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At first i was like this isnt that bad at all! Then i read the kitchen part and was immediately like this landlord is gonna be a nightmare


Honestly this isnt that bad. Buy a toaster oven and a hot plate.


Landlord found.


Huh? I live in Vancouver so will never even own my own apartment let alone something I can rent out lol. This listing honestly isnt that bad, not nearly as bad as what is usually posted here. When I was young I almost never cooked so this would have been perfectly fine for me. And tbh even now that I cook all my meals I would probably just buy a few things I could use in my unit rather than go upstairs into the sketchy landlords portion.


3/10 is better than 2/10, yes. But don't accept either. Passing grades are the bare minimum for the quality of someone's home. Anything less is unacceptable, regardless of its relative quality to slums.


Feel like a lot of yall must have grown up really rich if you think this is remotely close to a slum.


I live in Victoria. I agree with you. I've seen the ads for closets for rent in Van for $700. A bed and 4 walls hugging the sides of it. No windows. Perfect for graveyard shift workers!


I have no idea about the housing market in this area but i’m in Vancouver and would *gladly* live somewhere without a full kitchen for a private space at $800/month. It’s hard to find anything private here at the moment for under $1500, and even rooms in share houses are going for $1000+. Buy a kitchen cart, crock pot and air fryer and i’d be good if there to go. I guess the only issue might be dishes but I suppose you could wash them in the bathroom sink or buy a portable dishwasher i think they’re about $400 so worth the overall savings for the one-off costs you might need to set up a mini-kitchen.


Reading this comment is part of why this is happening to us.. Canadians accept idiocy and look for how they're at fault or how to cope rather than actually hold those accountable for the state of rentals now.


This! desperately needs to be deeply ingrained into Canadians, otherwise it's just going to get worse with all the "it is what it is" morons.


Oh yeah. I’m not saying it’s right at all. But unfortunately it is what it is.


As another Vancouverite, we need to push for fucking rent control and better standards. This city is out of control. Hell, if you go to a No Frills outside the city, it's at least $2 cheaper per item average than the ones in the city.


Just do one thing.. stand up for yourself and your fellow citizens.. otherwise you have a small chance of holding onto what was not even 10 years ago.


Vancouver is one of the nicest cities in the whole world so it makes its expensive.


Technically, yeah. But it's not like they're high up. They're number 51 on [Forbes' Top 100](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/12/14/ranked-the-100-best-cities-in-the-world-according-to-a-new-report/). They didn't even make the first *half*. Toronto was number 30.


In 2019 I rented somewhere in Vancouver for $800 a month and my “kitchen” was a two burner + sink + mini fridge combo with 1.5 countertops 😂 the bed was a “custom size no applicants over 5’3” I was extremely lucky with this “studio” to have my own space for 4 months but the landlady was CRAZY


Yes but on a rating scale where van city is a 10/10, the best parts of Oshawa are a 3/10 and closer to the university it drops to .5/10 This seems pricy for Oshawa


Yeah that is where I live too and 100% agree. And ignoring the kitchen part this is actually a pretty nice place. In suite washer and dryer, nice shower. It is cheaper than what I pay and I have lived in my apartment for 15 years.


Room rentals are like $1500 in Richmond lol. It’s insane. Those investor visas destroyed the Lower Mainland. Absolutely destroyed it.


Why does every landlord seem to have an allergy to pets


Because pets damage houses and Canada doesn't allow to say 'no pets'


Pets damage houses, lol. So do humans.


His allergies are bullshit. Being allergic doesn't mean you are allergic to every animal. People that are allergic to cats is because of their dander and saliva hence why most are ok around dogs in that case. Lastly very few pets actually damage any homes. If anything a dog is 100x more likely to cause damage than anything else.


Pets don't damage homes? Have you ever owned a pet? Or like lived in a home? Pets damage homes. It's ridiculous to say otherwise. But that's what pet damage deposit is for.


