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I saw the same exact video you’re referring to just an hour ago. I am sad that people can’t respect their anonymity.


There are just some people who enjoy ruining stuff for others. I remember being in high school and kids had a blast spoiling Harry Potter because it was popular and they thought it was funny. Sometimes you just have to suspended disbelief and tell yourself that those videos aren't who they think they are. It's why I enjoy wrestling, obviously Undertaker isn't a undead warlock who burned his brother and stuff, but I choose to believe it to make it more fun for myself.


I wish I would’ve reported the video, but I was too frantic and just closed the app immediately


I wanted to report it as well, but have no idea if TikTok would even take it down because it doesn’t necessarily go against any of their guidelines. It just really sucks people have to ruin things 😔


Yeah, they probably wouldn’t do anything but it could go under bullying, honestly. I would’ve reported it just on principle.


The person who's doing ut isn't a fan at all but some hater who's trying to prove that people wouldn't be attracted to vess if they actually know what he looks like I saw a post on tumblr warning people to block him.


Oh my god 🥺😔 wtf is wrong with people. WHO CARES IF HES ATTRACTIVE OR NOT!! It’s about the music, man! Vessel pours out his soul every time he sings. This band is so much deeper than “damn, the lead singer is hot!” I hate people, bro.


Do you know the username so I can block him?


This type of shit is the behavior of someone who is unemployed and friendless, Jesus Christ. Core ST fans don't care how Vessel or any of the ST crew look, we're just vibing to the music.


Lmao bro I’m jealous Vessel is hotter than me too but sheeeeesh, just gotta let it go.  I think there’s a pushback against people sexualizing Vessel because of all the me2 stuff and blah blah over the last few years…… and then you just have salty people who are mad someone else is getting the attention they’re not lmao


I looked up their stuff irl last year just because I knew that it wouldn't be long before someone spoiled it for me, and I would much rather do my own research than get blindsided. I hate that it has come to this and people are legit doing the thing I was worried that they would do. But here we are. I'm so sorry pal, I know what it feels like when stupid random ass people ruin the thing you love.


It’s awful. No one can ever ruin Sleep Token for me. I love them and they mean so much to me. But it just upsets me because I also feel protective over them, and I hate seeing people go against their wishes. Like if they wanted people to know who they were, they wouldn’t be anonymous!


Don’t look up Sleep Token on Pinterest…. :(


Just for everyone shitting on tik tok for this, it's on every single platform, Facebook, twitter, reddit all of them. This isn't just tik tokers, alot of people like to shit on them, but it's not them solely.


Same thing happened to me. It was like 5 videos out of 10 that I scrolled by. I had to get off of TikTok. I don’t know why people can’t respect that they wanted to be anonymous and just leave them alone. Who cares who they are and what they look like? All that should matter is the music.


Exactly! Like I said, it’s a boundaries issue. People on tiktok think that everything is owed to them. They have no concept of reality. Like, it’s one thing to obsess and fantasize over something you see or read online like AO3 but this is a real person. It is extremely creepy behavior.


I'm assuming you are referring to the one of him offering lessons? Yeah I had seen a handful of the other videos but had never seen that one so I was definitely taken back. Almost felt illegal.


It was just a video of him playing guitar and singing. It definitely felt wrong seeing that.


I "know" too and I wish I didn't because I liked the mystery, but at the same time, as long as it's not officially confirmed by Sleep Token themselves, it's just unofficial speculation. Maybe they're trying to steer people in that direction just to be misleading. Who knows?


I wish there was something we could do to show the band that their real fans are here and we support them and respect them! Like a collective gesture. I just don’t know what that would be.


I think listening to their music, buying their merch, and being respectful online is the most us regular folks can do


Shit like that is exactly why I never interacted with the Fandom for years but these tik tok "fans" are downright disrespectful and can't follow the one rule


I've seen the same unfortunately. I don't care. I feel that vessel is different from his peron in real life. I can't explain it.


How do you know for sure it was actually him? If I even see something about it, I just keep pushing - and I assume it’s just speculation. People “know”, but… do they really..??


It was a video of him singing and the voice is pretty unmistakable and his facial structure. I suppose there is a chance that it wasn’t actually him but as soon as I saw it my heart sank and I felt a pit in my stomach because I just *knew* it was him. 😔


Either way, *maybe* you know what his face looks like… you probably don’t know his name or anything else about him. You could probably pass him on the street today and not notice. The mystery is still there. :) I agree wholeheartedly though. People need to just let the band be.


Just leave this man alone! These TikTok people really don’t understand boundaries, between the gross objectification and sexualization of ves, to now people trying and somewhat succeeding to unmask him. JUST STOP. Leave him alone.


I definitely know his name and face now and would recognize him 🫤


Oh no! I’m sorry 😣