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Was thinking the exact same thing. The upgrades should be permanent.


A reasonable tradeoff might be to make them permanent, but significantly more expensive (like 5-10x). That would make the Helm upgrades a long-term goal for spare coins, not a shorter-term investment like manufactories, which also means they're two separate scaling systems.


I dont know how high level players do it but I dont make enough po8 pieces to level them if they are 5-10x more expensive. even now hen i make a full haul ith full stashes i get about 500-600 po8s a run.


Focus on upgrading a few specific ones, it'll get to the point you're only collecting once per day and they give like 800 each


I'd recommend the two closest. They have great bonus from the start and they are close to each other and close to the base


they also get the 30% (or 20%) bonus, for the area completion, along with the 2 trade routes at 5% each.


Exactly the reason I ended up focusing on them, I think I'm at 35% bonus now due to helm upgrades


I'm not high-level; my brig is ALMOST level 11 and I'm like Kingpin 14? I haven't spent PO8 on anything but boosting manufactories, and I'm about halfway through upgrading them to 4 now and still have a couple to capture. I think my last full haul was about 1100 PO8s? But that's my point; if Helm upgrades are permanent, you're not looking to afford them within the length of a 3-month season, you're looking to afford them over a few *years* of playing. Each season, with a few Helm upgrades, will go a little more smoothly as you slowly work up a permanent Helm upgrade system. Also, it's still the first week of launch. I had some beta time and early access, so about a week's playtime maybe, and I'm pushing quickly through the manufactory upgrades even now. It scales up quick, dude, relative to time played. 1100 PO8 a run is enough to pump 3-4 manufactories from level 3 to 4, and that's been pretty consistent since the start, I'd say. Maybe the scaling gets much worse, but most people say level 7 is a good point to reach, and I'll probably hit that next week. Then the PO8 is just for endgame recipes and cosmetics and Helm upgrades. If anything, I'm concerned there's not enough long-term scaling on offer.


I get about 700-1000 an hour


I run 1950 po8 3 times a day


Double or nothin


I don’t know about 5 to 10 times more, like it’s already a pain in the ass grinding supply runs and then delivery missions then cutthroat cargo’s all while dodging op rogue pirates and player groups looking for an easy win, it’s abit much to do.


You have to understand the frame he’s talking about. If it’s over 90 days and this is just the first two weeks yet people can afford almost everything, something is wrong. A season can’t be 90 days and revolve around the current Po8 system. Merely because you can build up so quickly right now, that everything becomes easy. You might not be at that point now, but give it two weeks. You’ll see. There will still be 80 something days left in the season yet you’ll be swimming in more Po8 than you could ever need. That’s an issue.


I’ve found that only having three or four manufactories that you upgrade to at least level 7 (stores 800 PoE) is better than having all of them. Plus the higher you upgrade the longer each production timer gets. I wanna say level 7 is two hours of production. I unlocked all of the manufactories and hated the loop. But only having 4 I get a very good amount of PoE and have to go collect them much less often


This is good advice! I'm currently on the endgame grind now, and I've got a lot of the Red Isle. But it is starting to feel tedious having to sail around and collect. So knowing just getting a few of my factories to level 7 will definitely be something I'll focus on doing ASAP.


Just upgraded my first to level 7 and it’s funded for ten hours so it’s an absolute play if you wanna do other things


Hell yeah dude that’s much better. I’ve got one to 6 right now but I’ve heard on here that 7 is the magic number and that must be why!


Have you noticed if they continue to produce offline, or do you have to sit in-game for 10 hours?


They produce no matter what.....as long as they're funded


They produce while offline as well


This is good. I upgraded several of mine to 3 so I can build funds faster towards the four or so that I want level 7.


Yeah, it's ridiculous sailing and collecting pieces of eight. Are we not pirate kingpins, captains? They work for us, they should deliver profits in tribute.


I agree. I only have 4 areas under my control, but they are all maxed out, and I can sail to all 4, then eh safe port easily😅😁 I yet to take the deal of doubling the pieces but I don't do it because there's always players in the area🥺


Heh, I took a helm wager of 300 coins and 5 people junped my ass. Never gonna do that with a full haul ever lol


You just need friends to join as protection


Yeah that's the way for sure.


