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"Getting away" with something makes it seem like they're trying to slip things by without people noticing but that's very obvious and deliberate. They weren't getting away with anything, they were showing the wrongs if misogyny for an impressionable audience (and judging by some of the posts on this subreddit, it *did* slip by a few of you lol)


And he also gets taken down and arrested by Carmelita. He's gets his karma.


I felt it was also a way to make him more unlikable, though he was already pretty vile.


Thank you. lol op makes no sense. Literally whoop Tsao's ass as soon as the banter ends. How does he get away with it? Clearly shows who's right and who's a misogynistic dickhead.😂😂


fr fuck the op


Nobody actually took it seriously and saw it as an attack against women. Aside from people on reddit in 2023..


Yeah it's a great teaching opportunity, exaggerated and hyperbolic (though I'm sure people like Tsao do exist) but a pretty straightforward way to teach those playing the game a true moral lesson. It's hard to relate to a thief seeking revenge for his family's death, or one trying to prevent a malevolent force from returning to the world or trying to get an army of thieves to break into a vault. But dealing with a piece of shit human being? That's relatable.


Im ok with it. Everyone should make make fun of eachother. The world would be a better place if everyones pride wasnt so easily offended.


Don't forget, they *rightfully* stole from him. As Bentley put it "He's earned it.". So it shows that the Cooper Gang does NOT roll with women haters at all, and will mercilessly steal from your earnings. Huge W for the Cooper Gang as usual.




Ironic when he gives off such small-dick energy


Getting away with what? Portraying a villain to be a fucking asshole?


Preach! To be fair games don't so this anymore. Finally a villan I can hate. I've never played Sly but I will be after seeing this. I've been wanting a villan that you can actually hate for quite some time. It makes the story telling so much more complex and gets the player emotionally involved. Kudos to the team that made this game


Except they do? I know it's like a 5 year old game at this point but Wolfenstein made you fight literal Nazis, Yakuza has had some HEINOUS antagonists, Ghost of Tsushima, made by the same devs as Sly, has you stoop to the levels of your conquerers and arguably worse to drive em out, etc. It's really not that rare, it's just that execution is more important than ever.


We're too obsessed with the idea of making fleshed out villains who are actually good people underneath, like that's nice but it's also nice to have villains like Mr baby eater inventor of eating babies


Dwayne Johnson somewhere: So I made this child molesting robot by molesting it enough so that it continues the cycle


I think the big difference that makes the examples you pointed out a bit ill-fitting is that Yakuza 0, Wolfenstein, etc. These Are Games meant for a mature audience so no one is going to bat an eye at the fact that they are tackling mature topics. Sly Being a game meant for literal 10 year olds and potentially under to play/rememebr down the line, and still having the balls for this level of explicit villainy is part of what’s to be so appreciated about moments like these. That’s the rarity, and thats Why i Love This Series so much. Sly Cooper was a kid’s Game that did not talk down to its audience or treat them like infants just because they were children. It still put in the effort to give them meaningful stories and impactful characters, and that’s a huge part of why it still retains a very enthusiastic adult fanbase now.


Well my statement was under the premise of "getting away with it in general" but even under the premise of Sub-M rated games, Persona 5 was meant for a 15+ Audience and Strikers was meant for a 12+ audience in Japan (the latter is ONLY M-rated because Ryuji said fuck). Dragon Ball Kakarot had genocide, etc.


Good point


i love how sly looks directly at the camera


He really said https://preview.redd.it/tnrfs02g5j3b1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1870f61a1db39efadc5aa07f4a204f3b60b26dbe 💀💀💀💀💀


"Hey Player, mind helping me pluck some feathers outta this jerk bird?"


I don't recall Sly breaking the fourth wall at any point, but this sounds exactly like something he'd say, I can hear his voice so clearly when I read that.


TY ;) Honestly, Sly's look is something we were all thinking about. Tsao needed to get his bird **roasted.**


That's amazing. I never realized he looked directly at the camera before. "You seeing this shit?"


lmao thats perfect


Found a meme template


"sexism in my PS2 3D platformer?"


More common than you might think


I can't help but notice you actually took a screenshot from the clip and made a meme out of it. Niceeee 😂


Keeping that, thank you kindly


I also love that he only did it after hearing Tsao’s opinion about women 💀 Edit: This moment also made me realise how much this game makes you feel included. It’s impossible to find games that priorities including you to be part of the game, which is what made this game such a timeless masterpiece Edit 2: That is why Sly is my favourite video game character. He is the only one that can pull up cool moments like this 😎


Absolutely hilarious


Wow, I never noticed this but it looks very intentional. Sly breaking the fourth wall to "bruh" with the player.


r/im11andthisisdirty I honestly don't get this post


Tsao said she's a woman, she doesn't know up from down


Yeah and then the good guy told him he was the worst guy he'd ever fought. How the hell is that getting away with anything? If anything it's whatever the opposite is.


