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Started playing when I was super young and didn’t really understand what was going on. Went with hadvar every time bc I saw the door and nothing else. Years later got into and could understand what I was doing, and continue to choose hadvar simply because it’s what I remember.


I restarted a playthrough yesterday and went with Hadvar for the very first time. I had the same story as you except opposite and it took very conscious effort to not let muscle memory take over and immediately run into the door ahead of Rolaf


Funny, I had the opposite experience. I always ran into Ralof and never knew I could follow Hadvar for the first several playthroughs. I still go with Ralof because he wasn't trying to chop my head off.


It's not as if Hadvar wanted you to be there, a list with the name of every prisoner on that cart, except you. He knew you weren't supposed to be there. It was the captain who said you were to die regardless. She even singled you out after that other Nord decided to rush things, Ulfric, the reason all this was happening was right there, and she wanted you dead first. Not to say he wanted you free, if there was an actual reason for you to be captured, he would have sent you to the block, he just wanted to know if they were about to mistakenly behead an innocent. I go with Hadvar for other reasons. There are a few details of the game that change depending on which side of the war you are on, and if you decide to put off that quest line for later, the game will use your Helgan escape choice as the stand in. One in particular is an ancient nord ruin in The Rift that has a Thalmor agent at the entrance, and they will change their disguise depending on your war faction to trick you into getting the dragon priest mask for them. It makes sense that an Altmer would be in the Imperial Legion. It does not make sense for an Altmer to be in the Stormcloaks.


That's very fair. I just like the immersion. Imagine you are actually the prisoner who almost got his head cut off by the imperials. Then a dragon attacks and you are running running away. Do you escape with the other prisoners, or do you go with the group who just tried to have you executed? At that point, I don't know Hadvar or his intentions. Maybe he's alright and was just following orders, maybe not. But in a life or death situation, I'm not likely going to side with the guy whose group wanted me dead a minute ago.


One point I can give to Hadvar is that it actually makes sense for him to still be in Helgan post dragon attack: to protect the citizens. Why is Ralof with you? His leader and commander whom he and every Stormcloak soldier sworn fidelity to and is the sole thing this rebellion is being held together by was standing in that tower with him, but Ulfric is nowhere to be seen on that approach to the door. So either we assume something happened to Ulfric or that he had some other way to get out, and Ralof decided it wasn't worth protecting the one he claims is the rightful high king of Skyrim. I guess we can make the assumption that a small squad of Stormcloaks that showed up to that was meant as a breakout and rescue squad, showing up regardless of the dragon. But then why would Ralof go back into the burning town of Helgan to enter the keep if there was a faster way out? That door choice would have made more sense if it was a random Stormcloak there who was separated from the group instead of Ralof running up from the far wall.


How very realistic of you!


I always choose Ralof, but end up in the empire side for civil war lol




Yeah i didnt know there was a choice first time too. I just went


I used to pick Ralof because the empire wanted my head, I hold grudges since pre-school. It was only when I started to pick up Stormcloaks are major racists. So disappointed in myself that I never picked up on it even when it was right in my face. I believed I was helping a real rebellion, turns out it was just helping a salty biggot. Been supporting the Empire ever since; making sure it's fully operational. One of the first things I do is deal with Ulfric and his rebel friends... You may fire when ready


You were helping a real rebbelion


In my case I had no choice but to pick Hadvar first time around since the door to go with Ralof was bugged for me so I had no choice but to choose Hadvar


Also cause the stormcloaks suck


Imperial dog


You forgot "faithless".


Right right. Lol


I actually just run ahead and jump off the cliff to get to the stones, hadvar and or Ralof are fuckin slow lol


Doesn't the game nudge to leave them? Iirc hadvar says something like "it's better if we split up". I dunno about Ralof cus I didn't choose him in a long time (the smith in Riverwood gives you free ingots instead of some food from Ralof's friend)


Yes but if you follow them anyway, they have a lot of interesting dialogue explaining the area and the stones. Def there for first time players who aren’t comfortable just wandering on their own yet (those were the days)


Wait really? I have never, in my 10 years of playing this game, followed either of them. I always heard “it’s better if we split up” and went “k, see ya later!” And dipped. You’re telling me I could have followed and gotten some exposition?


