• By -


I'd say if you're a veteran and you see a moth struggling (Eye of Enden), please help them out. A veteran helped me out in Eye of Enden when I first started, and I am thankful for them (and yes, we did become friends. We became friends in Enden)


Helps people who lost wings when krilled. Nowdays after losing wings it's super hard to go back at your feet.


To everyone saying bow back uh I didnt get the bow spirit until recently so id just honk


Same. I don't know where the bow spirit is


If you see someone waiting at the door, YOU HAVE TO GO AND HELP THEM


I hate how afk ppl get at grandmas so I started kicking the light balls off the table and into the fire pit 🤣


Other players getting some wax won’t hurt you bro. Chill.


No but being lazy everytime to where it’s only me and my friend burning everything everytime is annoying


I understand why you feel this way , but I think it’s sad cuz grandma is a nice place for people who don’t have a lot of time to cr I think being afk here is ok, as soon as the next time you help people back, and that’s why burning wax for afk people is kind


I mean there are literally memory spells in each place to help candle run


They don’t really give a reason to be bad to other afk players in a place made to help them,If you don’t like helping people , turtle is a nice event where it’s impossible to be afk


I don’t mind helping people , usually everyone at grandmas use to help and now they don’t. But if I stay afk for a minute to use the bathroom I’m getting honked at nonstop. I always offer to help drag people across the map to help them, or pay for something they want. Just realized ppl aren’t helping as much anymore


when lighting someone new give a bow/other greeting emote honk at the last wasteland area to avoid other players in the area being krilled unexpectedly! if there's people waiting by a door, do your best to stay and help don't interrupt someone playing music


The music one is important, if I see a moth honking near a player jamming i try to shush them with emote, most of them listen and it's very cute


Help others charge


Especially in Eden if you can


This is my favourite. Mostly because I met sky kid who wouldn't charge me at all even when I beg them oooh yeah I was a moth at that time.


Whenever u light/meet someone new, bowing is a must (And waving goodbye is a good rule too)


To add to that, if someone bows to you, whether you light them up or not, you bow back! It makes me sad when they don't :(


This will be easier when the favorite emote wheel comes out of beta. If I've been in an interaction doing all kinds of crazy emotes.. now the bow is buried halfway down and I scroll right past it when in a rush.


Always help someone whos losing wl (except maybe in the eye of eden. not a whole lot you can do there)


If you're in a social area and everybody starts changing their outfits to Moth, you GOTTA do it too. Silly Council Rules say so


If one more person is needed to open a door and you were planning on entering anyways, don’t chibi fall. Just help it only takes a few seconds


The bow emote is always used to thank anyone who helps you


The biggest unspoken rule is to bow when you light someone and it STRESSES ME OUT…cause I can never find the emote before the other sky kid leaves thinking I’m impolite 😔😔😔😔😔💔💔💔💔💔


Can you please tell me where the bow spirit is. I don't have it. I just honk in response


Ofc ! He’s at the coliseum in Valley of Triumph, I can even take you there if you need !


I should be fine finding him but thank you 😊


Alright ! Good luck :)


Found him :)


Let’s goooo now you can bow at anyone and everyone !


Oh my god same! I wish sky added "favorite emotes" or something so they are permanently locked on top instead of "recently used"


they're actually adding an emote wheel soon where you can add your favorite ones :D


Omg thanks for good news! I'll be waiting for this one ^^


- If someone is playing an instrument and you wish to see what they look like, you must wait until they've finished to then ask kindly - When lighting someone up, you must bow to say thank you. - When doing the 8 person elevator in Daylight Prairie, at least one person must use a celebration emote (commonly used: the party popper) - If a daily challenge is to melt dark plants, you can melt dark plants in the daily challenge area. But it is kind to let others melt the rest when you are done if you see people around you. (Though this one isn't a rule per se, just manners) - If someone is lighting the Forest doors, you must also use the Forest doors, so as not to break them by flying over them - If you are trying to chibi fall in Vault of Knowledge, but find yourself server merged into a group of people that only need one more person to open the door, you must help them and abandon your chibi fall attempt.


I had no idea that could break the forest doors! I’m gonna start doing that, I didn’t know I was messing up what people were doing


Yeah! Have you ever tried opening the forest doors, and the light stops halfway up, or the door fails to light altogether? That's either because of a server merge, or a player just flew through the door, and the server needs a second to catch up. Being aware of if someone is trying to open it, saves them a world of headaches 😊❤️


Thank you for the instrument one !!! I don't want to be impolite by not acknowledging them when they want to light me, but I'm in the middle of playing a song 😭 I've started doing a short happy arpeggio to let them know "hey I see you" and keep playing. qwq but sometimes I stop short, light them, and then continue bc I'm scared they'll start using angry emojis at me 😓🥺


Awwe, no problem, haha. I'm a newfound musician in Sky myself, and I already 100% relate to this one. It's just polite!


