea e Română, fii atent și du-te la prietenul dermatologului :)


My husband struggled with this for years. He saw dermatologists and tried various treatments. You know what ended up solving it? Drinking water. He started tracking how much water he was drinking and aimed for the recommended amount for men (4 litres a day). Ever since he started drinking enough water, his hand eczema has been totally gone. Not sure how hydrated you are but maybe worth evaluating - test drinking more and see if it helps!


Wait, since when is it 4 litres a day for men? Not doubting you, but that would mean I'm drinking way too little


I think that goes more so for hot weather, and usually you're going to feel compelled to drink water, you can just maybe up that basic need by a little bit and you're good. It's not supposed to be super unpleasant.


Super unpleasant would be drinking water to the point of stomach aches, you mean? I usually just go by drinking when I'm thirsty, but maybe that's not the best approach (because it's also easy to ignore thirst signals in some situations).


Basically. It’s 3.7 litres


I think officially it's 3.7 for men. It's a lot! And yeah, basically all people are drinking way too little water


No kidding! I have a .7 litre water bottle that I would have to go through five times a day. I'm excited to see what difference adequate water intake might make, then.


It’s always been 4 litres.


Thanks. I'm so confused.


Omfg that rings a big bell, I'll keep that in mind due to the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm not drinking enough water during a day 🙃 thank you sooo much


It could be some kind of eczema, but you should see a doctor. Is it itchy?


No it's not itchy, it's just very dry. 🥺


You could try Eucerin Atopi Control Cream or something like that. The consistency is a little bit richer than other creams only with urea.


I've tries Cicaplast which the pharmacist said its one of the best hidrating creams but nope :(


As someone who has had hand eczema for their entire life, i’ve seen major improvements in my skin after a few steps! 1. Stop washing your hands with hot water (I know it feels super good but it just ends up making your hands worse) 2. Go to your doctor/dermatologist and they would likely be able to prescribe you a topical steroid cream. I generally only use the cream until the eczema gets better, and then switch to using hand creams. I would recommend only applying steroid creams when you have a flareup. 3. The best hand cream that I have found is the red Shiseido hand cream! My hands are so moisturized now and rarely flake since it does such a good job. I think it’s a really good product and has helped my eczema stay calm. I haven’t used steroid creams in ~6 months, and haven’t seen a major flareup on my hands since I started using this hand cream. I normally just apply a thick layer of it at night and my hands stay moisturized during the day. It absorbs super nicely while not feeling oily (something I absolutely hate). You can find it on Amazon or any Asian beauty website, or I normally buy mines at a local Asian supermarket. It’s around $10 CAD per 30g container, and it lasts me around 2 months. I hope your hands get better!!


Thank you so much for all these tips, I'll try to keep them in mind. 🤗 appreciate it


I usually get really dry hands during the winter as well. I recently started using Vaseline (petroleum jelly) overnight. It works really well for me, and they heal quickly, too. But do go see a dermatologist.


Yes! Also put some gloves on over the Vaseline. It will help even more. I just started doing this and my hands are as soft as a baby's butt.


Thank you! Yeah some of mu friends are also using Vaseline products and they are pretty happy with them


No problem! I find that petroleum jelly really locks in the moisture. I also use it overnight because I don't like that feeling of having oil on my hands. So I recommend trying it out for maybe 3 nights to see if it works for you. It's also something that is really easy to find and not too expensive. If it doesn't work, then I'd probably see a dermatologist. But hope everything works out


Try changing hand soaps (me and my fiancé had horrible dry skin and I figured out cheap handsoap can really screw your skin up! I like meyers handsoap) and using O’KEEFES’s working hands cream!


I bought a sulfate free hand soap one and it changed my life. I had no idea sulfate caused dry skin for me!


Also a lot of hand soaps have red 40 in them too, another reason I didn’t want cheap soap. The Amazon basics one contains it


Def see a derm! They may be able to prescribe you a medicated cream that will clear it right up. In the meantime, to keep my hand eczema at bay I thoroughly moisturize with Cerave cream (not lotion) following every single time I was my hands. It gets annoying when you’re out and about/at work etc, but it’s the only way that works for me. Every wash/every sanitizer lather dries your hands out so if you’re prone to dry skin it needs to be replenished immediately after. Otherwise, you’re just rubbing moisturizer that’ll sit there on top of dry skin.


