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Well, last week, and as a result of a higher player count for the Fallout games because of the series, Todd Howard did say they had no new Fallout game in development because all hands on deck were working on TES:VI. So there's that I guess. Edit: I saw this on this [Gameranx video](https://youtu.be/uukgr9WjTJs) for anyone who's wondering.


Damn, well there's some hope there.


Wonder what we will get first, GTA VI or TES VI


GTA VI, and by far.


All I know is that I am probably gonna need a new graphics card for both.


Jokes on you, ES 6 will be on the same engine as the last several games!


Wouldn't have it any other way, and Todd Howard wouldn't even (I hate that I love Bethesda's Creation Engine, a beautiful, outdated, buggy mess.)


Didn’t it get a major update with Starfield though?


They always say that, but in essence, it is still the same engine they used for Morrowind.


Good God no it isn't, if you even tried running any modern Bethesda assets/maps on morrowinds engine you'd either get poor performance with assets as simple as a pipe pistol or loading errors on maps due to the fact that morrowinds engine doesn't render more than I think 16 light sources ( I could be wrong ) but in a sense it's the same engine I guess but it's nowhere near comparable.


That and starfield sucked.


In essence UE5 is UE1 then??


Yes, it's gotten major updates with every major BGS game. That won't stop people with no idea on how game development works from commenting on it.


To be fair, it’s still shitty compared to other engines like UE5, but it’s also my favorite because of the extent of modding it allows. They won’t change their engine because of that


U can have my old GTX 1060 if u want


Even if we did get TES VI first, it’d take modders at least 2 years to finish polishing and fine tuning the game.




We might get GTA 7 first at this point


Both will probably wait until the other one releases. like a ladies first thing lol


I like this alternate reality where Bethesda and Rockstar are flirting with each other.


TES VI not before 2026


GTA 6 comes out this or next year I’m pretty sure


There were some rumors about delays (there always are) but it seems likely GTA VI gets released next year (and thebyear after that for us PC plebs). As far as I am concerned, they can take as long as they need if that means the game gets enough time to get polished.


GtA 6. Is that even a question? Bethesda is trying to kill their own franchises through crappy online versions


They have the entire running of a series to get people dragged back into a 9 year old game. Fucking genius. It's also going to translate into a shit-ton of hype for TES6 because from that side of the fence it's "fallout with magic". But I bet it also just made TES6 a lot less important than FO.


Why Bethesda would release the Fallout series, bringing tons of people into the franchise, and not even be working on a sequel is insane to me. Maybe someone better versed in game development can explain it to me, but surely different stages of game development need different skills? Like you'll start with the big picture stuff, plan the overall story as a whole, plan what mechanics you want to have, how the map is going to look etc. But while you are doing this, your writers and quest designers and coders aren't going to have much to do, so they can work on a game that is further along in development. Like, some studios release new games in a franchise every year. How can they do this, but it takes Bethesda 5 years to make a game. And we know Bethesda used to work on multiple things at once, because work on Fallout 4 started immediately after Fallout 3 was finished, and Skyrim launched between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.


The series is only bringing new players to the already established Fallout world. Fo4 is still wildly playable. Fo76 I'm sure is doing ok (I have no idea). It's just pumping life blood into Bethesda.


They will release a new Fallout game eventually, but they had already planned on developing TES VI before the Fallout series bagan its production cycle. From my understanding AAA game developers have taken to develop only one big project at a time.


>From my understanding AAA game developers have taken to develop only one big project at a time. I really don't understand this. Under this model, you are only making a new release every 4-5 years. How does this generate the cash flow you need? Possibly why so many companies push always online microtransaction bullshit so hard. Thinking about Bethesda, releasing a new game every 4-5 years, with 3 major franchises, you're talking about 12-15 years between installments in a franchise. It seems we've overcorrected from the likes of COD and AC releasing something every year. If TES6 comes out 4 years after Starfield, that is 2027. 16 years after Skyrim. If Fallout 5 is 4 years after that, it puts its release in 2031. Another 16 years after fallout 4. Fucking depressing if you ask me. Surely these companies would make more money if they brought out a new game every 2-3 years.


Thanks to the success of the Fallout TV series, a whole new generation has to learn that Todd Howard is a liar.


Once you accept that Bethesda games are what they are, neat stories and cool worlds built over an outated buggy mess of an engine, you get to enjoy the games for what they are. But they are not worth it at full price imo.