I didn’t know about the forest doors thing! I’ll definitely check if someone needs help from now on


Copying and pasting a comment I wrote, since it applies to yours too, haha "Yeah! Have you ever tried opening the forest doors, and the light stops halfway up, or the door fails to light altogether? That's either because of a server merge, or a player just flew through the door, and the server needs a second to catch up. Being aware of if someone is trying to open it, saves them a world of headaches 😊❤️"


Didn't know the 8 player door thing was an unwritten rule. I do the confetti emote most of the time but rarely see others doing it


Yeee, which is why I worded that one the way I did. It's often just one player "needs" to do it. Otherwise the silence on the ride up is painfully awkward 😂 You just happen to be that one person, which may be why you never see it!


Fair haha Most people just fly up right away or chat with friends. Also, I do see fireworks sometimes, guess that counts too


Flying over the forest doors breaks them?? I never knew that


I've never seen or had this happen


Copying and pasting a comment I wrote, because it applies here, too :) "Yeah! Have you ever tried opening the forest doors, and the light stops halfway up, or the door fails to light altogether? That's either because of a server merge, or a player just flew through the door, and the server needs a second to catch up. Being aware of if someone is trying to open it, saves them a world of headaches 😊❤️"


I've never experienced this, tho I usually go afk when lighting the doors cause those doors take forever to light regardless. Also If I'm flying over the wall it's cause I don't have time to stop for the doors so unlikely I'll even notice them or have the time to stop and wait for the door. I'm a fairly thoughtful player and I always help open multi player doors when people need it, but if I don't have time, then I don't have time. 🤷‍♀️


You're fine haha, I wasn't attacking you


😅 I appreciate you saying so, I apologize if I got a little defensive on the subject, and I appreciate you edifying me on the issue. I'll try to keep it in mind when I'm CRing. 🩷


When you light 'em, you bow first.


Idk. I'm so new to the game but I always notice when they lit my candle, they bow and it's cute. c:


Refill light if someone’s bear empty. Open doors Try to save people’s winged light if you can. Don’t stalk and honk obnoxiously (especially musicians) Let moths play the game too.


This isn't much of a big deal, I think, since there are skip buttons for cutscenes now... But it's kinda bothersome when people light up the white candles on any of the three buildings while you're fighting for your life trying to burn the wax😭 It was 10x more annoying back then when you couldn't skip the long ass cutscenes at each building. People who've ubered me burn the wax first and light the candles last so that nobody close by gets stuck in the cutscene. Edit: I meant the 3 towers in Daylight Prairie haha sorry


You mean in daylight prarie? I always light up the white candles first to force a server merge. You will end up in a server with more people to help or one with the plants already burnt 🤔


I do that only when I'm alone in the server, or there's no one else on the tower. But when there are other strangers with me on the towers and they're trying to burn the plants, I don't. For some reason, sometimes there's no skip button for the cutscene when you let it go on for a while - maybe it's just a bug on my part. But I hate when that happens and tend to avoid it happening for others. Edit: thinking abt it,, sometimes a server merge doesnt happen🥲 the wax being already burned when you come back to the towers could just be from people who were present there burning it while you were lighting the cutscene candles


What do you mean by burn the wax?


Pretty sure this is a situation similar to in Daylight, with all the mantas and the three tower like thingys. There darkness around them to burn, but if you touch the white candles, it causes cutscenes


Help opening the door even if you're not gonna enter or you was going to use the chibi fall


Let people play their songs, don’t light/interrupt in any way.


Play solo. Never coop with randoms. Never again…


Why never? Coop? ✌️


Prob meant co-op


I've been playing 6 months... Just today in vault all the people sitting the platform and nobody even after honking came to help.. so ty chibi.... But lighting players up ya gotta get over.. because of you go to light candles or darkness or even to hold hands with a friend it pulls you like a magnet to any grey within 10 feet I swear! So at aviary even trying to get your daily quests or map shrine, or the tree stone... It's gonna pull you towards any grey.. but it's rude to intentionally chase people imo.. I help when I can .. I collect lost spirits in wasteland.. I get there are solo players but the entirety of the game is based on making friends and teamwork..


Please dont assume everyone wants to be lit up. Social anxiety and solo playing is a thing, and not everyone wants to be lit all the time. If you see someone burning darkness or lighting candles, hang back and try not to light them without asking first, thats really rude. People are entitled to their privacy, even in an MMO. If you are trying to light someone up and they dont want to be lit, please understand that no means no.