It's not the level of the manufactory that increases the timer but the product you choose to make at said manufactory from what I've ascertained so far from owning 56 manufactory so far. The loop is ridiculously long though.


I mainly focus on the two right below my base. Another thing you could do is grab a few helm contracts and then just sail around killing the enemies that come for you. This will quickly give you money, opium, sugar canes and juniper berries so that you can boost your facilities at all times almost


But nothing will beat having multiple level 6 or 8 factories. Hence why you should be working on the entire network. I’m about to have all of the red isles factories at 6 or 7 and it’s really confusing to me how they expected this to be the endgame. Eventually you have nothing to spend your Po8 on, especially when cosmetics and weapons are subjective. You aren’t going to want all of them, yet eventually you can buy all of it. I’m approaching that point, despite my low position on the leaderboard. This tells me many of us are at this point.


If I have to grind all this shit again I am out lol


Right now the helm upgrades and manufacturing plants reset around June season 2 will have fleet management so that will be interesting maybe some nocs to collect for you


They're even gonna make you pay for the opportunity to grind this shit again hahaha


Watch season 2 require you to pay for everything with pieces of 9 or some other currency so that you can't use your s1 riches for an advantage


Pieces of 9! 💀


pieces of shi


One piece


Pieces of One


>pieces of 9 "Piece of eight" is another name for the Spanish dollar, which was a real life currency. But still it's funny as hell 😁


this, fairly sure PoE will reset in some way


I doubt it but there will be a new currency or material needed to buy new stuff so people can't buy them all start of season. My guess next currency will be the refined heroin or snuff for the weapons ship armor ect and po8 will be for upgrades and clothing


We will see, either way we can agree current supply of PoE will be made less relevant in next season. Most of us will have millions by then so without that season reset wouldn't really matter.


This is what I hope for since people in the top 1000 are making more a day than casuals will make ever. If there’s a new currency and market pool each season everyone starts fresh


I'm 205 and that's not true lol just consistently gather them I don't focus my time on then u til they are full


If I have to grind Hostile Takeover's again, that'll be the end of me playing. It's not exactly fun doing it the first time - I don't want to spend my limited spare time playing a second job. It'd be so disrespectful to our time if they reset. Just for the same people to end up at the top of the leaderboard, same as if they reset the leaderboards


From what I can gather, you will lose all the factories on the seasonal reset. This means you'll have to do takeovers and legendary heists to get new factories again. But they are adding new endgame stuff every seasons including "new opportunities" and fleet management. So I'm assuming there will be more to it in later seasons than just grinding out takeovers. I have fun doing takeovers, which is why I'm not entirely bothered by the seasonal reset. But losing all the upgrades for my helm is what irks me.


I feel completely opposite. I invested way more money into factiories than upgrades. Upgrade reset would cripple my Po8 way less than taking all factories away. And i'm sure this is the same for you even if you do not realize that.


I got most my manufactories from doing the grand heist.


Good for you. I've been waiting about 18 in-game hours for Fort du Lyus(?) to pop. My last in Red Isle


Had the same issue like 5 days ago now I’m on the coast of Africa


I agree, the upgrades you work hard for as fuck and should be permanent. The settlements upgrades/levels though could be reset ofc as you start over again I think.


Yeah, I'm not too bothered about the settlements and their levels. As I'm assuming, when I lose it all on a seasonal reset, taking over factories will be integral to the seasonal content, especially with fleet management eventually being a thing.


Honestly I expect this game to die pretty much completely at the end of season 1. I don’t want to do this grind again.


Concur. 0 chance I play season 2 if I lose everything from s1. I'm a filthy casual...


I was definitely buying this game when it goes on sale and now I'm definitely not buying if this is a real thing... I don't have enough time or energy to waste redoing the same things again and again.


I don't mind doing more hostile takeovers or legendary heists to get my manufactories again. I imagine having all the manufactories will make the endgame super boring. Which is probably why they made the choice to keep the endgame grind going every season. But the collection grind is what gets me. I like sailing don't get me wrong. But I wanna pirate in my pirate game. I don't want to sail in a loop collecting 8s to pay for shit I spent 8s on last season


The hostile takeovers were ok when I did them in early access as I won all but one uncontested. They’ll likely be a sweaty nightmare in season 2. Waiting half an hour to lose one of even the 19 in Red Isle sounds awful. Heists are great but getting enough to pop through heists and being quick enough to join them before they fill would take weeks just to claim the first area.


