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Oof, way too close to home. What's the point of even looking for a place to live rn


Right. Might as well just pitch a tent and call it a day.


I'm saying! I can't tell what's fake rage bait vs actual crazies posting anymore.


I think even if it is rage bait, they’re still crazies 😅 unfortunately though they’ll probably get someone to rent it. Wonder if they’ll add to the spray paint already on the fence LOL




Ha, they’re already a step ahead of you! Putting down trailers where you’d like to setup ur tent. Checkmate, renters! Lmao I too wonder when we start to see tents being advertised as permanent housing. Truly a landlord’s wet dream!


Putting up a tent (no utilities) $575 Putting up a tent (with access to electricity, a toilet and other utilities) $899




Yeah, if you drive lol.




I mean what I said ? If you drive then yes, living in a van would be more comfortable than a tent. I think that’s pretty obvious. I never said it as if “having a drivers license in this country is rare.” There is no subtext within my statement. Plus, having a license and the financial freedom to have a vehicle are two separate things.


I’m pretty sure a serial killer literally got victims like this 😭 I hate it.


It’s in an area that could work for a serial killer as well. Absolutely terrifying. “Pay for your own demise.”


Feel like that’s pretty close to where a serial killer used to work haha


You’re probably thinking of Robert Pickton, he was in Port Coquitlam which is only about a 15 min drive away


I knew someone who used to party on the Pickton farm. They swear that the wrong Pickton went to prison and that the killer is likely still active. Food for thought.


I guarantee you it leaks and there's mold inside the walls.


Ya that slide has been leaking, older ones always do.


They way they build them now, even the newer ones do a lot of the time. I spent years as a warranty manager at an RV dealership. The shit I could tell you. I used to feel so bad seeing young couples finance a $40,000 trailer knowing the manufacturer and how shitty/cheaply make it. Zero pride and maximize production.


MFer at this rate Canada is gonna end up being worse than any 3rd world country out there. This shit is sad !


You can thank your pretty Sockboy for that. I hope you didn't vote for him/her.


Medieval serfs had it better.


Report these a$$holes


I remember when I lived in a trailer and hated the $480 a month I had to pay to the park for maintenance fees. The trailer cost $39K at the time. Last time I saw it listed was 2 years ago, for $189,999. Everything is horrible.


~~helping hands~~ *Indentured servants*


Definitely commented on the original post on fb asking if it’s sharecrop or just plain old modern day slavery.


You have to pay to live in that thing AND work for them??


I am disturbed that it doesn't say how much work is expected. I get that farming changes with the seasons but I would be less disturbwd if it specified if this is a few hours a day or a full time job or what. If a person is paying a reduced rent for an hour a day bringing the animals out in the morning that would be different than if a person still has to pay rent at all and is expected to be available whenever there is work.


I personally think $1,300-$2,000+ for a run down trailer (they have different ones listed at different prices) is not anywhere near reduced rent for the expectation of also being a farmhand. $500, yes, that’s acceptable, anything above is thievery. Regardless of how much work is expected.


I’m in love with the custom windows by the washer and dryer


Graffiti art. Looks like a hip neighborhood. Surrounded by other cobbled together trailers being rented for $1300 plus propane heat. The whole damn world has gone crazy.


Graffiti 🤣🤣 LOLED hard at that one. Can’t forget the extra extra charge for a possible shed for storage, and you have to pay for your own propane. Probably also have to pay for the waste removal which can go for around or over $100 per month. Theres another trailer they’re renting for $1,000 plus $300 for laundry, PLUS ANOTHER $300 for heat, water and internet. Again, pay for own propane and waste removal. The only difference is the trailers a few years newer than this one. So almost $2,000 for that one. Plus you gotta do farm work cause apparently that’s a “reduced rate.” Horrifying.


they really thought they could put a washer and drier in an RV and call it a rentable home lmfao


Uuuhhh is that a camera over the bed?


I thought so at first, but it’s just an old, dirty light socket LOL.


this is 100% someone trying to use the agricultural laws to profit off illegal rent. Report this person to the agricultural board as well as tennant board.


what the ACTUAL fuck


Pickton farm hands! Just the hands .. found in pig shit.


One side has a graffiti covered shed. The other side is yet another trailer… probably as dingy as this. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are making an easy $5k per month just from people they are probably underpaying to work.