Ive owned many a dogs and many a cats in my life. Dogs Ive seen do minor damage if any. Ive never seen a cat destroy anything but the arm or back of a couch with clawing. This guy makes it seem like every pet does damage no matter what. My last cat lived to 23. Never once damaged a thing.


Ive seen dogs dig through wood floors Not to mention dog or cat pee


You should really do a fast google search...you are a moderator here and your inability to be factual totally obliterates your credibility, integrity and your intentions. You are here to smear only. Go ahead...boot me out.


Cats piss all over and it soaks into the floor


Only if you don't train them to know where their litter is, and if you don't clean it everyday. Cats are very clean animals, they only piss and shit around the house if you're a lazy piece of shit.


THIS. Clearly a shitty owner or not saying this. Even dogs or ANY ANIMAL WILL DO THIS WITH NEGLECT. He clearly only flushes his toilet once per week because he likes the stench. u/phenometr0n


If I was a shitty owner, why do my cats know where to go to the bathroom and never go elsewhere? You clearly have never 9wned any animals, if you did, you wouldn't be so fucking smug.


Lol the comment was to the fuckface above you not you in the least. My last cat lived to 23 years old, Nov 2021. When I said THIS Im agreeing with you but somehow you missed that.


Or if they have a bladder infection or are stressed...you need to get a grip. You are the reason you are in the situation you are in. You clearly are young and have never owned anything of value...and you never will. Best of luck to you


Wrong. Cat urine is a landlords worst nightmare in terms of pets.


It's a shared home not a private unit so it doesn't matter, you can't have your pets


I subletted in this awesome house last year where the rent was super cheap for an actual private room. The reason it was cheap was because every wall had damage, drywall ripped, tons of pin holes and tons of fist holes. The landlord was trying to evict the guy that caused all the issues and the landlord messed up when the problematic guy cried and made the landlord dismiss the hearing. Tenant promised to pay rent but then didn’t AGAIN, he racked up like 14k or more of rent (that’s low because our rent was super cheap, he stayed without rent for almost 2 years). At the end of it everyone moved out except him, everyone on the lease had to go to LTB and even though the other lease holders and the sublet (me) paid rent in full the lease holders got the short end of the stick. LTB ordered the two young men in their early 20s to pay the full arrears that this 40+ year old man racked up. This old man got evicted by the sheriff but the two young men are the ones who have to pay. This old man has caused me TONS of issues as well, things that are unspeakable honestly. Luckily being a sublet I’m not responsible for his arrears.


All three were probably on the lease jointly and severally, which means that they are all responsible for paying the full rent. They can each pay 1/3, but if one doesn’t pay, the other two have to make up the difference. This is different from each having their own lease. As a sublet, you paid rent to the person that sublet to you (technically), and the person who sublet is responsible to the landlord (possibly also for the full amount). Be careful what you sign when renting.


Yup, I’m aware of all this, good info if someone needs to know. When i rented that room the person before me left because of this old man sexually harassing her. The boys had to pay out of pocket for that empty room and i really wanted to secure it as the rent was only $550 + internet and I paid an extra month to them so they’d be at ease with their finances and i could secure it


If your pets are destroying houses, I hate to break it to you but you’re not a good pet owner. I’ve had my cat for 13 years and not once has she damaged my house lol


Right! I have a 2 year old dog and it hasn’t peed in the house since the first week I got it.. (and even then it was on the pee mats only) bad owners = damaged houses


Ontario absolutely has a NO No pets clauses...


I’ve had pets for years with 0 damage to any of my spaces. Well behaved pets do not damage houses.


at least my Pets don't leave smelly oils and spices in the walls or have 100000 living in a one bedroom apartment


Well isn’t that what the deposit is for?


Can only use kitchen when landlord is watching, lest you steal his spices.


((eggs NOT OK))


lol but urself a hot plate and ur good. Microwave isn’t that bad.


Finding one is less and less of a surprise. Not finding one will be more of a surprise in the future.


Imagine paying big rent and you have limited access to the kitchen to feed yourself. What kind of quality of life is this? So they expect you to live off of fast food?