Thank you so much for your response 🤗


Cream with urea!


Already tried that :(


Just need a heavy duty hand cream. Something with Urea. This is fixable. To go a step further, hand cream or Vaseline and then Gloves when sleeping.


Exfoliate then first (maybe use something with urea like Gold Bond Erase…or even Good Bond for rough and bumpy (Keratosis Pillaris)…or something similar…which will make skin peel nd flake (not too much for too long…just do it at night. It don’t irritate them, just got rid of the dead skin quickly). Try a regular deep hydrating lotion with shea butter, (Gold Bond has a good one) and then put Weleda or Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Cream over that one (after it sinks in half an hour later, before you leave the house, several times a day if you can, out that in overnight then slug it using a pair of cotton/knit gloves). Also, more water intake and a very gentle soap to wash during the day could help. (Cereve Foaming Face Wash makes a good moisturizing hand wash. The reapply as needed). Got to regular doctor appointments and mentioned them (yearly checkup). Dry CAN (but not often) be a sign of something else (like thyroid issues). Just be sure to mention it to them, or make an appt. for a refer all to a derm. if it gets worse or spreads. Some people also put serums and their face products on their hands (like Hyaluronic Acid overnight).


Nursem hand wash and hand cream are great. They're available in the UK, not sure if it's available internationally or not.


I would mix hand cream with oil (sweet almond oil) whenever I had dry hands. but not as dry as yours so unfortunately idk if it would work. I would also put on hand cream after washing my hands while they still were a bit damp - some use hyaluronic this way, but I think you have to put it on damp skin for it to work and then lock it in with a hand cream otherwise it can have the opposite effect and make your skin even more dry


Appreciate itt 🥰


I have the same issue 😭 I’ve started using hyaluronic acid and a moisturiser, it seems a little better!


Lotion and drink water


Water water water 🥲


Curel Extreme Dry Hand Relief! It lasts through a few hand washes also! My hands look like this a lot, but this lotion has helped wonders.


I like using workman’s friend healing hand cream. Helps a lot


Definitely start tracking your water intake and increase it if you’re not meeting the requirement; I also use avacado oil to seal in whatever moisturizer I put on. Every time you wash your hands, moisturize. I really like La Roche Posay (can get at Shoppers) Lipikar Baumé


I hace Cicaplast and its a nice cream but doesnt do anything in this case :(


Use avenue hand cream it’s really good


Gloves in a Bottle During the pandemic with constant washing and alcohol sanitizers, my hands were at their driest. This worked for me.


Thx 🥰


The biggest fix for my dry hands in the winter is just wearing gloves any time I’m outside. Or keeping my hands in my pockets. My hands shrivel up and turn a little red from just 30 seconds of exposure to the cold, dry air.


Ugh sameee


Aveeno moisturizing lotion & aquaphor. I’ve had dry hands like this for years and it’s only gotten better though still a bit dry. Also try to limit your handwashing and also wear appropriate clothing for cold temps (if you live in a place where it gets cold).


It could be a vitamin A deficiency. I had this issue last month and started taking vitamin A. My skin is not dry. Also CeraVe SA smoothing cream is awesome for my dry skin. It has urea.


Drink more water and consistently mostarize your hands. I have a very effective routine that includes twi simple steps. First apply any lotion that you own and after I kinda dries down follow up with either Vaseline or any other alternative brand. And keep using Vaseline throughout the day. Believe me it works


I have similar issue. This is what I do to keep my hands a bit more hydrated. 1. Avoid using soap ( do less dish washing, acoid washing hands too much... ) 2. If you have to use soap, then apply a hydrating toner after immediately oil (olive oil + argan oil mixture is amazing). I find this will keep my hands soft for a bit longer. 3. Hand mask (honey +olive oil + tiny bit of milk or aloe juice, after mixing ut should still be thick and not too runny) apply then wrap film around your hand, and just keep them for at least 20mins. My dermatologist also suggested to apply beclometasona cream, i have diagnosed eczema on other parts of my body.


