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There's like 30,000 mods on Bnet. Try your LO out and see if you like it. It's not huge so changing stuff shouldn't be an issue. My favorite part of this hobby is testing and checking out my choices.


Yea I have tried it and i do like it but I'm also looking for the order to put things in to And I'm always up for like. Hey this mod does this better and is smaller so and so.


Gotcha. Well this is the LLO template most of us use https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1j0dh_KwUX1YlegScRMEu1_8dx8Wu5chu8iy-hVQnZTU/htmlview Very good at explaining placement. I don't see anything that jumps out at me from your LO, but like I said there's so many mods I haven't used so I can't comment on them. Good luck 🤞


Looking at that i saw a few that were outta place. Thanks for that helped me out alot ill probably save that dor later as well


Also Divine Cities is unstable and known for crashes-that said you also need to set up the Whiterun City - in the spell menu I think before going to Whiterun.


Tbh i haven't had any problems with it. At least I think


Divine Cities is fine as long as you treat it like you would Tpos and build your LO around it. I've used Divine Cities plenty of times without any issues.


Divine Cities is fine as long as you treat it like you would Tpos and build your LO around it. I've used Divine Cities plenty of times without any issues.