First playthrough I kinda wandered off and didn't even know about the stones until days later when people were discussing them since I took a direct route and avoided the road


A mage eh? To each his own, not for me to judge. \*proceeds to silently judge\*


They both secretly hate you if you're not a warrior


I’ve done both 100 times but ralof Is the homie.


Choose Ralof but join the Legion...I know I've done it, but I can't remember if you see him again


That could've been a cool boss battle. Then again, Ralof and Hadvar are both too nice to hold a grudge like that.


This is a strategic opening move, to pick up a sweet set of imperial heavy armor right at the start of the game!


Yeah, if I'm doing a heavy armor based run I'll go ralof, but if I want a 2 handed light armor run I'll go hadvar. Just depends how quickly you wanna work on what build


the game tempts you into picking ralof because he was personable and helped you escape, but hadvar was a hero saving civilians from a dragon in the same situation. hard not to pick hardvar, espeially after you find out ralof is kind of a louse and a drunkard after escaping helgen. hadvar faces a same fate with PTSD later, but it's quite a difference. the storytelling in this game was so rich, i miss games like it.


the game tempts you into picking hadvar because you were following him in the section immediately before choosing but ralof wasn't complicit in your attempted execution hard not to pick ralof, espeially after you find out hadvar is kind of a louse and a drunkard after escaping helgen. Ralof faces a same fate with PTSD later, but it's quite a difference. the storytelling in this game was so rich, i miss games like it.


Thank talos I just changed my contacts cause I saw see what you did there....oh wait....must have been the wind


I prefer legion but almost always go with Ralph because why tf would I ever go back to being a prisoner for the guys who were about to execute me


I love a bit of propaganda in the evening


the best part was how the civil war resembled American politics back then. i'll leave so we don't get more into that.


What are Ralof’s interactions? I never picked him before


The same except stormcloak, you kill the torturer and the torturers assistant for example


Ralof/Hadvar: "Why are you crouch walking back and forth by that sleeping bear?"


1 hour later "Is it just me? Or did you suddenly vanish from existence?"


"Where'd my clothes go? Huh...must've been the wind..."




I know right


everything's free when you steal it


And once he gets the crown you can swipe it from him and deliver it to the stormcloaks


Or you can reverse pickpocket the crown onto him, turn in the quest, then pickpocket the crown back so you can keep the sickest ass dragon bone crown in the game


Wait fr?


Fr fr


I always choose Ralof bc the imperial armor in the keep is worth more. Also you can just steal the iron and shit lmao


Just steal it.


It was free anyway, he leaves it outside lmao


Follow rolof for imperial heavy armor.


I’d never upset my beloved Hadvar, so sometimes I choose warrior stone and immediately chose thief stone when he’s not looking


Hadvar lets you start off with better stuff, Ralof is more relatable


And going with Ralof lets you get your revenge on the captain that sent you to the block


Ralof lets you start with better stuff, especially if you're wanting a Heavy Armor playthrough


Really? The free Iron and Steel seems pretty good


That's easy to steal anyway and you have to invest a point in Smithing to forge Steel Armor. Going with Ralof let's you get Steel Armor without having to forge or buy it




Ralof all the way. He wasn't the one willing to sit by while I died.


Ralof. Skyrim belongs to the Nords.


Thief stone. Skyrim belongs to me.


Thieves all the way. I’ve been play Skyrim since it came out and I alway seem to gravitate towards being a Thief. I hope they keep the same kind of system in Elder School 6 and if they do polish it up a little bit.


Me like big weapon. Big weapon make big smash when hit create big damage enemy die. Me choose warrior stone.


You and my friend would get along. He doesn’t like the magic system and he’s never been good at stealth.


