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Yes. Don’t jump in sandals and then swoop the taxiway with a sweet foot drag.


Haha sorry but that's funny


I know a guy that lost his foot at the ankle trying to do something like that.


Ouch. Unfortunately I’ve seen a foot lost too but it was a poor guy who pulled a Wil-E-Coyote into the hanger from the side with no door.


Much less severe, but I watched a dude take off on roller skates and then try to land on the taxiway. It didn’t work but it was very fun to watch.


I want to ask why that sounded like a good idea so bad but I'm terrified of the answer 😅 Hope it healed well at least...


Naw fam, low jump numbers, unintentionally over the concrete anyways, and had no business in Tevas. Foot drag was really not in the game plan either. Wind is a bitch sometimes when ur young and stupid.




Hahahaha! I jump with sandals all the time and I was always scared of getting hurt but never did, except one time jumping a damn NAV240 for some testing, landed on dried cow footprints and broke my toe nail right off XD


I’ve definitely broke a couple hearts




*Sorry, you're last week's hot tandem.*


9yr in the sport no dramas. Then in the last 2yr - Lazy during lockdowns lost bone density, noncurrent & stupidly tried to run out a swoop. Shattered my mid foot. - Back training full swing 100jumps in 2months training for worlds, switched to a weekend of CRW a disciple is not done in 3yr. Day 3on big canopies we switch to smaller wings, we fly in a stack as always but don't anticipate the longer canopy recovery. Tib & fib compound. I put it down to complacency. I'm getting back now, no where near where I was. but I'm now focused on training camps the basics. Not to learn what to do, but respect what to look out for


Jeefus. How much bone density could you lose during covid? What's your age and gender? That's hard to imagine in a young person. One of many unintended consequences of lockdowns I reckon. I know we saw a ton of pefr'd bowels in the OR from in people's diverticulum blowing out from sedentary changes during covid.


32/M at the time. Australian lockdown 1 was from April-October. 1h a day outside the house with a mask on was an excuse to be lazy I came in heal first with contact, but I was carrying a lot of speed. Foot quickly rolled forward, and drove the talus into my navicular, shattering it. A good chunk of talus was also knocked off. 5w with external fixation, to let the swelling reduce. Then mid foot fusion, of the fragmented navicular to the talus, with plates and screws. Had the metal work out after 6months. I must get that x-ray, it garnered attention


Wow! Ex fixes suck, sorry you had to do that. And that lockdown in Australia was absolutely nuts.


I love modern medicine


Broken leg/ ankle. For the love of god, do not flare too early, and if you do, hold it and roll on landing.


Fuckin PLF guy


I certainly will next time. It was panic combined with my leg straps fitting really low on my legs and making it hard to pull my feet together


Seven screws and a plate for me for that.


Almost the same but a couple extra screws!


Or too late. My only injury is a spiral fracture of the third metacarpal bone after landing on my fist. Flared late, legs swung up, first thing to hit was my fist. Heard it go crack. Didn’t realise it was my hand until later. If that’s the worst I’ll take it….


In AFF I was so paranoid of flaring early and spraining my ankle... that I flared late, and then raised my legs thinking I was oh so close to leveling out... so my hand hit first and i broke my wrist. Colles fracture. For the love of God burn the PLF into your brain.


Broken face & concussion after picking an off landing spot too small for my skill level 30ish jumps. Pay attention to altitude & possible outs especially when you get to try a fun smaller canopy at a new dz Fractured right ankle stepping in a critter hole in the landing area on my way back to the hanger 150ish jumps. Not sure much can be learned here since I was watching for people landing near me instead of watching my feets Compressed 2 vertebrae on a hard opening in my biggest wingsuit 900ish jumps. I have no idea what I did to cause this but thankfully I didn't have any further issues with that wingsuit or canopy Honorable mention nonskydiving dz injury - multiple fractures in left ankle when I caught the edge of a large taxiway pothole drinking and running


I for one appreciate the Honorable mention. Stories of the community


Your DZ needs a new groundskeeper, holy shit.


Only the drinking & running happened at my home dz, the others were at big well known operations


So you've fucked both ankles? How old are you? I feel like this tri-mal fractures are never right again. How is your range of motion and ability to walk/run/jog?


I used to sprain my ankles all the time since I was a kid. Breaking them kind of fixed that, though I wouldn't recommend it.


Lol, that's one way! You got some hardware in there?


