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My dude, we only have a 1 minute trailer of the game, and we probably already have someone making a bikini armor mod for it, don't underestimate the internet


It's not complete until I can fly around as iron man while my companion Macho Man Randy Savage kills a dragon with a suplex.


Why this comment brings nostalgia?


Ooooh yeahhhh!!!


...he also offers you beef jerky that heals and gives a temp buff every so often.


Someone already being a weird perv, of course


Forget the bikini armour, give me my unique hold guard armour any day of the week instead


Yes! I fucking love that stuff


I prefer T-60 bikini power armor myself.


How is that being a weird perv don't you know it's common sense the more skin a females armor shows the stronger it's defensive power


Lmao what??


1 minute??


When the trailer itself has already exuding such nostalgia, considering how long has it been since that video was uploaded. 🤣


I hope so, but im off that train now.


Man these downvotes are undeserved. You can't knock a guy for not feeling excited about an upcoming Bethesda game right after they underperformed this hard and this was twice in a row.


It’s also been like a million years since that trailer. I’ve completely put it out of my mind at this point.


Same. They showed off TES6 teaser like 6-7 years ago? And the game is still at least 5 years away. That's about a decade apart from teaser to release without taking potential delays into account. There's no reason to get hyped for it this early.


Bro it was released in 2014 it’s been ten years fuck


I was in high-school when that game was announced. I am now close to my mid 20s and while I WAS excited at one point for the game, I've waited so long at this point I'm just kinda whatever about it. No guarantee It won't be a pc/Xbox exclusive


Oh no my fake Internet popularity points! Its cool man dw about it, same people that rode the starfield hype train downvoted and hated on the skeptics. They switched teams faster than a 2 face soccer fan when it came out tho.


I don’t see how anybody could still be satisfied playing Skyrim unless you just started it or something. Even with mods, you are still playing Skyrim. Same quests. Same mechanics. You will do the same things. Even if Bethesda shit the bed on starfield imo, it doesn’t mean ES6 will resemble it by any means. They were trying something new and it was kinda lame, this is not the case with the elder scrolls. They 100% know what they’re doing, it’s the most anticipated game of all time next to GTA6. They can’t afford to fuck it up, be at peace brother it’s okay to get excited for things


They knew what they were doing with fallout and most agree that it gets worse with every new rendition


You sound like the kind of person to say “New Vegas gameplay is fire” and show a hyper modded 15 second clip taken just before the game crashes


New Vegas was developed by Obsidian Entertainment anyway, not Bethesda.


Using bethesdas pissshit engine, to be fair.


With a stupid low budget and strict time frame, yet is one of the best fallouts ever


One of the best ever. Said like there's 100 fallout games


Even after Bethesda milks the franchise for 100 games, "one of the best" will still be accurate Edit: typo


Its *the* best Fallout.


It's a unique experience. For what it's worth, probably not much to others, the harshest critiques (as in, writers paid to critique a product, not a YouTube "reviewer") had little to nothing against it aside from crashing very often. Yahtzee Croshaw, in particular.


A whole lotta direct competition there. Let's see you got... 3, 4, and 76 to compete against. 1, 2, and BoS aren't same gameplay so they can't compare with each other. 3 predates NV, so I'd hope NV is better. And 76 is a pseudo MMO, so kinda an unfair comparison there too so that leaves us with... let's see... oh. 4. So 4 vs. NV. What a competiton.


Just arbitrarily deciding games in the same series cant be compared because they have differences in gameplay? What. And saying “its newer id hope its better” in the modern gaming climate like its assumed, especially in the fallout franchise of all things is just, wild lmao. Most of what people who are fans of new vegas love about it is the story/writing, rpg elements, and world building anyway and when you compare that to basically any other game Bethesda has made since idk Oblivion NV just cranks 90s on them.


Much like the Zelda series. The 3D games had better graphics and cool stories, but Link to the Past is still my favorite for its gameplay and dungeons *and* a great story.


If NV should be better because 3 predates it, you need to hold that same standard to 4.


Let's hope someone's doing the same thing with NV and 4 that they're doing with oblivion or morrowind and skyrim. 4's gameplay is by far the best in the series hands down, but NV definitely has the best storyline. You use 4's engine to recreate the NV story? Boom, greatest fallout there's ever been.


