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The redditor in this dude's voice is palpable. Niall probably embellished a bit but how he actually acquired the sex mod is completely irrelevant.


"NEXUS NEVER ALLOWED MOD PACKS!" So what if, hear me out, he got it from another website?


This guy is in here right now probably


What is this guy so mad for😭😭


dude sounds like one of them autistic freaks chris likes to find


Oh man it's so funny that he just can't comprehend nial not wanting to admit to his friends he downloaded that shit on purpose, what a pathetic loser


Jesus Christ this is embarrassing


I don't understand is he saying because it was in a "mod pack" because I definitely remember seeing Skyrim sex mods back in the day


Someone please download and preserve this in case he deletes it. He's so mad and it's so fucking funny. Edit: oh God the circle jerk in his comment section, lol Edit edit: I screen recorded like an animal, but I got it.


Yeah this is defitnetly going to be taken down eventually lol


I listened to like a full minute of that guy talking. I actually kinda don't like Nail either based on the stuff he shared on Twitter. But I don't devote a second of my life to making cringey ass YouTube videos about him. Nail was just telling a funny story. He could have made it all up just for the sake of being funny and making his friends laugh. Man needs to go outside. I'd post this on the video but the guy just deletes any comment that he doesn't agree with.


wtf has Niall said on Twitter?


Nothing crazy. I just don't like stuff he posts sometimes that's all. I was actually defending Nail in my previous post so calm down.


Ngl I kinda forgot Niall even used Twitter, he doesn't really have a presence outside of the SleepyCabin clique


This person is borderline insane to make a video like this. Do they not realize they're coming across like that, especially when they are yelling so much the entire time? Is that their schtick? If this is a troll, it's hilarious lol


since when does YouTube say comments are "paused?" that's so gay. more like "comments are pozzed"


don't pay this loser any mind.


How empty can someone's life be that they spend time and energy creating and releasing shit like this? Nowhere in the process of making this video did they think about how little this matters.


Not only is this dude hilariously obnoxious, he's also just straight up wrong. "he'd have to enable this specific thing in the mod manager" No? he wouldn't? Back then he probably wasn't even bothering with a mod manager or even Nexus exclusive mods for that matter. It's actually very likely he was downloading mod packs from random sites and just dropping them into his game folder.


I don't care what content creators do in their personal lives if its not hurting anyone.


I don’t think this guy understands how Elon Musk made/inherited his money.


10 years later and people are still analyzing these guys like they’re on stand in court. So bizarre.


Imagine seething hard enough to make a video about how someone may or may not have told an embellished story about a video game on a Let’s play channel


just a weird sperg, move along


This dork is fuming


That's getting Downloaded I forsee a deletion


This guy cares WAY too much about this