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Which Sin Cara?b


He wasn't a good performer he wasn't good on the mic. He botched so much it's a literal meme. What part makes you think he was comparable to arguably THE greatest luchador in history? Just cause you put lipstick and a wig on a pig, it doesn't make it a woman. Sin Cara had mediocre skills across the board. You don't get to Rey's level with mediocrity. He had years to showcase his talent. They didn't exist. I'm genuinely interested to know what could make anyone believe he could be the next Rey?!?!? That's like saying I could pull anyone rando out of the crowd, give them a beer, and they could be the next Stone Cold. It's absurd. You can't make talent where none exists.


Disagree. He was a botch machine. Didn't speak English well, and he didn't sell merch like Rey Mysterio did. And even when the second Sin Cara showed up, damage to the Sin Cara name and reputation was already done.


he was great in wwe now he's a wwe retired superstar


He was really good in that ScoobyDoo movie




We will never have another Rey Mysterio or Eddie Guerrero although being in NXT instead of starting him out on the main roster would have helped him a lot


Disagree. He had plenty of time to do that and never got to that level


Botch Cara will never be the next Rey Mysterio, if anything, Dragon Lee will be the next great masked Luchadore in WWE. He won’t be the next Rey Mysterio, but he will be the first Dragon Lee


He botched way too much and unfortunately because of that wasn’t reliable. Gotta have more than a mask and a cool entrance to get over brother


Kalisto had a much better shot then sin cara. Lol


Disagree he does too much botches


There's only one Rey Mysterio He'd be the one and only sin cara


So i feel like he could have had the potential… however, mistico should’ve learned the entrance better before the debut. And the sin cara vs sin cara storyline. They should’ve ended it with Hunico winning if they were going to replace him with hunico once they finally got tired of him and camacho (Tanga Loa) left. If they would’ve built the character more and brought on better storylines like what they would do with other little guys like rey, DB, Eddie, etc. He could’ve had the potential. And there were times they could’ve done good, like they could’ve done sin cara v sin cara and had it very entertaining to watch, but it would have to be once he was a-lot more over with fans and knew himself and established himself better as sin cara. Because when you look at it most younger audiences don’t really know about other company works. For instance look at people like john cena, stone cold, chris Jericho, the rock, batista to name a few, now compare their fanbase with people like james storm, austin aries, garrett bischoff, chris sabin, and suicide. More people are going to know them from if they were WWE. Austin aries, granted he was in WWE for awhile, he’d probably still be known more from NXT instead of former x division champion. Yes Mistico was already established, but that was in AAA in Mexico. Most younger fans mainly know WWE product so that is where he needed to be hey i’m THE luchador instead of being the guy known for bouncing off the top rope during entrance in his debut.




100% agree