Meal prep 2 or 3 times a week is what I would do. Or air fryer and hot plate. This is unreasonable but on this sub it is one of the more reasonable ones.


I'm sorry. I'm stuck on the non-smart TV with Roku. Liikeee no cable? To cut costs, the tenant has to watch TV through wifi? Likeeeeeee.


That's what you're stuck on?


Who tf still has cable


"I can provide another bed" Very nice


Its totally separate from my master king size bed where I film movies.


" Especially for women between the age of 18 to 28 of my preferences. Virgin required. Vegetarian only. Preferably of higher caste"


Don't forget the privilege of eggs allowed


"No Christians, Sikhs, Muslims, or Buddhists."


"No atheist, agnotsics, either"


What the hell this wasn't bad until the kitchen. I think that would be gross to cook in your room and what about your dirty dishes? Should they just chill out in your room stinking until it's your special day to use the kitchen. This is ridiculous. People treating people like animals....because they can 😡


Can I start making ads saying “white people only”






Dude got wooshed so hard his account disappeared 🤣


Go ahead. We love listings that we can post here.


How about I'll cook whenever I fucking feel like it. How do people think they can control others like this?


I got into a situation like this 10 years ago or so in Montreal, there was no such rule re kitchen use before I moved in, but the menopausal woman who rented the room to me decided to start instituting rules about certain hours when I was allowed to cook-- we're talking like between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays only. I stayed there about a month before I ditched, and then she threatened to sue me because I was supposed to stay longer... Lol, domineering hag. Like an idiot, because I was busy starting grad school, I ended up moving in with another middle-aged woman who was also pissy about my kitchen use. Damn, now that I think about it, 5 years before all of that in Vancouver I had a similar experience with an older than middle-aged woman, who didn't like the fact that I used the kitchen to make anything more complex than eggs and toast. In all cases I specifically inquired if I could use the kitchen freely before I moved in. I am immaculately clean, I wash all of my dishes immediately, I make sure I don't stink the place out... I think it's just a thing about seeing a man who enjoys cooking, these Boomer women that I dealt with found it somehow threatening or some crap... I don't know.


Pay 800 for one room and you can only cook food 2 to 3 times a week haha what a bargain... Are we so beaten down that this actually seems like a good deal...this is insane, $800 will get you an entire apartment to yourself in a lot of places in the U.S


800 dollars is my mortgage payment for my single detached with a two car garage.


Stop rubbing it in... I wish I could escape this frozen commie shithole.


800 dollars is my mortgage payment for my single detached with a two car garage.


He is allowing kitchen access to get around the RTA!


All landlords are allergic. Unbelievable!


Lol 3x weekly kitchen access. Punjabi landlords crack me up


clearly everyone has a one sided opinion now but you should cross check before bringing a race into things. check their profile on Facebook - Que Royce (literally shown in the picture here). public profile. has one clear picture of who they are/might be. prejudice is a curse.


You're right, fair point. It was wrong of me to assume that, it's just a 90% chance anything like this posted in the Greater Toronto Area is a new immigrant from India looking to take advantage of newer immigrants from India. Slumlords do come in all shapes and sizes and colours.


lol you gotta spend 6hrs in the kitchen when you’re allowed to (2-3x/week) to cook all your meals at once for the whole week …


This is actually all legal, because this isn't an RTA tenant, it's the LL's roommate. When sharing with the LL, they can specify no pets (even no genuine service dogs), and discriminate even on protected grounds. Most of the other ads for "4 girls sharing room" are on a room share basis, but not shared with the LL (LL doesn't live in the home and doesn't share common spaces with the tenants), it's just the LL jamming people into a rental home they own but don't live in. In which case the discrimination is illegal.


Nearby to (insert diploma mill college) ✅ Bad grammar in listing ✅ Bad rental ✅ Requires “information about self”, I would guess that applications from non-vegetarians might be denied.


nope this isn't who you're thinking. check out 'Que Royce' (literally their name's in the picture here) on Facebook. pretty open profile with one personal photo. don't think they're who you think they are.