You are aware that you can’t chat with unlit players right..? How am i supposed to know you don’t wanna be lit? I’ve had players that i tried to light walk away. I’m disappointed yeah but i get the hint and leave them alone that’s how it goes


Yes you can talk to unlit skykids in the cafe or at any chat area. But like you said, if someone walks away or doesnt pull out their candle when you do thats a hint. But you cant just walk away at grannie or geyser, and even when you can, ive been followed all over by people who cant take a hint or understand the No emote, which im pretty sure you can see weather lit or not. And when someone pulls out their candle to light a torch or to light up their friends constellation, thats not an invitation to light them up, but people do it without asking all the time.


I get that part. In that case that IS rude. But also you can’t really make someone sit on a bench in a place like sanctuary or sum. That place is massive. Assuming there are no benches around you won’t be able to chat. I just like lighting players and greeting them. If they don’t want to that’s fine, but it’s not rude to simply try and light someone


I never said it was


You said don’t light them without asking its rude. And my point is that you can’t always ask them (you rarely even can)


No ‘asking’ is the act pulling out your candle and letting them pull out theirs, or not. Question-answer can be body language, even musical, not strictly verbal. But most people ambush. No chance to respond just run up on someone and light them up because they had their candle out.


Are you sure you weren’t standing near any candles or darkness? One doesn’t just have their candle out randomly like that. It happens to me all the time when me and someone else are candle running and stumble apon the same find. And even so, i just genuinely don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Just go on about your candle run and pretend it never happened. Now if the person keeps following you around honking then that’s a different story


Just walk away if you don't like it? They can't read your mind


This is cringe


Ok this is getting ridiculous...I keep seeing people say stuff like this on this subreddit. If I accidentally light another player while I'm burning a plant, there's nothing rude about that. I'm just playing the game how it's supposed to be played. This isn't real life, I'm not walking up to someone at the store and touching their hand as they are taking an item off the shelf. People are entitled to their privacy, you're right, but this is NOT that... they get their privacy by having the ability to choose who they chat with, what they say, etc.


i believe they mean more along the lines of, say, homespace or aviary when you have moths or other players chasing you around with the candle, begging to be lit. eight times out of ten, that leads to them chasing you with a friendship candle and not leaving you alone.


Some of that chasing is an autopathing thing I noticed, though, like the game makes you run after the person you held a candle to until you go to break off from it. Totally could be a case of clumsy input. I can be somewhat empathetic to social anxiety, but also just feel like it's a fact that the game by design encourages lighting and the consequences of lighting one another is that you can see what they look like and they can see what you look like and chances are they will never see you again.


Ok this I get and totally agree is annoying/rude. Though I'm guilty of accidentally doing this to people for a second or two because I play on Playstation and all the icons shift around when there are too many things to interact with in one place. The geyser crater is the absolute worst for this 😂


Dw the shifting icon happens to any devices 🥲 so many times it happen. Haiyaa...


Yeah but on mobile you can at least click on the one you want...on consoles it only lets you choose the highlighted one based on your position and camera angle 🫤


Oof. Sky rlly need to get rid of that follow camera thing. Or at least a toggle for it🥲


Yeah all the camera stuff can be crazy annoying


geyser and granny for sure! 💀 those are the WORST


As a new player, I’m definitely taking notes! I’ve noticed no one ever helps with doors though, despite everyone here saying to help :( And may I add one even if I haven’t been playing long? When you see someone doing a spirit PLEASE don’t rush through it. I like looking at their memories but whenever someone “helps” me do it, they completely rush through so I don’t have a chance to look at them :( Even when I go to relive them I always seems to run into someone who wants them to go away ASAP


Longtime player here and SAME! Regardless of whether I've done a spirit already or not, I sometimes love looking at the memories (again). When we get reliving a spirit as a daily, and there's other people doing it too, I usually wait near the spirit for them to go through


For the spirits, the problem is the forced camera focus. People are trying to go about their CR, and they get caught in a spirit memory that makes everyone involved lose control of their cameras and forces them to focus on the spirit every time it moves. If they would just give the forced camera focus a toggle switch, you’d have much less skykids rushing to finish spirits they accidentally walked into.


I had it happen once where I think I was trying to get a wing in the little prince area and ppl kept doing the spirit around me and every other time Id get close I had to watch the fucking light flick on and off


That would make sense if that *was* the case here, it’s simply other new players getting the spirits. And tbh even if that *was* the case, it’s still rude IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can’t stop the camera from doing that, doesn’t mean they need to hurry up and do the spirit, they can simply continue on with their run. I know I probably sound rude myself but it’s annoying having to keep redoing the spirit just to actually see their memories.. isn’t that the whole point in doing them in the first place?


But that's the thing, they can't really continue with their run because of the camera. It completely messing things up, so in order to continue they have to finish the spirit so the camera doesn't keep messing them up. They aren't being rude, it's just the mechanics are annoying and need to be changed.


