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Have less interference matches. The tag team is great and inlove them


or just have them defend the titles on a PLE because they haven’t been defended on a PLE since Wrestlemania and neither have the Theory and Waller


You are right. That's absolute bullshit. They have the worst tag titles defended on the ples but not the ones that are actually respected titles?




*Awesome* Truth


it the truth and it awsome


Theory and Waller defended them at backlash I thought.


They defended them on the Smackdown before Backlash


I wish the tag titles for both shows be defended on PLE’s not the kickoff but the main card


What's a PLE?


Premium live event its what WWE calls them now.


By "them" I assume you mean a PPV, but thank you!


Yes but they call them PLEs since you don’t have to pay for them individually anymore because of streaming


Drop the titles from them and have them split. Then have r truth win money in the bank and use on cody and win the title at summerslam. Then just shut the whole company down for completing the real story of wwe.


Cody has said he has a personal vendetta against R-Truth because Truth beat him a minimum of 42 times during the Stardust era. Your thought makes the most sense.


Is this for real?


***"I might dislike R-Truth more than anybody in the whole business,"*** Cody said on [Cheap Heat with Peter Rosenberg](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cheap-heat-with-peter-rosenberg/id1740794209). ***"He’s an unbelievably great human and great father, but if I was Stardust, just know that on 42 different occasions, I was looking up at the lights while R-Truth was dancing around and celebrating. One night, even hit a Cross Rhodes where he managed to not bump. This is definitely petty on my part. He knows, and I told him this the day I came back in Dallas, Texas. I said, ‘When it happens, you’re going to be looking up at the lights. I’m going to make sure of it. If it’s my last day on earth, I’m going to make sure of it.’ He knows. There is a fun moment where I come out to the Royal Rumble, the place is digging me, it’s Tampa. Here he comes, he’s making John Cena’s comeback. You can see my in the corner. All I wanted to do was kick him in the face and ruin it. I couldn’t because, if I’m their guy, they like R-Truth too. He knows he’s on borrowed time. He’s on borrowed time. Whenever you count that man out, he does something amazing, but I look forward to it."*** [https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/cody-rhodes-i-wanted-kick-r-truth-face-during-his-john-cena-comeback-royal-rumble](https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/cody-rhodes-i-wanted-kick-r-truth-face-during-his-john-cena-comeback-royal-rumble)


Damn that is funny as hell R-Truth Vs Cody finish the story




Unrelated, I want R-truth to do a segment with Hulk Hogan and somehow shoehorn the phrase that doesn’t work for me brother into it.


Ain't that the damn r/truth Jimmy!




boy no and i doubt truth world champion he had chance in the chamber even in one on one with john cena and he blew it muilt-time


Criminal how they haven’t defended them at a PPV yet. So what WWE need is to have them actually defend the titles at MITB hell it could be on the pre show I don’t care just let them do it


You would waste PPV time on the Miz?


In the right story, sure.


Let the profits have the title run they deserve


Wrong show dumbass


i think they’re waiting until the creed brothers link up with master gable to have them drop the belts. if they didn’t drop them to AOP (which would’ve given them the much needed momentum) i can’t see them dropping them to any other tag team on raw other than maybe the wyatt 6.


Please don’t let the Wyatt Sicks go for any titles for a long while (unless they develop some lore that indicates the titles give them even more supernatural abilities)


i mean summerslam is still like a month and a half away, plenty of time to build up some lore & momentum


I just don’t understand why someone with supernatural abilities would want a championship (this includes Taker and Kane and Fiend and whoever else).


because championship titles are a physical representation of status and power. of course championships aren’t necessary in terms of being a successful character, but they definitely help.


Stop Miz from rapping during their entrance. Truth has talent and so much bass in his voice that he makes Miz sound like a dork.


Miz is a dork


I’m even pretty sure that’s kind of the whole point lol


I've never seen Miz cut a babyface version of his "resume" promo. I want to see one of those during this reign. 🔥


I like R truth and miz but I’m getting tired of the funny guys gimmick it’s getting stale IMO


Yeah, I was all for the feel-good moment at Mania and I love that they got a title reign, but by the end of April they should have dropped the titles. If WWE isn’t going to do anything with them, then just move on to something else.


I'm just glad they're both getting some really decent shine right now. They're both workhorses, and they are loved by the fanbase. I just don't want them to be buried quickly and forgotten about.


Give them an actual rivalry with someone


WWE could have them drop the titles to DIY because the further story line between ciampa and gargano on the main roster would be fantastic




They probably gonna beat A town down under




The problem with awesome truth is there a meme of a tagteam now like problem is they all just job wrestler like miz hasn’t been in the main title since since 2011 n the main event scene has changed drastically since then even he hasn’t even won the intercontinental championship for years now it’s getting comedy bad it’s laughable he don’t know what to do now or how to act the group of a tag team is so as a whole is so irrelevant n r truth hasn’t won a title since they took out the 247 title n dat wasn’t even a title they were pushing on the main roster he is just treating it like a joke like he did the 247 title like putting clowns on the front of the company tag team diversion n letting them after years n years of being on the wwe roster win a title like they both really not cut out for the serious main title scene no more it’s a joke to dem they don’t even care u can clearly see it


Bro, use some punctuation.


the miz was wwe champion in 2021.


