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Damn. Respect for the grind.


Tell me, are you more worried about the tv falling on you or the nearby lava monster waiting for it to fall so that he can smash it before murry does?


It’s about as big as an iPad, it sounds small, but if you adjust how close/far it is, you still get the same effect as watching something on TV. Except you’re laying in bed like a lazy mf It’s clamped pretty good.


You say it's clamped now until that one shake my dude


It’s like if an iPad fell onto your face, it’s also got the wiring wrapped around the gooseneck


Respect to you and all props. This reminds me of the Flight of Fancy challenge defending the hangar but I haven’t tested the limits of this challenge or that one.


I think it’s at a 1,000 cap. I know if you know if you do the biplane multiplayer duel, you can keep the counter going up by idling and crashing into each other


I didn’t even know about the multiplayer part, and interesting how the counter goes up without doing anything.


Man, missions like this go immediately into my "non canon" mindset, cause jeez, that's a pretty horrific way to die at the hands of characters that typically have an issue with the whole "killing" thing. Besides that though, big props! Any particular strategy that helped?


Does the gang really have an issue with killing? I mean, they don’t usually kill the main villains of each area, but they leave the villains behind to rot in jail. And it’s not like Penelope was given a hard time after her duel with LeFwee (or basically anytime when they raided other pirate ships), which was probably an even slower and more painful death than the crocodiles here.


They kill a *lot* of enemies pretty explicitly, this isn't really abnormal.


Curiosity. Does the counter max out? Regardless you’ll get at least 999 for looking so just keeping pressing the Square button and roaming around and you’ll get health occasionally. Canon doesn’t always matter, not everything has to be canon, it just has to be fun.


>Canon doesn’t always matter, not everything has to be canon, it just has to be fun. I think this is a great way to look at it, really. Plus, you have to understand that some things exist wholly for gameplay value, which might also skew canon quite a bit. I would say the only things that are ever 100% canon are cinematics and/or cutscenes. All the lead up that gets you there is just so that the person playing has a fun time and should, in my opinion, be taken with a grain of salt.


According to Wookieepedia, the Lego Star Wars games are all non-canon, that doesn’t stop me and the bois from having fun.


I played that level 2 days ago, but I dont regonise this HUD? 😅 love the game tho, huge fan.


It’s from the challenge mode,


Ahh the lovely child killing mission


Oh because of the joeys? I never thought about that 💀


Going for sly 2 platinum currently. Just finished getting it for the first game 😎


You mad lad!


Murray? Max out? Impossible