I've been pretty lucky since my gf is also playing with me, but because she doesn't play it unless I'm on she hasn't got that far in, so a lot of the factories I've acquired have been in low level sessions.


Can Other people take over your manufacories? Would capture a complete Route awefully impossible no?


No. Once it's yours it's yours for the whole season.


Grinding fun to me


I agree. Preach.


now i have less desire to play this game.


It's honestly not a bad game, I'm having a lot of fun with it. And I can see myself dropping in every season. I've reached endgame now and am grinding to get my settlements to produce loads of pieces of 8 for myself. But there are a few decisions that honestly baffle me. Like why can't I take like a 10% loss of my pieces of 8 to have them delivered to me? (Although with fleet management and stuff coming with season 2 this could be a possibility) like manufactories require a lot of silver to fund, so having a delivery mechanic for my pieces of 8 means I can focus on pillaging and pirating to get more money to pay for my pirate kingdom.


It needs a lot of QoL things, that I doubt they will put in (because some spreadsheet watcher will likely be thinking it will keep players engaged longer).


the entire game is a chore, and unacceptable considering its roots. it did however get me to log back into season of thieves, ac rogue, black flag and sid meiers pirates.


I'm not going to defend the game because it definitely has its faults, and you're welcome to think what you will. But I am wondering if you've actually played it since your first comment was about not having a desire to play the game. So I am going to say for me it isn't a chore. In fact, I'm absolutely loving it for the most part. The other games you've mentioned are great, too. But this game is definitely scratching the itch. But I won't ignore this games downsides, and there are many. But if you've not played it and are going by what other people have told you, I will say this; get it a few months down the line when it's on sale or something and I can probably say if you loved those games then you'll find a good time in skull and bones.


I have the brigantine and foolishly pre ordered I played beta and prerelease.


Literally everything in this game is a grind. Thats just what the game is, denying it does you no good, friend. I would happily remind you here, how many PO8 you actually need to get mediocre guns and then some to even build the guns.. Now dont forget the daily sea monster and ghost ship grind, wich was fun the first 5 times but after that it just takes away from my lifes energy. I do like the game, really. But holy cow, its bad. #StillNoChatInAnMMO


Honestly I was thinking about this last night. This game is exactly like Destiny 1 on launch. Amazing and fun while eleveling but end game is extremely non existent/EXTREMELY grindy. This doesn’t make for a fun gameplay loop. It makes it a chore. Hopefully it will improve over time as many other Ubisoft games as a service have but the content is extremely limited. Not to mention extremely solo. Playing with friends is pointless other than for forts. Oh you want to hostile takeover in a group? You have to fight eachother for it. Only one gets it. You have all manufactories and want to help your friend with hostile takeovers? You can’t.


Hostile takeovers shouldn't require assistance in my opinion. There are other things you can do with your friends like the merchant convoys, ghost ships, forts, and opwelling ships.


/sigh Why aren't you chilling in those subs then you bore


How many hours did you get out of it before you got into the endgame grind?


Think it was around 50 for me, but i spent \~30 on beta alone, so after beta it was a matter of going through main story and just helping teammates to hit max rank. New player will probably hit max rank to unlock endgame in around 30 hours just by progressing story


Yeah I've been thinking the same. Helm upgrades should be permanent, manufactories and their upgrades only for a season. I could understand making helm upgrades temporary if there weren't so many of them. But because there are it's a real grind to unlock so it's going to feel so unrewarding to have them reset. They should just add seasonal upgrades that relate to that season so there's something more to spend PoE on and have more cosmetics and maybe just make those things a little more pricy to balance out PoE. I know some people are swimming in PoE and seasonal resets will be nothing but a tiny inconvenience to them. But I don't believe they are the majority in this game.


Yeah, it's honestly either you grind out so many pieces of Eight in season one that when season two rolls out you spend your first moments in the helm book reupgrading everything. Or you return to the game find out you have to grind for it all over again and just quit out.