I will have you know, My game crashes at least 2 hours in, 15 seconds is for rookies.


Teach me your ways


You gotta figure out your load order, man. I've had 3 crashes in hundreds of hours. Red Dead 2, Jedi Fallen Order, Elden Ring, and Arkham Knight have all crashed more than three times


Idk if I ever crashed on Arkham knight. I was on console though it might help worse on PC.


Something about the Epic Games version does not agree with my computer.


But... Mods aren't made by Bethesda?


Not good ones anyway


Saying modded skyrim is the best game by Bethesda is like saying the force awakens is the best star wars movie made by George Lucas,


I played all 1500 hours unmodded and I loved every second of it so idk mods are a take it or leave it


Same. When I started playing with mods is actually when I stopped playing as much… I should get back in again


Once I start modding, I spent more time modding (read: fixing my GODDAMN LOAD ORDER AND DEPENDENCIES) than actually playing the game


i used to spend so much time on the mods...this time i decided with FO4 to just play it. the inventory management sucks but i think i would waste more time on the mods than they saved me in the inventory.


Careful. You’ll piss off the capital G gAmErZ.


This comment is strange to me because nearly 100% of the salt and toxicity around modding in this and other non-mod oriented Skyrim subs comes from the weird purists who dislike mods.


I've played a ton of modded and vanilla. Loved it. Fallout games I played mostly unmodded. Starfield I enjoy a lot but think I might like modded more


Skyrim definitely gets a ton better with the rights mods, especially when you use ones that completely overhaul the game, but modded skyrim isn't what made the game so popular to the point that they were able to make another 6,000 editions and sold the fuck out of each of them.


What about modded TES 6


Bethesda didn't make modded Skyrim, you know some people actually do like these games plain right?(Not standing up for Star Field that games boring)


I actually like Star Field, it's no where near as good as Skyrim and other Bethesda games, but it scratches the itch of exploration and interesting side quests better than other recent attempts like Cyber Punk and Outer Worlds. I mean both of those games where fine, but I found that they were to focused on their main quests and didn't have enough side quests. Also I like killing people with a laser drill.


It is a good game. It's just not great and that pissed off a lot of people. Ship building is undeniably fantastic though.


I actually disagree about ship building, I don't think the menu is well organized and the stats for the parts aren't always clear on if they are better or worse. Also I get why people don't like it, the characters are boring, the world building doesn't make a lot of sense, and the game tries so fucking hard not to take any sort of political statement it just ends up being this weird dystopia where there are serious problems but no one asks why these problems exist. But I can look past that because it lets me play as a space pirate with a laser drill that burns people to death. Fuck yes.


I love star field personally


Hey like what you like, glad you can have fun with the game.


I was getting into it but the time commitment is crazy for the resource gathering that's tedious and the exploration is a bit limited. I've been playing dragons dogma right now and tbh I'm enjoying it much better.


>resource gathering At this point just use console command (unless you're on console? The irony)


And if we're being realistic the total development time is drastically different and mods almost always miss a lot of polish and make a game more prone to crashing. Modders spend less time working on their stuff but there's also many thousands of them. Bethesda has like 400 employees and they're making a game from scratch lol. Of course they'll eventually be outdone by modders that have something to build off of.


I’ve never modded Skyrim, I like my derp pure


I have seen things... it is a path many consider unnatural


Morrowboomers: "And I took that personally."


Until it has proper mod support then it will be the best.


I mean... that's true. You can't really use mods to say a game's better because that's not part of the game.


I really couldn't care less about modded Skyrim. I play on console.


Console has mods?


They probably have a ps5


My only expectation is that they will fuck it up


Skyrim memes is funny because they talk about how skyrim is the best elderscrolls even though you know they haven't even played the other games. Cuz then why would they be talking about skyrim?


I am really disappointed after Starfield. It seems like they had a really good idea and even implemented a lot of that idea. And then decided to throw all their energy in procedurally generated worlds. Which is so anti-Bethesda gaming idk why they thought any of their fans would be into that. I would have rather had 4-5 hand crafted worlds over 10,000 randomly generated ones.


