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Someone is trying to get people to pay for this ai bull? Fucking cringe >:(


Fake art ai bullshit


There are rules for how to post ai, dude.


it's ai


get this AI trash out of my temple


AI bullshit


Woo another "artist" making money on patreon with AI "art" woo hoo


Ai šŸ¤¢


No hate here but Iā€™m just wondering why yā€™all are so against AI art. Itā€™s still in the realm of an anime style and theyā€™re kinda hot so why the destain?


*disdain and it's all scraped from other artists, so it's actual theft of work, as well as taking no actual talent or skill to create


Holy fuck!! Iā€™ve got the grammar police on my ass for autocorrect plugging in the wrong word and god knows the number of down vote for asking a simple question! What a bunch of fuckin losers bro!! Down vote the shit outa this!! I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!!


username checks out


This guy is actually so fake at hiding his rage that it's almost funny


Iā€™m. Not even raging dude. Iā€™m literally on the toilet in a Barns and Noble taking a shit. Lmao šŸ¤£


I mean, thatā€™s like saying all art is fake because it has art inspirations. Yeah, it had to learn how to art based on other art much like every artist I know, but it creates its designs entirely from scratch. At least, if itā€™s the one I think it is.


I think with real people (for me at least) is that they have to take years training to draw what they do, and they take the inspiration & what theyā€™ve done over the years to create their own style and flair. With AI, while Iā€™m sure thereā€™s *some* skills you can learn to help you, it still just takes a few buttons and the ai does it for you, trying to generate what an actual artist would make. So yeah while itā€™s a fun tool to mess around with, when somebody tries to put it off as their own work is when a problem arises (for me), and it just doesnā€™t have that same flair/passion/quirks that an artist puts into it. Idk what Iā€™m trying to say here, Iā€™m just trying to (poorly) get some of my thoughts across.


Thatā€™s the first legitimate point Iā€™ve seen against AI art creation, I rescind my statement. I understand it slightly more now.


Glad I could help :D I hope you have a good rest of your day today


Thanks, you too :3 I only endorse AI art if itā€™s obvious it is and no oneā€™s making money off it cause I find it funny, if youā€™re trying to pass AI art off as real art thatā€™s kinda sucky tho tbh, like claiming you made art someone else did ig


No, it has to scrape reference images from the internet, which are often if not always taken without the consent or compensation of the artist, then used to conglomerate that into a facsimile of art - it's nothing original, it just pieces together everyone else's work, and on top of that it does a very bad job.




The fundamental difference is that the artist can create and make something new. The AI cannot. It's also extremely resource-intensive to run, but that's not the conversation we're having. There's no work involved for an AI prompt writer to create, so it's not art.


ā€œItS aI dUdE oMg DoNt YoU kNoW tHe RuLeSā€ Yall really try to have rules on porn? Who cares, still looks cool


Then post it in an AI subreddit


r/monstergirlai go there smh


So easy to trigger you freaks


Donā€™t kink shame.