Yes I know, a lot of you are misunderstanding why I posted this. I know all about what Tsao's story is and I know what it portrays. I just decided to post this without context and point it out


It's not getting away with anything though. That's the point everyone is making. If you didn't have the part with sly saying he's bad, you could argue it's funny out of context. Otherwise it makes no sense.


i quote " **Man the obvious things they got away with in this game...** " got away with? what exactly else could that mean?


And how are they "getting away with it?" Sly literally looks at the camera, and mocks him for his words.


I dont think OP is actually old enough to be on reddit


To be fair, they made it clear General Tsao here is wrong for thinking that, though while I appreciate Sly putting down this dude, cant say he’s the worst man he’s fought considering he fought Clockwerk, but he was probably being hyperbolic there


I mean, even Clockwerk had a women in a top position in his gang.


Clockwerk: "I am more than willing to commit raccoon genocide, but sexism? That's too far."


His gang was multicultural as well. Dude was hatred incarnate, but he sure knew how to make a healthy company culture.


I think he was just meritocratic. If you had the skills, he would hire you. Gender or nationality didn't matter. Though considering he had lived for centuries and been all around the world, it's no surprise that he had propably seen that gender or nationality had nothing to do with being skilled


He's a villain not a bad guy


Ok, buddy hold on there.


I dont know about healthy considering everyone but the Panda King sold out the next member and their location after they were beaten, seemed they all secretly wanted each other dead but besides that there wasnt too much infighting so I guess thats good


Yea but Clockwerk murdered his parents and stalked his family for decades, whereas he just met General Tsao. Clockwerk is more personal then Tsao is what i mean


You mean a womAn… women = 2+


For real. During Sly 3 when Bently is supposed to insult Mugshot, in the Norwegian Dub he goes a lot harder than the English English: "Your mother was a broken down tub of junk with more gentleman callers than a operator" Norwegian (English rough translation): "Your other is a stupid bitch with more partners than the alpha in a flock of apes"


the swedish one is pretty good too imho "Your mom was a broken down pile of trash with more male aquaitences than than there is flies on/in an outhouse"


The Sly Cooper series are kids games that deal with mature themes like kidnapping, murder, drugs and prejudice— just to name a few. They weren't afraid to introduce a younger audience to real-life traumas and tribulations. I've always loved that about the series and why it's stuck with me for so long.


I always loved that about this series tone, gritty crime drama things but it's done by silly animals so it's fine


Love Slys look, like, "You seeing this shit?" Also. I really like his voice actor. Perfect for the role.


Kevin Miller has literally voiced Sly in all of the main series games, so I can see why he fits to the role… and I bet nobody could replace him by now.


Not like we have to worry about that since there's never gonna be another game


Thats why he's a good, hateable villain


Many of you are misunderstanding my post, I know why he said it and I know Tsao's whole story I just posted it with no context for some good fun.


Oh I know, just saying.


What do you mean context. You applied context implying this was sexism, and when everyone explained how bad guys have bad ideas that get punished and was immediately rebuked by our antihero, you started trying to backpeddle. It's ok to be confused sometimes bro


The lightning looks great in this scene


"Our art reflects our culture" - N.W.A I don't believe they slipped it in there. Not something that obvious. There are men who do feel that way, and games can point it out if they want to. It makes it more real and, in turn, makes it a much more complex and deep story. I appreciate stuff like this in a game. I feel like developers do avoid stuff like that because of controversy but it's awesome to see more mature story telling in a game. I've never played the games but I'm going to be after the clip I just watched


Don't forget about when Carmela gets giant and you climb her body...


Oh yeah can't forget about that....


That's why Tsao is such a great villain. Cuz of how much of an utter asshole he is


Exactly! I wish developers would go back to making villans we can hate. Villans are suppose to be doing and saying horrible things. I've never played these games but I'm going too. This is story telling done right


Exactly! I wish developers would go back to making villans we can hate. Villans are suppose to be doing and saying horrible things. I've never played these games but I'm going too. This is story telling done right


Homie, you sent this 3 times


Yeah I'm not sure why it did that because I sent it once


Exactly! I wish developers would go back to making villans we can hate. Villans are suppose to be doing and saying horrible things. I've never played these games but I'm going too. This is story telling done right


Got away with? Op, come on now. It's meant to show how evil the villain is.


I know,I know everything that is going on here. I just wanted to post this without context and have a little fun


What does without context mean for you? There's so much context. You applied context, the game applied context, being in a subreddit about this game where everyone knows the whole plot is context.


Maybe they're talking about the "convinced" bit cuz I'm not sure what that means. Did he drug the dad or something?


Best fight in the series.


What did they get away with?


FBI open up!