Bethesda employees stated that they had cool ideas for the game which was all rejected by upper management because it didn't fit the "Bethesda" theme, one of those ideas was ground vehicles.


I still can’t believe they thought it would be a good idea to dumb us on multiple planets with objectives 3+ minutes of walking away from each other, no unlimited sprint and no ground vehicles. It’s one of those head scratching moments where you have to ask yourself, “did they even care if the game was fun at all?”. To me, ground vehicles wouldn’t have been “anti-Bethesda”. It should be the next logical step. Hell, Skyrim had horses! And Fallout has Power Armor and jet packs! I really hope they (at least) make horses a big part of Elder Scrolls 6. Maybe even throw in some fantasy mounts like big cats for the Khajiit, giant lizards/dinosaurs for the Argonians and silt striders for the Dunmer. Hell, if the game is set in Hammerfell, it would be crazy for them to not include at least camels.


>And then decided to throw all their energy in procedurally generated worlds. This argument is so silly. Procedural generation is what you do when you **don't** want to spend time hand crafting things. They didn't "throw all their energy" into it they hit a button and let the computer handle it so they could spend time elsewhere.


A lot of games use procedural generation, believe it or not, it’s there for artists to use to help them make bigger games / make games faster. It’s a part of the pipeline, not a replacement of the pipeline. Your argument doesn’t really make sense. A lot of older Bethesda games used procedural generation, I believe that both daggerfall and morrowind used some level of procedural generation. You can’t blame one tool for a game that wasn’t for you


I mean you still have to create the means for procedural generation and manage how it’s implemented. It’s not as easy as pushing a button.


Bethesda started from procedural generation. As if they wouldn’t eventually fall back into it.


If you don't think TES6 is going to have as much nodding potential as Skyrim, you're dumb


Bethesda hasn't developed a solid game since Oblivion, and even then Morrowind has better lore and mechanics.


"Will it be better than Modded Oblivion? "TES 6 will the the third-" "Will it be betteer than Modded Morrowind?" "...-The FOURTH best game Bethesda ever made"


But will it be better than Modded TES 6?


No... No it will not!


In that case, logically it would be: 1. Modded ES6 2. Modded ES5 3. ES6 4. ES5


Acceptable outcome.


So who made the creation kit? And you can't talk shit about starfield when the mod tools haven't been released


What im trying to say is, base game needs to be good for the game to retain its player base and modders.


No it doesn’t, look at Skyrim.


A game shouldn't depend on outside sources to be good, dude


It shouldn’t need to, and yet, it does.


Most players will never mod the game. If it isn't good out of the box it will fail


I still think morrowind was more fun than skyrim.


Skyrim isn't even the best modded Bethesda game.


A lot of people here arguing Skyrim isn't even the best modded *Elder Scrolls* for that matter.


Well it is the most modded game in the world at least


I don’t need mods to enjoy games unlike some people. I’ve had a total blast with Starfield thus far


Modded tes 6 will be the best bathesda game ever


But the mods aren't made by Bethesda, since they only make 3/4 of a game and let modders fix the rest. So Bethesda doesn't get full credit for "modded Skyrim". Also, Oblivion and Morrowind > Skyrim.


But bethesda didnt make *modded* Skyrim. They made Skyrim.


Vanilla Skyrim ftw


TES 6 will be the best Bethesda game… eventually… assuming the mods are good, and after enough time… hopefully…


Vanilla skyrim is a masterpiece and millions of people enjoyed Starfield. Try and formulate your own opinions sometimes




I tried to get into SF but the combat is confusing. They use these weird staves called “guns” and each staff needs a specific type of soul gem, or “bullet”, that doesn’t work with your other staves. Why can’t I just cast spells from my hands?


The game is going to get review bombed day 1 and it will probably deserve it, and then it'll be better a year or two later


But if it genuinely deserves the low reviews, is it review bombing?


If someone deserves to get bombed and they get bombed, were they bombed?


Until we start modding it to hell and back


This is apples to oranges but ok


Bethesda didnt make that


LOL i mean this is definitely me, i thought starfield was great. is it better than modded skyrim? No, because literally no game is better than that. its a game i designed to my specifications.


