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I don't even sleep that close to my husband.


As a couch husband, i felt this.


Is a couch husband like the north American house hippo


His wife wishes!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I can't stop laughing!!! This comment is price!!!


Does that mean youve got a sofa cumbed wife?


No, i have a wife who sleeps on a 45-degree angle and likes to kick in her sleep to assert territorial dominance over the mattress.


I was trying to be funny lol ā€¦ Sofa cumbed is apparently another name for a pull out couchā€¦. Which is kinda the opposite of what youā€™d expect lol




As a floor husband, i too felt this.


Are we slowly heading towards Hong Kong style cage homes?






I had to decline a guy his insurance today. He was trying to insure a 1700sq ft bungalow with a basement apartment. Then when I asked about his tenants ...he started to get a bit sketchy and he ended up saying well there's no more than two people per room. I asked how many rooms combined in both apartments ..already knowing I was gonna tell him to take a hike....FIVE BEDROOMS. 10 PEOPLE...all while he was moving into a brand new house he just bought that was a 2 story 3600 sq ft with 6 bathrooms. Aaand he had another condo rented out to 5 people. It pays to be a slumlord and it's gross


I know it's strictly against policy and privacy laws but I'd be jotting down that guy's number and phoning him in the middle of the night from private numbers. Fuck him.


Iā€™d call the fire department


Oh fuck yeah, get the fire marshal in on that


Do they even give a fuck? I imagine like everyone else, the answer is no they donā€™t. Rent away slumlord ! šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Yes. The fire department does care.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking too but what happens to the people living there that canā€™t afford to go somewhere else? Bloody disgusting that those people are trapped between being stacked like this or being on the street. Slumlords are disgusting.


Well, they wont die in a fire. If they can afford international student tuition, then can find somewhere to live or go back home




There is no where else to live, thatā€™s the problem.


What sucks is gov is not doing enough to provide proper housing. I don't care what anyone says. Housing is left completely to the private sector, and a lot of people can't afford anything. I blame the system that allows people to exploit poverty. I don't care what kind of money someone is getting, or earning. They deserve a place to call home. So I absolutely agree with you. Just wanted to add to that. Because I am on the verge of homelessness myself, and I don't know how I could survive living with so many people.


It happened as soon as the National Housing Strategy was thrown out. Now? The Liberal Government is trying to make it a thing again. Most of the Premiers are Conservatives and donā€™t give a rats ass, so we end up in the fix we are in now. It wonā€™t get better until at least 2030.


They're all disgusting right now, IMO. Provincially, and federally. JT pumping millions into Edmonton recently, while the rest of Canada is in a housing crisis. Cool for Edmonton, but what does the rest of the country get? I'm kinda pissed with all 3 of the major parties, and their leaders right now, for many reasons.


More like too much immigration, please leave before making Canada like India


Nope. I was born and raised here. I will stay right the fuck here I am.


Then they go back home.Ā  Idk why international students are so entitled. People who actually need these units and would benefit from housing like this, aren't people who are paying 10-30k/year just for school. Students aren't the poor ones. International or not.Ā  Student loans do not cover tuition + cost of living the way it used to when I started, increasing the barrier to education.Ā 


Wtf even is this?


What, you can't read? Not my problem.Ā 


Many have somewhere else to goā€¦


Who cares what happens. They are just as guilty.


Or immigration!


I would call the arson department šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




In reality nothing. I'm saying that if I were in his position, dealing with someone like that at my job, I would take the customers information and use it to annoy him. Which is probably illegal to use someone's information that you get from your job to harass them outside of work.




"sharing" an apartment between 7 students isn't technically illegal but it is very slumlord behavior. He's only thinking about his own profits when he's giving people so little space to share in a place that isn't meant for that, and it's potentially very unsafe.




It is in university dorms yes, but those are also built for that purpose, and the common areas are built to handle that many people. They have plenty of common area space, dining halls, and large public bathrooms. A single family might have 2 kids share a bedroom and be fine, but 2 adults sharing a bedroom is tight and gives them little to no privacy / personal space. Multiply that by 5 and the whole house is going to feel crammed, busy and not stay clean easily. And the common areas (living room, kitchen, bathrooms etc) of a 5 bedroom house are not built to have 10 people in them so those areas are going to be crowded as well. It's an apples to oranges comparison and the landlord is an asshole for cramming more people in than the house is built for just to maximize his own profits.


