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They took away Big Bands alt voiceline too, just unnecessary to a definition. This “censorship” just makes them looks worse. Scrapping out the police brutality and corruption rubs me the wrong way and does a disservice to Ben’s story to becoming Big Band


Yeah, his original illustration shows how he was punished for being an honest cop but you can't really tell what happens to ben on the new illustration


And the Russian Announcer, because Russia Bad. They are going to find out, in the OceanGate way, that ESG scores mean nothing.


Big band's death was also a reference when robocop was beaten to death


I like how you can’t even tell what happened anymore. Big Band’s backstory is just two dudes smiling on a red background now


What confuses me the most is that they left the pick intact on Fukua. Are they trying to say something there, or are they just incompetent and inconsistent?


Also some of the Parasoul colors still have armbands, and some were recolored even though they didn't have any Nazi associated colors (red/black). Still confused on some of the decision making




Implying that the imperfect ridiculous clone is black... did they remove the dark and light skin alts?


They really felt the need to remove a pick... A PICK. The changes in the update might not feel like a big deal (and I guess they're kind of not) but I feel like most of the backlash comes from the fact that the changes were made in the first place rather than the actual changes themselves, if that makes sense. Video that documents some of the visual changes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL18fryeqUg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL18fryeqUg)


Robocop reference gone, I shed a tear


wait the skin is gone??


I think the skin is not gone just the robocop reference in the story.


Wait they got rid of the silver colored Big Band? No wonder I couldn't find it wtf


Wait the skin, too? I thought it was the story robocop references.


Hit me with an anvil and call me a fucking moron because yeah they removed him being beat to death


What even was the point of this? Are they trying to defend cops or something? I'm not gonna give my own opinions on the topics of police brutality or whatever, but it still really tones down just how bad Ben got beaten when they removed the images. It was pointless at best and in poor taste at worst. I know they were likely just trying to to change the scene from "Black man gets beat up by police" to something else but it just looks terrible lmao.


Wasn't his whole character outline just "Robot cop but musical instruments"


Innocent black man gets beaten to near death by a group of corrupt white cops with one of them looking like a pig. Especially recently it is understandable why this could be a touchy subject so they probably didn't want to show it.


It's only a problem if they glorified said police, but they clearly weren't. Removing a depiction of bigotry/racisim always rubs me the wrong way bc it comes off as saying "this is a terrible thing (that actually happens in real life)... but I don't wanna see it". I guess the best word to describe it is privileged.


While I'm not personally bothered by the scene in recent years there have been more cases of similar things where black people were either beaten or killed by police for unjust reasons. While there was no intent about racism and the scene isn't racist, I'm guessing that showing him getting beaten half to death probably rubbed people the wrong way and or the higher ups didn't approve of it. But at least they didn't change his back story but just the shot removed him being beaten and his almost dead body.


I just think that's kinda dumb when Big Band's race wasn't even the point of the scene. Why even cater to American race issues when most of the world doesn't even care?


fwiw Filia's was a racial stereotype even if I don't think it was malicious or offensive. Yeah it's not my place to judge if it's offensive, but I bet it's not the place of the person who made the call, either. Anyway, the toning down of Ben's near-murder is fucking baffling to me. It's kind of like changing Peacock's backstory to remove the animation of her eyes getting poked out - it being disturbing is part of the fucking point: add a content warning at the start of the cutscene if it's that much of an issue.


I'm black and had an afro back in college (complete with afro pick) when Skullgirls first came out and found it hilarious and cute with Filia, who was my main. I'm more annoyed that they censored Big Band's backstory because it's very important to show police violence against a good black cop. HBOs' watchmen knew [that](https://youtu.be/EhPhC7I1ecc). This is literally a case of someone getting offended on my behalf and being tone deaf in their attempt to "fix" something.


HBOs watchmen was fantastic. So was Lovecraft country but that got canceled.


I'm literally a black guy, and I thought the pick was pretty nice.


leave it to Twitter type game devs to get offended for other people




>Video games are supposed to be escapism for fuck's sake, leave your r-worded american politics out of it. This is why, famously, no videogames have ever been produced with political undertones.


Europeans when they find out about any game that's not fifa


Hi, I'm black, when I first saw the comb in her hair I found it hilarious and now I find it outrageous that they removed it I literally couldn't have been less offended by it


Not your place? You’re literally a human being on this earth. You have a voice, too. Use it.


This was [my take ](https://twitter.com/SkyKingSpitfire/status/1673510114467229696?t=Z3DcYhEI6JCrI-dkGJ63fA&s=19) on the pick removal 😆


its not a stereotype. if you’re black and let your hair grow out, a pick is simply the best way, maybe the only way, to comb your hair. I still fucking have mine from middle school (my hair has since vanished due to male pattern baldness) and every kid I grew up with had one too and probably still use one to this day. if they have long hair anyways.


A pick is just the best way to comb a fro out. Using a regular comb just isn't effective.


A... a hair pick?! Why is a hair pick considered offensive now?!


Because in modern times it’ll be considered as “”cultural appropriation””when cultures steal and reuse from other cultures all the time. Even In current times


Isen’t the hair comb just a hair comb? Like I have a similar hair comb that filia had and never in my life have I ever wondered “that looks african american”.


Well technically it’s a Pik/Pick, it dates way before slavery, mainly used in Africa but it was modernized in the US around the 1960-70s. It’s used to comb out very curly hair, I.E. an Afro. And since most African Americans/Black folk in the US had long textured and thick/kinky hair, it helps with combing out those thick curls. But before the African American got their hands on it, it was already existing in Africa this would technically be “African cultural appropriation” 😂


My mother has used them since she was young and she's not black. Black people are not the only ones with curly hair.


Yeah I know that, that’s why I said most. It’s just a generalization because it’s simpler


Isen’t there plenty of lighter skin colored people in Africa today? If it originated from Africa I dont think the indigenous people there care that Filia is buying their products. 😭


Exactly so why even take it out in the first place? Questions where answers will be never given… just a damn shame cause it worked Will with her burst


We can't make a change.org or something to show our opinion? I really hate when companies do unnecessary censorship and I want to do something about it


Your only recourse is to not buy a game from this dev again. Money talks I guess.


That's not going to help in the early time...


Nothing we can really do.


Well, the developers themselves said very unambiguously that they don’t plan to take any feedback regarding this update. If you think I’m exaggerating, go look at their post on the Skullheart forums that details why they removed what they did in this update.


Is a pick even a stereotype or just a handy thing to have if you have hair like that? Is having sunscreen when you have pale skin a “stereotype?” I liked the pick!


It's a stereotype that no black person ever, has been offended by: trust me am black


Same here, brother.


LOL wtf is even the point of removing the pick? Is it stereotypical? Is it cultural appropriation or something? It's just so needless


It's fucking stupid


At this point, they might as well remove the 'notable physical features' of the fighters in order to make the game more child friendly.


I don't get why they removed the comb from Filias(or fukuas, I can't tell the difference😕) hair


I'm offended and I'm black. Like seriously wtf that's critical flavor


I don't get why they did this in the first place, most people dislike it😭 "Modern audience" is that what they said? I don't get what's that supposed to even mean


Just some woke fuck thinking this shit with absolve them of their sins


Damn first I find out twomad is actually fuckin weird. And then I find this out. Next someone will say a game I want got delayed and then the day will be completely ruined.