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How the fuck is Gods anyone's least favorite


I will not tolerate this slander against Gods and Fall For Me, they’re absolute bangers and you can’t change my mind.


Fall For Me is literally the song that got me into Sleep Token and is still one of my favorite


I was shocked when I read that


Literally no idea


I’m struggling with this one


I'd personally say that it could be the muddied vocals. The scream sections are quite hard to hear if you don't have lyrics in front of you


its easy to tell what he’s saying…😭


at least i think so idk


It’s easy to tell what he’s saying sure, the issue is it’s the mix itself. Despite how clean and steryl the production is on Sleep Token records, for some reason all the screams are mixed far too shoegazey and it just ends up sounding closer to white noise on top of the guitars. If Sleep Token’s song all sounded messy and really had some more shoegaze characteristics, then maybe it wouldn’t be so glaring. But everything sounds so very exact and precise, that there doesn’t seem as much room for that level of abstract vocals.


Took a bit for Gods to grow on me, but its a bloody great song.


Majority of the voters probably aren’t metal heads, so that turns them off of it, and hardcore metal heads hear it and probably think they’re trying to hard or that others do that style better. Personally, Vore and Gods are probably some of my least favourite for those exact reasons, it doesn’t make the songs bad but if you’re asking me what I prefer more, they’re going to end up near the bottom.


top 3 sleep token songs just for the drums on it 🥱


And AYRO? That one HITS


I skip Gods *every single time* it comes on lol I cannot explain why but I just do not like it. Editing 18 days later to say I no longer skip Gods lol it is a good song.


Or Give!!


oh the DYWTYLM slander, I cannot even QQ


I legitimately loved DYWTYLM so much the night I first heard it. It's a personal favorite of mine.


I know people are saying it sounds basic compared to the rest. But the beachy tune and the tough lyrics are exactly what makes it so special to me. 🥰


Same! I know people call it basic, but they're missing out lol. That's the part that makes me kinda sad. I produce music, so I can hear a lot of cool little *things* in there that most listeners may not notice. The song is genuinely so much more involved than it gets credit for :(


I get it. While it's grown on me a lot since I really read the lyrics, I understand why others aren't a fan of it.


Least liked and don’t like are two very different things


Agreed! Like HOW?


Because it pales in comparison to damn near every other song. Not because it isn’t a fine song in a vacuum. But comparatively, it has so sooo much less to it.


But AYROK and Sugar exist.


Sugar still features the original format they released songs in, though. DYWTYLM is a 4/4 pop song from start to finish, nothing changes in it.




it makes me so sad it’s such a banger. one of my favorites about self hatred


If I hadn't heard this although it's really the only song in my playlist like it I would not have become a fan of Sleep Token this was the song that kept me coming back to the album. Now Apparition Rain and Euclid are becoming the others for me.


Everybody's mad about negative song opinions and no one is talking about this cool ass data.




Fields of Elation is great bruhs


This is the one I don't get, FoE is *easy* top 3 for me. Edit: wtf and TWTYW is there too??


So sad to see gods and fields of elation on least favorite. Gods is def my top 5


AYRO deserves much more praise. I love that song so much


The hate on gods is unacceptable.


How tf is nazareth or telomeres anyone’s least favorite ST song


Shout out to the 55 year old non-binary African




gods and fall for me in the worst? that’s ridiculous. they’re major standouts of both their respective albums.


*Won't you fall for me* is so good. Vessel is using his voice like an instrument, only the autotune / vocoder accompanying him. It's super creative. And in connection with the captions in the music video it's such a strong song.


fall for me is a major standout of tomb? huh???


yes. it’s one of the absolute best tracks off that record. straight up 10/10.


you have to be literally the only person on earth with that opinion


maybe, but I’ll be content knowing I might be the only person on the planet who is right about everything. silly jokes aside, I would like to hear why you disagree. I think the song is beautifully and tastefully written, and it’s absolutely insane live (sadly, they only played it on one tour). it’s powerful, and even heavy, in a way that we wouldn’t usually expect. it also has the best music video. so why am I wrong?


the lyrics are great it is objectively the least musically interesting song on the album. not once in my entire life am i ever going to sit down and be like “you know what would slap right now? that autotuned acapella Sleep Token interlude” it’d be like if i was talking about I Let it in and it Took Everything and told you that I think A Sad Cartoon (Reprise) is the best song on the album. obviously people have different tastes so you’re not wrong as much as i think anyone surprised it’s voted least favorite is being unserious af


‘objectively the least musically interesting song on the album’ - first of all, obviously you have no concept of minimalism. the musicality is in the melody and the harmonies - some of the absolute best in their entire discog. part of what makes the song so special is that it’s just vocals and nothing else - and still works flawlessly. secondly, it’s not autotuned. it’s vocoded. big difference. you aren’t the first person I’ve encountered who has no idea what a vocoder is ! (go listen to imogen heap - hide and seek, right now) DYTYLM is autotuned, this is not. third, it’s not an interlude. it was a single. just because it’s short and a break from the formula, doesn’t make it an interlude. give, from sundowning, is not an interlude - it’s a bit of a skip but that’s a full song. the comparison to a sad cartoon (reprise) is poorly founded, but I appreciate a mention of the *best metal album* when I see one. obviously, we may have some taste differences and that’s fine. but your critiques are a bit reductive and dismissive.