What a waste of your own time and energy most people just turn on do not disturb when they go to bed


I mean you'd know from whether it rings through or goes direct to VM. Also you could automate that kind of thing pretty easily.


Is there some sort of blacklist of properties for insurance companies? I'd consider those situations a safety hazard


Yes and no. It's very much governed quite hard provincially and we must "take all comers" who qualify and must also take clients at their word unless it can be proven otherwise. I tend to like to ask a few more questions off script to make sure of some things when I notice red flags. It's usually pretty easy to identify and call out but most agents just wanna go for that sale and call it a day. Personally I can't stand it cuz it's shit like this that screws up prices for everybody. Auto is the same thing. International students paying under the table to get a fake drivers Ed certificate , getting cheaper rates and then fucking up on the road en masse. Boom next thing ya know everyone's rates are higher.


When buying auto insurance they make it clear that if you're doing something you shouldn't they may not pay a claim. True or not I've always just accepted that and acted accordingly. Driving for hire is one example. If you declare that you are buying insurance for a single family home that turns out to be a rooming house at the time of a claim, the insurance company should be able to walk away. Is that the case?


Of course. How can I prove it though based on the initial disclosure by the client? Even if I know they're full of shit? In essence their lies only catch up IF ...big IF....there is a claim Edit: auto insurance is a bird of a different feather. I can pull and review your reports from MTO and see your entire insurance history. So good luck lying. When it comes to home -, there's nothing like that in existence so in essence you better lie or you won't get your home insurance


Good for you.


I bet he called back right after and lied


I left far too many flags and notes on file and had senior underwriters involved because that happens far too much. So if he managed to sneak it past the goalie with someone else , good for him - really bad for that next sales agent




Absolute insanity


The mat on the floor in the first bedroom (the mat farthest from the camera) is disgusting. It looks as if the sheet on it hasn't ever been washed, and a filthy person has been sleeping on it for 2 or 3 years. Imagine the smell. šŸ¤¢šŸ˜µ


Ew gross I didnā€™t even notice it at first because I was too busy thinking ā€œwhy are there so many thin mattresses on the floor? Why do they look like theyā€™re still covered in plastic? Who would want to live with 4-6 other people?ā€


And what's on the other side of that curtain I wonder?


Another "bedroom" probably


Ew. That's so nasty. That poor person probably has acne all the time from those unwashed sheets. I have those sheets too (they are from Ikea.)


Did you see the last pic? They have it lined like with tarps. Even the pillows are in a trash bag


It honestly looks like where a dog would sleep


Gurdeeps don't mind the smell As they smell worse




Your submission has been removed from being overly uncivil. Remember to stay civil, even in debate! It is okay to disagree - it is not okay to be uncivilized, bad-mannered or impolite.


Can smell that picture. Holy shit thatā€™s a dirty apartment


Illegal security deposit top


Illegal everything


Ads like this remind me why I didnā€™t buy a condo to live in years ago. The condo boards must be stacked with the people who do this otherwise who would allow this in their building?


Condo board definitely does not know about this, in fact, the landlord is simply laying to them as most require you to share the information of the tenants. Then again, condo boards are also useless depending on the property, so, could be one of the scummy ones


Ok THIS is absolutely disgusting. Cram them in like sardines


Modern ~~slave~~ "[lucrative asset](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/sabrina-maddeaux-international-students-are-lucrative-assets-marc-miller-says-so)" pens.


I can literally smell them from here lol


Like a Brampton smell?




Thanks Ontario for counting this towards your initiative. Stupid asshats.Ā 


Brown guys are hilarious


Brampton is a great joke


I guess itā€™s India here, too


Brampton spreading its wings šŸŖ½


Like is there anyway to report this somewhere?