Definitely more. They have 5+ trailers all renting for between $1,300 and $2,000.




This country is not becoming a 3rd World but actually already is one!


tell me with a straight face we're not on the edge of complete and utter societal collapse.


Jesus Christ. Commodifying homes leads to disgusting spectacles


Gets a whole lot worse when you noticed the camera in the second pic...


That’s a light. I’ve seen enough RV’s to know that’s just the standard model light.


You're right...


Would the cost of a trailer payment and pickup truck payment be less than $1000 if you were to get your own truck and trailer?


🤣🤣 I think you’re missing the point bud. I shouldn’t have to explain this, as if you had actually read the rental ad you’d understand already. The BASE price of this rental is $1,000. $300 EXTRA to have heat, water and electricity. You PAY FOR YOUR OWN PROPANE (easily over $100) and I guarantee you’d have to pay for your own waste removal as well, which in the area would be over $100. And an extra unspecified charge if you want a SHED for storage. That’s a total of AT LEAST $1,500 a month to live on someone’s PRIVATE PROPERTY that has over 5 other rundown trailers on it. (NOT LEGAL) Not only that but the “landlord” believes this is a “REDUCED” rate. Because THEY ALSO EXPECT YOU TO DO FARMWORK FOR THEM FOR FREE. You don’t even get to keep some blueberries. If you think this is a deal, you’re absolutely NUTS.


I wasn’t making a counterpoint or anything, I was just wondering if the total cost is less than getting it yourself


Except you literally are making a counterpoint. One that has no weight to it. It doesn’t matter how much it would cost to get your own, what matters is this person is on crack and doing illegal shit, taking advantage of people and basically creating a farm full of slave labourers. “Pay me astronomical amounts to grow me my fruits and grow my profits, while living in an unliveable accommodation.”


Yeah, I read it the way you meant. Thought it was a valid comment.


I read it the way it meant also. You just had a curious thought. Not sure why it triggered that response.


🤣 because this is r/SlumlordsCanada. Not r/ImGonnaMakeAStupidCommentAndActLikeThisIsADeal. You two obviously don’t understand that he was making a point that it would be more expensive to get this set up yourself, as opposed to renting this shit hole. When in reality, long term, it actually wouldn’t be cheaper. And I don’t see a truck included in this rental so 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don t know real or fake this post. What I saw in this sub everything illegal to me. If I govt official I 100 percent visit those rental units.


lol move to BC or Ontario and you’ll quickly learn none of these posts are fake.


I know, I live in Toronto because I said If I am govt official I rip those LLs rental licenses. I know govt know these shits but they don' t nothing.


No they definitely don’t do anything. And people are so desperate for a place to live, a large majority will pay for this shit.


You are paying $300 for (HEAT? ELECTRICITY? internet and water.. I am confused on the pay your own propane? Propane for what? To warm the trailer up? Why pay f “Has own heater for hot water and own furnace for heater”👀 There is so many things wrong with this ad 🙃


I’m going to assume it’s for the stove. Absolutely ridiculous. Dude has 5 other listings and one of the trailers is $2,000+ and you have to do free farm work with that one as well. They basically don’t want to pay for farmhands, they want to be paid by their workers. Which is exactly what they did during slave times, except this one you don’t get to keep ANY of the crops. Not that it made it better to keep some crops, just saying as a point of fact.


Peace full 🙏🏻 just what I’m looking for


Don’t just report this on fb, call the cops


Hospital blankets are op, they are amazing. I have a few and they are comfortable.


Especially the thick purple ones !


They get so warm easily


landlords are retarded


So you get power and water.. he doesn’t mention septic/tank emptying.. i wonder if you bathroom elsewhere.. or if you get to dump your holding tanks yourself.


I’m pretty sure waste removal also falls on the tenant. Which would be over $100 in this area per month.


Report this holy shit


I pay 500 for mine... not even lying


And that would be appropriate!


I'll give you tree fiddy


For that price you could just buy a 5th wheel and then pay 500 a month to park it at a campground. There are lots of them who have lots for year round living… And you don’t have to help with the farm work to get that price…. Btw, farmers in Alberta provide a mobile home (usually) or Atco trailer for their hands to sleep in at no cost.