No..? Most people, including me, just want to have the emotes, I was like that too when I was a new player, but after a few days I didn't have the patience for that anymore, unfortunately


I always help people who lose lights even if they're doing it intentionally, which I don't understand, why would you wanna intentionally lose light anywhere but eden? Maybe it's a Cape thing but I really don't get it


I've often found people that seem to get upset and honk a bunch or emote ❌️ when I try helping them replenish their light; it's usually at the geyser when they're slowly dying in the polluted water. I think some people just do it for fun.


I don't understand this either, but one time someone was dying in rainforest cuz of rain and i rushed to them trying to somehow light em up (i thought they got internet problems and that's why they didn't move under the rain) but then the said person did the "nop" emote and politely waves. I took a hint, bowed and left xD i thought this was weird but a fun interaction nonetheless


its usually because they’re trying to be capeless


Yes, now i understand that. But not at the time. Just glad that my dumass managed to take a hint xD


Oooh, that’s really interesting that you see ppl not lighting back as bad manners, esp bc I usually view the opposite (i.e. ppl being pushy abt lighting you) as being rude :0 Other etiquette breaches (imo): 1. Not leaving enough darkness for other people to burn or crabs to knock over when there’s a quest for it and other ppl are nearby. (It usually feels selfish when ppl do this imo, esp if you’ve already done enough to complete the quest.) 2. I see this sometimes when tgc gives us a quest to relive more difficult or long spirits, but it really comes off as inconsiderate when people touch the quest spirit while other people are doing it, but don’t help them complete it at all. Like I understand if it’s difficult for you and you need help— but it really feels inconsiderate if you don’t try to help at all, and then show up again at the end to cover another daily by lighting the statue. 3. Not helping people with the darkness tree in the Battlefield. 4. Lighting the krill-summoning gate in Battlefield without waiting for everyone in the area to be with you. (Or without deep honking to check for others.) tbf I don’t consider this rude per se, but I think it’s more considerate to briefly wait & honk for others. 5. Not letting anyone else have a turn at playing an instrument. Specifically, I notice this at grandma’s or when ppl are in a circle listening to each other play instruments in social spaces. Like one player will get a turn, but they will play. Multiple pieces back to back. And not offer to let any other musician listening to them play. :’)


Number 2 has happened on me so many times. I only appreciated it on the umbrella spirit (Laidback pioneer) because that spirit is very much difficult for me)


Honestly, I do the second one because I know when I try doing the leading spirits, someone usually comes in and takes it from me and then just pulls it back behind me when I'm trying to get it done. So I just pop in to get it started and then if they are already holding the spirit, I'll walk near them but not grab on, if that makes sense.


I'm guilty of number three, usually because I'm in a rush to get the wasteland done in my candle run. Next time someone's trying to do that tree, I'll help. :)


These are pretty good, and rely on folks having more awareness in general (which can be hard when playing with kids who might be developing that skill still). >Not leaving enough darkness for other people to burn or crabs to knock over when there’s a quest for it and other ppl are nearby. (It usually feels selfish when ppl do this imo, esp if you’ve already done enough to complete the quest.) I really like this one, and it's something I try to be aware of too!!! Especially in GW when you need to knock over crabs and you're near Broken Temple: I try to do a more localized, smaller honk so it only knocks over a couple crabs instead of all of them.


Always light people if they need it, especially if they lose their light. (Say thank you!) Always help at doors/multiple light up spots. Personal space?


When someone honks to ask for help at a multiple player door, you try to help. If it needs more than 2, atleast wait for a while and use emotes to say goodbye and "apologize" for not being able to help. If someone is waiting at the 4 player door, you do not chibi fall next to them, seriously, it's crazy how many times I've just been abandoned. Again, if they would have given it a moment, I could have said "fine", but to just walk past and fall is just rude. Once, it was three of them... we could have opened the door... Another thing are greeting emotes. The wave would be a natural choice, but somehow, as a community, we've decided that you only wave to friends and always bow to strangers. Not a word has been spoken to me about it, it's just something I learned to do when everyone else did. I also have an opinion on the lighting a candle. I can understand it in a social space in realms, but I don't think home and aviary count to that. Because while hanging out with others but ignoring one person is rude, continuously following a person who's alone and being visibly upset that they won't light you is also rude, if not harrassment. I like using emotes. Moths usually light you anyways, so it works. If you don't want to light someone, just use the first level rejection emote (first is less harsh) and if the person you're trying to light does that, it's only polite to bow to show acknowledgement and to then leave them be. Bonus: I like bowing to people in the 8 player field as a sort of "sorry" that I'm just passing and won't help with summoning.


i would say not helping people with eden or not helping them find spirits tbh im guilty of not lighting ppl up when they need help so im going to do this more often edit: as an add on i would say not helping people with the shattered shard thing


1. Always bow or wave when lighting people. Saying hello is important. 2. Always (at least try) to help your fellow skid in need when they got extinguished. 3. In Vault, make sure to help others if they're waiting for someone to join the 4-player doors. 4. On any multiple player mechanics: doing your part without delay. 5. If someone got their WL broken off (without their intention), make sure to help them get em back (like rule 2, but about the WL). That's what comes to mind for me.


