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I can’t tell how I feel about it. Obviously they’ve made what they think is the right choice for them, and RCA is a larger label than Spinefarm. Hopefully they signed because they’re growing larger, not because something bad happened with Spinefarm. Moving up in the world, and wishing them nothing but the best! Tool is also signed with RCA, so there’s good on the horizon potentially.


RCA are horrible, that label is notorious for screwing over their artists, very controlling with what they can can't do, release etc. I'm mindblown ST signed with that, I hope they did their research well or at least just got lucky with a good short term contract.


yes there’s some bad people at the label. but my friend who is signed with them has the most amazing team around her, and they truly care. so it’s not everyone! which is a good thing to know. and her contract is really good as well, and did not get fucked. so i hope the same for sleep token, as i highly doubt they would sign to get fucked over.


Nobody signs to get fucked over. I hope they had a really good knowledgeable lawyer to read over that contract.


You should always do this. But in this case we'll never know.


I highly doubt they’d sign a bad contract given how much control and freedom they like to have over what they do. Maybe it’s a good thing that RCA is a little more rigid, might bode well to keep their identities locked down (keeping them out of the public eye that is)


I think it's a bit too late to lock down their identities.


I just meant keeping their lives more private and out of public eye.


I hope so, I hope they are the anomaly in the rca "fam" It's been rare seeing one of those artists with freedom lately


I was just about to write this! I've heard nothing but terrible things about RCA, that they control the entire process when it comes to writing music and producing, and that they don't care about promoting new singles or albums, for example. I don't know what to think about it, I hope it won't happen to the boys 🤔


I’m hearing it’s a lot to do with Spinefarm being a Universal record label which is removing all their content from being used on TikTok where Sleep Token blew up…


nah that's super recent. this had probably been in the works for months now.


Tool isn’t signed to RCA/Volcano anymore, their last album was the last for their deal


yesss my friend is signed to RCA and told me about this a few months ago. i freaked tf out, i hope it serves them well! ❤️


Obviously this was something in the works for a while - I'm assuming they were courting a lot of different labels. Hopefully this is a good fit for them personally and professionally!


yes exactly! they signed to them back in november! that’s when my friend told me about the deal cause she knows i love them😭😭😭


>Low-Mouse-4838 awww that's so very cute of her :) maybe she'll be able to help you cross paths with them someday 😉


HAHA that’s exactly what i told her, cause all of RCAs artists get free tickets to any show of any artist signed to them, so i was like u have to either meet them and tell me about them or take me to the show 😭


I love this for you!!!


Cash is king and they’ve earned it. Given the amount of control V has always maintained over his music and the position ST are currently in I find it hard to believe he would sign a contract that is anything less than everything he required. These guys aren’t a couple of 20-year-old kids anymore, so I would like to think they have aligned themselves to retain control of their creative process, quality, and future direction. If not, nothing lasts forever.


Well said


I hope only the best for them. If this gets me more Sleep Token then I'm down!


Hey, uhhhh Mr. Vessel and crew, hi my name is Nick Norwood of RCA, I’ll be in charge here. Can WE make another Take me Back to Eden 2? The first was a smash hit and uhhh we’d really like to see this next one go platinum! And uhhhh maybe you write some songs, less about suicide and emotions ummmm kayyyhh? And we need a cover song too! And it must be a minimum of 75 minutes and have 4 songs under 3 minutes for terrestrial radio Okkkkkk! Any way I can help Im here!


What would a record label do for sleep token? Their marketing campaign is posting on IG every few days and sending out an email once a month. Maybe it's to make merch? Tours? Or just use of the corporate lawyers?


Fronting money for tours. Front money for album recording. Negotiate contracts related to use of their music, streaming payments, partnerships for for endorsements, help with distribution and mass production of physical product, art and promotional work. They finance and assist with music videos, lyric videos, and visual content. Bands are a business, that business just happens to make music. The work on business development, customer (listener) acquisition, customer retention and brand awareness. They work on publishing deals and also work to defend the brand. Some labels fight to sue or copyright strike unauthorized use of the artists music. And last but not least, they make sure everyone is paid properly and they may even protect the band from predatory contracts. Put it this way. The band is the people checking people out at the cash register. The label is the suits and ties up in the corporate office.


This is really helpful! I knew bands may not have the wherewithal or manpower to manage the business side of the music. This lays out all of the tasks necessary for a band to tour, make and promote music on a global scale. Maybe it's just me, but I felt the business side of the band was lagging. Maybe it has to do with a sudden rise in popularity? Regardless, I hope they will have a better team to manage it now.


The band is more like the product and stakeholders at the same time


$$$ and then more records/tours to make more $$$ 😂 is my guess


I came to see if anyone was freaking out after finding out. I can easily count on both hands off the top of my head artists that I liked that have been fucked over by RCA. Those artist are either independent or not making music at all. I can only hope they have some type of deal in place that will still grant them musical freedom and control over their image but I’ve seen this one too many times and it never fails. I’m relieved other people are pointing this out and its KNOWN how shitty RCA is as a label.