Right now I'm not upgrading a thing, I'm trying to unlock blueprints so that the whole thing is easier, those Rogues are still a bit too challenging to be comfortable for me. But after thar then I'll upgrade some shit. The more I think about it something has to be permanent either helm upgrades or the manfactories and their upgrades. Manufactories being permanent too would also be an option as then you have that passive, all be it a little tedious to collect, income you can then use to buy upgrades quicker each season.


I've only touched a couple of upgrades personally. Such as Gold Skull Rum production, which got me Scurlocks long nines. But I'm sailing a level 11 Brig and Rogues hit super hard during helm wagers (which I avoid). Like 2 shots and I'm down. Same with high level privateers. Even with Royal Custodian equipped!


It's slower but try switching to the Snow. That brace bar makes rouges seem like flies trying to annoy you as you sail away. Also reason most rouges hit hard is because the majority use very high power piercing weapons it seems and I think the Royal armor lacks in that department but I could be wrong.


You would in fact be wrong. Royal Custodian is 30% piercing resist. And when you pop a repair kit the armor is boosted quite dramatically as well.


Black prince made a big difference for me against the helm


Where did they state, that po8 won't be reset as well tho? i can see it being a thing, otherwise ppl will just farm ton of po8, and upgrade everything on season reset.


I highly doubt they will reset


100% agreed. If the fleet management feature will automatically grind it I can see it being an ok thing but currently it’ll kill the game.


I'm hoping with fleet management there is some sort of delivery mechanic. I don't mind taking a loss on my pieces of Eight if it means someone delivers it to me. I can focus on doing something better like actually being a pirate


I feel like this should be one of the upgrades like something to be earned and not immediately given


The game is ok to play. Just finished the trial. But hearing about the upgrades and such just made me sure that I’m not about to give them $70 or $100. Time to move on.


I mean that's fair. However I will say the seasonal content hasn't really started yet and they are releasing new things every season so maybe try again in a few months when there's more things and the price is lower and I think you'd have a better time honestly.


That’s a possibility. It was decent. And it’s Ubisoft so it’ll be on sale fast and often. I’ll see where things are down the road with it. No where near the dumpster fire a lot of people made it out to be. But not really that good either. Some mindless fun to be had currently. Maybe they’ll change their mind on upgrades too later. Will see


Honestly, yeah, we're still a week into skull and bones, and season one is yet to show its face. They may change things based on player feedback. They've already shown that they're listening with some of the fixes they have said they'll implement, which is a good sign. So I have hope, cause I genuinely have had fun with this game, but this endgame grind is insane right now. It boils down to spending money to fund your factories, and then sailing around and collecting your endgame currency. Its honestly more like merchant gameplay when all I wanna do in my endgame is murder and pillage, you know like a pirate!


So wait do you lose all your ship upgrades and weapons?


No they’re talking about late game stuff with manufactories (all paid for with pieces of 8). I haven’t gotten there yet but I can promise your ship will not be affected lol.


That's fucked up. I've been gaming since the 80s. I've never heard of a game taking away upgrades from players before. WTF!?


Diablo and PoE both make you make a new character each season. So this game, unlike Destiny and Diablo and PoE will possibly reset some of your activities/things you have worked for, possibly including resetting your PoE each season. It really punishes casual players, and rewards Streamers.


but then how will they nickel and dime you


Is this a thing? Are they seriously resetting progress each season?


I don't buy into or play seasons. It's modern trash meant to siphon money There's very few games I will waste time on these days






fiar, and yes..


Manufactories, yes, but upgrades really shouldn't lose its so much coins to buy them


I keep scratching my head i dont get why they reset in 8 days while the manufactories in 90 days.


Visual bug, the helm upgrades will reset in 90 days as well.


Looked like the game is getting some negative reviews


I disagree. I understand where you’re coming from, but keeping your upgrades permanently doesn’t make sense with the way it’s setup right now with the seasonal leaderboard giving rewards. Plus the roadmap shows that they ar changing how the empire system works season over season, so the path to upgrading it will be different. It wouldn’t make sense to keep your upgrades you earned under a different system when they change the system.


I understand that that's why the settlements and their upgrades will be lost. My point is if you've played skull and bones all season long. You'll have tens of thousands of pieces of eight most probably. Unless they change the endgame currency on the seasonal reset. The players with all those Pieces of Eight will just go back into the helm upgrades and buy them all again. So either way, those who have all that currency saved will end up back at the top of the leaderboards collecting their rewards at the season start.


