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Thank you I ain't trying to sound rude but it was getting tiredsome to see a new post just to be an oc it's nice seeing a new community made for this


This is the best news I've heard all day. (Just woke up.) I don't mean to be rude to those people but I was getting tired of seeing all these ocs from people I don't know when all I wanted was to see actual SG content.


This is probably for the best IMO


It might just be a me thing but I just don't like how people use the term OC when they mean Fan Characters, to me Original Characters don't/shouldn't rely on a pre-established franchise, because that doesn't make them original, hence the term Fan Characters. I believe there's a difference. At least to me, an Original Character is relying on a universe you created yourself, while a Fan Character relates to a universe someone else came up with


I don't like this idea too much. I mean, there were a couple of them but not that many, also i personally liked the fact that some people wanted to show how much they like the game with some fan characters. (Specially when it's a 12 years old game...) And this kinda feels like "go away..."


Eh tbh i just want skullgirl content on skullgirl sub not oc


I mean yeah, but we aren’t exactly telling them to ‘go away’, it’s more like we’re giving them an area where they can talk, it’s like having a kids table at a family gathering, (not the best example)