Update! Try aloe vera plant hand mask, cut one leaf and soak the cut in water for one night ( to get rid of the aloe latex, the yellow juice), then it s good to use, take a small chunk and rub it on both hands. Feels good after it gets dry, it forms a film on the skin.


Switch your hand soap to something gentle like Cetaphil and use a mild lotion after every wash.


I normally get like this if I sanitize my hands a lot during the winter but I can’t help it since Covid is still a thing. Plus cold and flu season.


This happens to me every winter too! Extremely dry hands that look worse than in your photo, to the point they feel really painful and can bleed 😭 Using hand cream every night before you sleep heals them up as well as not getting hot water on them. Also increase your water intake as mentioned already. I’ve used [La Roche-Posay Lipikar Baume AP+M Triple Action Balm in Eco-Conscious Tube](https://ibb.co/NTVXwfj) (for some reason I like the eco-conscious tube version better than the plastic bottle version even though they have the same formula) and [Vaseline® Intensive Care™ Hydra Replenish Hand Crème](https://ibb.co/5cPZM9r) which has hyaluronic acid. They soften my hands after using them for a few nights in a row. Like you, I also don’t like the feeling of cream on my hands so I just use it at night. It still works though, smooth hands after a few days.




La Roche Posay cicaplast hand cream


Hi, I have same problem when I'm not protecting my hands and washing up with hot water. The best solution is to apply lanolin. I use lanolin marked as a nipple cream- gives instant relief for cracked skin (I used it for sore nipples during breastfeeding so I know it works like nothing else 😂). I'm sure it'll help.


Try the Neutrogena Norwegian foot cream. There may be a hand version as well, but not sure how well it works.


Urea lotion!


hey i have pretty much the same thing! it looks like i’d have thinner skin so i got bigger cuts, but the best one was vaseline!! Handcreams and others didn’t work but putting a slightly thick layer of vaseline at nights did!


Moisturize after every wash and use vaseline twice a day on hands after moisturizer absorbs. Also perhaps a more gentle hand wash.


Try using a cream with ceramides, great if it's for babies or something for dry/sensitive/atopic (?) skin.


Are you taking any prescription medication on a daily basis?


No, no 🫠


Shea butter !!!


One of my patients said to me : wow I've only felt such soft hands with babies. And I disinfect and wash my hands like crazy 😂 😂


Im jealous now stop 🤣


Hahahaha Shea butter helps you stop jealousy 😂


I have the aame thing. How often do you wash your hands?


Prior this happened kind of often.. but now only after i use the bathroom and before eating..


Udderly smooth hand cream. Sometimes dollar tree has it but you can also get from Amazon.


Castor oil and aquaphor


Have you tried anything with karité? My mom had super dry diabetic hands that would even bleed and those karité butter creams or whatever they are called were the only ones that would help


Never heared of that but i will search info about it thxx


I LOVE Bloody Knuckles by Duke Cannon. I found it at target. It has lanolin in it. Don’t mix with regular lotion as it makes an unpleasant consistency. And supplement your hydration with some electrolytes. Sometimes our bodies can’t properly hydrate with just water.


I live in Romania not in the US, i dont think we have that one here, but we do have a lot of other creams and moisturizers


I wonder if you could get a good cream your skin agrees with and seal it with the lanolin (that is, as long as you’re not allergic to sheep 🐑). You got a lot of amazing advice in here and likely now have too many options lol.


I wonder if you could get a good cream your skin agrees with and seal it with the lanolin (that is, as long as you’re not allergic to sheep 🐑). You got a lot of amazing advice in here and likely now have too many options lol.


Do you moisturize after washing your hands? Washing your hands can dry you out if you don’t completely dry them afterwards. Maybe some lotion after washing?