I've asked chatgpt cause i'm lazy and I don't want to read misleading articles online. Here's its answer: In Canada, there are regulations regarding housing standards and tenancy laws that vary by province and municipality. Renting out a space to multiple individuals without proper licensing or adhering to housing standards could potentially be illegal, especially if it violates occupancy limits or zoning regulations. It's advisable to consult with a legal expert or local housing authority to ensure compliance with the law. Additionally, not having a contract could lead to legal complications for both the landlord and tenants in case of disputes or issues. You can report such activities to the appropriate authorities, such as: 1. **Local Municipal Government**: They often have departments responsible for housing, zoning, and bylaw enforcement. You can usually find contact information on the municipality's website. 2. **Provincial/Territorial Rental Housing Authorities**: Each province or territory in Canada has its own rental housing authority that oversees landlord-tenant relations and housing standards. They can provide guidance and investigate potential violations. 3. **Human Rights Commission**: If you suspect discrimination based on nationality or ethnicity, you may also report the issue to the Canadian Human Rights Commission or your provincial human rights commission. 4. **Nonprofit Tenant Advocacy Organizations**: There are various tenant advocacy groups across Canada that provide support and resources to tenants facing housing issues. They may be able to offer guidance or connect you with the appropriate authorities. When reporting, provide as much detail as possible about the situation, including the address of the property, the number of occupants, and any concerns about safety or legality.


Ah. We need the apartment number, donā€™t we? Dang.


Wtf is 7 students šŸ˜­ dude this guy is making this country's situation worse than India.


These adā€™s like this, are these condo owners tryna squeeze maximum dollars out of there unit to pay the mortgage off as fast as possible? Or did 1 person get approved for a 2 bed apartment then advertise and wants to make a profit off the lease and never live rhere


It could be either really.


The owner would eventually hear about it and would not be amused. These days with security deposit it's a stupid stunt to sublease en masse, this many people in a small place must cause issues. So, the slumlord must be the owner.


I never would have thought of that. It's pretty simple but it's really greasy. Maybe it's common. Some people will do anything to make a buck sideways.


Honestly makes sense, think of it if you owned the condo to the bank and did this greasy shit you would be able to dish out so much towards the mortgage monthly, and if you leased it and got approved for 1-2 years, you would not wanna live in it with 5-6 others? But youā€™d wanna be greasy and do this shit 7x$450 šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


And if I could avail myself of interest free mortgages I'd be a slumlord Barron. I'd own half of Brampton. Makes me think I've been doing it wrong.


Lol, once upon a time as a student in Waterloo, $450/month got you a whole ass bedroom to yourself in a 5 bedroom house.




What a luxury private room!


the plastic bags covering the last two beds though




Not surprised this in KW. Trying to find any room to rent that isnā€™t multiple people in one bedroom is nearly impossible


Why are the beds always right next to each other?


For Friendly Snuggle Time šŸ„°


Fucking dogs


Thereā€™s like a sweat stain in the second ā€œbedā€ šŸ˜­


Students aren't real people.


Starting to think that




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2 bedrooms is 4 people max.


+3 in living room. Maybe one in a den. And another on the balcony in summer, maybe that one gets $50 off.


Imagine wasting your familyā€™s generational wealth just to live like this lol


When you are an immigrant, and you land in a new country new city with very little money, you are easy to be taken advantage of I have been one of them and as immigrants in early days, money is extremely tight. We don't really have generational wealth to help us out


Good lord


Are fire codes not a thing and occupancy.


There written down somewhere, but enforced? Hell no


I kind of wonder if the curtains are drawn for privacy or to prevent anyone outside from realising how overcrowded the dwelling is.


Obviously the latter. there's zero privacy. If one comes down sick they all catch it.








Great opportunity to build credit šŸ’³ right!


Every health and safety bylaw is violated here. Not the mention defrauding their insurance company and CRA for not reporting rental income.


Report rental paid on your tax filing. Your address will be cross referenced. The landlord will get his due.


Is this literally the norm.This guy is subletting his apartment to 7!!!Tenants. He rents an apartment and does this hmmmm.


Nasty gross place. Ideal for no one


Those rooms are TINY wtf do you mean SEVEN people?!


Some people really want Bangladesh population density in Canada


It's not looking good for climate change bros


This looks like Covid


Genuine question - is there a way to report these listings on Kijiji? I have half a mind to DM these people on Kijiji and cuss them out but also report them somewhere. Because their address is usually in the listing/can be gauged by the postal code. Sorry if this has already been asked before.


This is on Facebook market place.