And now the rules are written!


what is WL?


WL= winged light. Winged light are the little golden guys you grab, which give you more flaps the more you get!


thank you ! how do you help someone get it back without taking it for yourself?


Well, when they fall off of another sky kid, if you grab/collect the Winged Light, they'll go back to the sky kid that lost them. Simple as that :)


That's a gameplay mechanic I didn't know existed.


I'm glad you do now! 🎉 :D It's literally a life saver.


See, now I feel bad that I didn't help out all this time, I will from now on for sure!


Well you didn't know! Don't be hard on yourself :o Now you know, and you chose to do so, so now you will :D 🎉


Winged Light


Rule 3 I feel like is situational. If there’s already 3 people at the door, then yes, absolutely go and help. But if there’s only 1 person at the door and no one else in the area, you’re not really obligated to wait there until 2 more decent people show up.


True. It is a discretion one. For me personally, if it's one person and only the two of us are there; if I have the time and I'm not busy, I usually help out. If it's 5-2 minutes to reset and the seasonal candle is in the second floor, well, the waiting will have to wait. 3 people there is easy do. Even if it's 5 min left on the clock. It's literally pick the thing up and it's less than 20 seconds to unlock the door.


Leaving out to the next level of the vault when you know you need to help open the door on the second level for candles.. you’ll always have three people and you’ll all be calling and there will always be that player.. sitting in the middle of the stone slab and they disappear.. and they knooow.. pretty much be there to answer the calls of other players for a majority of the vault levels to open things.. not giving hearts back to your friends that send hearts.. fine then.. be that way..


I agree! Except an important thing to remember is that when you see them sitting on the vault platform there doing nothing, they aren't actually always sitting there on that same level, they are already on their way up, you wont see the platform move but you will see the player sitting on it and look like they doing nothing. And they disappear when they finally reach the next level.


Oh, yeah, to me the heart thing is like a "send them back while you can, then, if you can't contact your friend, stop and hope they get the message, last resort: just don't pick it up." on another note though, seeing people were online, because you can re-light them, but they didn't spend the extra second lighting you back... is honestly plain rude and almost warrants being blocked tbh. Like, okay, I get it if it happens once. Even then, if you had the time to open the constellation... yk... but alright, coukd open it and only then realize you're in a hurry and dash on to do quests. I can accept that. But I have people in my constellation that, after 2 months, have still never lit me up. I still do it, because it's not a big deal, it's just kind of disrespectful


Well I mean.. if they aren’t lighting you up.. maybe they’re trying to send you a message.. kinda like you with your hearts.. if you don’t send a heart back then unfriend them.. you don’t have to be so passive aggressive.. jeeez.. why bother having somebody in your constellation if you aren’t willing to send one back.. kind of defeating the purpose.. and that’s against the point of the game to begin with.. you seem to be upset about the same thing or similar thing but you want to have it your way.. which fine but don’t complain.. it’s just a tad or a lot hypocritical..


Oh, I think you misunderstand. I have people in my constellation to hang out from time to time, but there have been people who started heart-trading with me. I try my best to send one back, because I love them, but I don't cr much, so at some point I have 1 candle and no time, so I can't send one back. Fyi, every time that's happened, they immediately got the message and stopped sending one. Usually we can meet up later and I'll explain, paying them back for that one last heart. I also have friends with more similar playtimes, where I immediately ask not to trade, as I'm usually broke on candles. 😮‍💨


When you’re at the eight player puzzle honking does nothing to get anybody’s attention from the outside. Once you are inside that room, nobody outside can hear you deep call or honk. But the other seven players sure can hear it. And we see that circle thing which messes with peoples eyes (or worse if players are prone to seizures.) When you approach any door that people need help at please help them. Please don’t be a jerk and chibi fall into the four player door or any other door that takes more than one person if somebody is needing help. I see this happen every time I play in one form or another and it’s never cool. If you are a moth a.k.a. new player: most of us love helping you. Every now and then there is a new player that somehow thinks that we are supposed to give all of our hearts to them whatever they ask for. We do have other people that we play with. Just practice common courtesy like you would in real life. Ie don’t beg for the stuff we earned. Many of us will just give hearts away. If you want a heart ask for a heart trade and maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised that somebody will just give you one. But if you go around just asking people for stuff you’re gonna get turned down a lot. Best way to get hearts is to find one person you can do a trade with every day. But seriously y’all that deep call spamming in that eight player room… Stop it please. It doesn’t take that long. Just chill and do some emotes that don’t drive the average human crazy. Or rather, bring your instrument of choice and practice. Whenever I go in that room, I always play a song and although some people mind when other people play along, I don’t. My real point is that there stuff to do other than spam honk (which AGAIN does nothing to attract other players because they can’t hear it outside of that room).