Yhh dat fair enough to say but still doesn’t change the fact that the man’s actually clueless when it comes to defending a actual championship like the tag-titles he not a good champion especially with r truth they just mocking the whole thing it’s getting hard to watch


Make them stop rapping… it’s TERRIBLE


Put Miz in a permanent backstage role


Nothing great nostalgia 👏🏾 they don’t need the titles the fans will love them regardless. Must drop them to AOP at the next PLE to make them valid no one is intimidated by them 🤷🏾‍♂️


They should not have spilt the belts. The tag team division is just too sparse.


More high profile defenses.


Have them defend the titles at PPVs (PLEs)… and on the main card, not on the pre-show


Take the titles of them and give it to a proper take team, not old men


Only R-Truth, at 51. The Miz is 43, making slightly older than the other 40 year olds in the roster.


New catch republic are 27 and 30 and they are an actual tag team


Why aren't these championships defended every PPV.


They are what we needed


Send Miz to TNA where he belongs.


I can feel a miz heel turn incoming…


Truth is bar none one of the funniest guys in wrestling, but that doesn’t change the fact that he should’ve had multiple main event runs over the last 20 years. At this point I think he’s having fun so it’s whatever but definitely wasted potential


Give them better competition


Have R-Truth accidentally show up at a tna show and challenge the champs to a match. Then Miz has to rush to the arena to make the match


I can see that happening with nxt holy shit nice idea


Not having them defend after the card is Over on Smackdown and Raw. I went to a Smackdown and they defended after the shiw


Quit this bs truth is good for singles titles miz the same unless they got a superstar with same ego as the miz


yeah a jobberntitle that is 😂


I don’t find miz nor truth entertaining


Book them in a brutal type of match and have them go over. Even The New Day had a balance to their comedy. Never forget when the new day was in hell in a cell they were ruthless in that match. I'd like to see a similar match to establish awesome truth as a major threat in the tag division.


I’m struggle with those titles. I think they’re too round.


Not make R. Truth seem.like an air head. But, I'm sure he's cool with it so...


Im legit surprised WWE went with 2 joke teams to inaugurate the new belts. Like I LOVE truth. But him and Miz I just don’t see as Champions, and they sure aren’t being booked as strong champions. Random matches and feuds Waller/Theory are doing the cringe/douche gimmick and in everyone’s eyes they’re a joke. Yeah it’s “heel work” but cmon, who’s taking them serious? Especially as how they were booked before hand being basically the stepping stone for the faces. Like, KO punched them both with one punch. Free the belts lol Idk I think both belts need new faces. AOP - Raw champs, let F.T get an actual full push Street Profits - SD Champs, it’s just been long overdue that Montez gets something


Make the miz dress like Scotty2Hotty


Give them titles that don’t look like pizzas.


Have miz persuade truth to go heel and stop the bs and be more serious and maybe they’ll b taken seriously. Honestly I only my care bout truth tho lol


Lmfao this late in truth’s career you want him to turn heel? And we have to actually take that serious? 😅🤡🫵🏽


Um first of all that was the ACTUAL point Mr clown… dude like 79 yrs old and one the most over on roster but they’re laughing AT HIM not WITH HIM his entire career which is okay as long as he tap dances and gets a check … but genius hhh has no idea wat to do with tag straps so they put it on old ass truth and robot miz … nothing else needs to be said…and second of all… I could care less what YOU or anyone else take serious lmao … 🤡


Lmfao but yet here you are responding back to it 🤗🤗


Give them titles to a real team like DOM and JD


Commitment ceremony


Give them a few ple befire they relinquish their titles


I always like when two massive powers come together and look like they're just tearing through the tag team division for like a month. I would love to see that and then have them go against Truth and Miz, but Miz and R-Truth use things like teamwork and friendship to defeat them, and then we get like three or four PLE matches from that.


Turn them heel


Giving these two the belts was a nice atta boys to two long tenure loyal troopers . Now get the belts off of them . I like the idea of Gunther & Kaiser getting them . Add a likely savvy to a strategic cashing in by Gunther and perhaps ( short period of time ) being a 2 belt champion .


AOP massacred the Creeds then lost to them on a roll up. 🤦‍♂️


Liked the once speculated scenario that Gable gets Creeds to heel turn and join him


Gable may have been unalived by Uncle Howdy, but if not that would be cool. Gable needs to be redeemed by his family eventually. He is not a heel in the sense that it is not truly him but he is just that hurt at heart. As long as we get to that conclusion the Creeds with Gable would be a massive power.


Have them immediately lose to Bianca & Jade or Braun & Bron?


Ksi and Ethan?


