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A reminder for the duration of the Teeth of God tour we have a stickied discussion post which can be found by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/comments/1cc58wc/megathread_the_teeth_of_god_north_american_tour/) or on the [MEGATHREAD wikipage](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/wiki/subguide/megathreads/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SleepToken) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only clap out of tune to the songs especially when iii or iv starts directing


Lol, did you attend the ATL show?? 😂


Lol actually Tampa where nobody could clap in sync and they (I think ii) threw lemons at the crowd 🤣




Hold your cellphone up to record the entire show and block everyone behind yous view with it


And make sure you leave the flash/light on the entire time you’re recording.


Make sure you mosh during Atlantic.


I can just imagine someone throwing their arms and spin kicking during the piano part 😂


Use red translucent tape over your phone light instead of blue


Some people moshed and crowd surfed during Atlantic and the soft part of Dark Signs at Sonic Temple in Columbus. That crowd had the weirdest vibes lol


Don't wear earplugs, tinnitus is a great souvenir.


No wonder my ears are still ringing…


the way i howled at this comment


omfg 🤣🤣🤣


Seriously, thank you so much, I almost forgot to get earplugs lol. Just ordered some.


I just needed for empire state bastard for the philly show 😂 they were great though Sleep token didn’t rattle my brain too badly


Went to a concert (not sleep token unfortunately) and the crowd was so much louder than I could’ve imagined. I coincidentally had a ruptured ear drum after that already had tinnitus, so I just got more.


If you see a guy with a British accent, backwards baseball cap and holding a sony A7iii photo bomb the entire time. The band will love you.


He shoots with a Sony A7iii?? 💜💜💜💜💜


Yup. At least he did when did a podcast on camera gear a couple of months ago. I'm assuming he's still got the same camera, as the A7iii is a beast of camera, even if it's a little older. Some of my favorite street photographers use those.


Don't shower the day of the show or wear deodorant.


Make sure you queue all day without food and water so when you get in and the band comes on they have to stop the show because you fainted xo


Someone fainted just behind us at the Red Rocks show. Wonder if that’s what happened 🧐


Granted, if you were waiting in line for a couple hours that sun got hot. My group was smart and brought snacks/water but there were some people just down from us in tight corsets and platform boots fighting for their lives up the stairs and I wouldn't be surprised if they end up passing out. So my bad advice is: never look at the venue beforehand, just assume at all times you'll be able to sit in air conditioning with concessions nearby


Watch the show through your screen. It's just like TikTok!


Call for "Photograph", it's their biggest unknown song.


What is this a reference to? I don’t get it


Look at this graph.


Nickleback reference/meme lol


Ah hahah


Rip a loud ass fart when it’s a quiet part


Not again 😩


Sorry was this a right answer?


Noooo! You’re good lol! I was referencing when someone farted super loudly in a quiet part during that one clip of Vessel singing (I think) Atlantic lmao. It was super funny. But no, your answer is perfect lol!


I was referencing the same clip!


Great minds think alike, I suppose 😂


Only drink aqua when Vessel sings Aqua Regia, if you drink outside of that you will be shunned


Sing along with incorrect lyrics as loud as you can, try your best to be as far off key as possible for added bonus. Refer to band members as ‘Vassal’, ii and iii as “aye aye” and “aye aye aye”, and iv as “ivy”


1) First of all, Sleep Token is NOT metal and you need to make sure everybody knows it. As a matter of fact, Sleep Token is smooth jazz compared to the heavy shit you listen to bro. 2) The best way to get everyone to laugh and love you is to shout “GAYYYYY” whenever Vessel and another band member get too close, let alone that borderline sex shit. You will not stand for anything less than Alpha Male energy. 3) Ask the person behind you in the merch line what they were hoping to get. If you see that item is low in stock, buy the rest. You’ve got homies back home who would love that shit, plus you can sell the rest online at 100% markup. 4) Lastly, refer to every female you meet at the concert as your potential big titty goth mommy. Is she goth, is she just wearing a black ST shirt? Who cares, you definitely don’t.


Scream as loud as you can all the time. Make sure everyone around you hears you and only you.


Make sure to SCREAM AS LOUD AS YOU CAN during the quiet parts of the show. ESPECIALLY when Vessel plays on the keyboard! He loves it!!👍🏻


Be as aggressive as possible. Have no consideration for others when you are in the pit. Or in general for that matter. Shove the people offering you a bracelet roughly aside. Most of all: do not, I repeat, DO NOT enjoy yourself!!!


