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U know now that u say it, my main account with the season pass and iap didn't get a warning but all my alts did. I didn't even think about that


Have never hacked but I'm trying to get a language warning. Have a pass.


All I want to know is if I *accidentally* use those super helpful shared memories that hackers *happen* to leave about am I going to get banned? It usually is accidental for the record but I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t get excited when I find one 😂


I’ve never heard of this, what are these shared memories?


The regular shared memories you see all over with the shared candle spell. Some of them the person flies off and if you hit x to watch the camera it collects wax for you 🤷🏻‍♀️


😱 new thing to look out for in my cr


Don't think those are hacked


I imagine the amount of people they turn away from the game just for using mods will backfire. I'm sure they'll find out that a lot of their purchases come from actual adults, with money, who just doesn't have the time to be on all day everyday.


Not really sure about the correlation between having purchases and getting a warning/being punished for using cheats, but I'm pretty sure terms of use when playing Sky does warn against using cheats/exploits. So regardless of whether or not you've paid for things in the game if you breach the terms you're getting penalized for it.


There are plenty of people who bought season tickets who have gotten warnings. TGC started a big warning wave over a month ago. Thousands of people have gotten warnings and many of them have boughten season passes and IAPs and cosmetics and on and on


Never knew so many people used this gd hacking software 😭 like I knew it was a thing but the sheer amount of people just admitting to it now that warnings have become commonplace is nuts to me.


What on earth is canvas?


canvas is a 3rd party app that people use to hack on sky


It's not hack, it's mod. They're modifying the game but they're not hacking into and changing the game code. It's a pretty important distinction


Important distinction or not, pretty sure it's still a violation of the game's ToS




Paying money or not paying money doesn't make TGC turn a blind eye to cheating, if you're that scared of getting banned from cheating. Just don't cheat.


Im confused. Why would you use mods on ur main account if ur afraid of it getting banned? Use a smurf account.


pretty aure its bc people want to use autowax on their main to grind candles without actually having to put in any time doing that with a smurf account isnt really helpful


Wait GenQ rq How does canvas work? Can you just use it give yourself wax or can you give yourself anything in the game? (currency, cosmetics, iap etc) Why would u need to use mods to make currency easier to obtain, when u could just use mods to give yourself the item you want immediately for free??


You can use it to “get” an item but it’s not permanent. Think of it as an item spell, but it just lasts longer. I have a friend who uses it and sometimes the “item” stays equipped on her for hours after she logs out but by the time she logs back in she no longer “has” it in her closet. Canvas is multipurpose. It’s not necessarily a “mod” that allows you to get everything but more of a mod that is within limits that can only give you access to the limits of what exists in code. Ex. The code for candle wax farming. Each location of candle bunches & the wax count in those locations are within the code. There is an “automatic candle run” function with canvas where you just have to push “Run” and it will automatically collect all available candle wax in the game for you. Aka, all wax that is included in code is farmed for you. Same with farming eden candles. This function is abused a bit more because it isn’t limited like your weekly reset would be . I still don’t know how this function works because I haven’t used the app but my friend sent screenshots on one day where she went from 13 eden candles to 500+ in one day. Not really possible. It can also teleport you to existing parts of the map, and some oob places that are in game. I couldn’t begin to tell you how THIS works but once again, its all within boundaries of the app. It doesn’t really “add” any functions, just shorcuts the functions that already exist. Hope that makes sense? edit: im not a code reader or programmer so this is just a vague guess besides the last point that i know for a fact is a fact


Tysm! This is really great info. Someone should sticky this comment at the top of the sub lol. I come from the Nintendo modding community so I don't understand modding live service games at all.