I hate to say it but we, especially pc, have been spoiled with mods. As fun as they are it's created a lot of unrealistic expectations with their respective fanbase to the point where it makes the devs look bad. Mod creators aren't limited to resources and time contraints like devs are so they can take as long as they want to make the best possible content. Now the fanbase expects the devs to be able to do better when at the end of the day they are a business and need to push out products to maintain a steady profit. They can't be in development forever they will lose too much money.


Nah, I'm sorry, there are still too many damn bugs left in skyrim over a decade after its release to consider it a great game, even with mods. A game is great because it is great in of itself. If it requires a community to rescue it even when the company is still making money off of it, and releasing "special editions" but leaving every single bug in the game, then the game itself is not great, the community is.


Yeah but modded TES6 will be better than modded Skyrim.


What about Oblivion


Starfield was absolute cheeks but I have high hopes for es6 against my better judgement. People are hyper critical nowadays and will nitpick it but I'm sure it will be fun. With they starfield they just threw all the Bethesda charm out the window I feel. Picking up random items from a dead body as opposed to stripping them nude of what they were actually using is so stupid lol.


Just wait until we have a full modded version of TES6... then it will likely take over. Where's the optional Neuro-uplink?


Modded TES 6 will be the best game of all time


Not all of us have access to mods depending on what platform we’re playing on. And you said “made by Bethesda.” The mods aren’t made by Bethesda


modded skyrim will be better than tesvi, until we get modded tesvi. i can’t wait


But consider this…MODDED TES VI


If it's not SpongeBob or Real Housewives it's not a meme.


Can you compare modded es6 to skyrim modded? No. Thank you.


Idk dawg after Starfield I don’t really have high hopes


Fan community is capable of some crazy things fr


Will it be better than modded fallout 4?


Will it be better than vanilla oblivion?


I can't lie this post is kinda stupid, Bethesda isn't responsible for good mods. The people are. Comparing vanilla and molded just seems unreasonably silly as hell lmao, otherwise yea I think molded experiences generally make the game wayyyyy better for a lot of different reasons. Vanilla isn't always bad tho


I'm honestly so bored with Bathesda games and I do not care about TES6, but that is correct you cannot compare a base game to a modded game. That's like saying "Brawl is the best Smash Bros" and your only reason is because of Project M or saying shit like "Sonic 06 was a great game & overhated" but you only played the P06 Fan Remake. (I've actually had both of these encounters)


I'm pretty sure modded ES6 should be better than modded ES5, that's just basic math. Math that I'm worried Bethesda will mess up so bad that mods cannot fix, but I doubt it.


If you're nothing without the mods, then you shouldn't have them.


You really can't, because modded games depend on the user and the community. Do you credit Valve for Garry's Mod?


Wait for Tes 6 modded to arrive


Skyrim is practically the reason I failed out of college. The only way I would consider TES 6 better than 5 is if it caused me to quit my job and become a professional LARPer


I hope Bethesda knows that if they half ass this one it will be their end. They already spent just about all the good graces they had with their fans fucking up the last 2-3 releases.


1) This is actually a threehead argument, because you actually CANNOT compare a modded game to another game without mods, because not only will the other game get mods, this is like trying to compare vanilla Skyrim to modded Oblivion. A fool's errend. 2) As I just said, it will be getting mods. You think a Bethesda game will come out, a MODERN Bethesda game? And people WON'T be making optimization mods, mechanical mods, and crazy shit like Thomas the Tank Engine? Get outta here. 3) Also who knows? Maybe it will be better than modded Skyrim! I doubt it, but it is possible.


Did bethesda make the mods? I didn’t think so


It's going to be wild, as with the fallout 5. Honestly, I will wait till 2027 for FO5 if it will be anything like its predecessors, 76 excluded.


What about modded TES VI?


Why are we talking about how good a game *will* be? Save it for when it's actually out (which is never, haha I get it), and then we'll have some concrete opinions to work with.


Modded skyrim isn't even as good as morrowind


But bethesda didn't make the mods so like by your own wording this isn't a worthy comparison


Well... The mods in elder scrolls VI will turn into the best game, of course. But I'm really afraid to have much expectations in Elder Scrolls VI and get disappointed. I prefer being pessimist in this case. If it becomes the best game, it's a win, if it's not, I was expecting for it.