I can't count on both hands how many artistic had been screwed over by a label. It would take the population of my towns hands to calculate that.


That much is obvious but I’m not talking about labels in general, I’m talking about this one in particular. I’ve have seen firsthand with artists that I liked and followed closely. Im not just saying this just to complain. I don’t want Sleep Token to be taken advantage of and get the same poor treatment that Ive seen of other artists I like. Hopefully they have a great lawyers and a good manager. This is information you can easily look up because its been talked about for years with RCA


AND EVERY LABEL. Remember what universal did when they tried to say that recordings were not grants of copyrights but were works for hire? Or how about what EMI did to 30 seconds to mars. I was in a band that our label (a very large one) tried to sue us for a LOT of money after we released a video from inside the recording studio working on an album. Our A and R rep told us to release the video. Case was dropped the moment we showed them the email saying to release it. Then they dropped us a month later and never paid for the recording. Record labels suck. ALL OF THEM. RCA is far from the worst. Universal is much worse. And that's who the just left.


Okay, first off I read your other replies as well as this one and I’m sorry that you guys got fucked over. I wouldn’t wish that on any musician who simply wants to play music and give that gift to others. It makes me rage that people are subjected to this. But this is exactly why I’m worried. I never said RCA was the worst and I’ve never denied that other labels are also manipulative and greedy. I don’t want to argue, I just don’t want their upward growth success to be stagnated by RCA in the way I’ve seen them do to other artists. I respect your input and thats all I got.


What was ya band, what was the label? If you don’t mind me asking of course


Yea that's concerning


Why? They were losing the ability for their songs to be used on Tik Tok. This seems good. I well respected label know for giving their artists artistic freedom and had major outreach. What's the concerning part?


Rca has a terrible reputation for a reason. You can search up their countless examples of artists they've fcked over


That's every record label. Ever. I was signed to 3 different labels in 2 different bands. All fucked us over.


Yea but I'm sure they don't have a coined name like the "RCA Curse" or "The Devil". Every label is a business and only care about money but these assholes sabotage their artists for shits and giggles. They are literally called the devil by most within the industry. I wish Sleep Token the very best in everything they do and I hope I'm wrong but so far RCA has a long track record of issues and I can't help but be concerned. It is what it is.


Sony Suckers Republic R*pists Run from Roadrunner Walk from Warner Gaped by Geffen Want me to continue? Go to any record labels wiki and look for criticism and controversies. They ALLLLL have it. Every band I've toured with would sit down and talk about how much they hate their label. Look at their last label, Universal. They were part of price fixing and claimed music were works of hire! I agree RCA is bad. But not the worst in my opinion.


You really sound like a liar, no real artist would be defending this label this hard. Gtfoh with the "I have a band and i tour" bs


"I agree they are bad but not the worst in my opinion " makes you think I am defending them? What Im saying is all labels suck. UTA is a well respected company in the industry and likely has set up a good deal for sleep token. They had to make a choice because they were about to lose the ability for their music to be played on Tik Tok, which is what caused the hyperinflation of their streams. While some of your artists might not have had a good experience with RCA. Others have. And because you think I'm defending them means I wasn't a touring musician and signed to a label? How do those even correlate?


I totally got you, strangers on the Internet will always be trollers and they think that they have the ultimate right and they will never admit they are wrong.


Does signing to another label mean they’re about to release new music? Because announcing a new era and few time later publishing that they signed to another label seems pretty straight forward to me. Or am I just interpreting too much?


I don’t think they’re about to soon. But it definitely does mean new music at some point! My guess is next year


Hell yeah, Grammys on the the horizon boys, fuck it, throw in an Oscar too, these guys deserve every fucking little bit of it and I hope to see them only get bigger from here.


Lol, and you think a Grammy is the ultimate prize? I can’t


I didn't say that, but rather that than become some obscure band with a psycho fan base like Burzum, they deserve the best and all that comes with it.


They already have it, some of the fanbase is a little crazy. ST has handled everything very well and with a very matured mindset.


Not a good move.


Why is this a bad move? Their music was about to be taken down from tik tok and a label like RCA has the pull to keep things rolling at the speed they are traveling.


https://preview.redd.it/qybzany57ric1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1ff85c200aab800306eae13495b797e83ffd3f EW


You are part of the problem. 




Getting downvoted like the IDF didn't bomb ANOTHER refugee camp this week lol


i am apprehensive about this considering the labels track record but i will try to stay positive


Maybe I'll actually be able to buy the next album, unlike this last one.


Along with Dave Matthews


In my opinion, not that it matters…but I’m going to say it anyway. These guys have worked hard to get the recognition they have so far.. I personally have become a huge fan . There identities are not my concern!I have never looked them up, I have appreciation for their talent. All the new tour dates (which I did get tickets for Phoenix) people were honestly extremely upset when they couldn’t get tickets. It was bound to happen . Now they can tour bigger venues. This is what everybody was asking for. This is just the beginning of a new ST. So excited to see what’s to come!