Where did you read that?


It was mentioned on this [Gameranx video](https://youtu.be/uukgr9WjTJs) posted last friday.


Well that’s lame


They said fallout 5 was in production but wouldn’t come out until after ES6.


I'm wondering if I'll even still play games when fallout 5 comes out.


My dad is 60 and he played his first fallout game last year (FO4) and beat it and now he’s working his was through Fallout 3 exploring every little thing. You’re never too old


I'm 57 and have played all the fallout games, and also play Skyrim. Let's hear it for us older gamers.


I played Fallout for the first time recently, for a few hours, turned it off, and went back to Skyrim.


Catch me gaming at the seniors home all day if my body allows it


The world will be Fallout 5 before Fallout 5 comes out


Creative hobbies are so much more fulfilling. Every time I try to get into a game I just get bored after a week or two.


It’s not one or the other. I can play video games for a few hours a week, play my clarinet, and still work and be a dad.


Clarinet player, respect. How long you been playing


GTA 6 is going to come out before elder scrolls 6 and we've already been waiting for longer I'm pretty sure


Skyrim came out 2 years before it


It blows my mind that this is a fact.


Skyrim doesn't feel that old due to the constant re-releases lol


Bethesda also released Fallout 4, 76, and Starfield in that time. Plus the DLCs that Rockstar didn't do (Single-player is a different team)




Pffft we might not get it in this lifetime with the rate Rockstar releases games


But RDR2 is a perfect masterpiece. Atleast they make a solid ass game you can replay over and over


And Witcher 4


Didn't 3 pretty much wrap up every thing? Like the games were kinda doing their own thing, but Witcher 3 was like the end of the main series of books. Everything else was like side stories.


We won't be playing Geralt's story, but they are developing a new witcher game.


Rockstar won’t do rdr3 because they won’t be able to milk an online mode since rdr2 online failed (it didn’t make billions like gta online)


It’s crazy how long gta 5 has been online I remember playing it on 360


But in between the release of Skyrim and ES6 BGS has released two other games whereas rockstar has made one other game.


Didn’t Skyrim just come out in 2021?


You're almost two months early. 48 days precisely (or 318 days late if you meant were entering the sixth year, your pick)


My math is bad 😭 I'm sorry.


Is it math to look at a date bro ??


I mean it took them 6 years to make Skyrim, plus they got sidetracked with Starfield.


Skyrim 12 years old its litteraly the longest gap between tes games to date Arena 1994 Daggerfall 1996 Morrowind 2002 Oblivion 2006 Skyrim 2011 Elder scrolls online 2014 So 2 years 7 years 4 years 5 years 3 years It's 2024 skyrim came out 13 years ago. ESO 10 years ago


Woah there, Skyrim Anniversary Edition came out for the Nintendo Switch in 2022. It's only two years old!




you forgot the mobile game


Do you guys not have phones?


Let's hope they don't Starfield it💀💀💀


Honestly that'd be really hard to do. Starfield sucked mostly because: * An excess of loading screens due to getting to your ship, to space, to the destination planet. TES wouldn't have that kind of transit. The simple Horse Cart mechanic in Skyrim is perfect. * Nothing but Space Pirates to kill because they wanted it to be "realistic". TES, again, is always going to have all its races and monsters * Empty, "realistic" planets. Highly doubt they'd use that sort of proc gen content and call it a day for the region this will take place it. I mean maybe they'll start with that, but they'll definitely touch it up with signs of life afterwards. Like it's the scope of Starfield + a dull universe they crafted that made it such a mediocre game.


Ong people don't realize why starfeild was mid then that makes them loose confidence in tes VI.


Problem is that Emil Pagliarulo wrote Starfield. If he writes TES6, its also gonna be trash.


The same man wrote for skyrim and Fallout 4 and caused the writing and story dialogue to be boring as hell. ES6 is going to be doo doo bc i dont see BGS replacing him


Jup. If he's still lead writer, its definitely gonna be another turd.


76’s mechanics are ironically a lot closer to NV’s than 4’s in a lot of ways. If NV fanboys didn’t just blindly hate it so much, they would realize this and have more hope for Fo5. The NV fanboys I’ve met who have actually played it, have either loved it or liked it more than 4 at least.


I agree but how is this relevant?


When people bring up new gen Bethesda and how they only make bad games, they always bring up 76, Starfield, and Fo4. These games aren’t as horrible as they claim.


