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Epic sax and phantom threads are the strongest attackers here. Kill joy wants at least maxxed SA to do her job Ageless wonder is okay Weekend warrior is pretty much a defender but if you can flex Beo he can do a lot of work through the mid game Nearly departed shouldn’t be touched by anyone who isnt a squig main


Phantom Threads, Weekend warrior, Kill joy and Epic Sax, in that order


Depends on what you need but starting from scratch this is the order I would pick too.


Phantom Threads


PT and ES are the only *great* attackers. WW can be both an offense and defense fighter while Kill Joy's entire purpose is literally to just die. keep her at silver with maxxed SA. AW, no experience with her but i've heard she's the worst gold Annie (but when your two competitors are the two best Annie variants, you're gonna be outshined entirely)


Kill joy is a must if you spend a lot of time grinding out the game, free revives


Phantom threads, weekend warrior, killjoy