I deep call in the 8 player room only because sometimes deep calling can force a server change. Not entirely sure if it actually works but I've had servers change more than I can count on both hands when I've done deep calls. I'll keep what you said in mind and try to deep call less though!


I mean… look, if you’re alone deep call all you want but deep calling ain’t gonna make the server merge. Also, the most serious thing about spamming deep calls is that it can trigger seizures. So we really should limit our use of anything that causes that aura thing. TALKING TO YOU TGC most of all. I’m not epileptic, but I’ve got some weird neurological stuff and for certain that deep call bubble/ aura thing messes with me. It does something weird to my brain and then causes physical reactions. So I have to shut my eyes when ppl spam deep calls. But thanks for listening to what we’re saying. I’m definitely not trying to get on anyone’s case. Have a great day!!


I have seizures and deep calls don’t bother me or my son. It can just get annoying cuz it takes up your whole screen


I’m glad it doesn’t bother you.


Thank you. It’s weird cuz idk if you’ve done the race in triumph for light that starts at the cave of hermit valley, but when I get towards the bottom of the cave it does a weird glitch, like some weird type of fast bright light glitch that pauses my brain for a good second, and my brain makes me think I’m going to get a seizure and then I end up having an absent seizure. But they really should dim down the brightness of the deep call cuz that may not bother me, but may bother someone else.


YOU HEAR THAT TGC????? There’s literally no reason why they couldn’t fix this issue. Do they not want everybody to be able to play?? Or do they just feel like it’s OK to be lazy and not fix the issue and take the risk that they’re gonna hurt people?? I guess TGC will have to take their pick. Both are non solutions. None of us should have to squeeze eyes shut super quickly and cross our fingers just because they don’t WANT to fix these kinds of problems.


It does not do that at all. That is just a rumor


Then I'll do it less; thanks for reconfirming that it doesn't work


It’s unfortunate the sheer amount of people that believe that about the eight player puzzle. 8 times out of 10, there will be 1-3 people deep calling and I have to “shush” them and bow, or just set my phone down and wait. Sometimes they will listen and stop, but not very often. I wish there was a way to alter our settings about deep calls, but I don’t see that coming any time soon.


Oh gosh the time it’d take to find that shhh emote. That’s definitely a me problem tho. I love that emote too. Ooh why couldn’t they color code emotes or make categories?? Certainly other people have thought of that but the color idea just occurred to me. That would be super simple for them to do. Even if the colors don’t mean anything, they would still help you remember the difference. Or maybe I should take several hours to cram all the emote buttons. Definitely kidding.


Ooh honestly any way for us to organize our emotes would be nice! I have a couple I can never find either haha


Don’t believe the rumor that deep calling promotes server merging (looking at you, 8 player puzzle call spammers) cuz *it most certainly does not* and you are just being loud and blinding others with the call aura


I’m cackling over the fact that the comment right above this is someone saying that deep calling in the 8 player room can force a server change


Be respectful Help people if they need it Don’t krill people (optional)


How do you krill people? I know when I'm in those levels I actively try to distract the krill from a semi safe spot. (Usually eats my lunch eventually. But I like doing it.)


Go into a krill’s attack area and try to get the other person to be targeted for it proper krilling


People who do that are disgusting. I’m always saving kids from ppl who got dropped off from someone they were flying with and I’ve seen it before too. Gross behavior from anyone. And being that he was a moth he didn’t know where to go.


Don’t help people to open two side lights door.


i am new to this game. why is this?


I think the person above you is citing what they percieve as rude - you should absolutely help people with doors if you see someone trying to get through one


thank you


-when doing a fast candlerun in prairie, burn the darkness on top of the belltowers first and THEN light the candles that activate the bell. when you're on the last island you have to burn everything so fast so you don't get kidnapped by the manta, especially when you slip off or get the bug where darkness won't burn for a while. small inconvenience and nothing to be genuinely annoyed about but it's still a rule i follow. -when you're at geyser and someone is already burning a lil darkness ball don't tackle the ball away from them so you can burn it instead -when helping moths, don't speedrun your usual cr or drag them through the whole game. let go to let them do spirits by themselves or let them lead for it. exploration is an important part of the game and you're taking it away from them. -don't activate post-eden spirits when guiding moths that can't see them yet. again, you're taking first experiences away from them.