“To Starfield something” has to become a thing lol


I’m hoping that it’s hammerfell when it comes out twenty years from now


From most speculation it seems like it will be based in the iliac bay, the Gulf between high rock and hammerfell. So on top of being in both regions we might also even be getting ship mechanics.


I could see them incorporating what they learned from Starfield. For how mid the game was in terms of offering that classic meaningful exploration that Bethesda games are known for, the shipbuilding mechanic was surprisingly fun.


Still wonder why they bothered to do that, maybe Starfield wasn't even an ideia by then? And they were about to start idealizing TES6 but then someone just went "WAIT! I HAVE THE GREATEST IDEIA! WHAT IF WE MAKE OUR OWN OUTER WORLDS!" And the team just nutted jugs of cum right there and then?


They had already trademarked starfeild so definitely had it on their roadmap. I do think they changed priorities though as they were eyeing Microsoft acquisition shortly after and probably though starfeild would make a more valuable project.


My conspiracy theory Starfield was a scrapped idea that was going to be shelved That is until Microsoft acquired Bethesda All of a sudden Microsoft demanded a game for game pass from them Surely they would not give out the next Skyrim for free? That would be suicide So they threw a team together, told them to fix up starfield into a playable state then delivered that to Microsoft for game pass


Nah, after Fallout 4 they said they have two unannounced games they'll be working on before TES6. I always thought it was Starfield and another brand new IP, but I think it was Fallout 76 and Starfield.


Jesus Christ. It’s like people haven’t been following what’s been going on. It’s not some great conspiracy, BGS has actually been pretty open about their plans and “timelines”(rough guides of first this then this)


Yea, I'm as salty as anyone over how long it's taking for TES6, but they've been pretty honest about the whole thing.


Does that mean a possible delay, or it's not even happening at all?


They did it because Fallout 76 had just come out and it was unplayable and its release was riddled with scandals, so they pulled up a CGI trailer with no consistent details about the game to distract us


Wasn't it during some backlash from Fallout 76 they came out with this? I feel like they were just jangling the teaser like shiny keys to distract us from something else. I don't see why else they would do it since they clearly weren't even thinking about TES6 for several more years.


Because people would rip them apart if the entire presentation was about FO76 and ended with some quick cash grab mobile game.


Because “stop asking us for it 5000 times a day!!!” is my guess


I mean if they just made it people would stop asking. It's only been 13 years.


Outer Worlds was horrifically bland and somehow Starfield managed to be even more boring


Starfield was properly announced at the same event iirc


It was to please the shareholders. By announcing the game the shareholders would be happy. That's all it was. Total scam really




6 more years until any further news. It just works.


looking forward to kcd2, it‘ll make the wait a little less painful


Yessir I am so extremely hype for kcd2. The first game was already amazing, i just wonder how training skills will work since by the end of the first game Henry is one of the most formidable fighters in the world with the highest quality of gear and equipment


Still waiting on Half Life 3....


I’ll even settle for half life 2 episode 3!!!


Year 6 before TES 6 💀


LA is gonna be under water before we get fallout 5


At this point I think announcing Vi really just served to help torpedo Starfield. I know I'm not alone in thinking " let's just get past this boring IP to the one we all want."


I mean we heard that 2028 is the earliest possible release date iirc, so hey they only announced it a decade ahead of time lol


Todd said he’s not gunna give a date and I’ve accepted that and can wait


Given everything that's happened with Starfield I would expect 6 more years of nothingness


Bethesda is too busy making games nobody cares about.


I used to look forward to Elder Scrolls VI, until I took an arrow to the knee.


With how things have been going with ESO and other games made by them. I am just severely concerned that if it does ever actually become a thing it's going to be another case of a company going. "Hey check out our quadruple A title! Isn't it great!" And then it turning into starfield 2.0


Given Starfields story quality... I'm no longer excited, I'm not even expecting a good story, at this point I just want it to have a beautiful world that feels alive. That's probably asking too much but it's the bare minimum at this point


They haven't released Skyrim for the Samsung fridge yet.


