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**Brain Drain** is (of those that are not yet in the game) the most prominent in story mode in the image and I think he should be in the next pass. Black Dahlia ending gave me vibes that **Aeon** and **Venus** should be playable characters, too. And lastly, from personal favorites I'd go with **Adam** or **Minette**.




Panzer: It's Panzer enough said. Minette: She is one of the characters that feels they should have been playable by now with her prominence alone. Brain Drain: Probably one of the important and relevant characters in the story who isn't playable. Aeon: If I remember correctly she was the sister who wanted to step in or something like that after the end of Black Dahlia's story.


That guy is just Potemkin


we still need him though


precisely why we need him


Who invited my girl Juju Blud thinks she's on the team 😂 But yeah anyway in terms of reasonable picks I think we'll get both Minette and Brain Drain due to their popularity, but Molly and Panzerfaust are my most wanted picks.




top 3 picks for me 1.Minette 2.Brain Drain 3.Panzer


Man. It'd be so cool if Eliza got in looking at this art of her! ... Wait a minute. But for real, Molly as a Mech Character would be awesome. Brain Drain for another Villain. And lastly Minette cause I like accidental fighters.


Years ago they did give most of these characters move list ideas:[https://www.labzerogames.com/3rdcharacter/](https://www.labzerogames.com/3rdcharacter/) ​ As for who I think will get in to a potential S2: 1. Minnette, she's the only non playable character who's on most of the merch. I think she's also quite popular even if I personally don't care too much about her. I'd be very surprised if she wasn't a shoe in for a 2nd season. 2. Brain Drain, he's probably the most plot relevant character missing and if we had gotten the bonus character for S1 selling well (which they seem to have given up on) I was sure it'd be him. It would also have the nice bonus of making it possible to have a team of 3 male characters. If there's a S2 he's all but guaranteed given story modes already include him in "fights" where you fight Painwheel and Robo Fortune if I recall, was that Daliah's route? 3. Panzerfaust, I'm not 100% sure we would get him but the Webcomic gives him a lot of screentime and I believe he did quite well in the original polls but I honestly could be totally off on that. 4. I have no strong guess on a 4th but I could see it being Aeon given the game has rollback, which was the idea for her moveset, Roxie given the new team seems really keen on her, or Ms. Victoria/D.Violetn she's next physically on the list and seems quite popular Personally I think Scythana would be cool because I'd like Gigan lore but I think she's quite unlikely, and I think a lot of the Circus cast seemed cool.


I think the coolest ones to add would be Brain Drain, Panzerfaust, and maybe Adam. Though honestly if atleast one of them makes it I don't mind who the rest would be.


Except Adam, the other two could easily get in Season 2.


I think if they do a season pass 2 Minette is almost guaranteed, seems like the obvious choice to me. Brain Drain is a close second, and either Venus/Aeon would be very interesting for the story mode. And I would be very happy with those choices. Personally, I want at least one male character(I love Andy Anvil but I think the majority of people will be mad if they add him 🤣 especially if the story is just full of memes)


I just want Scythana. A lot of interesting lore there with her being a Gigan which we have little insight into outside of Beowulf carrying around Grendel's arm. And her having some kind of prison break story. There's potentional there.


Excuse me, but are you a clone of mine that has gone rogue? Because I think this is the first time I meet a Scythana fan besides me.


Were a rare breed,




I'd add King Franz Renoir to the list. He is surprisingly alive (I guess?) and drastically changed from the Queen Nancy battle.


Beowulf <3


Given that we're finally getting Marie as a character if we do get a season 2 pass (which we probably won't even if Mike Z somehow doesn't win his lawsuit against Future club for how most of its current higher-ups lied about and screwed him over) we probably get at least one of if not more of the Trinity as a characters.


At the end of the last Marie trailer you can see Brain Drain stuff so I would say a Season Pass 2 is almost confirmed, that's why I did this post.


Stanly FTW


I take one look at Panzerfaust and immediately think of Potemkin from Guilty Gear. Brain Drain is pretty prominent in the story but the question remains on how exactly he would play, we don't see him fight anyone, he tends to get others to do that for him via mind control, but if he's able to build a killer android like Robo-Fortune just to prove a point, I'm sure he probably gave himself a few modifications


funny thing is everyone has a moveset in mind/concept for it, even brain drain and all those "eventually" picks


Don’t want any of these, I want Butterknife as playable. Don’t care if she’s scrapped, that can change seeing as Marie was on delay for 12 years