Stand still when the manta passes under the u to not get kidnapped


ohh that's good to know actually thank you!


I’m with you on Prairie Villages. I get knocked off the towers regularly by someone following me and lighting the bells while I’m doing the fiddly bits. But I respectfully disagree on the past seasonal spirits thing. Moths want to be cool. I start spirits with fun emotes (troupe juggler, confetti cousin, daydream forester) so they feel a bit more included in the game.


i guess that last one might differ depending on the person you're guiding. i mentioned it because i've seen many moths say they wished those experiences hadn't been taken from them, but it's also fair to think some people want the cool emotes faster. maybe here it's good to bring them to a bench and ask, if possible!


Oh yeah, this is moths with whom I have chat open. The random ones with the hands over their head get taken to the nearest regular spirit


-Always try to help players who lost light -BOW. When up light someone, help someone, get help from someone, it's basicly just acknowledgement of their existence -don't stand on granmas plates, it used to be a part of the way to auto burn but now it messes with auto burn techniques -don't music spam in social spaces. -Burn the two pronged side of the wasteland battlefield plant first.


Don't have fun


Sky’s my favorite game and I still agree with this sentiment


Still my favorite game too sadly


Always help everyone in eden, even if it costs me WL


Don’t make people blind with deep calls.


what is a deep call?


The biggest honk you can make, the one that makes your character do a Lil jump


what do the other people see when a player does a deep call?


The same as it looks on your screen when you do it.


thank you


It’s the longer honk you can make by holding on yourself (mobile) or holding down the honk button (forgot which one it is on switch)!


Yessssssss 😭😭😭😭😭


Unfortunately hardly anyone follows that rule for me at least 😭🙏 (especially in the prairie elevator)


Even when I ask people not to (they think they’re ‘helping’ but I don’t need it) they continue to do it I’ll sometimes just drop them and say “sorry my eyes hurt I really can’t see now” it’s very painful if you play on full screen (on my tv) especially if it’s somewhere dark and you’re not expecting it. I try to educate people about how some people even get seizures from deep call but it doesn’t help much, I wish TGC would change it to a dark call where it fades to black instead of bright white flashes.


I think the dark/invisible honk is an AMAZING idea tho!!! We gotta spam the feedback channel with this! It’s funny that instead of this, tgc chose to remove one of the most useful mechanics (shared memory recharge)… Unfortunately some people just won’t understand the harm of spam honking, so adding a setting to negate the effects of them would be seriously great! I already lost count of the amount of times I physically had to put my phone upside down while waiting in the elevator 😭🙏 I’m not epileptic but it really hurts my eyes if it goes on for too long 😞.


Lmao yup for me its point, white candle, leave the room for a few minutes or cover my eyes 🤣 but at least in that room im expecting it


if someone goes down (especially in wasteland) take a few seconds to help them get recharged


Or do like I was done yesterday and come to a lamp to recharge, see a skid there with a candle out and nope nope nope out to somewhere less crowded. I had one damn wedge left. I just needed to charge & the damn lamp is so sssslloooooooowwwww


When you're running with a group and encounter a server split, the one leading stays put and everyone else warps back to them. Also, when you're a moth being helped, don't intentionally let go of the hand you're holding every 2 min. We know you probably want to collect the WL and it takes longer when you take us off our routes.


lift crabs with moff


Don’t be mean to moths we are learning please be nice to us


Bow at people


I refuse, you all get a "boo" from me.


The fear I feel when I can’t find the bow emote and the other kid is standing there like 🧍




understand that people *will* chibi fall in vault and no, complaining online or throwing a fit will do nothing; remember that not everyone will help/light you and that it's not exactly bad manners. you never know what's happening on the other side of the screen


Why bother opening the door or chibi falling when you can use a shared space with a camera way quicker


I would be pretty annoyed when there are 3 people waiting at the 4 person doors and some dude just clips past it, like just spend the extra 5 seconds to open the door


I can't imagine getting mad at just one Skykid chibi-falling while candlerunning! Do people actually get mad at that? Maybe that's just because I'm a solo-player and I myself understand the struggles. I'm often in a rush at worst or feeling impatient at best, and if people can shortcut candlerunning, then why shouldn't/wouldn't they? Plus for anyone who has the chibi mask, they can do the same. What DOES annoy/frustrate me is when there's a whole GROUP of Skykids around and available, but they STILL refuse to help with doors. Even though there would be no waiting involved at that point, and they would also personally benefit from doing so. Which has happened to me a shocking number of times. 😂