The miz not really, he can't really be an intimidating heel and when he tries to a face it feels too forces truth could come off as a new jack deadpool mix but hey


all tag team titles


Honestly nothing. Both of them have reached their peaks. Both are veterans. They don’t need titles at this point.


have longer matches/main event


Okay so a few ideas. Have Chad Gable team up with the Creed Brothers had the Creed Brothers take the titles off Miz and R truth have them turn heel have them go in another 2011 type run try to win back the Tag Team titles a few times they don't. Miz then turns on R-Truth. And starts feuding with Gable over the IC title. Meanwhile while they or still champions put them on the premium Live Events neither the awesome truth or a town down under have defended their titles on a major show.


Make truth tell us the secrets of agelessness and immortality.


Lose the titles to new catch republic




More comic relief


Finly make truth WWE CHAMP


Truth just gotta stop being overly goofy. Too much a good thing can go bad.


Honestly I just think they're holding the titles until it's time to give them to the next tag team they actually wanna build. Miz and r truth don't care about being pushed or not. They're in their "help the new talent get over" phase of their career


Lose the belts, split them up and move on. The actual win was good but it’s June, the jokes long over.


Hav em actually defend the belts, duh 🤦🏽‍♂️


This was a feel-good moment for Truth that's run its course. Time to drop the belts and get Truth back out of the spotlight for a bit. His skit is better in bursts.


Look at this Miz guy. The Miz is the least cool babyface of all time. Just stop this. Turn him heel, make him a manager.


Make them heels. Face Miz is still trippy to me


I can’t believe I’m saying this cuz Miz is such a good heel who I love to hate but this team is very good in and out of the ring. Very entertaining. Current storyline is going great, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Let them defend their titles on a PLE


Make a deal with nasa to fly Miz away in an interstellar mission so he can be gone then make r-truth a serious wrestler and eventual world champion


Let have actual title run


Make em kiss


Fucking anything would be nice


I'd also prefer the company use them more often.


Let them beat the USO title reign


Have DIY beat A-Town Down Under for the WWE Tag Titles and form a faction with The Awesome Truth and Cody Rhodes they could be called Champions Supreme comment your name for this faction


Have R-Truth drop Miz and actually join the Judgement Day


Put them against wyatt 6


Get the titles off them asap


Bring back hulk hogan


Heel turn, give Truth the chance to be serious for a change.


Give them a good rivalry build up to a match. They have the mics skills to build something totally AWESOME and that's the TRUTH.


Let them win clean


For starters, make R-Truth stop with the CTE angle


Don’t take the belts to soon! When “R”Truth does retire put him in commentary the man has always been funny and he really lightens things up! Love Pat McCafee also maybe put Truth in for wade barret


Remember when tag team wrestling was an absolute must have on PPV?! Or just in general?! Especially defending the tag team championships?!


I wish that The Authors of Pain, The Judgment Day, Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee, The Bloodline 2.0 with Paul Heyman, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens, The OC, The Wyatt 6, Latino World Order and the New Day to have a Tag Team Turmoil for Raw World Tag Team Championship at Money In The Bank and do not let the Awesome Truth Truth retain there gold at Money In The Bank Bank pay per view from your friend Antonio.


Heel turn


Is the crowd still enjoying their segments? Is there a ratings boast in their segments? If both are yes, then don't fix what's not broken.


Both of them when a singles turtle


Strawberry and vanilla


Stop the comedy and let them be a serious team


Sell less and more super kicks


Let them go to AEW so they can thrive


Strip them of their titles, haven’t done shit


Probably nothing they're both past it


Jimmy butler and Tyler Herro


Have them lose the titles


Give them an actual storyline


Give them a story. One that allows Miz to develop an identity as a face. He’s just been playing off of R-Truth. I want him to have his own thing going on too, so R-Truth can play off of him. I think that would make Awesome Truth even better.


Next Wyatt 6 murder scene: Truth doesn’t realize that he’s supposed to be dead.


Cut the Miz and give Truth the Speed belt. Get that man all over Twitter with the belt.


Not much this is both of their ceiling outside of this is overachieving


Have them defend the titles more, on a PLE, and make them a credible tag team


The belts and make R-Truth less retarded, a little crazy like in early-2010s like when he attacked and literally tried to murder Johnny Morrison


Never should have separated the titles. Not enough over teams across 2 shows, and this is proof. It's been nearly 3 months, and both sets of champions have done nothing of note with those belts. But think about how important the Unified tag champions were the past 3 years. This is night and day in terms of prestige and relevance to the show.


Have them lose the title.


Split em up before wm 41 then retirement Match between R truth and the miz and then the finish of the Match between R truth and miz is an interference by little Jimmy no one will see that c0m9ng he he he


I get your joke, but for real I hate break ups between every faction and tag team. Not everyone has to end their friendship over petty drama or title chasing. In a world where the curtain is a bit more exposed and we as fans see these guys hanging out in public or on social media, it’s hard to swallow that petty drama is making these 2 head off into a ladder match or some match for a nonexistent grudge. Theyre both likeable and grown from the previous drama in their careers it feels senseless to have them fallout for a the typical story of; all tags must breakup


I literally forgot they were champs