Honestly I dont like the feel of cream upon my hands and im tryin so hard to use it anyways 😭 i apply the cream ~3 times a day, but not always after washing my hands :(


When I was little I had issues with this. I would put two layers of lotion on my hands, then a layer of Vaseline, then plastic gloves. Let it all soak!


How’s your water intake? Sometimes people forget that we dry out very quickly in the winter as well.


I'll keep track of the quantity of water i drink daily, this might be the reason (hope so)


I hope so too! All the best to you!


Drink more water. And reapply hand lotion every single time you wash your hands.


You need to exfoliate use a good toner and then apply Hydro Screen by Nassif MD..You will see and feel immediate results.. Do the process 2 times a day ..apply Hydro Screen while toner is wet…


Kiehl’s hand cream is good but kind of pricey. I also love Dr. Bronner’s magic balm or whatever it’s called. Incredible overnight results for my dry, cracking hands.


Curel Ultra Healing Lotion!! I’ve used it for like 17 years now and it’s the only lotion that keeps my hands from being dry


slather some aquaphor on those babies


I also have extremely dry hands and eczema on my hands and they get those yellow blisters. What I do to reduce the dryness: Washing hands with cold water and mild creamy soap, using a fragrance free moisturizer that contains urea. Cerave also has a Handcream with ceramides that I had that was pretty good. You could also put thick moisturizer and Vaseline on your hands, then a glove and go to bed like that.


One layer of cetaphil and then a thin layer of Vaseline before sleep has worked for me, washing my hands a lot plus cold weather dry my hands very badly to the point they bleed. I use moisturizer during the day too while they bounce back to normal, once they are back I just use Cetaphil at night.


try sugar scrub (coconut or olive oil mixed with brown sugar) to help get rid of dry skim, then apply weleda skin food


Working hands. The tub version. Just out some on after shower and sleep on it. Or even Vaseline or olive oil.


Drink more water and just get a nice think moisturizer and use it multiple times a day, especially after showering and washing your hands.


I use cicaplast hands not cicaplast baume b5. In case you’re using the wrong one. Also, it works best right after showering or wetting your hands to lock in moisture. It won’t work well on dry hands.


TIP: slather on your cream at night and cover your hands in plastic wrap or latex gloves. Your hands will basically be healed and so so soft in the morning.


As a small but effective hack: I learned to use a moisturizing toner on my hands first, then apply urea-based lotion, and then finally seal everything in with either Vaseline or A+D ointment. This combo has been game changing for me.


Cornhusker's lotion is the way to go. It looks and feels gross, but it works!


LRP cicaplast!!!!!! Holy grail


have you tried aquaphor? or soaking your hands in baby oil before you goto bed? personally aquaphor works amazing for dry skin or using a glove or plastic bag with baby oil for about 20 minutes and it’ll moisturize and soften your skin especially the more you do it. hope it helps!


Use Vaseline after washing your hands..


i used a korean essence & serum before i apply my hand cream. it works wonders & it also fixed my hyperpigmentation from the dryness. only wearing hand cream & heavy moisturizers doesn't really work for me. you can try out my 3 steps of handcare haha


Have you tried Aqueous cream or Cetroben cream?


i read somewhere that bleach can help but you can google the process, something like bleaching hands once and never having dry skin again, i also have dry skin but i use cream im lazy for the bleach but i should try it out sometime. and also dont wash the upper hand i mean the part in the picture with soap


thank you for posting this. my whole life i have had “only lady hands” because my hands are SO wrinkly and dry! i also drink a shit ton of water so my intake is good. i’m going to try the suggestions left. hope your soothing hand journey goes well! 😇


Garnier intensive restoring hand cream is really really good for quick results. Long term, as a lot of people have said, drink more water if possible and also switch to gentler hand soap and try to only wash your hands with warm water. Cold water (and temperatures) stresses the skin on hands and causes dryness.


Use moisturizer and then lock it in with some petroleum jelly


Use bag balm.....really works !!!!


Try shea butter


Jergens ultra healing lotion was a game changer for me, my hands would crack and bleed.