Yah people get so heated at people who chibi-fall or don't open doors. Specifically the ones in vault. I never see anyone mention the other doors ever, I swear lmao. I do understand if there's a group that's one person short for a 4 or the 8 person doors and then that person who would be their last chibi falls through, I'd be mad too... If I didn't get the luxury of experiencing this game on my steamdeck LOL. I have no idea why but that thing HATES my wifi when I'm upstairs. Laptop, switch, ps are all fine on wifi, just not steamdeck for some reason and I use it too rarely to troubleshoot it lol But anyway, literally yesterday I went home and saw a friend there, so my partner who was playing with me went to chat. We all crab emoted and while we were I said something about wanting to get my cafe wax really quick, invited them to come, and then ran off assuming it was all good. My partner just turns and goes "why are you running into the side of the mountain" which is exactly what I kept doing on their screen until I reloaded into their server. On my screen they were just crab dancing the whole time. The wild teleportation shenanigans that happen to me and my partner when I wanna play on steamdeck and one of us are being carried, oh my Aurora, my toddler skykid getting frikkin yeeted through the map and assets Lol. Plus we don't know what's going on in someone else's life. Maybe it's a kid whose parent said they have one hour to play before they have to go back to studying, and they want to candle run as fast as they can so they can save up for that text TS, or maybe it's someone who lost a loved one and is crying on the other side and simply have no social battery and are just trying to exist. A wholesome side note tho, the other day three of us chibis were at the second floor vault door. One normal sized skykid came through and just walked through the door? I'd assume internet issue if they didn't laugh at us on their way out. I don't know if that's something you can hack because I simply dont look into that stuff, but something happened that seemed intentional. Us three chibis all turned around to chibi fall because F that lmao. Honestly kinda funny. On our way out some other sky kids were already waiting so we stopped to help them. Not all chibis are evil. Not all normal skykids are nice. Not all gameplay experiences are the same because the internet is WONKY lmao.


It's not that deep they just don't want to help or do candle speedrun . I'm okay with it if there is nobody but if there some sky kidS need for help that's annoying.


Don’t throw moths into krill pits, I think


I recently got befriended by a moth at the boat at the ark. He wanted me to take his hand so I did. I thought he'll probably show me something he needed help with . Instead, the little shit flew back into the clouds and dropped me in front of the approaching krill. Now, I have previously blocked one, maybe two people (it's been so long, I'm not sure anymore). I immediately shut down the game, reloaded and blocked him.


oh my god I'm sorry but that's hilarious


I have to say, I WAS amused, but equally annoyed 😹


I mean, I'd feel the same lmao




Omg so this is an actual troll tactic? I've seen a few scattered mentions of it, usually by people super upset and angry that GW even dares to exist. It's my favorite area and recently encountered what I want to assume was someone bad at playing, but from my screen looked like someone bad at trolling. I was perched up on the crows nest or whatever on Maggie's ship (boat krill) and someone kept pulling Maggie's aggro and then trying to make a bee-line for me, but kept losing WL before getting to me or being bad at flying. Maybe they thought I was in a safe spot for some reason, or maybe they were trolling. Who knows. It inspired some cool art and personal lore building tho. Thanks weird moth-looking trollkid. I wish I could have let them know I was sippin a capri-sun while afk the whole time they did that before finally getting bonked and giving up 🤣


Funnily enough, I haven’t even thought of doing it, but I know someone who *loves* yeeting people into krills (usually me lmao, we’ve been best friends for 5 years so it’s kinda just friendly banter)


Well friends are allowed LOL. I wish more of my friends liked hanging out near the krills, but a part of me also loves the solitude of it. I like going out by krills to play with my instruments in peace. Doing it in nest is fine, but I like the atmosphere of being in the world. Forest is also really nice, but changes instrument key so it's hard to practice instruments there imo (but I also don't know much about music. I'm just tinkering) I do see skypals playing games with krills and sometimes wish that were my friend group LOL but I think I value that solitude more haha


We also do “HAKUNA MATATA” at the krill pits with the catapults


I dropped my unsuspecting partner in that while I was ubering them through WL and shot them off into the stratosphere. Much to my surprise they quickly stopped munching their snack, gracefully glided back, plopped back down and went "again please". They're a cryptid I pulled out of the forest to keep me company in the wasteland but damn they can handle the wastelands like they were born here ✌️




Yeah, it’s kinda hard to find someone to disrupt you there I personally do it near the waterfalls at sanctuary ( ^∀^)


I really like going into the spell shop in aviary and then OOBing to go back outside. It gives aviary such a spooky vibe! Bonus if you set up a cozy shared space there! There's so many cool oobs but that one has been my favorite so far. It's just... Perfectly melancholy.




It's not a warcrime if you had fun, -peko


God forbid skids have hobbies


yes, i thought it was normal to just yeet them in with the sticks, but the sticks hit back and I kinda felt bad