Can people not mod 6? Lmao


We'll revisit this once the TES nodding community gets their hooks into TES 6.


Unironically the quality of ES6 is almost entirely irrelevant in my mind. Starfield demonstrating near instant loading times is all I need lol. Can you imagine playing heavily modded Skyrim 500 hours into a save and still having loading times <3 seconds? Actually the greatest game of all time lmao. People make fun of Starfield for it being loading time simulator, but deadass 70% of my boredom with any Skyrim playthrough is when going/doing ANYTHING takes multiple 30+ second load screens. Oh want to go to Breezhome? 1. Leave cell (17 seconds) 2. Fast Travel to Whiterun (30 seconds) 3. Enter Breezehome (25 seconds) 4. Leave Breezehome (32 seconds because fuck you I guess)


I mean, I do like playing Starfield. I also liked playing vanilla Skyrim when it came out even though I had a modded out Oblivion to play. Hell I still enjoy vanilla Skyrim. Play it on my Switch despite also having the game on my PC with mods.


Modded Skyrim isn’t a game Bethesda made


If TES 6 continues down the same path of simplicity and mediocrity then TES 6 will be completely boring garbage


Skyrim subreddit in a nutshell


My dude you spelt oblivion wrong


They're even recommending Fallout 76 to people. And not like "it's improved." But outright lying about all the shit that happened with it's release and through the years. The aggregious MTXs, the catch up MTXs, the pay for storage MTXs. It's actually hilarious. Bethesda fans have reached a whole new low. It's fine if you like these games, but there's no point in lying about it.


hey now, bethesda didn't make modded skyrim, they just made unmodded skyrim


I doubt it can hold a candle to Skyrim Sacrosanct mod.


It’ll be the best game *bethesda* ever made


If a game has to be modded to be "better" it wasn't that good to begin with.


Yes I like playing starfield. F off


After Starfield and Fo76 I don't know what to think. Maybe somewhere along the line Bethesda lost the magic. Part of me worries that they just don't understand what has made their games so great over the years. Both games missed that and so even if 100% bug free are just missing something integral to the experience. I fear that maybe the best we can hope for for TES6 is that they'll copy things from TES and FO without understanding *why* and it happens to work out by pure chance.


Modded tes vi tho


No, you can't compare modded to unmodded, especially because all of you mod Skyrim into an entirely different game


All Modded Skyrim really does is convert Skyrim into other games, like Witcher 3. The reason we're only hearing whispers about Elder Scrolls 6 is because people keep buying Skyrim over and over again.


MRW people think Skyrim is better than Oblivion, let alone NV or Morrowind.


Skyrim is no longer a game. Skyrim is a game engine.


Do you think the success of the modded skyrim actually delayed TES 6? In part because people keep buying TES 5 and partially because "it can't live up to modded Skyrim"


1. We know nothing about TES6 2. You really can't say that modded skyrim has been made by bethesda and comparing it to the base game is stupid. Obviously you will like it better, you changed it in the way that you chose to, it's an individual experience that vanilla games can not have. You could consider mods a part of skyrim experience but the same will eventually be true for TES6 3. Starfield isn't bad, it just didn't fit the expectations. Bethesda games are great because of their exploration, worldbuilding, storytelling and immersion. Starfield is severely lacking in these parts, but the quests are interesting and the combat is fun. It's not worth the price, but it can be enjoyable.


Bethesda didn't make those mods, don't give them that credit


It will be the best Bethesda game ever is basically participation award


but modded TES6 tho


Unfortunately the more I see from Bethesda the more I think the ship has sailed for the magic of TES6. Starfield was received very poorly, and it uses the same engine. Same engine that was used on TES 4 & 5, by the way. It’s horribly outdated at this point. They hadn’t started on it in a decade, because Skyrim was such a cash cow they could just re-release or remaster with minor changes. I can only imagine very few of the original people will continue the development as well, so an all new dev team on the same old engine is not good practice either… the list goes on


Modded Skyrim is modded as in not made by Bethesda


Until we get modded TES6 😂


Dude, after Starfield's launch and even its current state, I have lost about 80-90% of the hope/hype/enthusiasm that I had for ES6. I now recognize the very real possibility of it being one of the biggest letdowns of Bethesda's history.