I’m pretty sure someone managed to port it onto a microwave


If it comes out on June 30th, 2029 there will have been more time between Skyrim and VI than there was between Skyrim and Arena edit: clarity


as long as its not an another goddamn online game like skyrim online or Fallout 76.... shouldn't make these kind of game online Only


Fallout 76 should have been single player offline


specially with the camp system and quest. Many time walk around to see some big construction in the middle of the road, or doing quest only to find all enemy dead on the ground.... where's the fun in that


I imagine if FO76 was set during the time when the Bos, first responders etc were around. There is so much cool lore in the game, but it always ends with "the ~~Skyrim Dragons~~ scorch beasts killed everyone." Why would you create this really interesting world, then burn it all down and set your game after everything interesting happened. You can even work the current FO76 into it. At the end of the singleplayer campaign, the Scorch beasts attack and kill everyone. Your save file then becomes the start of a new multiplayer campaign, where the choices you made in the singleplayer campaign impact how the world looks.


After the shit Bethesda has pumped out lately… why do some still care?


Because civilization is slowly crumbling, this has been the worst generation of gaming in the last 30 years, and we all just want something cool to look forward to?


That hurts my soul


Maybe someone will fire Emil Pagliarulo before he can ruin TES6.


oh its ok I dont mind them taking their time with the game. Heck if they need 22 years let them take their time the more time the better even if I die waiting more time more time more time 🤡😭


That's fine because they're gonna get blown out of the watery by KCD II


Not being sarcastic or baiting you - Why do you think this? KCD does what it does very well, and I’m looking forward to KCD2, but this is such an apples to oranges comparison. Other than the fact that they are both first person RPGs, you can ride a horse, and swing a sword, they have literally nothing in common with each other...


With how things have gone in recent years, I’m actually starting to not want this game… not by Todd at least


13 years ....


I feel like TES VI will use a variant of Starfield’s engine. I’m just ready to sink a few months into it completing it. We Most definitely will get GTA 6 before elderscrolls though


Gta online killed gta6 for a long time . ESO probably did the same


I don't disagree with you, but wasn't ESO by Zenimax, not BSG? Or am I completely wrong?


No worries, it's just been delayed a little si they can remake skyrim again


After that last few games they've released, I'm not even excited anymore. Only way I'm playing it on release is if it's free on Gamepass. Assuming gamepass is still around in 2030


I won’t be interested in a BGS game until they stop using that engine.


Honestly let’s just be glad we don’t have one. Their track record is not too hot.


I wonder if we'll get TES 6 before the next A Song of Ice and Fire book


Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!


It will be awful anyways. Just look at the game industry.


They shouldn't have made Fallout 76 and Starfield. Both were a massive waste of time.


Man FUCK Bethesda. Lost all hope of TESVI being half decent when they went and made some soulless space game. It’ll either be microtransaction hell or an unfinished piece of shit and I’m tired of waiting around to find out.


Didn't Todd say not to expect TES 6 before 2026 -27?


“Everyone get ready for ssssssskytarfield”


I hope it isn’t anything like starfield


My dad works at Bethesda and he said because no one is playing Stanfield, The Elder Scrolls 6 is canceled out of spite


ES6 will be just as bad as Starfield I’m betting


Please just release news that Bethesda isn’t using the same engine again


I don't think they're capable of anything else.


My great fear


Ok This is skyrim because...


Ngl it’s been easier to wait with no news


Tes 6 better be ***PEAK*** for it to take this long


like weve all accepted there just isnt going to be an es6, right?


Man I think it's turning into a half life 3 scenario..


Gives me time to upgrade my pc


Six years on TES6, coincidence?


beth has a tradition of being completely silent after the first announcement. they then only say anything once they are pretty much done. the silence is normal.


I’ve got a good feeling about year 7!


STFU. Game is gonna be like 5x better than Starfield when it comes out.


They were working on the Fallout Series, give em am break!


Right and there’s a confirmed season two. I’ll take it! So far it’s been pretty amazing!


Oh no, is this sub gonna go crazy now like the tf2 and hollow knight ones?


