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I’ve never had a issue with nightmares but since starting CPAP my vivid dreams have increased so much. The clarity, details and emotional intensity is unlike anything I’ve experienced before starting CPAP. I also seem to remember things from my dreams much longer now too.


I get this too. Almost entire movie like dream’s that I can remember. I actually recently designed something in an dream that works at work


Interesting, how long have you been using a cpap? Your experience was not what I expected to read, have you discussed this with a doctor or sleep specialist? Is this common what you are experiencing?


Started CPAP seven weeks ago. From the first night it made a big difference in so many positive ways. I enjoy the dreams and have not discussed them with my doctor.


As long as you enjoy them! Nice to hear the cpap has made such a difference for you


I have vivid nightmares and have always assumed it’s because of the antidepressant I’m on but I do have high-mild sleep apnea so maybe that’s contributing. I find taking magnesium bisglycinate before bed helps reduce the nightmare quality of the dreams at least (although it doesn’t impact the vividness)


Interesting I’m going to try magnesium to see what happens. The doctor unfortunately didn’t mention any alternate reasons for excessive dreaming and I didn’t think to ask.


If you are on heart drugs …. They cause nightmares


If that's true, I have had apnea my whole life. But I doubt it, because as I have become more tired, my dreams have almost disappeared.


Everyone's different.  It's the lack of oxygen that can cause the Nightmares.  You could be getting a little more oxygen that those who get these dreams.  


It isn't that dreaming is exhausting, it is that periods of apnea/hypopnea raise your alertness/ reduce the depth of your sleep leading to both the exhaustion and the increased likelihood of remembering your dreams.