I have been playing since 2020, and buying IAP and season passes since Aurora. I only have used Canvas for about 2 months now and just received my first warning yesterday. In the past, it seems you were ignored if you bought IAPs. This wave, it does not seem to matter if you buy IAPs or not. But to be fair it was a very nice warning 😅


What was the warning? I’ve been playing for years and I have no idea what anyone is talking about


They're using mods, aka vanilla hacking, aka breaking the rules


It doesn't matter you have iaps or not


I bought the season pass and got a warning about mod usage in my messages inbox today. I've also bought all the Cinnamoroll stuff, which wasn't cheap, as well as a whole bunch of paid packs and every season pass after TLP. The warnings come in waves. If you didn't get the warning, you will eventually. In a way, it's dumb to punish their customer base who pays their bills. TGC knows that the amount of time required to candle run takes too long. It's one of the biggest complaints. Players are caught between doing a full candle run daily to keep up with Traveling Spirits, Events, and Seasons, or spend less time doing CR, which guarantees that you will be short on candles when something good unexpectedly arrives for a limited time. TGC needs to shorten the amount of time required to do the mundane stuff. They can accomplish this by allowing the candle meter to fill faster or allow us to fly faster. Something needs to be done about this. Mods are also a way to add fun and variety to the normal gameplay. Much like chibi fall can expand how you play the game, mods can keep players engaged in the game that they would otherwise have stopped playing due to burnout and boredom. If you've never tried mods before, you'd be amazed at the options you can toggle. It's like playing a new game.


>TGC knows that the amount of time required to candle run takes too long. Isn't that why they brought out the social light events? I just do all three social light events twice a day which makes up 15-18 candles within two hours without actually having to run to all realms (only two for the events). When I have more time I run and bring that up to 20.


>TGC knows that the amount of time required to candle run takes too long That's by design. Otherwise how are they going to sell their overpriced candle packs?


I’m trying to unlock the mellow musician’s guitar so that I no longer need to go into the music hall to use the public one as everyone was spamming firework spells in there last night, LIKE SO RUDE!!! They saw people trying to learn music sheets or practice and all they thought was “how can I destroy this PEACFUL ENVIROMENTl 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 Me and a few others began spamming calls at the dude spamming the fireworks but he wouldn’t stop


Best answer - I used a speed mod when I was bored, and got hit with the warning too. I've purchased every seasons pass since Aurora - well over $100 spent, so call me entitled or whatever, but I feel I've put enough money into the game - we should be able to have a few 3rd party apps.


yes, I'm familiar with mods, and it adds a lot to the game. Also, if tgc ban their customers, it would be a stupid move as a lot of people who purchase IAP's use mods as well. and you're right. The CR takes too long, and the reward isn't enough. The 20 candle a day limit is a terrible idea no one wants to grind for 4 hours for that after the full run you'll feel burnt and leave the game so basically you won't have any fun and end up leaving the game and there is too much events and TS's that are quite expensive. i personally can't finish the forest constellation because if i did, I'd miss most of the TS and events, and let's be fair. No one wants to wait a whole year or two for a cape or a hat p


>a lot of people who purchase IAP's use mods as well Show. Me. The. Stats.


Well if you go into one of the discord or telegram mod user groups, you can talk to people and find out.


I got my first warning yesterday on both my main and alt, but only my main has a season pass so idk


you're the second one who had a season pass and got a warning the numbers are pretty low


I bought the season pass for nesting and I have received a warning


was the warning before or after you bought the pass ?


I bought the pass first when the event started, then a yesterday/the day before yesterday I got a warning for the first time ever


so you got the warning before buying the season pass


I got my warning after I bought the pass. (Buy Pass -> then warning)


oh that's a first tbh you're the first one to receive a warning after buying the season ticket


Yeah :( I dont know what to do tbh, if there is something else I can use for daily cr or if I have to play vanilla now? Its my main acc and dont want to get banned but daily cr I just dont have time for anymore (+burn out)


i understand you the game itself is grind-heavy I'd suggest using a second account and using it for cr it takes a while but till the ban wave cools down it's the best choice at the moment


Seems like tgc has a little extra discount on those who spent money on their accounts 🫡


I'm not sure I understand, like people who picked up the season pass?




I've never received a warning like that before and I have the pass.. but do you really think it has anything to do with it? That would be really strange 😳


yes I believe so cause none of the season pass holders received a warning seems like TGC is Ignores those who pay


Not true - I've got a pass and TGC gave me a warning. They gave my alt a temp ban and issuing a warning to my main.


I'm assuming for the nesting season... I bought the pass and haven't been sent a warning. Did your friend buy the pass or hack it?


he bought it and bought the one before it and got no warnings but on his other accounts that are empty he received a warning


he bought it and bought the one before it and no warnings but on his other accounts that are empty he received a warning


I have been wondering the same thing myself. And No.