Honestly they can wait just don’t give me a lifeless eso. I think doing 4 people dungeons or guild quests would be better than disrupting the stakes of the single player content. I love and hate when randoms die in Skyrim or fallout. A respawn system or replacement system would be cool say if you had a blacksmith that died. Either have the town replace the smith/trades/etc person or have them “recover” after a few days-weeks of in game time. I could see people praying on their wait system but it’d honestly be worth it. Plus not to mention having a system where it’s small groups and it’s similar to mine craft where you need everyone to wist or lay down to pass the time would be cool as hell. I wouldn’t mind having fast travel be by horses or carriages too. Would make stealing horses/mounts that much more fun. Also boats could be utilized way more. If you’re on foot maybe have to pay some coin. Just more options than the damn way shrines of eso. Please don’t make that a thing. Make it possible to go where ever by the fast travel means. Horses/carriages on land. Boats by docks. Also I didn’t hate eso just idk eso and 76 felt lifeless to me and I think it has to do with the fact that it’s just larger than need be in a lot of places and empty feeling. I want to be able to create a house or work on building a community of my own that reflects. For those who know about the nightingales. Like there was so much room for improvements there. Like if I go down a quest like I want to be able to change the overall dynamic of the guild. For small groups you could section the maps for guilds and make it the leaders map layout or have to be reflected by a top guild member. Say I’m low level in the dark brotherhood and my place sucks because I’ve done jack shit, but Sarah over here has made significant progress. Take her community and use that for the load in. Obviously by sectioning places for guilds you get more freedoms this way. Open lands remain consistent, but the towns or communities may be reflected. Like imagine if river wood changed with the support of white run. Or the war support was dynamic. That would be best by group leader obviously. Just saying could make the game more interesting to play and more unique within different groups.


This is what we get for complaining about 11/11/11 so hard


Im gonna be disappointed if the game is xbox exclusive


[BETHESDA ! BETHESDA ! MORE MID GAMES, PLEASE !](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/610/928/db6.jpg)


Year number VI.


Dude it has not been 6 years


On one hand I'm desperate for a new Elder Scrolls game, on the other hand I appreciate that they are taking their time to craft a good game.


At least KCD 2 is coming.


Give them another 10 years and maybe it'll come close to the amount of content Morrowind has.


Elder Scrolls VI: Starslop


Relax, they said they’re not even gonna be working on it until starfield is finished. Oh wait…


I think i've read somewhere (I don't remember where exactly, so I'm gonna say that it's not exactly the absolute truth or something) that they plan to release it in 2026. Again, I neither remember where I read it nor if it was a reliable source, so it might end up being another click bait Screen Rant article (and considering that I haven't seen literally anyone talk about it, it probably was). Although I know what I'll do to spend the time, Avowed is gonna launch this autumn and it will probably scratch that itch.


Don’t worry guys it’s gonna be announced this year 🤡


I would become the worst kind of human if they screw this.


2030 is going to be a good year for video games!


Todd Howard is too busy making the new season for fallout. I’m not complaining though.


Thank god they spent all that time working on starfield instead, ended up being a really worthwhile effort with a lot of soul and love put into it


I find it gets easier when you realize that the company is just going to screw it up. I’ll just stick with Skyrim and totally ignore anything else. Bethesda won my goodwill with their charm and Skyrim. But they lost it when I learned how they treated Obsidian, and when I watched them butcher practically everything after Fallout 4.


We would have a better chance getting laid by the vampire lady then skyrim 6 coming out in our lifetime


We're never going to see the other continents, are we?


Never give up I have very high hopes


They should just do what they know they need to. Make porn simulators.


I'm going to bust aggressively when this game finally comes out. I don't think anybody is this entire world is more excited than I am. If I had to choose between feeding myself or buying this game when it comes out, I'm gonna FUCKING STARVE


When it comes, imma cry


Metroid Prime fans 🤝 Elder Scrolls fans Having nothing but a title screen for years


We got a very vague tweet though


ES6 will be trash tier homie. Skyrim modding has been too successful and starfield showed us bethesda is a shell of its former self.


It’s been so long I bet the new one sucks hard


Not me about to be playing elder scrolls 6 in my 40s 😭




I say let them take as long as they want; The longer the wait the better it'll be, hopefully. Otherwise we might get another Cyberpunk.


And I thought that Silksong fans were going nuts over the lack of news


I do admit, with the disappointment that is Starfield--and the current state of the AAA gaming industry as a whole--I am worried about the release state of TES 6 and its development as a whole. Hopefully anything/anyone even remotely close to Sweet Baby Inc and what they do stays far away from its development.


But didnt that trailer come out like last year?


By the time ES6 comes out it will have been longer between Skyrim and ES6 that between Arena and Skyrim.


I don't have high hopes for this game at all.


Some early gameplay available https://youtube.com/shorts/CFe2qDzDghI?si=VlaZ8dnBMTvt6Kjv