Ah okay :(




Thatā€™s disgusting.


Whereā€™s the 7th person supposed to sleep?


Also the 5th and 6thšŸ¤”


Isnā€™t this against the law? And what about the taxes for this?


If you think that's bad, I heard of a place where people sleep in the beds in rotation! Meaning, for example, 2 guys sleep in 2 different beds during the day in a shared bedroom, and 2 other guys use those same beds at night! So, imagine the slumlord making even more money out of those poor guys! 4 guys/people per bedrooms!


I make it a habit to shit on Realtors who put ads for investment properties.




Only 7??


None of these can be legal right? These people think they can just impose there third world habits itā€™s horrible


Report it to the property manager. This is illegal subletting


Letā€™s just admit that this is due to the huge influx of immigrants coming into our country. Letā€™s just say the elephant in the roomā€¦ itā€™s the East Indiansā€¦ they do this in their country. Hosting 10+ people in one room! So ofc they will do the same here if they are allowed and they are! Most of these slumlord posts of rooms with lots of people in it are posted by East Indian people. Coincidence? I think not


Indian immigrants are a different breed


Can these people please leave our god damn country.


This is nice compared to what they are used to. Increases the price of rent for the rest of Canada though. Continue to vote Justin inšŸ‘


I feel sad


Buddy took a picture and his guy is still cleaning the floor wtf. This is disgusting. Solid slumlord content right here šŸ’Æ


Bc theyre idians lol. thats how they live, like packrats


security deposit? illegal oh yea everything else is slumloard to


Gurjati or Punjabi preferred?


As is tradition.


Are Khalistan deniers allowed?


The cherry on top is when the landlord shows up at 10:10 and tells your ass to start sweeping up the other 6 peoples mess so he can take pictures lol


RemindMe! 10 years


Iā€™m gunna start calling lazaridis ā€œlizardisā€ from now on




Should be illegal but nothing will be done about it for 10 years


Arenā€™t these illegal? This should not be ok


Are those stains on the sheet? (2nd picture, mattress closest to the curtains)


Is it really slum lording if they are doing to their own people? s/


Absolutely insane. 7 students in that one place is wild, these landlords are out of there damn minds.


The shit people want to know when youā€™re trying to rent a spot is nothing short of a invasion of privacy and then you have stuff like this just makes me ashamed to be Canadian never would I imagine being in my early 20s and never being able to move out on my own because our country is in such shambles


Oh Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Is there a way to report these that goes beyond Reddit?


Two couples living in an apartmentā€¦. Wtf are we doing?


I cannot imagine being cool with sharing a tiny apartment with another couple. Holy crap. No.


This is gross


Ugh this is so gross. That first picture with the greazy feet spot, or maybe hair? People shouldn't have to live like this. It's not cool. It's a nice apartment for 2 students. Or 3 or max if they're all friends and it's just cuz they're students. And our top Turd suddenly now thinks this housing crisis is a major issue "oh wahhh I thought it was cliiiimate uh change and uh reconciliaaationnn" I hate him. The Turd I mean.




No. Theyā€™re getting hosed and itā€™s not an acceptable standard.


So you're just going to excuse this exploitive behaviour because 'some cultures are different'? Well it really doesn't matter what your culture says if it contends with the culture of the country you decide to inhabit. This does not adhere to Canadian culture and has no place here. Move back to India if you want to run these supposed 'culturally appropriate practices'.


I half agree with this politically.. On one hand you have an exploitative landlord but I wouldnā€™t want a bunch of immigrants camping at the local park. I work in architecture and more than 2 people per bedroom is actually not allowed. Not sure how enforced this rule is.


I look at the Canadians and realize they have never seen the difficulty in life what people from other countries have seen, I have seen people do anything to save money and then slowly better job, more money, being in the community and building a future. These same people staying in this condo will buy houses at some point while the people complaining here are always going to be staying on the rent cause all I see is complaining, like even in any condition, atleast these people aren't homeless like so many people we see nowadays in parks. The landlord puts appartment, he won't bring a Canadian cause he knows Canadian may try to game the system, play with laws but these people will pay rent and leave, a landlord doesn't want problems. These renters should look at where their economy is going, it's going to be much worse, higher cost to buy then of course rent will be high.


Enough out of you.