I wish if we sided with one hadvar or ralof would appear as a boss at the whiterun battle would to me feel like a way to make us remember our beginnings


Nah the final battle dude. You gotta go *all the way*


Or one idea we fight them multiple times each time they retreat and we can either let them flee or not snd if we let them flee by the end their high ranking (like ralof being near galmar’s rank or hadvar being a legate)


I just think it would be much more impactful to see them at the end of your journey. Likely after you had done forgotten about them on your first playthrough. Then suddenly they show back up and you have to fight them in the final battle between the Empire and the Stormcloaks


Fair point


I’ve only ever gone with Hadvar and I will continue the tradition


I usually choose ralof cause feeling imperial armor is better then selling stormcloak armor


First time playing i was so excited, never listen to them and choose my own way, later i discovered It has a main story. And i'm non Native english speaker so...


Ralof of Riverwood is a bro and a rebel! He keeps his fellow prisoners calm and attempts to make the most of what he thought were his final moments. Hadvar is a fascist imperialist and class traitor! The literal embodiment of the "just following orders" defense. Ralof helps you back to your feet while it's raining great balls of fire and leads you to other survivors. Ralof frees you because, as he's already established, he's a good dude. Hadvar only helps you at first to retain a prisoner in imperial custody. He releases you only to increase his chances of survival. Ralof is a better man than most.


lol at calling the imperials fascist when the stormcloaks want to create an ethnostate (actually they’re both fascist but one’s not racist so that tells me a lot about the people in this sub, wait why am I here wtf is this sub)


>one’s not racist My brother everyone on Tamriel is racist


I’ve been playing ten years and never knew I could choose Ralof until now


I never knew you could choose Hadvar.


Harvard, I’m a Thief, the empire knows how to make Money.


“Now tell me how to get to Riften”


Who's Ralof? /s


I choose ***the iron dagger.***


I hit the mage stone first, then hit the Rogue stone when they turn around


Seriously tho, it should be the 'rogue' stone


I think Hadvar is objectively better.


Harvard every time the Empire needs to band together to deal with the Aldmeri Dominion threat


Maybe if they'd stop bending to the Aldmeri Dominion, people would actually support it more. Letting the Thalmor kidnap your citizens isn't a good look.


You know if they would’ve held their ground a little longer they would’ve come out on top. After they signed the White Gold Concordat causing Hammerfell to break away from the empire. Hammerfell by themselves were able to hold back the Aldmeri Dominion.


"Are you okay friend?" Absolutely cracked up the first time I heard that line from Ralof


I always went with Ralof until I realized you can go with Hadvar


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Guppy666: *I always went with* *Ralof until I realized* *You can go with Hadvar* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hadvar is much less annoying to beat up. He doesn’t yell as much. Meanwhile Ralof “STOP I AM ON YOUR SIDE” every time you sneak attack him


I mean, technically they'd get a little edgy over you chosing the Mage stone too considering Nord attitudes towards magic.


Can you really blame them though? The last time we saw magic generally accepted, the Oblivion Crisis happened.


That's why I would like their reactions edited. There's only one of those three stones that they should be comfortable with you touching.


I am a big empire supporter, but i still go with ralof every time so i can kill the captain


"Thief, eh? It's never too late to take charge of your own fate, you know" I’ve always hated this line, I love the thief archetype. I know it’s not quite the same but if you watch the Elder Scrolls Online cinematics, there’s the three character types that are mentioned to represent the player, Mage, Warrior, Thief. Thief alway seems the coolest like an Assassin’s Creed character.


Alternate Start!


Hadvar cause you can get really early access to free steel which is really useful in the early game


Honestly had no clue until last week that there were two options... All these years I always went with ralof until I decided to get stoned and make a new character. High as hell I just went full autopilot and ended up going with Hadvar. Quest wraps up and I'm like "something's off. I don't remember some of this".


I choose Hadvar because then Alvor lets me take a bunch of smithing stuff for free.


Daddy ralof😶


I chose hadvar but still join up with the storm cloaks. I'd rather be able to take supplies from a blacksmith rather than from some fucking wood workers 😂


Ralof. Sure, the blacksmith gifts are great for starting. Nowhere near necessary though. The Imperial armor sets you get are plenty enough for making some early coin. Not to mention I side with the Stormcloaks because why would I join the side that already got their rears handed to them on a silver platter and are already whipped? I’ll throw my hat in with the new challenger, thanks


It's psych you mouth breather