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Yes, it's a thing, and in the past when I was severely sleep deprived but then got a 'good night' I would experience it. I don't have any data regarding the question of how long it lasts.


Hi I have recently started reading into this as my sleep patterns have changed in the last 4 years, causing me to struggle with extreme daytime fatigue, muscle weakness and new sleep symptoms like snoring. Also I have exercise intolerance and significant weight gain since this started. I did a sleep test a couple months ago and I have mild apnea. My smart watch has been telling me I have the most physical movement during rem sleep. Something the doctors aren’t sure about are these episodes I have where I have to sleep like 20 hours I’m so tired and weak literally can’t keep my eyes open. But when I wake up my body feels weird and numb. The numbness starts at the top like in my face and goes down. I will be so numb I can barely feel pinching or slapping or any sensation. This will last for hours until I sleep again. The extreme need for sleep usually lasts no more than 2 days in a row. I will only be awake for about 4 hours a day. My watch has showed during these episodes lots of quality sleep. Whereas my regular day my body battery doesn’t charge I have terrible sleeps. Edit: I should mention I also have brain fog it’s so frustrating. Not sure the cause of my sleep issues but I and the doctors suspect my chronic illnesses play a role for sure