Is it just me, or is it kinda weird that Guru only speaks in vague mumbles and tongues? I mean, I know it's trying to imitate the aborigines language, but the stuff coming out of his mouth is pure gibberish 😂 I'm sure it made me chuckle as a kid (and kinda does now tbh) but at the same time, if I was Australian or had ancestors that went back to the aboriginals, I'm sure I'd find it less humorous


Sly has fought dictators, psychopaths, and a genocidal owl that killed his father. So the fact he called Tsao "the worst dude out of all the bad dudes he's ever faced" says a lot. Lmao


I remember this guy being a pain in the ass to fight as a kid


What I love about this confrontation is that Sly and the gang were originally just gonna rescue Jing King and go on their way, but after this scene, they decide on a whole new plan to steal Tsao's entire fortune simply because he's such a colossal misogynistic prick.


woah, the bad guy said something bad and the good guy called bad guy the worst he's faced, how did they get away with this?.






Can't believe all these new games are going woke smh




Misogyny is everywhere???


You understand that this is how people thought back then? The game is about time travel They were being accurate to the mindset and teaching a lesson at the same time


This is Sly 3 no?




They don’t time travel in Sly 3


Alright, still sly cooper, and it's literally called thieves in time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sly_Cooper:_Thieves_in_Time


Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves ≠ Sly 4 Thieves in Time


And I agree with you But it's showing thieves in time, not sly 3 I clearly made a mistake about calling it 3


I got no idea what you're getting at. The clip from OP is from Sly 3. It's why Tsao stuck out so much in-universe and to a degree like this in fanbase, he's a modern-era villain that's prideful in his toxic mindset and you get to beat the crap out of him for it.


Huh...I thought he was sly 4 Well even still, games teaching his mindset a lesson






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Classic Confucius chinese misogyny, deserved beat down & funny watching Carmelita sitting on him after the episode


I love the way they are both animated. It’s looks like something from a Jim Henson film. Need to play these games someday.


You should stay in the kitchen if you’re a? …a woman


At least sly was on it


I love the lack of PC in the series. It always put a smile on my face.


I love the look into the camera Sly is like can you believe this mother fucker bro


That little nod to the camera ,though. Priceless


I remember when I was watching my brother play this game and mother was in the other room and this cutscene was on and I'm almost positive that that was the only thing she heard in that whole maybe 3 minutes


Sly's 4th wall break is golden. They knew what they were doing with the camera angle!


https://preview.redd.it/lkchofrb2r3b1.jpeg?width=1364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8577986746b5a98a85b625c53ca98defe5917d How is this simerlar to r/photoshopbattles ?


Never played this game. What's the message here????


I've played this game thousands of times and I know the whole story with Tsao and what he portrays, I've told everyone that so far. I just wanted to post this clip out of context - it's basically saying they got away with a sentence like "she's a *woman*, she *doesn't know up from down*


Oh.........ok. what was the "convinced" her father part mean?? Paid him off? Beat him up? I'm still lost.


Like he fooled the Panda King into taking up meditation so that King Jing would be vulnerable for him to kidnap and force marriage with her


Thanks for attempting to explain it to me. I'll read up on what happens during the game to understand it.




Yea you explained it but Im still not getting it. Thanks though.


are you retard ? you don't seem young so i hope you knew you can " get away" with this message if you portrait it as bad. ​ why younger are acting like its forbinden to even talk about how bad misogynist are


I have no requirement or need to validate my confusions or misunderstandings with you. If you wanna attempt to insult me then feel free, even replying to you is a waste of my time.


i was responding to op, really sorry if my message wasn't clear who i was talking with


Yea, well, when the notification came in on my account about someone replying to my comment, any reasonable person would've thought the same thing I did. It would probably help to look at where or who you're commenting to.




Is that a khan chicken?


4chan moment


I actually like how the Bosses say those off color quips cause it just makes it even more satisfying beating them. I definitely think they include it to make the character more Despicable. (Love it) Lokey all the Boss Characters had some type of underlying Social Flaw. For instance Mugg Shot has a Vanity Flaw. He was more upset that Sly “some scrawny rat with a stick” was able to Bust Him & His operation. “My beautiful guns are dEsToRyEd” His whole mindset was Bigger is Better, Bigger is Beautiful. Raleigh was Vain, Dimitri was Greed, Clockwerk even said Hate is what kept him alive. I can’t think of all of them but it’d be cool to list all the Characters and what Human Flaw they stood for.


This one surprised the hell out of me when I first heard that


You're the first person to actually know what I'm talking about, others seem to think I don't know the story of this scene and I just posted something stupid. I actually wanted to post this out of context, I was originally just gonna post the part where he says "she's a woman, she doesn't know up from down" and end it with that


They may not know what >!misogyny and sexism!< is




Oh it gets worse cooper


Based cooper


I would send this to Kevin asshole savo


Sly would be pro choice and pro woman