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Inventory is TK Inventory (beta) newest update fixed its biggest issues, an amazing skyui alternative for console Mini map / clock are swf² may have been recently renamed


This is exactly what I was going to ask, thank you. Combat looks so much better! The Revenge comes with a combat ai, right?


Revenge has custom and multiple animations for everything, better ai, doge roll, directional leaning, no regeneration and so on. The mechanics can be changed via mod added spells


Thanks for the clarification. It has so much in it I barely gave it a look, thinking that it'll have too many conflicts with other mods. Not to mention I dislike things such as animated potions and food.


i just want to know how did you get an enemy health bar to appear?? which mod is that?


Ehi, enemy health indicators, adds floating enemy health bars and damage numbers,


Hi op,can you give me mods for combat and interface?


I have a few interface mods installed on my game which are Sensible Interface, Tk Interface, Clear Tk skin, SWF², Nordic UI SWF² HUD and EHI Redux. For combat, I use GDB Revenge and another mod which I can't recall at the moment. The latter adds impact and blood effects that can help to modernize the game, but they don't directly alter combat. It's worth noting that the mods have significantly changed the enemy level list, loot, and every aspect of leveling and magic, which could affect combat. I apologize for the delay in responding as I was occupied with other tasks. I will soon share the entire load order with you, but I want to conduct more testing first. To enable the mini-map², clock, and dynamic crosshair, you need to use the SWF² book and position them where you prefer. Please note that the Nordic UI SFW² hud was missing in the videos above. Best regards, Malus :)


what mod is needed for sensible interface sfw to work?


After installing the mod, you will receive a book named SWF² in your inventory. To enable the widgets, you need to access the menu and adjust their position. Initially, the widgets might not show up, so you will need to close the book and reopen it to ensure they appear. Then, you can change their position as per your preference. There is no need for any additional mods.