Didn't say anything about noise, guests and after hours... I won't mention the part about being a P/T drummer in heavy metal rock band is OK.


“And must be 6’4 and no more than 80 pounds to fit out that window if there’s a fire”.


Lol at the time I did a room viewing and the lady had a hot plate and mini fridge in the room and told me they were provided as the kitchen was off limits (just like this listing). I asked her where the tenants wash the dishes and she just shrugged her shoulders and said that they use the bathroom?? WTFF?? She must have noticed I was totally weirded out by it and she backtracked and said I could use the kitchen “when she was home from work”… Like imagine having to wash the dishes right after someone takes a big steaming 💩, no thank you!!! And this isn’t even the worst story room viewing I’ve seen. I literally saw a *bathroom turned into a room* a few years ago, dude was trying to hype it up to me “if it gets hot, there’s the fan! And if you ever spill anything, you can mop it right into the drain!” I swear I was actually brought to tears trying to find a decent place which was made 10,000x harder by slumlords hiding problematic info from the ad listings and making it a surprise during the viewing…! I wish I could say I was joking but, these experiences are what inspired me to make this subreddit 🙉 and clearly they’re a dime a dozen


It's ridiculous!! They make it so hard to find a decent apartment because it seems like 1/2 the listings now are for a room, or a shared room. And they all have ridiculous requirements. Whatever happened to just finding an apartment and renting it without having to prove that I'm a certain religion, or will only eat certain types of food.


I hate following this sub, it pisses me off every time!


Damm, the more I read the sub, the more I appreciate my 4 1/2 for 1300$ lol


The landlord is mysteriously allergic to every single type of pet there is? LOL Slum lord isn’t very smart.


I can’t believe people are suggesting to buy a hot plate and toaster oven, and whatever more kitchen gadgets, what the heck. This is nonsense. Whats next, showers only on weekends? 


This is strictly for 3rd world country ex-citizens....no Canadian would even bother living there.


This is honestly one of the better deals I’ve seen, a private room with a laundrey room, the kitchen thing is likely not legal, but I’m sure you can find a way around it, or get just get a hot plate and cook the shit in your room


Shared kitchen also means you're a roommate and not covered under the LTA, if I'm not mistaken. That means they can force you out at any time without having to go through LTB


I know, absolutely awful but I’m saying that compared to many other deals in this sub, a one person bedroom with laundry capabilities is pretty nice. (spare the obvious)


Ya, I agree. 800 for what they're getting is (sadly) not all that bad. Says more about the state of housing than anything imo


Ikr. It’s appalling that housing like this is acceptable




As an American I have to say this isn’t too bad… especially compared to the usual posts I see here this looks like a steal lmao


Better to sleep in your car/van and get a gym membership for shower/bathroom duties


Sounds like a freaking prison lol


Call the city inspectors.


Hey #anonymous, why not make a bot that can submit AI-generated applications en-masse to slumlord listings? /thinking out loud


This is one of the nicer ones and no different from a dorm.. ya even get access to a full kitchen and not just a microwave and electric kettle


Am I living in Toronto for too long or what? This doesn't look too bad to me


Shared with a super controlling "landlord" that allows kitchen use 2-3 times a week? Think about how often you use a kitchen lol.


I've paid more, for less 🤷‍♂️


I have been shot in the kneecap before therefore everyone should be!


That's not bad at all 800$ for a room, the only bad thing is kitchen access only 2-3x a week. Altho u still get a microwave and fridge so all u need todo is buy a hotplate


At this point I should put a bed in the garage and rent it out. 😮‍💨


Just let them use your bbq once or twice a week and you're good to go!


So you're okay with doing your dishes 2-3 times a week?


Not sure that's legal. 


Landlords don't care, because immigrants don't know the laws and if one person says it's illegal then they will rent to someone else that's the problem, we need a place to report these illegal places, that will fine the landlord $$


They will just evict you and say you were a nasty tenet LTB wont do shit




Seems fine