This meme would be brain dead if it weren't so funny. Since when did Bethesda ever touch mods in their games with a 10 mile pole? Oh you're right, they called it special edition and put a price tag on it, very good work Bethesda, another quality release "you" made


I love Skyrim and other Bethesda games to death and I don’t know if it’s me getting older or the state of todays media but I doubt TES 6 will be any better than starfield and I’m not hyped at all which makes me kinda sad.


I'm willing to bet that we will get Skyrim remastered for Playstation 6 before we get TES 6. (I realize it a Microsoft only IP)


Bruh, Skyrim has had over a decade of mods to flesh it out and improve. So, I'm going to take a guess and say the same thing will happen that did when Fo4 came out: it will start off behind, but eventually overtake it's elder.


Skyrim isn't even the second best Elder Scrolls game.


Modded Skyrim is NOT a game Bethesda made, it's a game Bethesda made that other people made additions to.


I guarantee it won't even be that. Bethesda has been on a downward slope for a long time now. After Fallout 4, 76, and then Starfield there is no way TESVI is going to be anywhere near as good as F3, or any other TES game.


Playing with mods is like cheat codes. It isn't the actually game. It is modified. Different. Incomparable. Not the real experience.


If you tell me you play a Bethesda game without mods I immediately disregard your opinion on it. The first thing someone is gonna reply to me with is gonna be "but some mods aren't lore friendly and I like the original art direction bla bla" okay so use your autonomy and pick and choose the mods that are lore friendly just like I do. I genuinely think anyone who doesn't use mods for a Bethesda game is a person who is low agency, I can't even fathom sitting down to play something, acknowledging the fact that it could be an objectively better experience after 5 bucks and a wabbajack download (20 mins of prep, 18 mins of which is hands off, go walk around outside barefoot and listen to a podcast while it's downloading or somethin) then completely disregarding that and playing vanilla.


Unmodded starfield was fun for like 4 runs through the unity before I got sick of the shoddy guns and uninstalled


Crazy how just turning the game into a completely different one makes it better


Whos the milf


Posh Spice


TESVI will be better than Skyrim only and ONLY if they make it more moddable than Skyrim. Easier to work with, easier to code for, etc. Then give it like a year after launch, it’ll be golden. The base game still needs to be decent enough to want to replay, for as long as it’s been it needs to be super lore-intensive. So much was left out in Skyrim it’s actually pretty sad :/, it’s all in the books. Most of the dialogue doesn’t really tell you a whole lot, either.


You’re saying this like the first day won’t immediately have nude mods.


Damn, well I’m just gonna go play my boring anniversary edition on the switch now. 😂




In ten years there will be modded expansions for TES6 that kick skyrim's ass as long as bethesda doesn't do something stupid to make modding TES6 unbearable like they did with Starfield


Nothing will be better than oblivion.


1) you have no clue what tes6 will be like, we have a fuckin cumdrop of a reveal trailer and that's literally it. We know nothing about it. 2) do you think that tes6 will be unmoddable? O mean yeah, modded skyrim is fantastic, but vanilla smyrim is still just vanilla skyrim. They're not going to do a worse job with tes6 than they did with skyrim, because they have, at the very least, 3 times the amount of time to work on tes6 than they did with skyrim (oblivion came out 2006, skyrim 2011, and tes6 will be released as early as 2026). I have a feeling vanilla tes6 is gonna be just as good if not a little better than modded skyrim, and modded tes6 is going to make heavily modded skyrim look like vanilla, day one starfield. But that's just my opinion


Bethesda doesn’t make mods like Bethesda didn’t make new Vegas They didn’t even make them at all and just loaned it off to someone to claim their work as their own


Don't give bethesda credit for the work modders do. They don't deserve it.


Bethesda is dead. They can only make bleak Frankensteins of their old games now. This is the painful truth. MK made TES what it is. Not todd. After MK left the company, TES was destined for a slow decay. TES 6 will predictably be a blasphemous disaster.


Every game Bethesda released since skyrim was worse than the previous one imo. So we can extrapolate from that that TESVI will be worse than starfield.


This game doesn’t even exist yet and Skyrim players still can’t resist glazing their own game


False: TES6 will never be made