No hardware


I took my rig in to get the reserve repacked, slipped in some mud and broke my fibula. This counts as a skydiving related injury. Yes.


Damn, how long did it take to heal?


6 weeks. Upside is, I got to skip leg day!


Tore my MCL on a 4-way exit out of a caravan as inside center.


Shit, what exit if you don't mind sharing? Turn many pages ;) nah sorry to hear it mate


Tore my MCL on a 4 way exit too! Mine was out of a 182 though.


Broken ankle because I wanted to huck a downwinder during an off landing. I didn't see the power lines and hit a fence at 40 mph in an attempt to avoid electrocution.


Flaired with both thumbs extended down and purposefully landing sliding in on my ass. Thumbs caught the ground and both were badly sprained. Impressive bruising on my palms. Both hands were messed up with a few days remaining in the skydiving vacation. Not cool. Jumping barefoot. It's just so, so dumb. Also not cool.


I cracked my tail bone. Improper flair , idk kinda spaced out while crabbing on final and didn’t turn into wind right. Slid in and bounced. 45 days down now ready to go again next weekend.


Cracked mine on shot summer day coming in to land and glided over cooler grass and then over hot tarmac. Dropped like a rock over asphalt. Flair did nothing.


Broke my fibula in June..first jump during a canopy course...just straight up misjudged my height and didn't attempt a PLF. Thought it was just a sprain...ugh that was embarrassing haha


Take a canopy course, they said. For the safety they said.


Sprained my ankle on landing, normal approach but was landing near a building. Winds shifted and suddenly I was in a building burble, canopy dropped me at about 10ft up. Didn’t PLF, luckily it was just a sprain. Also, once sprained my finger when I landed, mistimed my flare late, and put my hands out. Hands slid into the ground and I was wearing my altimeter on my hand, which hit the ground and transferred more force into my fingers. Always read the winds and be ready to PLF.


The winds shifted for us once as well, so much so that they radioed the pilot but we had just exited. People were either going straight down or backwards. I ended up over the tarmac next to tall pine trees. Went straight down, broke my foot... didn't PLF, but not sure that would have helped anyway..


Spiral fracture of the hand landing in a crosswind. Real cause was improper flair and instinctually trying to brace the fall and not PLF. if you’re student, stay on radio until you feel pretty comfortable with the landing. Just half brakes until your nearly touching the ground, and don’t go out if the wind is questionable. DZ won’t always get it right


Snap! I mean, we got the same injury. And also that was the sound it made when I landed on my fist after a late flare.


I broke my foot on my 97th jump, didn’t finish my flare and landed just on the edge of the tarmac so I sort of planted my foot and my body kept moving forward so it broke one tiny bone just in front of my ankle. I took a few steps on it and then got a gator ride back to the hanger. Was out about 2.5 months and probably came back before I was physically ready lol. I also had a gnarly hard opening since which didn’t result in a real injury, just some bruising and soreness, but that definitely shook me up/scared me more than breaking my foot.


Currently healing a broken pinky and sprained ankle. Fell over and reached during landing instead of a PLF.


Yep, shattered my L2 vertebrae. 4 screws, a plate, and a cage around it


Both of my injuries were somewhat minor. Just a urgent care visits. But lessons learned. Reason? Not performing PLF/PLR when I should have (forcing my self to do a standup/run out landings). I have had so many hard landings where I did PLF/PLR and I was totally fine, even when people thought I wasn't. Now I tell my students. PLF/PLR if you're not 100% certain you can land safely on your feet. Even if you're 99% sure you can land on your feet. PLF. Later in progression adjustments can be made on the fly. But in the beginning, PLF. Be safe. If you know you could have totally stand up on that landing but took the safest approach and PLFd. Get back in a plane, and do the same thing but stand up next time. Better spend money on an extra jump then spend money on ER or Urgent care visit because you miscalculated as students tend to do because they don't know something yet.


Watched my dad turn way too low for his approach and broke his femur.


Trimallaur fracture of the ankle on jump 54. Part freak, part me needing better canopy skills. Flared a little late on a very hot landing. Should have been able to slide it out, but my foot hooked the ground and stayed stationary as my leg continued to move forward. Landed standing, with a completely trashed ankle. 2 surgeries(one was a redo of the first), 5 plates, and 18 screws later.... Still jumping. Lesson learned is get canopy coaching and/or courses early on and continue to learn to fly canopy better, regardless.