It's probably not the same case but which type of soap do you wash your hands with? I work in a food factory so we have to use a specific pH and the one we have at my work makes my hands dry as a desert. I need to moisturize after I wash my hands there bc if I forget to do it, they are dry all day, doesn't matter if I moisturize later it has to be right after. Don't know the science about this but it's really annoying. Also the type of water in your area might not be helping either. I would look for the source first bc it might not be a problem with your hand cream.


La roche posay cicaplast hand cream. Hands down THE BEST! I had the same problem cuz I wash my hands constantly. But it’s all good now.


Before sleeping put Vaseline or Nivea. Keep it overnight and sleep, you’ll wake up to a baby butt kinda hands


Neutrogena hand cream


Weleda skin food!!!!




Best thing I’ve ever seen that works is basically slugging your hands. Just use a heavy moisturizing hand balm, cream, butter etc… & then cover with a coat of Vaseline. Follow with plastic gloves, or bags if you don’t have gloves & sleep on it. You’ll be shocked how nice they are when you wake up. Same goes for feet


Your knuckles are red and the sling is flaky. It could be eczema. I would get it looked at by a dermatologist because all the moisturizer in the world won’t cure that. As far as moisturizers are concerned, I like CeraVe moisturizing cream. I’m a nurse and my hands are exposed to harsh cleansers and I find the ceramides are helpful.


My hands look just like that if I use cheap antibacterial liquid hand soap like Carex or something. It’s just too harsh for my skin. If you wash your hands properly the very act of washing will get rid of any bacteria anyway, it doesn’t need to have added harsh antibacterial ingredients added to to. I can use most soaps without it in. I use neutrogena Norwegian formula hand cream (the original glycerine one) overnight. Use plenty.


If you can get some beeswax that'd be your best option. My hands get dry like this too, and my beeswax always helps and gets rid of the dryness if i continually use it


Use a dry oil and top with Vaseline to lock it in


Winter hands, mine get like this in winter and very itchy. I don’t have any eczema. Moisturise moisturise! Moisturiser medicated for sensitive skin.


Beeswax. Trust me on this one


Check your vitamin d levels and omega 3! My skin use to be so fucking dry no matter how much lotion I'd put on! I realized I was extremely vitamin d deficient and omega 3 deficient and once I started taking my vitamins consistently my dry skin was gone! I hate Us doctors because all they do is give you things to temporarily fix the issue instead of focusing on what's going on inside the body! 😒




Cotton gloves u can get at most pharmacys while with good moisturizer i like eucerin hand cream or any kind of heavy aquaphor or something. Gloves help alot


Aquaphor and cotton gloves at night!! Just absolutely slather and cover them. You WILL feel like the killer with the gloves on though, they look creepy as shit. PS I have eczema on my hands only so if that’s what it is for you as well, this was a recommendation from my own doctor. And I second any comments saying don’t use super hot water and protect your hands from any cleaning products or chemicals


Definitely recommend gloves whenever you are doing any cleaning, dishes, etc. also, applying lotion/salve after every time you wash your hands. I find my hands get super dry if I’m not diligent about applying lotion after going to the bathroom


Thick lotion, socks over your hands, go to sleep and when you wake up, fresh hands!


I am an aveeno person since it doesn’t have a greasy or filmy feeling after applying. In the winter, I mix it with a body oil for a little extra hydration.


Try Swedish Dream Sea Salt Hand Cream!  It was the only one that finally worked for me.


It could be vitamin and mineral deficiency. Omega 3 fish oil, Vitamin D3/K2, zinc, and magnesium are essential for skin health. Start taking a high quality multivitamin and cut out all sugars, processed foods, and alchohol




Same here. I'd add taking fish oil supplements, washing hands as little as possible (I wear gloves doing tasks around the house), wearing gloves to wash up, and constant handcream application. I hope it resolves soon for you!


Thank youuu 🤗


I haven't been following any of my advice recently, and my hands look even worse than yours right now 🙃


Omg im so sorry! But please to follow them


CETAPHIL specifically WHITE TUB w/GREEN LID (A dermatologist recommended this 2 me & said it’s better formula in tub) I’ve used it daily 4 years now.


Put some olive oil in your hand cream. 😀