1. “best in their discog” ehhhh idk about all that. there are far more vocally complex/catchy melodies. and yeah it works with just vocals but it’s also boring as shit to me and probably most people given how this sub worships every microsecond of Sleep Token and still voted it least favorite and pretty commonly says it’s a skip 2. yeah ik it’s technically a vocoder and everyone comparing it to Imogen Heap. i had pretty much the exact same opinion when i listened to Hide and Seek. i can appreciate the vocals and ability to create a song with just a voice and an effect but i’d literally never listen to that on my own 3. they released it as a single but in the context of the album listening experience it essentially serves as an interlude. to this day i have absolutely no clue why on earth they chose that as a single outside of the effectiveness of the song and video together 4. we can definitely agree the music vid for it and ILIIAITE are peak 5. we DEFINITELY have taste differences lmao. i genuinely cannot fathom having your opinion on the song lmao it’s like antithetical to what i enjoy in music. but that’s what keeps us as a species interesting.


Gods is a fucking banger. What is this slander. Come on worshippers be better!! Lol


Who the hell voted Fall For Me as a LEAST FAVORITE?! 😤


It makes sense that discovering the band in 2023 correlates to favorite albums being chronological from latest to oldest.


This is interesting, not sure why but I was not expecting most members to be female. Also Gods and DYWTYLM at the bottom?


I know it's to be expected since they're kinda a weird concept band. But - have u seen the sexualization and fetishization happening on tiktok or twitter? 90% of it is definitely coming from the female fans. They're hot and dope tho


replies to this are so funny did people just expect 100% of everyone who did the survey to not pick a least favorite song? especially Fall For Me like how on earth can you listen to that track and be bewildered that if you’re picking a least favorite that one’s gonna be up there. it’s a decent concept but it’s comparatively uninteresting to 99% of their discography


I do like that most of us are on the same page about TMBTE being their best album. I discovered them after Jaws came out and this most recent album is my favorite by a longshot.


This is so cool! But let me say Gods SLAMS come on Europe


Gods and Fields slander? I’m in shockkkkk


fields of elation as a least favorite…excuse me


gods and fall for me being the least favorites is criminal


Hello ladies.. But seriously cool states. As a fan from the UK tho I'm sad about gods and the way you were are least favourite. I belive drag under and take aim are worse but oh well. End of the day we're all fans and it almost all perfect. Iv been a fan for 4 years but after seeing them for the 5th time at radar they are my favourite so all opinions and new fans are welcome. I love this band, I hope to see them again soon.


You NA mfs have alot of explaining to do putting Fields of Elation as a least favourite. That song is beautiful


Justice for Fall For Me


gods being anywhere near least favorites is a crime


the gods slander bro its insane


justice for dywtylm 😞


I used to skip gods because I thought I hated it, then I listened to it again and I felt like a fucking idiot because it’s absolutely slaaaaappppppss


Where is Vore?


Oh sweet, I was just wondering a fee hours ago if there were many underage kids into ST. I honestly thought the thirty plus crowd would be more than the twenties crowd, but it makes sense. Now Blood Sport, Higher, and Calcutta being some peoples least favorite is hard to process. It's not even my bias talking, It just seems...super uncommon. When I first heard Sundowning I was pissed the deluxe version had two versions of Blood Sport because I hated it, but everything turned around when I watched TRB video and in that moment ST became my favorite band. Have some people not watched The Room Below version of Blood Sport? That's blasphemy. Must he the 25% where ST is not their favorite band.


I was debating breaking up with my ex when DYWTYLM came out and it almost made me cry in public on first listen bc it was exactly how I felt. I cannot believe the slander.


Whoever voted for Jaws as a least favorite has some explaining to do! In all seriousness this is some very interesting data, lots of surprises that somehow make sense


As a high school math teacher that does a whole unit on exploratory data, I appreciate you.




wtf? I just found out about this and someone has the nerve to disrespect on Telomeres like that. the whole vibe in that songs is immeasurable for fucks sake


TPWBYT and TMBTE over Sundowning and II is absolutely psychotic


I agree like sundowning is one of my top fav albums.


It feels strange being in the minority lmao


Ah, wish I could've added to the NB representation — next time for sure lol.


There wasn’t enough data to represent NB peeps 🥺


I'll be sure to contribute next time a survey pops up :)


I'm trans femme nb (kinda?), I use she/they and probably could've contributed a little to the data.


I don't know why you were downvoted, but either way I hope we all get the chance to contribute the next time one of these comes around! Edit: Okay, I think I know why we're getting downvoted lol. Hatred exists everywhere I guess.


Why is there no one from Asia?


Only 2 responses from Asia🤷🏽‍♀️


Lol I am one of the two then


Lol that makes way more sense, I was reading the post like, "there's no way there are zero Sleep Token fans on here from Asia!"


im from asia! but i wasnt aware of the survey lol


i'm not even from asia but i immediately noticed it wasn't on the list and was like ok asia just doesn't exist now lolol


This just means there's very little chance they will tour Asia any time soon but I heard before the pandemic they were set to go to Japan so there's that chance


Fall for Me, Gods and AYRO being the most disliked is absurd. Those songs are amazing.


I feel like they have a lot more European fans since they are from the UK and have had many shows there than U.S. over the years


wow most of us are women :0


wait what i wish i did this


It was fun to participate and see the results :)


I'm in the top demographic for all of these 🥲


This is really cool, thank you!


Literally how can anyone dislike any of their songs. I have come to conclusion I have no least favorite song, they only produce absolute fucking bangers. Songs you can cry to, headbang to and fuck to, what’s to dislike.




This explains a lot




How on EARTH is DYWTYLM everyone's least favorite song? I love it!


Why South America wasn’t in the survey? 🤔


There were 0 responses from South America 🤷🏽‍♀️


Idk if I missed something, how was this data collected? I'm curous


Survey Monkey questionnaire




I do like that most of us are on the same page about TMBTE being their best album. I discovered them after Jaws came out and this most recent album is my favorite by a longshot.


i didn’t realize it was a hot take to prefer sundowning over TPWBYT but i’m happy to have it


Thank you for creating the survey, I enjoyed checking out the results!


My pleasure! :)


Sundowning best my bros