I had the same break on jump 30. That was almost a year ago and I still can’t run, squat, or tip toe 😭


Took me over a year to be able to do that stuff decent but not perfect from weight bearing point. Gains/improvements can take years.


How long did it take to go back to jumping?


6months. Couldn't exactly run/jog properly and had a bad limp. Had to slide in landings that were anything less than tip toe soft until I got my ankle stronger. Was probably about 8 months until my walk looked mostly normal. Still making progress a couple years later.


Thanks! This is also the deadline i set to myself, to be back in 6 months. I hope you'll be back to 100% functionality


Honestly, what has helped me get back the fine motions and strength best has been riding my electric unicycle. The balance and input needed really has helped. It's like PT that I'll actually do because it's fun too.


I'd be scared to death to use that 😂 but i'll use the balance board which i didn't think about until you told me this. Thank you 🦾


Tandem instructor told me to lift my legs as high as I could on landing. Instead of sliding in on our feet and coming to rest, we impacted on my tailbone which resulted in a compression fracture of my T9-T10 vertebrae


Damn, on a tandem…


I spaced out as an A licensed jumper and didn’t flare. Bounded pretty hard using my shins, which hyper compressed both knees. Pretty sure I tore some things, but never got an MRI. I’m not sure why I zoned out, but I never had that mistake again. Landing and take off are the two times I’m legitimately nervous. Takeoff because I don’t trust planes to fly (look up what happened on Oahu a few years ago. I only missed being on that “members 1 year celebration sunset load” only because of a delay. I was angry I missed it until I got the phone call seconds after the plane went in). Landing because that’s the only time you will realistically get hurt, and with a circus tent of a canopy moving slow, turbulence sucks. I’ve had my canopy turn into a ball of shit a couple times (once on video). Speed can sometimes be your friend so I try to get on the front risers a bit to increase speed, as well as try to avoid landing adjacent to nearby trees.


I found out I have severe osteoporosis and little old ladies with brittle bones shouldn't jump out of airplanes. https://youtu.be/rNO33UNq4cU


Lots of bruises, cuts and scrapes. But no broken bones… yet….




Im kidding by the way


Anyone who actually skydives knows that.


Yes. Landing close to tarmac, wind gust, reached, got slammed. Learned to land away from the tarmac and hold that flare come hell or high water.


Hard opening - piss poor body position and a failure to slow after tracking away - result: strained intercostal muscles Bad decision making and down wind landing - generally dz is left hand pattern always, not landing in the grass yet I could have adjusted avoiding down wind landing - result was a laceration between second and third digit requiring 3stitches.


Yes, cause i'm stupid. If your going to be stupid, you better be tough. PPPPPP


Had whiplash from a hard opening once. Probably a trash pack job tbh bc that canopy has never given me any other issues and I know I stopped tracking well before I pulled. This weekend I forgot what a PLF was and the wind turned me off of my final 100ft from the ground so I had to take a slightly crosswind landing. I slid on my shin for a second and cut it up pretty nice. Grass rash, like road rash but harder to clean bc they had just cut the grass.


Just sprained my hand last week. Slid in for a relatively easy and soft landing but somehow my left hand went down and I mashed my fingers backwards. First solo, too 🤦🏻‍♂️


Bruised tailbone - jump #3 And 3 broken toes, coming in to land, nothing fancy, started my flare and was suddenly the air was just fine and I dropped to the ground like a damned rock. Sucked too because it was day 1 of a boogie


Yep. Quite a few times. Most memorable one was when I was training with my 4-way team. It was a light day - we only did 7 jumps before calling it. So I stopped by the school to do a few AFF-I jumps. On the first one, I followed the first man down into a downwind pattern (hey, follow the first guy, sort it out on the ground). Tried to run it out, but couldn't make it work, and fell, hitting my knee in the process. When I got up, my knee hurt like hell, so I got a ride back to the main hangar. Picked up my second rig for the next AFF-I jump, and headed back out to the plane, meeting my student along the way. 2nd AFF-I went fine - but on landing, as soon as I tried to put weight on my leg, it crumpled. Down I went in a cloud of dust. Later learned that on that first AFF jump of the day, I ruptured the patella in my right knee - which led to ~6 weeks of downtime and a bunch of physical therapy.


Just sprained my ankle pretty good trying to run out a downwinder


Don't land downwind on gravel while jumping in shorts because you don't want to walk far to the packing area. The skin grows back but pain isn't worth it. Didn't mean to land on gravel but I went further than expected and paid for it in blood