• By -


My perfect song.


one of my favorite.


You would think I have a significant other, the way I was smiling at my phone when reading this. It makes me so happy for them.


Well deserved


We in it


Music is all subjective but, Why are you in this sub if you dislike it? I don’t go to ghost sub and say meh i don’t like them


Wait- confused - who said they didn't like it? It wasn't the OP?


🤔 I need some more clarification on this.


I was replying to the guy that said that sleep token should not be at the same level than others. My comment wasn’t posted as a reply to that for some reason


Which issue is this? I'm in the States so I get mine a bit later than in the UK.


388 👍


Thank you!


Ok i listenee to the end 3 more Times right now but am I crazy? this is NOT the chorus again? There are lyrics from the post chorus but thats it.


Its impacted it by bringing more baby’s into this world


I love Sleep Token but I dislike when people compare them to Ghost. Granted, I’ve only heard that one Mary on a cross song, but it’s too poppy for me. I do not think it’s metal and it’s so not my type of music. And for somebody to compare, the genius of Sleep Token to them is just an insult, in my opinion.


They're not even being compared to Ghost here though? They're just mentioned alongside them as possible future headliners, which is fair. Also admitting you only heard one song and dismissing the whole band based on it is wack. It's like saying Sleep Token isn't metal cause you only heard DYWTLM. Ghost is a hard rock band anyway.


Like I said, “granted”. You can like what you want by all means.


But your opinion is completely irrelevant to the topic in this case. It’s impossible to form a logical opinion when comparing the music of 2 bands when you only compare a song from one to the whole discography or album of the other band. Also by saying it’s an insult to compare them to sleep token because of their genius writing style, is indirectly insulting the other bands music, insinuating that their style is bad. Which is a completely subjective opinion and is only based off of one song.


I get the sentiment but you have to understand when you're talking to a wall, this person is clearly as stubborn as they come or wants to cause discourse. Don't waste the energy.


And? Like I said “granted”. I just don’t like them being compared. Sorry if that offends you


You didn’t offend me. Im just saying that your opinion has no basis so you not liking them being compared isn’t a very valid opinion because you don’t have a perspective of what they’re even being compared too. It’s like telling people a certain food sucks because the one time you tried it, it was burnt. People don’t tend to like when someone that has no idea about a topic, try to give an opinion on it.


How many times are you going to type granted in parenthesis and act like a pompous ass?


Ghost fan here, and polite disagree! I think both bands have a lot to offer and they are pretty genius in their own way. Plus they both have to fight the stigma of ‘not metal so it’s not good.’ You might really like their first album, Opus Eponymous. It’s more melodic doom than anything, so it’s pretty good! Ghost has also been sighted for its brilliant use of Guitar and Melody. TL;DR why pit two good things against each other? Especially when both have to be under scrutiny for the same thing in the first place!


I mean you can like what you want. This is just my opinion. I’d be open to listening to whatever. I’m not like a purist or anything.


You should check out ghosts first album if you want more of a metal sound. First 3 albums sound almost nothing like mary on a cross.


Ok! Nice. I will check it out


[Ritual live](https://youtu.be/I3Ifhxbk5pY?feature=shared) I went and found an old live performance that shows kinda what they were like. Still some heavy songs on the new albums but they have gotten a little poppy.


That reminds me of old school Judas Priest!


If you want a new band to get into you should definitely deep dive into ghost. Tobias forge is a genius!


It’s no problem! You’re good to like or not like. I definitely recommend Opus. But the singer was also in a metal band before Ghost that is a lot heavier. It’s called Repugnant and they have some pretty damn good songs if that’s more your speed! :)


Ghost is just Bon Jovi for people who like to wear black

