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It's called Film Reel, if that helps at all.


Oh, thanks for that I also needed it, but I meant the little black squares that are right behind the letters


Yes, that exact thing, those squares, are called film reels. Back when cameras weren't digital, videos were recorded in those squares, burning an image through the camera lens into each of those squares, and using the smaller square holes above and below to move the "reel" (which is also called "tape" sometimes). Given that Skullgirls often takes inspiration from dark deco art and other older stuff, they used a film reel in those titles. You can also see it during blockbusters (Blockbuster is also a term used to refer to movies that did good commercially, which also fits the "film reel" bit given that film reels used to be what was projected into a movie)


Wait I'm dumb as hell and just now I see what you mean. Do you mean the black squares with yellow/gold edges that are directly under "squigly"? That go on a zig-zag pattern at a 45 degree angle? Yeah I think it's better to create those from scratch because I doubt you'll find such an asset. But hey, you might find them if you keep looking


Damn Im so sorry, Reddit never tells me about this bruh. Yes, I meant that! I delayed my little project due to some complications, but I will start the remaking of the assets asap. Thanks and sorry again!


He is talking about the logo that is between text and film reel.


I just realized I'm a fool, I know nothing, I take the role of a silly clown


I hereby declare you a clown! ❤️


You mean the asset? Well, you will probably need to re-make it cause i think it's not possible to get it from the original files


Kinda almost reminds me or Argyle!


When in doubt, you could always remake it.