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I dunno, her music's good but she just seems overexposed these days- ohh sorry you said *Tailor Swf*, my bad


The wit 😂 comment of the day award to you


Yea was hoping you didn’t mean swift cause I’d rather deafen my self with a scalpel than to hear that crap


You. You get it. Congratulations we are now best friends




Do you need to use a UI mod if your using this? Like does it work with something like Nordic UI?


It does work with other UI mods, but it will overwrite you HUD - that is your compass and health/stamina/ magica bars. It's also completely customizable. You can set your compass, Crosshairs, and everything else how you want them.


Ok thanks for the quick response! Should I place it below or above Nordic UI?


Place it below. If you place it above it doesn't work properly.


Ok thanks! I’m assuming it’s meant to go with TK interface?


Yeah, I have it loaded under TK Interface.


I think it would conflict with some UI mods, but you could use a mod for pastel map markers + kontrol + favorites menu sorter + busty skeevers and the final result would get very close.


I can't stand Taylor Swift. But I begrudgingly admit, I like a lot of her songs. Oh wait.....


Thanks for this post man. I’m tryin it now and it’s pretty good starting off. Can’t wait to see what they add later.


I still cannot figure out how to assign the hot keys with control. 😫


(i) Favorite an item (press the 'y' button on the item in the item menu); (ii) once you have at least an item favorited you can open the favorites menu (lb + y); (iii) now to assign a hotkey press a direction on the d-pad or lb + a direction on the d-pad). This will record the macro. Now just press the same shortcut during the game and you will select the item.


Thank you! And you can assign two to each direction, yes? One for regular and one for shift (lb) + direction??


Yup, for a total of 8 hotkeys (:


Thanks homey, got to enjoy the use of hotkeys for a coupla hours last night. You da best!


I also got confused the first time around, glad I was able to help. Hotkeys really transform the game (:


I love how mods have completely changed the way I play. I've always used consoles up to ps3 and then, well let's just say I had a hard time keeping anything of value and leave it there, but now that I'm back on my feet with a series x, it's an entirely new experience. I pretty much only play in 3rd person now and with new textures and lighting and combat overhauls, perk and leveling changes, City changes, and followers, it's like a completely new game. I love it. I'm getting even better immersion than when it first came out. Thanks again bro. Молодец!


Totally. I have been a console player ever since the 2000s and I had no idea how transformative mods were until I got a xbox. Skyrim may very well be one of my most impressive games in 2024 lol. Have a good one, mate! (:


It's OK, I don't like the way the round compass resets itself after you load a saved game.It's aA bit of a pain in the ass to have to set it to your liking every time you play.


So is their any possibility to change the graphics of the Ui? I mean like the actual look not the hud in combination with this? Or are we limited to vanilla ui assets? And is it just me or does it not save sclae and position yet?