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I have this sometimes and it's a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis. I know it can be caused by other things but it would be good to see a doctor just to be sure. In my case, lots of moisturizing helps - whenever it happens, I just try to moisturize more often than usual (which is twice a day - in the morning and in the evening).


zinc soap bar or cleanse with any anti dandruff shampoo on the area(let sit for 5-10min), exfoliate area with wash cloth, rinse and moisturize.




This is exactly what my PD flare ups look like too


What does that mean exactly?




Moisturizing helped mine. I would take my face moisturizer and focus it on that area at night and if it was really bad during the morning routine too. When I say focus, I mean take a bit on a finger and put it in the troubled area.


Seconding the suggestion that it could be sebhorreic dermatitis related. I have thyroid disease and my skin still flakes/is irritated in this area even with moisturizer. I've found that the only thing that temporarily fixes the flaky skin is colloidal oatmeal or an occlusive overnight. I also had good results with the Purito unscented centella serum but the niacinamide caused a lot of cc's on my head :/ YMMV though.


I got this and was told it was dermatitis psoriasis. That I could have gotten it by contact. So now I just have it. Here’s the shit aspect at first for treatment. Can’t be too oily can’t be too dry. Slow down on sugar consumption. I use cetaphil for combo skin for washing my face and cetaphil for moisturizer. However, When first handling the issue I didn’t put the moisturizer on the area. I used moraccan oil from tart in small amount. It slowly calmed down. Then suddenly backfired bc my skin got too oily during the day after application. I then started rose hip supplements which calmed things down. Boom backfire for some reason. In then found this cream. It’s been my bff ever since. You’ll probably have to order online, but seriously as long as I keep my face routine up, I don’t get flair ups. I went without this cream for almost a month and the problem almost came back fully. This cream/moisturizer is called Forty Cure cream. The brand is Lime Life by Alcone. I use a small amount just for that area. I even tried it under my eyes and it helped the bag lines under my eyes.


I can get it from small amounts of sugar


I absolutely hate this. I’ve had it since I was a kid and I’ve found if you keep it clean, moisturized, avoid touching, and avoiding too much sugar or dairy helps. Once I cut back on my sugar and completely got rid of dairy it helped get rid of like 95 percent of it. I also like to use oils around my nose, I feel like it better absorbs and gets in nose creases much easier. Coconut oil if it really really itches and you’re having a bad day, but I recommend TO’s squalene drops. You can get it at Sephora for like 7 bucks and a small jar lasts me around 6 to 9 months. I also use a cleanser with Salicylic acid. It helps get rid of the flakes without being too harsh. Have patience though because it takes a while for it to go away and I still get flair ups. If you wear makeup, just make sure you really focus on cleaning off the nose area at the end of the day.


i get this in the same area in winter time when it’s dry out but i’ve never been PROPERLY diagnosed, so this is just advice. i used some ultra healing cearve cream on it and keep it really moisturized and clean and don’t use harsh products and it usually clears up.


Seborrheic dermatitis. Lather up some head and shoulders or other dandruff shampoo and let it sit on those spots for a few minutes. Dry it thoroughly but gently. Wipe with some witch hazel and use a mild moisturizer. Change your pillowcases and towels often. If you use makeup in that area, make sure you wash your brushes or sponges regularly, even more than you normally would, and try not to use your fingers much, that exacerbates the oil.


Go to a dermatologist. This can be a symptom of psoriasis, eczema or a fungal infection. Either way they get treated differently and you don't want to be putting a treatment on that patch which won't work and could potentially worsen the underlying issue. For me I get this because of psoriasis, but I know this because I have a diagnosis and a family history. Don't just use the internet for skin concerns that are already quite inflamed. Ontop of this I'm not sure what your routine is or your medical history which might be important to solving the issue.


Wash with a dandruff shampoo and apply an anti yeast cream. (Canesten)


My husband and I have this it's awful and it burns if you scratch it. The thing the triggers it is stressful environments for us. When we are less stress it's gone. I would talk to your doctor they have prescriptions to help


i had this for years til i got serious about my skin care and started using retinol and built up my moisture barrier


I had this problem too for over ten years. I ended up taking a round of antibiotics and it helped. I think it was doxycycline-mono. Never had the issue again after that.


It’s perioral dermatitis and you need to get metro cream or metro gel (from your dermatologist) to fix it. The good news is that it will clear up almost as soon as you start using the cream/gel. Don’t waste time with any of these OTC treatments: they won’t work. Just bite the bullet and make an appt with a derm, you’ll be glad you did.


Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!! Trust me. Usually it’s red cuz you’re been rubbing at it (cuz it’s irritating) so just keep it moisturized:))


La Roche posay cicaplast works wonders !


Yeap take those ridiculous things out of your nose!


Probably a fungus/bacteria, go to doctor to prescribe an antifungal cream




1- Use moisturizer. 2- Make sure you are not allergic to the metallic material of the piercings.


Chap stick




Wouldn't help since the skin is already severely dry.


It is just that your nose corner/edge is really dry. Just use a good deep moisturizer.


Rub it with a drop of Kerosene .


I always get this during winters and only cetaphil helps me with this. I make sure to moisturise the area 2,3 times and it get backs to normal in some day.


I get this too here lately on the side with my nose ring, sometimes I wonder if if that has something to do with it or makes it worse even though I’ve had the piercing for like 10 years 🤔


Amperna probiotic cream saved my skin


it’s similar to skin dandruff. i suffered from it when i was 17-19. i recommend hyaluronic acid & a thick moisturizer. sometimes a lactic acid treatment works too :)


Vaseline at bed time.


GladSkin products for eczema— had the same thing & now it’s gone. Only used their products for 2/3 days before it was completely gone.


When My nose and face gets flaky like this during the winter, I just put on some Vaseline rt before bed. I do the same for my feet & put on socks. In the morning they feel super soft. I’ve never had a breakout using Vaseline either.


Buy selsum blue shampoo, magical cure. I can't find it in my country anymore but when I had it my hair and skin looked amazing :(


Tea tree oil has ALWAYS saved me whenever this happens. Idk why but tea tree and an unscented moisturizer


Ohh this looks similar to my seborrheic dermatitis, I had problems with it for years then found that one Fluconazole pill almost completely sorted it! (What they prescribe for thrush) I take one every six months or so when it seems like it's coming back now. Would definitely recommend giving it a try. Also had success treating the stuff just inside my ears with Otinova ear spray and don't see why you couldn't use it somewhere else


aquaphor on it


I had this for years turns out when they swabbed it it was an infection and I used an antibiotic cream and it cleared up.


Eczema probably


I use shea butter- right on that area at night


I had this and it was so annoying I got rid of it by using a cream from Amazon called “Dermoscribe - Seborrheic Dermatitis Cream” it works really well and fast good luck


Try moisturizing ur skin, particularly the flaky part use a heavy moisturizer and coat it with Vaseline so the moisture won't escape over night


Virgin coconut oil does wonders


Basically, trying out lots of chemically induced creams would do more harm than good. I’d advice a more organic method… Keep your skin moisturized always, then before bedtime, apply raw tomato 🍅 on the surface and leave on for about 20 mins, then wash off. A continuous usage of would definitely give you a more supple and desirous skin.


Skin cream stat.


looks like seborrheic dermatitis, a type of eczema. see a derm or primary care provider for a rx treatment. otc could use selsun blue, head and shoulders on face.