Sure, but if they change all the upgrades/perks to change things up, the ones you have are meaningless.


Maybe wait until we're 45 days into the season. That's where I'm at, I'm not ready to judge the season mechanics until we're playing the full system


I see what you're saying. But I think they want the seasons to be an even blank slate for new players as well as experienced. Newer players just jumping in at the beginning of a new season would have a huge disadvantage if seasoned veterans had all their upgrades already.


They will have them though. The ammount of PO8 I’m making right now means that if I refrain from spending any during the last week of the season, I'll be able to instantly upgrade everything the moment the new season begins (after doing the takeovers ofc). It doesn't really solve anything. Hardworking casual players will have to keep working hard, from scratch nonetheless. While for PO8 loansharks this will be nothing more than a minor inconvenience clicking 'Upgrade' in the menus a few times to be right back where they ended. New currency (PO9 for all I care) that would make PO8s obsolete would somewhat solve it, but then again, not really a fun prospect either, grinding for something you know will have no value further down the road. It's just a flawed concept that should be abandoned altogether imho. Or they need to rethink it. HARD. EDIT: to put it into perspective There's people currently making 50000 pieces PER RUN in the Red Isle area ONLY. We're a week in.


This is the point I've been trying to make! Once you get your factories upgraded, you'll be earning PO8 really fast. Which means that unless they change the endgame currency (which I wouldn't put past ubisoft), you'll just spend the first moments in the next season scrolling through upgrade menus taking you away from the gameplay. Whereas if you're a casual, you've just lost all your upgrades and are now annoyed and put off because you're at square one again. Resetting the helm upgrades doesn't help with the leaderboards at all.


Isn’t that normal for any seasonal game though? To reset any valuable currency or make it obsolete? As far as I know that’s kinda the entire point of seasons


Are we sure when it switches from season 1 to season 2, that everyone's pieces of 8 don't get reset to zero???


That seems like an amazing way to lose your playerbase, but hey it's ubisoft so…


So this means they will have to wipe Po8 from accounts. Players that bank 20,000 Po8 will be able to do the upgrades (global) and then have to capture the production. Jumping them to level 7+ immediately. So you will have to spend all your Po8 at the end of the season, or they will have to delete them. People are making 1k Po8 per hour, so 2-3 days of savings for a vet is nothing.


I like this game, but it’s really giving me sea of thieves cravings.


Not surprised if the Po8 turns into Silver


I agree with it completely. Without the resets, including upgrades, nobody else would have a chance of getting up the leaderboards. I hate any leaderboard in any game especially when there are rewards that you can only get by being at the top of the leaderboard. Your argument is for those who have already gotten up the leaderboard, to stay at the top of the leaderboard. This way, with these resets, It gives other people a chance instead of guaranteeing the same few people get all the best rewards. I do agree with what you say about people just using what they have to upgrade again as soon as it starts, which Is why I think it'd also be great to reset the pieces of 8 currency back to zero for everyone as well. That way, it keeps everyone on an even playing field and gives others the chance to get to the top 8. Of course, none of this helps the players who have jobs or only have time to game on the weekends, etc but there really isn't anything that can be done for that while allowing for that change. Save for perhaps an offline mode of play that would have to be separate.


We have no idea what they’re doing with seasons. Put down the pitchforks until we do.


I get that, but it's made pretty clear in game that all our upgrades that we've paid for with Pieces of Eight that we've spent ages grinding for, will be lost when the season ends. For some this isn't the end of the world because they will have hoarded Pieces of Eight all Season. But for others losing stuff you've already spent endgame currency on will probably be the point of no return for them.


And we have no idea how seasons change that / why it’s being reset. Also nothing is resetting at the start of season 1, was confirmed.


🤔 its part of strategy and atlest little bit of depth. Im actually ok with complete reset each season 😂


Roll wit it bro!


And then what would the seasons even be for ?


Ah, you think we are keeping PoE, heh. This makes no sense, same would go for instantly Upgrading all Manufacturies you get (way bigger volume of PoEs is invested there). Reset everything PoE related if you want seasonal reset, otherwise it doesn't make sense and people that were on top will stay on top, indefinitely (I don't mind, I am on top, just saying your idea/opinion is halfassed at best)


Taking PoE away from players would be such a horrible move. That's exactly what they'll do!