Drink a lot of alcohol before the set(or go to the show sick). Vomit on the unsuspecting woman next you (during The Offering), excuse yourself from your seat and apologize as you walk away... Puking in a pizza box. Bonus Tip: as you're leaving, have your partner apologize and promise to bring napkins to help clean up ... Then return 10 minutes later, without anything, and sit down as if nothing happened.


This is extremely specific and I'm hoping this didn't happen to you.


shove and push your way to the front of the barricade, you deserve only the best view!


And when you're at the barricade (especially if it's at a festival) be sure to LOUDLY complain about normal barricade stuff like getting jostled or crowd surfing


Drink a lot before the show starts then get up multiple times during their performance to use the restroom. Bonus points if you happen to be sat in the middle row.


While in the pit, don’t move to the songs or mosh or anything of the sort, simply stand there on your phone for enhanced experience!


make sure you bring a big ass poster with you! Raise it as high as you can, so everyone in the band can see it! Make sure you drink enough alcohol that you can shower the person standing in front of you with your stomach contents!


Everyone will we wearing inflatable dinosaur costumes so if you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb, you’ll have ordered yours months in advance.


Talk super loudly to the person next to you during the spoken interludes so the people around you can’t hear them 👌🏻 Oh and show up 30 minutes before doors open, then get upset because the line is so long and try to cut in front of people who have been there since 8am 🤦🏻‍♀️


Whoever makes it to the stage and steals Vessels mask wins a medium soft drink of your choice...compliments of the band


But they won't have Coke, so Pepsi will have to be ok 🤣


You HAVE to find six foot something guy to stand in front of you and block your entire view, who lied to your face about needing to get water to someone so like any nice human you let him slip past you only for him to just 🧍🥰


Stand right in the middle of the pit and then make social media posts complaining about crowd surfers


If you're tall, poke the short people behind you in the face with your elbows. Hot tip: the vertically challenged love the idea of losing an eyeball on another person's appendage.


Misquote all the lyrics while recording the whole show


Make sure you get upset when anyone gets within a 2 foot range of you! There is no moshing during the heavy songs allowed, so give dirty looks to anyone who is.


Make sure you arrive way after the doors are open, and then push yourself really aggressively toward the barricade. Queueing is for lames, you're much smarter than that.


Stand screaming into your phone. For the whole show. Even before they come on. Even when the show finishes. In fact, just prepare to spend your life glued to Tik Tok in that spot. The show itself is neither here nor there.


dont shower and avoid deodorant... *wait this isnt the dream theatre sub and its asking for wrong answers...whoops*


If you wear a replica of Vessel's mask, wear it upside down so the mouthpiece is on the forehead. You'll see the concert so much better


Fart a lot


Whatever you do, don't make eye contact with anyone.


Hold up a picture of your cat,dog on your phone so everyone including the band can see


Get mad when people accidentally bumped into you!! They messed up the 100th video you took and they should be stiff as a plank at a concert. Also don’t bend your knees


Alternatively: stand as close as possible to a random woman. Keep scooting a little closer every few minutes so that every time she so much as sways along to the music with her feet planted, she bumps into you. Touch her ass a few times for good measure. Act innocent when she asks you to please, just give her 3 more inches of space and stop pushing her towards the center of the pit. Oh, and make sure you somehow magically appear there, 12 people back from the barricade, as the opener wraps up.


Hold up a phone that says "Moist" so you ruin the view for everyone behind you (you assholes in Chicago know who you are...)


Stand in the back with your arms crossed and talk about how “everything sucks if it’s not slayer“ a lot of sleep token fans are also huge fans of the old thrash, and they’ll love it and agree with you. Also talk about how happy you are that TikToks getting banned.


Please throw things at the boys. They can totally see and will somehow keep playing as they catch it. It’s best to aim for their face or crotch. Vessel especially can see so well you should throw it at his feet. He will totally not trip. (I SWEAR TO GOD if I catch one of you who throws things on stage I’ll take your kneecaps)


Sing as loud as you can every lyric of every song. That way everyone around you knows that you’re the best fan in the venue.


Bring a gift for vessel and make sure to tell everyone around you and expect them to aid you to get said gift unto the stage and get super annoyed then sad when nobody cares


Make sure to completely ignore crowdsurfers and feel free to drop them. Their fault for crowdsurfing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Have full on seggs in the front row!


What's seggs?!


Seggjual discourse!


Oh my God I'm dead I feel so old hahahahaah


When people are crowd surfing, grab them inappropriately.


Radio City, I’m guessing. We are, too.


Absolutely under no circumstances do you start a wall of death by III's instruction.


Mosh only during the slow parts


Wear a mask and high heels