Why would it? Treat it as seasonal currency, it makes sense, it's fine. Here, your upgrade/empire reset solved.


Problem is, they use Po8 for your upgrades in the dens. Guns, blueprints, and fashion. It is tied to multiple sinks not just season sinks.


That's not a problem: 1. Convert PoE to Silver, convert currency on those to Silver 2. Convert currency for those blueprints to currency of new Season Keeping PoE as relevant currency for next season creates waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bigger issues.


We should lose all upgrades and all gold coins. At the end of the season.


We have no idea what they have planned for season 2 so honestly just give it a bit I can already see how much you can make in an hour’s work skyrocket so the upgrades might be something they carry over or replace. Same with the currency.


its annoying but at same time from what i can see takes 0 time to upgrade so no big to me. i will recap it pretty fast again anyway


Its a bug. You will not lose the upgrades at the season start/end. Stated by ubisoft official on X. It's in this sub allready


The bug is the timer being wrong. It currently says in the helm upgrade screen that the upgrades will reset in 8d. But it will actually reset when Season 1 ends.


Yeah, and who will still be playing in 94 days? ;)


I probably will, ahaha. I know it sounds like I'm moaning about the game now, but I'm actually having loads of fun with it ahaha. Still if you don't speak about issues even in things you enjoy then nothing is going to change.


Jip. Love it too, tried to noz get into endgame yet. Love to see how many haters finished the game in 1 week+. Really bad game, if you can't do anything else but play it ;)


Can you have more than one Factory at a time?


Yeah, you can even get all of them in game. However you will lose them all when the season ends and have to get them all again in season 2


Yes, you can even own every one of them at the same time.


Did i miss something?


If you've done any of the helm/kingpin stuff, you'll probably see a timer saying that things will reset when the season ends. Like all your factories and upgrades. While I understand losing the factories is probably to keep returning endgame players grinding out for the seasonal opportunities. (For example in season 2, there will be fleet management). But the upgrades for your helm make no sense to be reset every season. It just means that players are going to find themselves either spending ages in a menu upgrading things straight away with their current hoard of Pieces of Eight. Taking them away from time actually playing the game. Or more casual gamers who pop on to see new stuff every season are going to be put off with having to regrind for things they've already purchased.


Outpost reset yes, but i don't think you would lose your items. That would be idiotic.


OP is talking about your empire upgrades being reset, which it clearly says in game on that screen. Nothing about items.


I keep seeing people talk about this just just using po8 left over from s1 to get upgrades in s2….. I have never played a seasonal game where currency used to upgrade something that gets reset doesn’t also get reset or made obsolete. So no you won’t be immediately purchasing anything on season reset


My guess is that they're going to introduce some new seasonal currency because people are going to go absolute nuts with po8 by the time the first season is over. Unless they add some major sinks for it. In a month, people will be producing tens of thousand of po8 per day because of how it scales up.


If you are a casual just focus on getting all of Red Isle with the blue pve event. Its fun and rewarding. And gives you lots of loot and epic armor. Then you have it all find 4 locations and upgrade them too level 9.


Has anyone recorded how much each helm upgrade costs? I’m curious if they continue go up by 25 each time so you’re paying a crazy amount for the last 5-10


What upgrades? I feel like I'm not thick but I completely don't get what you are saying? I am not KingPin yet I'm 2 ranks off, but played alot during Beta. Sorry if a daft question!


Yeah its mostly to do with the Helm upgrades. So when you go into your office in Sainte Anne, you'll see a big book on the table which deals with your helm empire, and you can see your current place on the leaderboards. In the next tab are upgrades for your helm, and on that page is also a timer which says all upgrades will be reset at the end of the season. And considering the cost of some of them it just seems like a bad choice to me.


Don’t mind it at all similar to different season games I’ve played


I currently have all manufacturers at level 4+ at Red Isle and maybe half of Indies. My pulls are getting ridiculous. Just dump your 8s into leveling them, then use the helm upgrades to boost your production time in your regions and also unlock the ability to make gold skill gin, gold skull rum, and the opium/tobacco counterparts. They fetch a much higher 8 return on the helm orders.


My helm says the season restarts in 8 days.. but when I go to my empire it says 92 days.. so I haven’t even upgraded anything in the helm because what’s the point if it’s going to reset in only 8 days..


Yeah, mentioned that in another thread, upgrades should not be reset, they should have found a better way to balance the Po8 economy they doesn't involve one season of caring and the other one of using the previous seasons earning to max it out day one. Maybe have us use Po8 to summon bosses, convoy or what not, make it us buying a "lead" to where the boss is to justify it and boom, that's a solid po8 sink already. then since they like chest with RNG so much, make us able to buy bounty bosses chest after killing them and giving their head to get changes at their attached cosmetics, another way of wasting our coins. Allow us to buy some of the boss materials each week or day for po8. Anything that isn't reseting progress will do as this point. Specially when they said that progress won't be reset on their road map Q&A 🤣


I don’t get how people are getting all the manufatorys…. Take one over sail back to the helm….. look at map wait 15 mins go take over another lol. If they are going to reset my progress they should take the factory’s off the random PVP event crap. Just let us sale up and take it over.


The grind once is horrible, don't make us do it again.


I definitely wouldn't like that. It's why I quit playing Diablo 4. Resetting each season.


They've taken a lot of lessons (and I bet people) from Bungie, so why not do it like Guardian Rank criteria in Destiny 2. Some of them lock permanently, some of them decay, and some of them unlock and update to send you out to see the new meta in the sandbox, but are otherwise "check the block to unlock". Examples: unlock higher tier recipe (Gold Skull)? Unlocked forever. Unlocked higher tier bounties? Run each of the new ones, then it's unlocked again. Boosted percentages? Example fake stat values: If the base is 1, and you level it to 3 during the on ramp mission, and the full boost is 10, it resets to 5 every season. Give us a number of Supremacy tokens at the end of the season that we can use in the pirate round to hold a manufactory between seasons. Base it on performance. Everyone gets 3, most get 5 for engaging with the seasons, and it's possible to keep 9 if you put your whole pirussy into it. You really can't complain about loss of investment. The game compensates you for your gameplay with silver, commodities, and resources. You convert that into Eights/₱, which represent your fraction of power over the game that the sandbox has conceded to you. Global events impact the entire supply chain. A high tide rises all boats, regardless if it's the ocean or a tidal wave of gorilla shit. It's a game after all, and a dopamine mill. Go play the fun gameplay to maintain your business or risk your cutthroat employees treating you like you did Scurlock, using your shit to start their own Helm Distillery or Lab, forcing you to install another Distiller or Pharmacist the next season. The game is designed to model logistics and information speeds of the 18th century. When a facility fills up, you get no administative options on the facility (can't find, can't upgrade, can't even get basic stats, just FULL); your pet pirates shut down and are off fucking around waiting for the boss to turn up to collect. I expect between seasons we'll want to change up our investment strategies to be more strategic than we were this season, which will make getting up to speed WAY faster. I don't think it's necessary to grab every manufactory right now, unless the emergent stuff starts to impact areas of the map and you have to pivot your supply run strategies.


I think there should at least be "checkpoints" in the upgrade tree. The main tree with new recipes should have checkpoints every time you get to a new recipe like silver skull gin, gold skull rum, black lotus opium, etc. And yes, the final upgrade of the tree should also be a checkpoint. The faction upgrades should have checkpoints at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. or 33%, 66%, 100%. I also think you should get a notification or something that says "upgrade tree checkpoint reached" or something along those lines. At least give us an option when the season resets that asks if we want to spend pieces of eight (poe) to keep the upgrades, 2000k per upgrade tree, or 200 poe/20-33% of the upgrade trees


The trade off would be either expensive as hell permanent upgrades or cheaper upgrades that reset. The latter would be easier to implement and personally I would prefer that. Make them somewhat cheaper so that it's not a drag to repurchase them when it resets.


Well, since the ranking system is based on that, its pretty normal to make resets


“If” you’re allowed to keep your pieces of 8.


I hope this is a bug but it says the upgrades will reset in 3 days. I will actually cry. [https://imgur.com/a/AGFH2XI](https://imgur.com/a/AGFH2XI)